Video Nasty S01 E06
00:00Each year the townspeople march to the old village and add to the pyre a symbol of something they wish to purge from the world
00:08I'm talking about the body they found by the lake could be one of our own
00:11They reckon it was a group thing three suspects found this
00:22They're already tried and convicted here. We need to find them before the police do
00:27You're a dead weight I should have came by myself
00:34Fancy a lift look
01:13Rusted for the wicked
01:42No, you can go first if you like
01:49Use the blade on him murder-suicide
01:52And the girl can I use the chainsaw on her? We'll discuss that later. My son should have her by now
02:12Some personal I'm gonna enjoy this
02:19Let them go tougher put that down. Nobody else dies. Give me the tranquilizer son. We need calm heads you killed that
02:28You told me you ran away tougher. We can talk about this. You lied to me
02:34You told me Kate was an accident. You made me
02:37Cover it up and then you said they they wouldn't be killed. We need to put that down now
02:42So stop calling me that
02:44You're not my father. I'm your godfather and I'm telling you to make a right choice. Who else is down that bit?
02:52the sinners
02:53The ones you forced to move away
02:55They never went did they
03:00Did they look at me I can explain everything I
03:06Said look at me
03:20No, we have the girl she'll burn on that fire with everything else
03:37You're an embarrassment
03:40Go home
03:41clean up
03:43If this goes wrong, it's their word against ours and we are reliable
03:49Trustworthy upstanding and I will be standing at the front of that March
04:12Are you okay? Are you okay? Just tell me you're okay. Love you. Just tell me. Okay, this is the way
04:16Can you feel your legs? Is there anything broken? Will you say something? Just say something. Let me just say something
04:23That cheese, honey, oh
04:30It's okay
04:32I'm so sorry. Where are the boys? Tell me where the boys are. I don't
04:43Excuse me
04:45This man is not breathing
05:05Why's he sound drunk she's got a dose of that tranquilizer
05:26Mean if you don't kill the monster he just comes back exactly go now
05:45Kill him
05:48No, no, we don't know no
05:50Are you sure cuz the killer always comes back? No, I'm not. I'm not a murderer con. Are you?
05:56No, let's just couldn't run
06:00Please don't cut my hand off
06:03Turn around
06:08All right left, yeah
06:11You trust me
06:17This local commemorative ritual is proving to be a national lightning rod for a censorship campaign following the recent murder of teenager Kate Bannon
06:25Locals and campaigners are blaming the death on what they say as a plague of so-called video nasties
06:32There was a national panic over the murder with the whole country blame
06:39Panic I
06:42Think outcries more neutral. What do you think? Should we get a take without cry?
06:46Hello, everyone. Hello. Good day. You're all very welcome indeed
06:51We're here today
06:53Fighting the good fight to speak for an innocent young girl who can no longer speak for herself
07:02Taken from us too soon by the scourge of violent videos
07:09Now let's hear those voices loud and clear justice for Kate
07:14Justice for Kate
07:17Justice for Kate
07:22He killed a man actually killed a man I killed a policeman actually killed a policeman
07:31Man stop told you he's a
07:36He's gone
07:46I'm sorry. I wasn't here
07:50It's me that ran away
07:58Did you know
08:02Before dad told you
08:06Why didn't you say anything
08:09Sam it up to talk about us
08:13What now what what now Maureen I don't know Frank Jesus Christ do we do we phone it in do we leave it here
08:21Maybe we should go to the police speak to that nice detective lady
08:29Hide it in the woods, but this was an accident if we hide the body we are all guilty then we find him eventually
08:52Definitely dad now
08:56We need to go trust me when you see what I have to show you you're not gonna care
09:06We should have tied him up forget about it we'll be out of here long before he wakes up
09:12Where are we even going
09:29I'm sorry. All right all that all that stuff I said
09:35Where'd you came
09:39Come on we've to go
10:06We've had a pattern of reports from Ashdale over the years people moving to London on their suspicious circumstances
10:14Then we get complaints from friends and family of never hearing from them again
10:19Technically not a disappearance
10:23It's no case
10:25Yeah, but who were they one of the reports was about the man of the house, and I'm guessing
10:32That was him
10:33The rest I don't know
10:37The killers decided to make some noise this time
10:40He didn't hide that poor banning girl down here
10:43They wanted us to be found
10:45stay back I
10:49Want to help I'll tell you everything but they need to be stopped first
11:34Where's she hello lads
