Nate | Barstool Rundown
00:00The college guys, what they'll do is, they'll make a burner Twitter account,
00:04post the photo of all of them with her in the hotel room,
00:06but put like a happy face over their face so you can't see.
00:10It's insane.
00:12Imagine not showing your face on the internet for a long period of time.
00:18Alright everyone, it's the Rundown. It's Tuesday, March 11th.
00:20It's me, Rico, Chris, Clemmer, and today's Rundown is brought to you by Mountain Dew.
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00:58That's fucking great news.
01:02Chris, are you a Jets guy?
01:04Alright, you do this first topic then.
01:05Very exciting.
01:06Watch more of your wheelhouse.
01:07We got Justin Fields.
01:09Look, the Jets are not going to be good next year.
01:12I'm not going to pretend they're going to be great.
01:13They're not going to be good.
01:14But having Justin Fields, a 26-year-old quarterback,
01:17something you can get excited about for the future,
01:20something you can get excited about right now,
01:21he's going to make the team more interesting to watch.
01:25After the past few years of Zach Wilson throwing picks,
01:29Aaron Rodgers getting sacked, being a statue.
01:31This is fun.
01:32This is exciting.
01:33I'm happy about this.
01:34Let's go.
01:35Let's get...
01:36This is a younger move.
01:37I'm excited.
01:37I'm happy.
01:38I just think it's one of those moves that put you in the middle of the pack,
01:41like eternally in the middle of the pack,
01:42and that's kind of the worst spot to be in the NFL.
01:44You know what I mean?
01:45You think we're that good?
01:46I was going to say...
01:47Above the middle of the pack maybe?
01:49Yeah, I don't know.
01:50Six wins.
01:51I thought like...
01:52We had five last year with a lot of talented guys,
01:55like DJ Reed is gone.
01:57Devontae Adams is gone.
01:58Morgan Moses is gone.
01:59So I don't know if we're going to win five games, Rico.
02:01I think we're bad.
02:04If you're right and like...
02:05If it works out for fields, I'm saying,
02:06yeah, your ceiling is the middle of the pack, which is bad.
02:09But then if it works out for fields, then we have a quarterback.
02:11Yeah, that's a good point.
02:12He's like young.
02:13Right, he just turned 26 like six days ago.
02:16Is he that good?
02:19It's got upside.
02:20No, he's not.
02:21Sell him on the upside, yeah.
02:22But he's a young alternative that is a fun guy to watch.
02:26He's super mobile.
02:27Is he DEI higher?
02:29No, I don't think so.
02:30I don't think so.
02:31I think he's legit.
02:33Yeah, this isn't...
02:34I mean, you got to ask.
02:35We're not going to have Doge knocking down our door.
02:37I think this is...
02:38I don't feel...
02:39I feel like...
02:40I feel bad for Jets.
02:43Like there's the haves and the have-nots with all New York teams.
02:46And it's like Mets, Jets, there are the have-nots.
02:49The Mets have one so-so.
02:51I don't know.
02:52I just feel they're not a threat to us anymore.
02:54And by us, I mean the Patriots, which means probably I'm living in the past too,
02:58but I just don't give a fuck.
03:00Greg Wilson's QB since being drafted.
03:02Yeah, Gary Wilson.
03:02Yeah, you can see it's rough.
03:05So, I mean, he hasn't anyone to throw...
03:06This is the one we've had to watch the last three years as Jets fan.
03:10Justin Fields is fun.
03:12I don't remember the name.
03:13Chris Streveler.
03:14Who the fuck is Chris Streveler?
03:15Yeah, I tried...
03:18Did somebody sneak that in?
03:19Who tweeted that?
03:19No, no, that's a real guy.
03:20Did their friend sneak that in as a friend?
03:22That's a real name.
03:23And that's a real person who started it.
03:25They've had that many quarterbacks since 2020?
03:30It's been awful.
03:32Yeah, it's bad.
03:33It's bad.
03:34Jets are a bad organization.
03:35It's a bad organization.
03:38I took them 1-1, I think, in the worst...
03:40We did the snake draft in Chicago.
03:41I think I took them 1-1 for the simple comedic fact as well.
03:45I know they won a Super Bowl, but, bro, do you know this?
03:48They did a halftime show and killed a fan?
03:52Pull it up.
03:53Flying Lawnmower, New York Jets.
03:55Google it.
