Bahía Blanca enfrenta una grave situación de inundaciones que ha dejado a la ciudad sin electricidad y con calles completamente anegadas. Las autoridades locales, junto con el gobierno provincial y nacional, están coordinando esfuerzos para brindar ayuda a los afectados. La falta de recursos y comunicación complica las labores de rescate, mientras que las lluvias continúan azotando la región. Se ha declarado un toque de queda meteorológico en Mar del Plata debido al avance del temporal. La preocupación crece ante la posibilidad de que estas tormentas se extiendan hacia el área metropolitana de Buenos Aires.
00:00Look, look at the judge, look at the judge, and it's still raining, motherfucker, a disaster, they can't get the lady out of the way
00:17Despair, fear, these are the situations you live in, in a case like this, where you see the images and it seems all surreal, you don't understand what is happening, where you see the cars completely covered by water
00:32Yes, look, this morning I heard a neighbor who saw from her balcony the neighbors helping each other, the covers of the cars completely covered with meters and meters of water, and the despair, because it was what I was telling you at the beginning
00:47There are many municipalities that want to help Bahía Blanca and the towns as well, but unfortunately the resources are not enough, and the areas are completely barred, which means that unfortunately they can't get there, plus the lack of signal to have good communication between them
01:03The difficulty is because of the signal, because let's remember that the whole city is without light, at least that is the information that is coming to us, that in a preventive way, even the light was cut, in a case like this, if the light is not cut, it can be much more dangerous due to the short circuits that it can generate due to the electric discharges
01:20The despair that we were saying, and the fear towards what is coming, because the rains do not stop, water continues to fall in Bahía Blanca, the forecast continues to anticipate that it will continue to rain, and the despair also for the day after, everyone who went through the flood says that the worst moment is obviously the flood, but when the water goes down, what remains is desolation
01:42Yes, definitely, suspended classes, no one has gone to their jobs, the interpersonal hospital, which unfortunately is very complicated and is what also worries the neighbors, and what worries, we repeat it again, is where this system of rains is going to go
01:59In fact, I mentioned to you a while ago that there is a meteorological stopover in Mar del Plata, which they had already announced, but they confirm it just moments ago, it starts now, in minutes only, from 5 in the afternoon, where it is recommended there in Mar del Plata not to go out to the street, of course, with classes and work suspended
02:16Attentive, obviously, to this situation, the authorities are arriving, ministers of the province of Buenos Aires, such as Javier Alonso, Minister of Security, is already in place, in fact, there is a new part that the government of the province sent about everything that the government of the province arranged, articulating with the municipality and in coordination also with the national government, showing that when they want they can work together and maintain some dialogues
02:40The Ministry of Security of Buenos Aires sent specialists in rescue, it also sent trucks with materials and resources, sleds, tents, drones, a lighting tower, a transfer team, helicopters are ready in the area as soon as they can, as we said previously, land
03:00Obviously also with the Ministry of Development and the Ministry of Health and Transport coordinating actions to give some kind of help to the whole city, because today we have to talk about the whole city as a victim of this flood
03:12Yes, I add you Guillermo Frangos who earlier today spoke with Carlos Bianco there in the province and Luis Petri who tweeted with the help he is sending from the Ministry of Defense as you mentioned a while ago, a province of Buenos Aires that also gave details of the resources it has made available
03:27And I repeat again, a tour of the temporal of Bahía Blanca and the question is, does it arrive with the same intensity to Lamba? Well, it would seem that yes, that is what worries, not only because of the red alert that was transferred from Bahía Blanca to the rest of Lamba, but also because of these strong storms for the early morning of Saturday for the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires as a result of this advance of a cold front, at least this is what those who know say
03:50We consulted certain experts, surely we will be talking to them in a while and they explained why the precipitations had so much magnitude in the southeast of Buenos Aires and also if they can be replicated in the city of Buenos Aires and its surroundings, it would seem that yes
04:03Very well, this is the situation in Bahía Blanca, we will continue in the continuity of A24 with all the information, it is a critical situation that is being experienced and obviously all the coverage will be during the day in A24, following all these weather issues to see how it affects the city of Buenos Aires if the storms also arrive here