• 15 hours ago
Gonzalo Higuera, un vendedor ambulante de Bahía Blanca, perdió casi todo debido a una inundación devastadora. Durante días, durmió en la caja de su camioneta mientras cuidaba lo poco que le quedaba. Sin embargo, la solidaridad de la comunidad cambió su destino: en minutos, recibió donaciones que superaron los 30 millones de pesos. Gonzalo planea compartir esta ayuda con sus vecinos afectados. Su historia es un testimonio del poder de la empatía y el apoyo comunitario en tiempos difíciles.


00:00Gonzalo, you just told me, I didn't have a choice but to sleep inside the truck
00:05and here we are corroborating that four days ago you were sleeping in the box of the
00:11truck, arranging the mattress as you could, this is what you were able to save from your house?
00:17Yes, the truth is that the only good thing, I don't know if it will fix the vehicle, but then I lost everything, the truth is that a huge sadness.
00:25Do you have injured feet?
00:27Yes, they infected me with water, the first Saturday I went to the hospital and well, as I was going to walk in the water, they gave me antibiotics.
00:37Has anyone come to help you?
00:39No, from the municipality no one, the truth is that no one, it is the same people who bring you a plate of food or a coffee, nothing else.
00:47Let's go inside your house, let's see how it was, a beautiful house that was under construction and the water swept it away.
00:56Yes, the truth is that on Friday it started to rain and the water did not drain at 6.30 in the morning and I sent a WhatsApp message because I was with my wife and my son who is 6 years old
01:06and immediately a friend came to the rescue, he came to pick me up to the chest of the water and took him away, I stayed.
01:13In other words, they rescued your family and you stayed to take care of the property for fear of being robbed?
01:16Yes, and apart so that the windows do not break, I opened everything, I let the water enter, that's it, because at one point it is no longer a bad hand to save things.
01:26Look, we are going to enter, what do you have, like a place, this place?
01:29No, there is a house, look, well, it has ruined enough water, Luis, to ruin absolutely everything.
01:40Your name?
01:42Gonzalo, wait, I'm going to connect you, I'm going to put you on this side, sorry, with Luis Navarrecio who is on the floor so that you can talk to him.
01:49Well, let's settle down, sorry for the disconnection.
01:52Luis, Gonzalo is listening to you.
01:54Hello Gonzalo.
01:55He has lost practically everything.
01:57Hello, how are you doing? Good morning.
01:58A big hug.
01:59A big hug.
02:00Tell me how your family is made up, Gonzalo.
02:04My family is made up of my partner Fernanda and Julián, my 6-year-old son.
02:12And your partner and Julián are there or did you send them to another place?
02:17No, as soon as it started to rain that day, I got desperate and I put a WhatsApp status where I have a friend who lives nearby
02:28and right away I came to look for him, he left the truck.
02:32And are they okay?
02:35Yes, they are fine, yes, the truth is that they are.
02:37Here at the door of your house the water takes you to the chest, right?
02:39Yes, here yes, the water to the chest.
02:41So they got on the stairs, they sat down, but since we didn't know how far it was going to take,
02:45I told him that my friend came right away, to the chest of the water,
02:48and he took him on a horse with my son and left me desperate,
02:51because the sacrifice that one made so many years ago,
02:54imagine that 10 years ago we were building and we hadn't finished yet,
02:59that is, we have 10 more years to go, and that this happens to you, to lose everything,
03:04it is a terrible disappointment.
03:06Gonzalo, did you have clothes to wear?
03:09Because I say, you stayed there to take care of yours,
03:11did you have clothes, at least to be able to change?
03:15And look at the day-to-day,
03:17at night I go to my friend's house, I bathe and I bring clothes that he gives me, you know?
03:25But no, no, if we lose everything.
03:27But you are there barefoot, in the cold that it must be.
03:32Your feet were injured too, I see.
03:35With the water, you see, it was contaminated, you see?