03:55What year?
03:56God, 74?
03:58That is a 70s accent.
04:00Killed a fan.
04:01Flying Lawnmower, New York Jets.
04:04No, they don't have a video of it, but somebody did die.
04:06Could you reenact it?
04:08I don't know.
04:08It's a flying lawnmower.
04:10What's the appeal of that?
04:11Was it like on a rope and they were swinging it around?
04:13I don't fucking know.
04:17Oh, Flying Lawnmower tragedy.
04:21The fuck?
04:23Yeah, they killed somebody in the stands.
04:27This is an organization that just everything goes wrong.
04:29A lot's gone wrong.
04:30Oh, they're killing people every year.
04:33They do have a Super Bowl.
04:35Oh, that does not.
04:36That's just a, yeah, it's a reenactment, whatever.
04:38That's just bad.
04:39Yeah, killed the fan.
04:41At Shea Stadium, too.
04:44I think killed two people.
04:45Maybe killed one.
04:46We'll see.
04:46Best of luck to the New York Jets.
04:47Yeah, they're a disaster.
04:48Jets are a disaster.
04:49Well, let's, we just got Justin Fields.
04:51I think, I think it's, we're not the Giants.
04:53You're gonna have a quarterback.
04:54No, we don't.
04:55Your franchise is a disaster.
04:57You guys.
04:57Yeah, but historically we're well run.
04:59That's true.
04:59Great, so.
05:00I don't know how it could be that.
05:00Speaking of New York Jets, great.
05:01Nick Mangold was just on Largest's show.
05:04One of the nicest guys around.
05:05He's the best.
05:05One of the greatest guys.
05:06He texted me, we'll talk, the MD Foodie Boys were in here.
05:08We'll talk about that at the end.
05:10He texts me, he goes, who are the MD Foodie Boys?
05:11I go, brother, get on board.
05:13You don't know who the MD Foodie Boys are.
05:16Next topic, Bonnie Blue, Meekville's favorite queen,
05:21is causing pandemonium in spring break.
05:23She showed up, said she wants to fuck every small dick
05:25to college bro in sight.
05:27The videos of Bonnie Blue at Oasis Resort in Cancun,
05:33Cancun, she titled it, she says, more like, can come.
05:37It is insane.
05:38These guys go nuts for her.
05:39She's on stage, people doing shots off her ass,
05:43grabbing her titties.
05:44So the college guys, what they'll do
05:46is they'll make a burner Twitter account,
05:49post the photo of all of them with her in the hotel room,
05:51but put a happy face over their face so you can't see.
05:55It's insane.
05:57Imagine not showing your face on the internet
05:58for a long period of time.
06:02But I was saying, imagine the moral hangover
06:03that these guys have.
06:04And I would almost feel obligated to fuck her.
06:08It's like, well, you have to fuck Bonnie Blue.
06:10She's here.
06:10It's like a right of passage.
06:12It's not even like a right of passage.
06:13It's like embarrassing.
06:14Wait, but so she, I know a little bit about it.
06:17So she did the video where she fucked 1,000 guys.
06:191,057 in 24 hours.
06:21Right, but now, that's her whole,
06:22like, she wants to keep going?
06:26So she's only 25 years old.
06:28Yeah, but you do that video, and then I
06:29think you take a break for a while,
06:31or like, pick people that you're really attracted to or whatever.
06:34She's just fucking all the time.
06:36She does this for the love of the game.
06:38I know, dude.
06:39Shout out to Bonnie Blue.
06:40She does it for the love of the game.
06:41Yeah, I guess.
06:41She wakes up every day and does what she loves to do.
06:43I almost actually bought one.
06:45I was like, I've never seen her fuck.
06:46I almost bought one of the videos on OnlyFans.
06:48It was $33 to watch a 20-person gang bang.
06:51Rip off, am I right, guys?
06:55That first person, that's a good deal.
06:57I know, but then it's like, do they show faces in that?
06:59I don't know, but you've got to look at the reverse.
07:02So if we bought that, we'd only be looking at one thing.
07:05We'd be looking at the one girl.
07:06You get $33 for the price of one.
07:08That's why I almost did it.
07:09I was like, oh, this is kind of hot.
07:11There's like 30-something college guys banging her out.
07:14She's living my dream.
07:17Why did she go into small dicks college?
07:19I think her thing is she likes guys who are barely legal.
