En Bahía Blanca, una familia enfrenta las secuelas de una inundación que ha dejado su hogar sumergido en barro y agua. A pesar de los esfuerzos por limpiar y reconstruir, la falta de asistencia oficial agrava la situación. La comunidad local se ha movilizado para brindar apoyo, mientras que las autoridades municipales brillan por su ausencia
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00:00Excuse me.
00:07Well, I told you a while ago, you still need to start cleaning, because you still have water, you are going to clean the Divine Button, and you couldn't stand it, you can't take it anymore.
00:21Let's go, we arrive slowly. Yes, yes.
00:31Well, here we are back.
00:33Can I come in?
00:34Yes, please.
00:35Look guys, the gallery of the house is removing the mud.
00:39He tells us, four days ago, that I'm trying to start cleaning, because one says, the longer the water is, the more the house is going to be damaged.
00:49Yes, the truth is that ...
00:50And you can't start because the water doesn't go down. Now it seems that this channel ...
00:55I have a water pipe from the patio that goes to the street, that is, it goes to the patio and continues to get inside, but at least with the water itself I get the mud out.
01:04And you are going to sweep.
01:05I'm going to sweep.
01:06You are going to sweep, you still have a long way to go, you still have a long way to go. Can you show us the house?
01:12How long have you been living there alone? It shows that it is a house of materials, very worked.
01:18How long have you been living here?
01:20And I moved eight months ago and I've been building for ten years now.
01:25Tell us the story of that staircase that doesn't lead anywhere, but that helps.
01:29And I was with the project of having the rooms upstairs, you know?
01:34And nothing, you know? You leave to build and it doesn't give you anything, you know? Because you are a worker.
01:39But hey, dreams are always there. So the staircase was there interrupting, but now it served.
01:46So the little horse left with the lightning, the thunder, all a danger.
01:50But at least I didn't know where the water was going to come up, you know?
01:53So that's why I'm in a high part here, but still.
01:56You stayed here because of the issue of insecurity.
01:58How much fear is there, because we are Argentines and we are always afraid of being robbed, and how much reality is there in the issue of robbery?
02:05Yes, the reality is that as it is, everything is dark, you know?
02:10It's a wolf's mouth, that's why the sun goes down and there I stay in the truck, there.
02:17Out there with a flashlight until the battery runs out and I'm watching, because they already stole here around, they robbed a house.
02:24The refrigerator that maybe didn't work, they took it.
02:27So you know a family who was robbed. I mean, because they are saying no, they are not so much there, the robberies are there.
02:33Yes, the robberies exist, yes, yes, yes, yes.
02:35And the police can't get in, obviously, so that's why it's nobody's land.
02:39How do you get to buy all this again or to get up?
02:43And the truth is that it is difficult, it is difficult.
02:47Go back to the page and work, work, as we had been doing, I don't know.
02:51The material, you see, it comes and goes, that's it.
02:54But at least health, also my family.
03:00With what has happened, one ends up thinking that it is only money.
03:04Yes, yes, the money, so everything, everything comes back in one way or another, it will be recovered.
03:11The issue now is to get all the mud out of the infection.
03:15Ah, and if I get infected, everything, yes, I didn't know.
03:20Yes, let's see.
03:22Look here, I took the antibiotics on the first day.
03:26Did you get hurt here cleaning?
03:28No, I didn't get hurt, nothing.
03:29I mean, then they both got hurt, both.
03:33Me too.
03:34Look, we are both.
03:35Do you know how?
03:37And that alone, why did it happen to him?
03:38The truth is that I thank the hospital for the service, because the truth is a barbarity.
03:43Why did it happen to you?
03:44Because of the water.
03:45Of course, because of the infection.
03:47The water, it's not that I was hurt, nothing.
03:50Of course.
03:52I'm healthy.
03:53So they started to put the water on my foot, purple, you see?
03:57It squeezed me, a pain.
04:00I said, well, the last day I won't do it anymore.
04:02And they told me, well, why do I tell my friend to take you to the hospital?
04:07I didn't want to go, because since I don't have social work, nothing, I had a terrible delay.
04:12And they treated me quickly, thank God.
