General Hospital (March 11th, 2025)
00:00all right come on in you must be exhausted we'll get you settled in don't touch me
00:16oh sorry papa's running for his life and it is all your fault
00:21please please stop forgiving you for a lot of things but i will never forgive you for using
00:26my papa and driving him away oh there's a lot of things that you don't understand about no
00:30i understand perfectly you betrayed my papa and sent the wsp after him everything that has gone
00:37wrong is because of you no charlotte you're upset and and you have every right to be thank you so
00:42much for your permission please charlotte no anna you have finally done it you ruined my father's
00:50life and mine too i hate you charlotte can you uh can just give us a minute please yeah i'll be on
01:01the balcony thank you i don't think i could have spent another minute in that room with her you
01:14can hate anna all you want thanks i will but she's the reason you and your dad are still alive
01:21you're right anna saved your life tonight and your dad's you were there too why give her all
01:27of the credit i mean i bet you didn't even need her help you know anna was the first one to warn
01:31your dad that he was in trouble and we were still in port charles yeah actually i wanted to turn him
01:38in and anna convinced me to give him a head start she's the reason that you guys got a chance to run
01:44and then when your dad got into even more trouble and the wsp was after him anna knew that your dad
01:48wouldn't want to keep you safe so she tracked you down again she did that because she felt
01:52guilty for shooting me yeah that's that's a part of it but everybody knows that you're your dad's
01:58whole world so anna is protecting you for him because she cares about both of you and she's
02:03going to do everything she can to keep you safe so you get to feel however you want about her
02:09but at the very least she deserves a little respect
02:12those guys really would have killed us tonight yeah they really would have
02:23charlie's sleeping are you sure she could be pretending in order to run away she's not gonna
02:29get very far i need you to do a favor for me uh okay i'm listening okay i want you to
02:40take charlotte and get her back to port charles in one piece where will you be i'm gonna get
02:47another hotel room for tonight and then i will make my own way back to new york it's it's just
02:52too hard for her to be around me and i think to force her it just feels sort of it's kind of cruel
03:01would you do that for me i will but i think you're making a mistake
03:06there's only one person to blame for valentine's situation and that's valentine
03:11i don't even know how he's gonna get out of this one he may not
03:17and i don't think charlotte's in a position to accept any of that she doesn't want to accept it
03:22jason she may be losing her father if she needs someone to blame they might as well be me that's
03:27not what charlotte needs charlotte needs an example she needs to see how somebody makes
03:33mistakes and what they do afterwards she sees that you made mistakes and that you're being
03:39accountable and that you're keeping your word to her father she doesn't need you to disappear
03:44i don't think i can do all that not not given the pain that i put her through i've never seen
03:52you run before don't start now you can't for a man a few words you certainly know how to choose
04:02them calling me a coward i never said that well you said that i'm running away are you gonna run
04:09no no all right i'll see it through good we're gonna have to keep an eye on charlotte
04:17she's smart resourceful and she really believes she's invincible and that is a dangerous
04:21combination do you think the wsb will come back after her valentine's the target she should be
04:28all right i mean it's saving charlotte from herself that's going to be the challenge
04:33i'll take the first watch okay
04:40you wake me in three hours
04:48carly what haven't you told me about my child brooklyn what do you mean where's this coming
04:55martin gray has an entire file on my baby ma who told you that martin look you talk to martin
05:03he knows that dante's the father you told martin gray i had a son ma why
05:11hi the housekeeper said you would be in here and what in the bensonhurst is going on here
05:19yeah was your trip that was fine yeah well you just got in i'm sure you're
05:27hungry sasha's off the clock but i'll find you something in the kitchen something's going on
05:35what is it it is a personal legal matter grandma are you talking about what i think
05:43you're talking about you were talking to your mother about your baby weren't you
05:57you told grandma
06:00i'm so sorry brooklyn i needed someone to confide in it the whole teenage pregnancy
06:08thing it was a first for both of us and i and i i didn't know how to navigate it i just can't
06:13believe this i just wanted to make sure that you and your baby were protected and you've known for
