Un barrio en Bahía Blanca enfrenta una crisis tras severas inundaciones que han dejado a muchas familias sin hogar y pertenencias. La comunidad se encuentra en estado de emergencia, requiriendo urgentemente agua potable, alimentos y ropa. Las autoridades han confirmado que el agua corriente no es apta para el consumo debido a la contaminación. Los residentes, como Cirilo Peñalba, han perdido todo y están luchando por reconstruir sus vidas. Se hace un llamado a la solidaridad para brindar apoyo a los afectados por esta catástrofe natural.
00:00We're going to surround this well and then go to the other one.
00:04It's not the worst yet.
00:06Ale, while you go around there, does that water have a place to drain?
00:11No, my house, thank God, no.
00:13But my daughter, my neighbors, this house, everything, everything.
00:18It's a mess.
00:20The truth is that what we ask for the most is help.
00:23Because yesterday my children went to a truck on the road to be able to bring clothes.
00:28Now they're going to distribute clothes.
00:30To donate to the people, because the truth is that they left us desolate, so to speak.
00:37It's a shame, because there are people who, I have WhatsApp groups,
00:42I started to post how little I had of clothes to give them,
00:46because little creatures, without diapers, the children crying.
00:51Well, my husband went to the hospital to help.
00:53He came out in the middle of the storm too, and a disaster.
00:58Do the neighbors know about the houses down there, next to the house that collapsed?
01:03Yes, yes.
01:04My daughter lost everything.
01:06Yes, yes, the lady was crying yesterday because she says,
01:09I bought all the things for my child, everything.
01:12She says that when this explosion of the house happened, everything was gone, everything was gone.
01:18Nothing, nothing, nothing.
01:20And they are waiting for help, they are waiting for help.
01:22Water, clothes, food.
01:25Mattresses, mattresses, because many people were left with nothing.
01:29Many people were left with nothing.
01:30Please, if you get close, you can get there now.
01:34Yes, thank you, ma'am.
01:36Water is the most essential.
01:38Come on, let's move on, Luis.
01:40Drinking water, drinking pills, obviously.
01:44Because today, Mimi said, it's about 13 degrees.
01:47It feels fresher today, Alejandro, there, right?
01:50Yes, yes, it feels.
01:53Yes, be careful where you walk.
01:55You are passing right on the edge of where it collapsed, Alejandro.
01:59There are electric cables, there are loose base cables.
02:02You have to be careful.
02:05Especially the wind, that Mimi told me this morning, that throws the posts of light.
02:12Try to take firm steps, but let's see if we can get to this house.
02:19You stay there, Juan, I'll jump.
02:21Stay there and zoom in on me.
02:25Let's see.
02:26Let's get here.
02:28There is a family that...
02:31The water, the...
02:33Hello, how are you?
02:35Short, we are going to be live for 24.
02:37You have the house stuck.
02:39The collapse, how was that moment?
02:40How are you?
02:42No, no, luckily, thank God, everything is fine.
02:44But hey, the house that was, was my parents' house.
02:47The house of your parents?
02:48Of my parents.
02:49Well, luckily they already had it renting there.
02:52And well, the people who were there could get out.
02:54But hey, thank God, everything is fine.
02:56You felt an explosion and the current of the water that swept.
02:59This was a river.
03:00This was a river, and well, the neighbors there turning around, but hey, that's it.
03:06Everything was lost.
03:08I'm sorry for the boys who lived there, who, well, lost all the furniture.
03:11The water didn't stop it at all.
03:13No, no, it didn't stop it.
03:15I should be here at that moment.
03:18I should be here at that moment.
03:19Terrible, terrible, terrible.
03:20People tell me what you need the most is water and food, and some shelter for the night.
03:24Something to eat, yes, and some shelter for the night, but well, well.
03:28Something we rescued.
03:29They are among the neighbors.
03:30Yes, yes, yes.
03:31The one who had the worst time was the man next door.
03:34The one over there who was filled with water, but hey.
03:37Yes, he destroyed the wall in front of the house.
03:40We will try to get there.
03:41The furniture, everything.
03:42Thank you, teacher, very kind.
03:44Let me say goodbye to engineer Dalmati, Alejandro.
03:48Engineer, maybe it's not a question for an hydraulic engineer, but for the experience.
03:53The water that runs through the pipes of drinking water, is it still drinkable or is it at risk of being contaminated?
04:01In principle, it should not be at risk because it should not have a connection with the outside.
04:07So, unless there is a loss due to damage in a particular area, it should continue to be drinkable.
04:15I understand that it is still drinkable.
04:17Engineer, thank you.
04:18We will surely wait for you here one day.
04:19Very kind.
04:20Of course.
04:22Engineer Dalmati, hydraulic engineer.
04:23We are breaking screen.
04:25On the left, the work of Alejandro Pueblas.
04:27To the right, the church.
04:29This is the church that I occupied.
04:31In Caballito and in Constitution, plus all the clubs.
04:35I don't do it as a claim, I do it as a suggestion.
04:38Truckers union, how good it would be if they went with trucks.
04:41Telephone companies that would release the use of unlimited data, I don't know what you call it, without cost, etc.
04:49And to the Barra Brava colleagues who were going to participate in the march to rot it with the retirees,
04:55they could go to Bahia Blanca, the bars, right?
04:58They always have time.
04:59They are suggestions that I make.
05:01Yes, Alejandro, I see you and I listen to you.
05:03Look, I want to tell you.
05:06The water came with mud because the streets have mud and somewhere they will stop.
05:10Mucho ended up in the hospital Pena.
05:12And another one ended up like this inside the houses.