07:24Headline grabber, I don't know.
07:26I mean, I love Bonnie Blue.
07:28I just couldn't believe she was only 12.
07:29That's got to be insane, though, if you're on spring break
07:32and you're like, I think that's her.
07:34It's nuts.
07:35Especially Cancun, like fucking insane.
07:37Yeah, do you ever go on spring break?
07:39No, I tried to organize.
07:41I went to a very small school and I told people my junior year,
07:43I'm like, we got to pay now and then we go for next year.
07:45No one has money.
07:46Yeah, nobody could see the forest for the trees, so.
07:50What about you, Clemmer?
07:51No, I went to a small school, too, and like, no.
07:54I tried to con my mom one year to let me go on spring break.
07:57She was like, with what?
07:59She's like, who is paying for your fucking spring break?
08:01You can work at the rink on Veterans Memorial Arena
08:03in Franklin, Massachusetts.
08:04What was the big one?
08:05Student City.
08:05What was that?
08:06Student City was the company.
08:08Oh, really?
08:09They had everything going.
08:09Yeah, pretty sure.
08:11I'd like to go.
08:12Is it too late for me to go now as a 35-year-old single gamer?
08:15I had friends who didn't go to college
08:17and went to spring break five straight years.
08:20Yeah, shout out Mikey Blings.
08:21Mikey Blings.
08:23Cino, JT.
08:25Cino what?
08:25Seabiscuit, because he was so big.
08:27He was as big as a horse.
08:30Who else?
08:31I think that covers it.
08:34When we would do those trips,
08:35like the high noon Bud Light trips for Barstool,
08:39I hope I'm retired from them.
08:41It was a lot of fun,
08:42but there were times I'd look around,
08:43I'd be like, you have got to get out of here.
08:46Like you should not be hosting a party
08:47at fucking Cignou as a 30-something-year-old guy.
08:51Dougs, that's one of Dougs' favorite videos.
08:53Have you seen that video?
08:54He played it on Pic Central.
08:55Nobody does it like Cignou.
08:56It's unreal.
08:57It's one of the best videos of all time.
08:59Okay, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
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09:20Eat Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
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09:29Absolutely delicious.
09:30Shout out Reese's.
09:31Shout out Mountain Dew.
09:32Shout out Air India,
09:33who lived up to almost every stereotype that they have
09:38on a flight from Chicago to Delhi.
09:40I had to turn around and make an emergency landing
09:43after just five hours
09:43because passengers clogged 11 out of the 12 toilets
09:48on the flight.
09:50That's tough.
09:51Am I the one shocked that there's 12 toilets on a plane?
09:54That's what I was going to say.
09:55It must, well, I think they're,
09:57like huge, like Airbus, like whatever,
10:00like double-decker massive.
10:02Are airplane toilets easier or harder to clog?
10:05I think so.
10:06Well, you flush it and it's like.
10:09How do you clog?
10:10I'm thinking the same thing.
10:11How do you clog an airplane toilet?
10:12Do you know the amount of,
10:13I think it had to have been a mechanical failure.
10:16Yeah, this couldn't have been
10:17because these guys are just taking big poops.
10:20Okay, so yeah, there's no new information on that.
10:24Yeah, so there was 300 people on the flight.
10:26Yeah, let's see the video.
10:27I don't want to.
10:28Click the video.
10:29I want to watch.
10:29Did it smell like shit in there?
10:32Oh, that's got to be a nut.
10:34Yeah, I think you jump out of the plane and roll the dice.
10:36Have you ever taken a dump on a plane?
10:38Oh yeah, I have.
10:40Yeah, unfortunately.
10:41Yeah, it's not good.
10:42I haven't had clogged though, but it was.
10:45Yeah, I've been pretty good.
10:45I think I'm on like a,
10:47maybe like 14 out of 15,
10:49like not getting up to even piss on flight.
10:52It's a good retirement.
10:53Doing all right, yeah.
10:54I've only pooped on a plane like two or three times.
10:55It's not good.
10:56And every time it's been like an emergency.
10:58It's a last resort.
10:59I can't fit.
11:00I have to go in and go like this.
11:02I almost would say a flight to India from Chicago
11:04is probably what, like 18 hours or something.
11:07So far, I was going to say,
11:08if you're more than halfway, just suck it up.
11:11Deal with the dump.