04:14And the boy told me, don't worry, because the water is coming back.
04:17So, well, I came back and it was cut off.
04:20So I bought the basic permit and the antibiotics.
04:24And, well, I continue.
04:25I don't know when I'm going to get up.
04:27Yes, my gym, everything back.
04:28You're not leaving here?
04:29No, I didn't leave it here, I'm not crazy.
04:31It's the only one I have, so I'm staying.
04:34Sol, the last ...
04:35Don't worry, the guys are protected.
04:37Yes, thank God, yes, thank God.
04:39There I add to my partner.
04:41Yes, Sol, I wanted to ask you.
04:42With the barbarian, from the floor.
04:44If official assistance arrived, if the house of this brave young man who is injured,
04:51someone came to offer some kind of help, wherever it is, but official.
04:56There I transmit to you, did official help arrive?
04:59Did someone official come from wherever, but came to give you a hand?
05:03And the truth is that the people themselves helped me.
05:07Another channel came and gave me a hand.
05:09But they say that the municipality, if you are saving things, there are comments of donations that they are saving, you see?
05:16So the same solidarity people come and give you a hand.
05:20Here the municipality never came.
05:22You are the first person to mention this to me.
05:24It's crazy, if that's happening, it's crazy, the truth.
05:28So nothing, the same people give us a hand, bring blankets, water.
05:36No help arrived, let's say, a truck from the municipality did not arrive.
05:41No, no, nothing arrived.
05:43A friend called me, who is a manager of Villa Mitre, and they were going to send trucks and all that.
05:50But it's not the government, it's the community aid, let's say.
05:54Sure, the people.
05:56Yes, Sol, this morning...
05:58Guys, you are listening to us.
06:00Yes, tell me.
06:02This morning, here in the program of Luis Novarecio, an aid was managed for you, with your alias.
06:09Yes, they helped me.
06:11Sure, but what I wanted to point out, beyond the fact that, obviously, the solidarity of the people is fast, that A24 lends its screen for that,
06:20is that we are surprised that a truck from the municipality of Federico Subvieles has not arrived,
06:27a truck from the government of Axel Kicillof, a truck from the national administration of Javier Milei,
06:33something, someone who has gone to offer you, or ask you what you need.
06:37How can they give you a hand?
06:39Do you know what bothers me the most, Rolo?
06:42I'm honest with you.
06:44It can't be that they are making squares that are worth 80 billion pesos, and they don't look at a hydric plant, you know?
06:52I mean, they are doing there in Brown, 1,500 lights, 1,500 trees, and obviously, with the past storm, all the trees fell.
07:00But look at the hydric plant.
07:03No, not at all.
07:05Obviously, why do we want a square if we are not going to flood, you know?
07:11It's been 13 years since Coniceta said that.
07:13And you also know what I was thinking, you just told Sole that you stay at home, that you defend yours.
07:19Marina Calabro, I greet you, I hug you from here.
07:22And I thought that also for the families, this is an impact, you know?
07:26It's not just losing yours, but it's separating.
07:29Your wife is with your kids on the other side.
07:32I don't know if she took them to your house at the time of the storm.
07:36The kids are scared.
07:38There are many kids who are not being able to sleep at night.
07:41How are your kids?
07:43Yes, my son, the truth is that he ate all the trauma of the storm.
07:48Look, the pandemic.
07:50The storm of the wind that passed the other day.
07:55Yes, yes, the one at the end of last year.
07:57I have a video, look.
07:59Do you want to see a video?
08:01Go ahead.
08:02The hail.
08:03And now this, I mean, we don't take it with any psychologist or anything, but they are traumatized.
08:08You look for the video, I want to show this brand, which is the one we usually show in floods.
08:14But hey, this doesn't lie.
08:16Look, all the electrical installation.
08:18Here is the water.
08:2080 centimeters.
08:21Obviously there are places where it was worse.
08:24But here everything made of wood, from the wardrobe, the table, the chairs.
08:28That doesn't work anymore.
08:29Can I see?
08:30This is the hail that you are going to show me.
08:40Ah, tremendous.
08:41No, it doesn't stop.
08:42It's crazy.
08:49When was that?
08:50Do you have the month?