05:14The real floor is this one, which is the Aja.
05:17And here, where I show you.
05:19It's here.
05:20No, don't bother, please.
05:22It is as far as the land that destroyed the house, master.
05:27It destroyed the house.
05:29Look, he's going to invite us to come in.
05:30To visit, because the neighborhood is destroyed.
05:34And this is one of the houses that entered more mud.
05:38Wait, if I get the return in a second.
05:41Of course.
05:43How was it?
05:44Here is the mark.
05:45This was water with mud?
05:47Water with mud, yes.
05:48This is all.
05:50Has everything gone?
05:53All this.
05:54Up to here came the water.
05:56There is the mark.
05:58How long has it been here?
05:59Thirty years.
06:01Have you ever seen anything like this?
06:02No, never.
06:04Do you think this could happen?
06:06Do you think this could happen?
06:08No, never.
06:11Were you sleeping?
06:13No, no.
06:15When it rained, I got up and put my feet in the water.
06:20You get up from bed and put your feet in the water?
06:24Could you have taken it to the water?
06:25Could you have taken it to the water?
06:27Yes, yes.
06:29How long did it take to grow?
06:31How long did it take?
06:32Two hours, more or less.
06:34In two hours, the water entered through the window frame.
06:38And did it go over your waist?
06:40Here, here, here.
06:42Look, come here.
06:44Look, this is the height, almost over the waist.
06:49Look, let's go in.
06:51Ah, this destroyed everything.
06:53Well, the house is destroyed, the floor is unstable.
06:56Is this your bedroom?
06:57Yes, no, mine is over there.
06:59This is another bedroom full of mud, the water ...
07:02Well, look, the water exceeded, and the mud, the height of the window, okay?
07:09In other words, if one were lying here, the water would have ...
07:11Of course.
07:13... practically swept away.
07:16And the water was sprouting into the bathroom and everywhere.
07:18Yes, yes, this was all covered, the bathroom was all covered.
07:21The bathroom is full of mud.
07:23Yes, it's still here.
07:25The car too, we saw that the mud covered it.
07:28Yes, yes.
07:30And are you working alone, did someone come to help you?
07:32Alone, alone, alone.
07:33Alone, the neighbor who was just there, he gave me a hand.
07:37This is my room.
07:40It's still full of mud there.
07:41Ah, no, look, this is very difficult.
07:45And also the smell, that you got used to, but ...
07:49Yes, yes.
07:50But the smell is very, very complex.
07:52Well, it's very dark here.
07:53What's your name, sir?
07:56Cirilo has lost it.
07:57Cirilo Peñalba, who has lost everything, Luis.
08:01Alejandro, the clothes, everything.
08:03Do you have light?
08:04No, you don't have light, Juan.
08:05I don't have light, I don't have light.
08:06Alejandro, I want to tell you that from APSA ...
08:09Now we are going to ask, please, for them to come out to the air to say it.
08:12The drinking water company of the province of Buenos Aires warns that the water today is not suitable for human consumption.
08:21The drinking water plant, which is already old in itself,
08:26this is told to me by an engineer,
08:29was affected by the rise and affected the drinking water systems,
08:33so in the next 48 hours the water must be taken into account until the drinking water system is restored.
08:42That water, that water that we were seeing from the pipe, is not drinkable.
08:47It must be subjected to the process that Mercedes Mendoza explained just now,
08:51that we remember how it is, the boiling and the washing.
08:54Two drops of lavender per liter.
08:57You have to boil the water for 2 to 3 minutes and then let it rest for 20 to 30 minutes.
09:04The water to be able to consume it.
09:06But seriously, the two or three drops, not more per liter,
09:09because if it does not generate an opposite effect, which is intoxication.
09:12But let us reiterate, and to all those who are watching us in Bahia and to those who you see, Alejandro,
09:17the drinking water that comes out of those pipes is not drinkable.
09:22Yes, yes, it is not drinkable, it is not drinkable.
09:24I have been warning you since yesterday that it is not drinkable.
09:27You can see it clean, crystalline, but you have to boil it or, well,
09:31put the drops of lavender and others so that it can be taken urgently.
09:36Here from the emergency committee you are confirming your information.
09:39From the emergency committee that has been constituted, they confirm that information to me.
09:45The water is not drinkable, so pay attention.
09:49The clothes, everything sunk in the mud, Luis.
09:52The belongings, the cars.
09:54Look at the thickness of the mud, right?
09:56One seems to be stepping on the firm ground, but the thickness of the mud,
10:00Ben and Juan, the thickness of the mud is this, look.
10:04Look, we are talking about the height of the ankle, which is mud,
10:08which entered, which was deposited, similar to the hospital.
10:11The car, for example, look.
10:13The car is no longer useful.
10:15It will be very difficult for me to recover it.
10:17And the height of the ceiling, so that you have a notion.
10:20Here, I should enter standing up.
10:22Of course.
10:23I'm still elevated.
10:24Of course.
10:25Because here the height of the mud that entered and raised the level of the floor.
10:30Well, all situations that we find, look, the car is buried in the mud.
10:34No, no, no.
10:35The wheels are buried.
10:38Inside the mud.
10:39Have you been able to save the dogs?
10:41I saved the dog from ...
10:43I don't know, a neighbor saved it from me.
10:46A neighbor saved it from you?
10:48I put that other one on top of the table.
10:49And this one appeared later?
10:51That one appeared later.
10:52The one you had lost?
10:53Yes, yes, yes.
10:54The cat on top of the bed.
10:56Well, Master, thank you for letting me in.
10:58Hopefully it can be recovered.
11:01Thank you very much.