11:41These are the killers of that girl
11:47Stay back. I mean it put it down son. There's no way out
11:58I'm gonna need bigger sticks
12:01I feel like this is better go for work. I'm on
12:15Get them we need our town to be cleansed
12:27Don't wanna get strung up on that thing run now
12:35Don't let them pass through here, all right
12:39We don't want to let them loosen our children
12:45Now the young man let me pass don't worry I'll talk them down they'll listen to me
12:55Where are you lads we're gonna find you
13:15It's been on the radio the boys are in there stay here and don't move I'll handle this
13:23You stay
13:30How did you get here so fast I thought I was coming here to make an arrest
13:33I didn't realize I was interrupt their lynch mob. It's a bloody labyrinth back there. Don't worry
13:39We're gonna get those psychos
13:40They're innocent. Oh, yeah going in. Yes
13:44That's the fucking lately
13:48We think you're gonna stay there
13:52How do we get through this lot just watch me
13:57I've just come from a basement full of bodies. They've been murdering people for years
14:02The eldest son is dead
14:04We need to find the rest
14:06They're out for blood. They think these kids killed that girl Christ call for backup
14:11Stand that mob down out the front
15:00Hello lads
15:11You're gonna burn for what you did
15:34You're here
15:44We're gonna be okay
15:46Mom and dad are here
15:48We have a detective. She knows we didn't do it. We're gonna be okay
15:52Come on, there's a gate at the back. Let's go
16:01Check that
16:08Like the morning
16:18Thank you
16:25Frank there we are
16:34Like give me that
17:41We can scale it have an idea
18:10The others can't be far now might be a good time to scream
19:41Watch that
19:52And you I pastor
20:04I saw you
20:06so soon
20:10Up in your arms to me
20:17Must be killing
20:28Up against
20:34Come on
20:42Okay, of course I did
20:52In starlit nights, I saw you so cruelly you kissed me
21:00your lips magic
21:04Your sky
21:08The killing
22:27If I best sum it up by quoting you a very small news item that I spotted in the Daily Mirror
22:33It was nothing to do with video nasties directly
22:35It was about a very nasty attack on some ponies in the south of England
22:39And at the end of telling this story
22:41there was a quote from the Margate police in which they said that the attacker must have been influenced either by video nasties or
22:48a new moon I
22:50think that actually that makes it sound very like witchcraft and the way in which the whole campaign has
22:56Presented itself has actually ascribed quite magical powers to flickering pictures on screens and how they
23:04hypnotize and then drug and then
23:07addict children
23:17Don't be pointing that thing at me pointed over there. Okay, if anyone gonna say a few words, what's about Frank? He's late
23:32Took too much with your dad. The place is only small. I sure need my comforts corn comforts
23:37I didn't realize you're sleeping on your record collection. Hmm. Very good. I
23:42Beg is about to say a few words. They're gone. No, we can't do it without Billy's date. It's not a date
23:48We're just friends. He's better be
24:12Make sure you get this I
24:18Just wanted to say
24:20Congratulations, and that's I'm proud of all of you
24:25It would have been easy not to go tonight after everything that's happened the media the infamy
24:31You could have chosen to stick your head in the sand pretend it wasn't happening
24:36It's easy to push things away not deal with them
24:41You know what takes real guts
24:43admitting that you are scared and
24:46Still choosing to face the monster
24:51I'm going to the depths without a date
24:55Now that's brave Oh
24:58And thank you to Maureen and Frank for digging the boys out and making tonight possible
25:05We're gonna pay it back
25:06Yeah, and you could do it tomorrow. If you got rid of those awful videos, they're all fine. No, no way
25:12We're keeping them now mom leave them. Okay, are we ready?
25:21Yeah, come on you three
26:07Show me one of these shit films and
26:11Sorry, we don't have them flash stance. Ah
26:15Well easier if it's up to mid-level
26:18It's just a movie
26:21What are the rules now, we don't do that anymore. Oh
26:25Come on
26:28If we're gonna do this, I want to do it right tell me
26:31All right
26:32No screaming. Okay, I'm not looking away
26:36And I have an egg and a whiskey in my room. So if you break the rules you do a shot
26:40Go on. I'll get a hurry up
26:54Tried to make it work
27:00Well, it just wasn't me you're used to wearing less and now your life's a mess
27:09You see
27:12I put up with all the scenes and this is one scene that's going to be played by way
27:51You, you, you know that you'll be Say hello, goodbye
28:21You, you, you know that you'll be Say hello, goodbye