06:20all these years and you never said anything to me we both thought it was your goal to put this behind
06:27you i left your past in the past i don't understand if you wanted to leave my past
06:34in the past then why after all of these years did you go talk to a lawyer for the very first time
06:42brooklyn has expressed interest in possibly finding her child and i i i just i just need to
06:50know is that possible i mean could she get the adoption unsealed could she find out who her
06:56it depends i mean your secret should be safe you said that my baby was happy
07:04and that everything was fine is that not true
07:10must not be why else would you talk to martin gray because i told her to
07:18look i'm sorry told your mother to consult a lawyer because i wanted to make sure all of you
07:24were protected but it was you and your mother that decided on a closed adoption for a reason
07:32for many reasons so my baby could have a happy and stable life for you too so you could have a
07:39stable and happy life we wanted you to have enough time to grow up to fall in love and then have a
07:47family of your own okay grandma but i'm not 16 anymore a closed adoption made sense then but
07:54it's starting to make less sense now brooklyn no ma i need to know who adopted my son and where is he
08:07i can explain she doesn't know the details but you do you know where my son went yes but i haven't
08:15been in contact since the papers were signed on a closed adoption okay but what if i want to find
08:23him grandma you know what chase and i've been going through trying to start a family what if
08:29i gave away the only child i'll ever have you may not have raised that boy but you are the birth
08:35mother and now you gotta act like it let that young man be
08:44brooklyn don't put your pain on your son you made the right decision years ago abide by it
08:53you may be right but it certainly doesn't feel that way right now
09:03i can't do this lowly abortion mom do you see how heartbroken she is
09:09i can't do this to her brooklyn needs to know that she owes his son
09:17can't tell brooklyn the truth don't you think we have to
09:21no oh we have held so much from her over the years it's not fair not to brooklyn and not to
09:27geo honey geo knows who he is he's camilla's son he worshipped his mother don't take that away from
09:37him camilla is dead ma i'm sorry i know that's harsh but it's the truth and geo's birth mother
09:47is right here in the same house with her don't brooklyn and geo meet each other
09:54hey geo i saw someone sitting out here i thought it was a ghost what are you doing out here
10:00do you want the short version or the long version i'm exhausted let's go with the short
10:05your grandmother got into a fight with the county surveyor and
10:08chase had to arrest her my husband chase that's the one that must have been interesting
10:13oh i'm out here standing guard in case someone tried to do something under the
10:18cover of darkness did you get all this gear the boathouse
10:25don't worry i'll put it all back in the morning i'm not worried
10:30is it okay if i join you for a little yeah i'd love the company
10:44i'm out here keeping my word to tracy but why are you
10:49just eat some fresh air clear my head everything okay
10:56my other grandmother is here claudia well that's great
11:06i'm a citizen i know my grandma loves me
11:10she'd do anything for me glory is solid you can trust her i can't trust her and my mom but
11:20but they are asking me to accept geo it's just really hard to live with
11:29i owe you tell brooklyn geo is her son you will ruin three lives brooklyn's dante's and geo's
11:39lois think of the why why did you make that decision so many years ago
11:47to protect brooklyn and her child exactly and nothing has changed they need you to protect them
11:56now sorry i'm being so cryptic well we are decrypt
12:08it's just
12:11i trusted someone and they didn't tell me something that they should have
12:17i can't tell you anything else do you don't have to
12:25we can just sit out here look at the stars dream of heat
12:35for what it's worth i love them but i know that lois and gloria are a lot you think
12:46must feel so nice to have your mom your grandmother looking out for you
12:51you must miss your mom so much
12:56so much every day just know that you got people looking out for you too okay
13:04a whole crazy family for them whether you like it or not
13:16well i hope you have a free cell since nothing can be done about this until morning
13:20then about what your attack on mr evans the county surveyor i didn't even touch him really well i
13:28wonder how that's gonna hold up in court you are despicable i can't believe you descend from my
13:34brother alan i'm so sorry to disappoint disappointment is the least of it do you
13:39know i miss my brother alan every single day he was taken from us way too soon