11:12Halfway though, it's like still,
11:13I got to hold it in for six hours.
11:15I got to hold in shit.
11:16Stuck in shit pains.
11:17They say that's the worst airline, Air India.
11:20Like you follow the points guy at all on Instagram,
11:23Brian Kelly, he's fucking great.
11:24Like every travel hack ever, shout out Brian Kelly.
11:27He, I think one of his Instagrams,
11:30like his affiliate Instagrams did a comparison
11:32of like the first class lie flat on Air India
11:36versus like United Polaris and Delta.
11:38It is like night and day.
11:40Cause if you're paying, you know, $10,000 for a ticket,
11:43you want it to be, you want it to be nice.
11:47What else we got, Nate?
11:50You're trying to find that Bonnie blue video.
11:55Wofford has a kid who shoots the ball.
11:57Granny, granny style, underhanded free throws.
12:00So this is perfect.
12:02Like no one on earth has watched Wofford this season so far.
12:06You know, like 99% of America has not watched Wofford.
12:10But that was a woman when I saw it.
12:12No, they'll tune into this game
12:13and then he'll be in the tournament and they'll,
12:16and everyone will be watching then
12:17and everybody will be captivated by him
12:18shooting free throws.
12:19It's just, it's a, they're already in.
12:21They clinched last night.
12:21Oh, okay.
12:23Remember last year,
12:24who was the white guy on the light blue Jersey team?
12:27Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
12:28Oh yeah, Robbie Avila.
12:29So is there, is this, this year is that guy?
12:32Yeah, kind of.
12:33I think he's in the early running, you know.
12:35What team is he on?
12:37I've never even heard of that.
12:39Where is Wofford?
12:40South Carolina.
12:41Pretty sure.
12:42Phil likes to dunk on me if I'm wrong, double check it.
12:45Pretty sure Wofford's in South Carolina.
12:48What else, you got any other sleeper picks coming up?
12:52High points, very good.
12:53Kelly is already-
12:54North Carolina.
12:54South Carolina.
12:55She's threatening lives if you take high point
12:59in a certain contest.
13:01Coming up, because she went to high point.
13:03So I'm like, I'm friends with the coach.
13:04She's like, I don't care.
13:05I thought she was in prison.
13:05I don't care.
13:06But you're friends with like 20 other coaches.
13:09Powerful phone.
13:11What it is, like is your relationship with these coaches,
13:12is it like, like how deep are we going here?
13:15Do you know each other or is it just like a DM here?
13:18Some more than others.
13:19Who would you say you're closest with?
13:22He's been on a boat with Oates.
13:23Who would you like to be closest with?
13:26They just had him on part of my team.
13:27I mean, Izzo always seems like,
13:28in terms of like coaching like basketball lifers,
13:30like cool to be with Izzo, I guess.
13:32No, no Izzo.
13:33You ever get the left on red?
13:36Any coaches?
13:37Like give a reach out and you're on the fence of doing it
13:39and then you don't get the response you want?
13:42A few, not many.
13:44Are those people dead to you?
13:45No, it's just more of a,
13:47like you usually get somebody to vouch for you.
13:50Like what do you mean?
13:51Like, hey, this guy put me in touch with you.
13:53I got your number through Pat.
13:54And then it's like, oh.
13:55Oh, you'll shoot him a cold text?
13:59Yeah, I'll shoot him.
14:01When I get, when I first get their number.
14:02But like, what do you, you're like,
14:03what's the point of it?
14:04So-and-so got me your number.
14:06What do you say then?
14:07Like, and they're like, okay.
14:08And then what do you say then?
14:09I'm a fan.
14:10You just like connect.
14:10Yeah, I mean, it's different things.
14:11Like if you connect, yeah, you need anything, I'm here.
14:13Like what are you going to do?
14:13Do you say stuff like, I bump him up, I bump him up.
14:16Do you compliment like the, hey, nice inbound
14:19the other night.
14:21In post-game in a big win,
14:22I'll say what I thought made the difference.
14:25Like, you know.
14:25And what, do they like just double tap like the like,
14:28or do they say, hey.
14:28They'll double tap the like and respond back.
14:30Yeah, I mean, it's, you know, it goes up and down.
14:31It's on text, not Instagram.
14:34Some on Twitter, very few on Instagram.
14:36Twitter DM is wild.
14:37I didn't even check my Twitter DM since like 2007.