08:52Look, yes, here it is.
08:54February 2.
08:55February 2, nothing.
08:57And that one broke something to you too?
08:59Look, look, I'm going to show you.
09:01I don't know why, but look how scared my husband was.
09:05Let's see.
09:06Nothing happens, son.
09:08Oh my God.
09:09We are fine.
09:10We are fine.
09:34How old is your son?
09:36How old is he?
09:39He started first grade two or three years ago.
09:43And there you have another topic, the school.
09:46The school that just started, poor thing.
09:49The idea is to start normalizing the reading cycle tomorrow,
09:54but I don't know how the school of your little one is, if they are able to return.
09:58The truth is that they told me, I spoke on the phone with my wife
10:02and the parents have called to clean it.
10:06They have already cleaned everything, so I think they will return quickly.
10:09But is there light?
10:10I think there is light in that sector.
10:12Here in Villa Miller, yes, yes, there is light.
10:14So it's the main thing, the school, because they can't be here.
10:18I mean, for a while free, let them be there.
10:21We focus on something else here, you see.
10:25And you, your job, how is it?
10:28It's hard.
10:29Your job, because ...
10:31And my job, look ...
10:32What do you work for and how is it?
10:35I am a street vendor.
10:37My grandfather gave me a delivery in November,
10:41an egg delivery and a 30-year delivery.
10:46So the baguette is already made, all the people have written to me.
10:49And nothing, I am very grateful.
10:51I wrote to the farm what happened to me and it is understandable, the truth.
10:56But nothing.
10:58Yes, but you don't get money.
10:59What happens with the vehicle and ...
11:01And the truck, how is it?
11:03And the truck, how is it?
11:05The water went up to the engine.
11:07The truck is the room.
11:09Come, come.
11:11A little bit, to show where you rest.
11:14A little bit, sharp.
11:16Because that is the work tool, what you are going to show us, which became the house.
11:20That element, of course, that element of work is the work tool,
11:24but now it is the room where you sleep, because you can't sleep elsewhere.
11:33Water, mattress.
11:35Of course, look.
11:37That's the room.
11:39That's the room.
11:43Ah, no, the glasses.
11:45Ah, here they are.
11:47To cure you, yes.
11:49To cure you, yes.
11:51To cure you.
11:53To cure you.
11:55To cure you.
11:57To cure you.
11:59To cure you.
12:01Ah, here they are.
12:03To cure you, yes.
12:05Of course, and the antibiotic.
12:13Everything, to disinfect you.
12:15But you are with your feet in the water.
12:17But you are with your feet in the water.
12:19In each heat, of course, in each heat, we have to cover those feet and disinfect them.
12:25And with the food, how do you get ready?
12:27Greetings and a hug too.
12:29No, look, they brought me a meat, so I already ate.
12:33The neighbors help.
12:34I had a clean plate, so a stew.
12:36The neighbors give a hug.
12:38Thank you very much.
12:39No, thank you.
12:40Thank you, a hug.
12:41Well, guys, a story.
12:42Sole, what impresses, you know that one thinks this testimony, which is moving, shocking.
12:49There is a little boy who started school, I could not do it, who is living in his grandparents' house.
12:55He can not work, he is afraid of robberies.
12:58It synthesizes a little everything that is happening in Bahia Blanca.
13:01But we know, Sole, that it is not the worst.
13:03No, of course.
13:04You are showing us the situation of someone who is not so bad.
13:07And it's terrible.
13:08Yes, of course.
13:09The panorama.
13:10He saved his life and saved the structure of his house, right?
13:14There are people who are worse.
13:16Are the boys okay?
13:17Is the woman okay?
13:18Yes, of course, of course, of course.
13:20Here are the maples of the venture.
13:24Well, and it's what they say, I have to start again, but it's silver.
13:28And nothing, it's really like that, because here the issue that this is a tragedy,
13:34that there are so many victims, that two little girls are sought.
13:38It is something that appears in all the testimonies, you understand?
13:42Because you say, well, yes, I lost everything, but I have my children here.
13:47And obviously, these are the moments where one values and realizes
13:51that obviously losing everything is tremendous in these times,
13:55with what it costs.