13:46but i think there was a silver lining he never had to meet you
13:53martin thank you for coming you sounded panicked i am things are rapidly spinning out of control
14:00and just want to understand is how did drew find out that a portion of the quarter main
14:05crypt was on publicly owned land martin i may or may not have mentioned something to that effect
14:14to drew yes to true it's my job it's my duty to represent my client right right detective chase
14:23detective chase
14:27rough night you could say that anything i can do to help well the commissioner's on assignment
14:35mac's not here and i'm being ordered by a u.s congressman to lock up my wife's grandmother
14:40in a jail cell don't suppose you could help out with any of that i am so sick of this family's
14:49hypocrisy and i'm so sick of the sound of your voice and yet here we are every single one of you
14:55has lied and cheated and blackmailed and so on and so on and all i did was fall in love fall in love
15:04falling in love is one thing acting on it is an entirely different thing with your nephew's wife
15:10remember that part i love the way that detail keeps getting left out of the story why can't
15:16you just admit that you hold me to different standards than everybody else oh i'll readily
15:20admit that i do hold you to different standards you're worse you blew up willow's marriage you
15:27betrayed the trust of your nephew michael and you severely hurt the woman who welcomed you with open
15:35arms into her home monica tell us your truth okay i'm sorry it was a mistake it was part of a
15:43negotiation i just wanted to use the information as a bargaining chip to get her to drop the cease
15:48and desist except now drew wants to have the quarter main crypt moved a bit of a misfire maybe
15:56you think do you think these charges against tracy quarter main will stick they could if the county
16:04surveyor is willing to testify but you realize none of this would have happened if she had just
16:08given in have you met tracy quarter main oh come on not you too what is so special about that
16:14stupid name it represents her family and she's protecting it the only way she knows how
16:19monica didn't have to welcome you into the family and you repaid her generosity
16:24by destroying her grandson's marriage and his happiness in favor of your own you know what
16:32you don't deserve to be a member of our family why don't you leave poor charles for good
16:37maybe you could give me some tips i mean you've been kicked out of port charles on more than one
16:42occasion by your family no less what makes you think that it couldn't happen again i thought
16:51you may be in the catbird seat right now tracy but that's going to change i mean right now yes
16:58i'm the black sheep i'm on the outside looking in but not for long because as much as you hate
17:05to admit it i am a quarter mean and i will get my way oh is that so and you know what happens then
17:12you're on the outs with your nose pressed up against the glass wondering how you got there
17:16and the answer is me i'm how and i will relish every second congressman the mayor would like a
17:27word mayor collins it's always a pleasure i'm sorry that tracy dragged you down here this time
17:40no that was me drew i am going to urge you to do the right thing here which is what in your opinion
17:50madame mayor stand down drop the charges against tracy quartermane and why would i do that may i be
17:59blunt please because if you don't it won't bode well for you politically or otherwise
18:08i don't think not like i'm making it up it's not like i'm attacking the quarter
18:11mains for no reason they broke the law the land was public they took it without
18:16thought i mean don't i owe it to my constituents not to turn a blind eye
18:19just because tracy's family i understand where you're coming from i do i do but do you really
18:24think that putting tracy quartermane in jail overnight is is the pathway to justice it
18:32seems like a whole lot more trouble than it's worth fine tracy can go home i will talk to
18:41the surveyor and i'll get him to drop the charges thank you drew but i will say this
18:45it's far from over
18:52you're a united states congressman i don't think a man like you needs an enemy
18:56like tracy quartermane everyone else may be afraid of tracy not me
19:04i'm gonna break her tracy
19:08hi oh so uh would you like the good news or the bad news first good you can go home tonight
19:27but unfortunately i don't think drew is going to back down about this property issue i think
19:31you've got a real battle on your hands give me the bad news that was the bad news not in my book
19:38you know i can't help but feel that your parents would probably say to you right now
19:42to choose your your battles wisely i am i will not allow that grifter to steal my family name
19:50or to force me to move my parents from their final resting place if drew cain wants a battle bring it