14:39Well, you've seen, I break it down.
14:41So here, you've seen.
14:42Oh my God.
14:44Can I hold this?
14:45Oh my God.
14:47What the?
14:47I put the basketball emoji to sort them,
14:49which I think a great way to sort it.
14:50I can't turn it around.
14:51Can I?
14:52No, you can just.
14:53Look at this.
14:54Those are all the college coaches he has.
14:55Oh my God.
14:58But like, so when you reach out to them and you say,
14:59what do you, if you need anything, let me know.
15:02Like, what are you expecting them to say back?
15:04What do you want them?
15:05What's an ideal interaction?
15:07Yeah, I would love to come on and do.
15:10No, yeah.
15:10I mean, we've kind of gone away from the interviews.
15:12It's just like, yeah.
15:13Yeah, it's just, the only thing I talk is basketball.
15:15So like down the road,
15:16like you need somebody to come speak at a clinic
15:19and maybe they'll come to that.
15:21You know, like big into the merch,
15:23love supporting the team with the merch.
15:26I just like talking ball.
15:27You ever try and get like tips from them?
15:30Like who's injured, who's not?
15:33Here and there, potentially.
15:34Okay, all right.
15:36I'm just, you know, you're very,
15:37like, hey, you guys have full strength.
15:39How are you feeling?
15:39Like, yeah.
15:40What percentage of college coaches
15:42do you think know who you are?
15:48Say 70 to 80, maybe.
15:53Or like, no, no, no.
15:5570, 80 total.
15:56So divide that up, like 25% maybe.
15:58Yeah, all right.
16:01We went to New Mexico
16:02and it was a very quiet day in the summer,
16:04me and Liam Bluntman.
16:05And I was probably the worst travel companion ever
16:09because the loser,
16:10you got to go to New Mexico for pick six,
16:12shout out DraftKings, love them.
16:14If you lost the competition,
16:15you were going to Alaska.
16:17And I was like, dude, I-
16:18Oh, I remember that.
16:19I was like, bro, I can't go to Alaska.
16:20Like, I got to win this.
16:22Like, I'll do anything for DraftKings,
16:23but like, I can't go.
16:24Like, my wife is already like, what?
16:26You're not coming back in a day.
16:28Like, you are there for a little while.
16:30It takes like a day to get there.
16:31Yeah, so I was like, I can't do it.
16:32Like, in the summer too,
16:33I'm like, this ain't going to work.
16:35So we were going to New Mexico
16:36and the entire time, like Bluntman would be like,
16:38hey, what do you want to get for lunch?
16:39Like, what do you think we're going to do
16:40for this video or whatever?
16:41I'm like, bro, I can't lose.
16:42Like, I was just locked in.
16:43Like, it's all I would say.
16:45So we'd go.
16:45We did want to do the thing where you roll
16:47at New Mexico.
16:48They do rolling the ball up the hill
16:49and it's impossible.
16:50You can't do it, but it was a good TikTok.
16:51And Richard Pitino was there.
16:54And he opened, like, somebody hooked me up.
16:57Rick Pitino?
16:58Richard Pitino, his son.
16:59Oh, all right.
17:00His son.
17:01So I, one of my contacts put me in touch
17:03with a contact in New Mexico
17:05and then Pitino opens the door and he's like,
17:06oh, I know who you are.
17:07I was like, oh.
17:08I don't know if that was a good thing
17:09or a bad thing because I-
17:10Probably a good thing, right?
17:11Yeah, we'll see.
17:12I don't know.
17:13I haven't, yeah, I mean, I shit on St. John's.
17:14That's where his dad is, but.
17:15People forget I won Bracket Busters last year.
17:17Right, it's big coming up.
17:19All these professional gamblers
17:21and Pat and Joey beat every one of them out.
17:22Shout out NC State Wolfpack.
17:25Shout out MD Foodie Boys after show in the house.
17:27You guys know who they are?
17:29I don't.
17:29They are the world premiere food podcast.
17:34They run a food podcast.
17:36They're in middle school, I would assume.
17:38They're from Maryland.
17:39They haven't tasted many different kinds of food,
17:43but they're able to speak on food
17:44in a way that everything they say goes viral.
17:47Shout out Chubb Perm.
17:48Shout out Nonchalant Boy.
17:50They're hanging out with Dave today?
17:51They're hanging out with Dave.
17:52Two Sprinter vans full.
17:53They each showed up with their entire family.
17:55Oh my gosh.
17:55Yeah, I'm like late to the game, but I think that, yeah.
17:58I guess, yeah.
17:59But their manager is the kid in the back.
18:01He's like maybe a ninth grader.
18:03I was legitimately starstruck.
18:05Dave was like, Dave, he turned around,
18:06he's like, I'm nervous.
18:07We had this grin.
18:08It's fucking hilarious.
18:10They're doing a bunch of pizza reviews with him.
18:12That's cool.
18:13And then also.
18:15Yeah, I think the joke is they're like,
18:17oh, let's talk about steak today.
18:18And one's like, you like ribeye?
18:19Yeah, I like ribeye.
18:20It's like, what about filet mignon?
18:21It's like, oh, I haven't tried that.
18:22Like I didn't, they don't have it.
18:23I was trying to just, everyone like.
18:24He said he didn't like it.
18:25I was trying to explain to Clemmer.
18:26They'll be like, yeah, I like ketchup.
18:29And then someone else will be like, ketchup's okay.
18:31I like barbecue sauce.
18:32And then the comments will break down like that into,
18:36they'll make it into this huge,
18:37like profound statement on society.
18:39It's just, it's very funny.
18:40And they've gone super viral, right?
18:42Out of nowhere.
18:43Were they trying to, they weren't trying to go viral, right?
18:44I think just everybody just picked them up.
18:46People just kind of like.
18:48It's like an unintentional pair.
18:49It's like a parody of podcasts.
18:52We're going to be sharing a desk with them on Monday.
18:54It's so professionally, chair desk, you're gone.
18:57Yeah, there's a squeeze out.
18:59They got to make room.
18:59It's like so professionally done.
19:01It looks like this, like, you know, the Joe Rogan podcast,
19:04but it's just eight or eighth graders talking about,
19:07yeah, I like cheese pizza.
19:08Sometimes I like pepperoni pizza.
19:10And it's just, it's very pure.
19:12I don't know.
19:13It's the boys.
19:15That's all it is.
19:16Also article came out.
19:18I guess Dave was offered a job
19:19in the Trump administration, department of commerce.
19:22He said he couldn't do it or didn't want to do it
19:24because he would have to stop running Barstool.
19:26So thank you from everyone here.
19:29Thank you, Dave.
19:30Thank you very much.
19:31Imagine how it ended.
19:32On a Tuesday, we just read the New York times or something.
19:34And it's like, he's gone.
19:35Or we go, our key cards don't work.
19:36Just want to say, thank you very much, Mr. Barnley.
19:38He changes another number.
19:40It's like, you can't even get in touch with him.
19:43So what do we have?
19:44Yeah, that's pretty much it.
19:45Contacted by the Trump administration
19:47about joining the commerce department
19:48under secretary Howard Lutnick.
19:51He agreed to work the government,
19:52have to find someone else to run Barstool.
19:54I say we put MD foodie boys in charge.
19:57It's a fair thing.
19:57He's like, well, then Dave was like,
19:59what about Elon Musk?
20:00He gets to run Tesla and SpaceX.
20:01That's not fair.
20:03He's right.
20:04It's a great point.
20:05That was all right.
20:06Hey, we survived this hurdle.
20:08Everyone, please stop offering Dave jobs.
20:10Please, God.
20:12It's very funny.
20:12Anything else going on with you guys?
20:14You had healthy debate.
20:15Dave talked to you.
20:16You're still doing healthy debate,
20:17but it was canceled or something.
20:20So the call-in version got canceled,
20:22but you still have a channel that has like 50,000 subs.
20:25Like you're still putting things out, you know?
20:28Are there ads on it?
20:30Not right now.
20:31They just don't want to do call-in?
20:32Or you just don't want to do call-in?
20:33Call-in got, yeah, I mean, it hit its gap.
20:35I think you can only get to a certain point with that.
20:39All right.
20:40I got a thing on Barstool Game Time.
20:41I'm running the 1991 Orlando Magic.
20:44They're two and 39.
20:46We're not off to a great start.
20:47We're trying to tank for Shaq,
20:49but I'm doing Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays on game time
20:51at three o'clock,
20:52if you guys are interested in old 1990s basketball.
20:56Hell yeah.
20:57All right.
20:58That's the rundown.