03:40So the only thing I was able to save, thank God,
03:43the utensils and the clothes of the school,
03:46you see, that is very important,
03:48because at least here they are not going to come back for a month,
03:52because the humidity that there is is impressive,
03:54and you know what, they will give you bronchopasm or something,
03:56but at least the school is going to come back, you see?
03:59So that's a good refuge for them to come back right away.
04:05Ask for what you need, say what you want to say, Gonzalo.
04:11Ah, I don't know, a mattress, the most basic thing is not to spoil it.
04:18And nothing, I'm ready to clean, cleaning things.
04:22Today I have the hope that the water will come down,
04:24even if it is here at home, to start cleaning, you see?
04:28Of course.
04:29Gonzalo, what do you work as, Gonzalo?
04:32I am an ambulance salesman.
04:35You are an ambulance salesman, and in this ...
04:37Thanks to my grandfather, who gave me his 30, 40-year delivery.
04:44Look, and in these days ...
04:46I lost all the merchandise, everything.
04:49That's what I wanted to ask you, how do you do in these days?
04:52On Instagram.
04:55And I'm standing, you see, I'm waiting.
04:58I spoke to the intermediary who gives me the merchandise,
05:01and he told me not to worry,
05:05that we are going to recover and we are going to start, with everything.
05:10How old are you, Gonzalo?
05:15And do you feel like staying there in Bahia?
05:21And the truth is that, yes, I have no choice.
05:24I have strength.
05:26You have strength.
05:28And where does the strength come from?
05:31Yes, from the will, from what one worked so hard.
05:38From the only thing you got, working, working, working, right?
05:47Yes, I did not finish school, but the street gave me everything, you see?
05:52The work, the people.
05:56And I keep thinking about what you said, that in the middle of this beautiful tragedy,
06:02I saved my son's clothes from school, because the boy will have to go back to school in a moment.
06:09Yes, yes, thank God.
06:11What do you want for your son?
06:14It will end, calm down.
06:16Relax, relax, nothing happens.
06:18Nothing happens.
06:20You are strong, apart.
06:22You are here taking care of your things, you are a street vendor,
06:25you are hurt here, standing the house, calm down.
06:28You will be able to.
06:30If you could be on the street, you did not finish high school,
06:32you are building a house, this is nothing.
06:34Forget it.
06:35It's a little bit of water.
06:36Forget it, forget it.
06:37People are going to help you.
06:39Do you have an Instagram that people can follow?
06:41Yes, I have.
06:43People are going to help you.
06:45Do you have an Instagram that people can help you?
06:47Gonzalo Higuera.
06:49Higuera, with an H.
06:51Wait, I'm going to look for it.
06:53I'm going to follow you.
06:55Let's make it easier.
06:57Ale, do you have an account where someone can help you?
07:06Maple, like the one with the eggs?
07:09Yes, because I sell eggs on the street.
07:11With one P or two P?
07:15With one P.
07:17Maple, .1234?
07:25I know you don't have to do this because the state has to be there,
07:27but let's give a hand to Gonzalo.
07:29Gonzalo Nicolás Higuera, right?
07:31Gonzalo Nicolás Higuera.
07:33Exactly, Gonzalo Nicolás Higuera.
07:35Here is the Instagram, look.
07:38And below we are going to overprint, please, Maple.1234,
07:43which is the alias to give him a hand.
07:48And there is the boy.
07:50What is your son's name?
07:54And what do you want him to be when he grows up, Julián?
07:58That he studies.
08:00That he studies.
08:02But what does he look like?
08:04What does he look like?
08:06More for a doctor, more to play football,
08:08more for what do you see him?
08:10Yes, I see him like Advanil,
08:12because, well, my father-in-law is Advanil and he loves it.
08:16He hits bricks and everything.
08:18He does it well.
08:20Julián is good at mixing and hitting bricks, which is not easy.
08:24Of course.
08:26Besides, he loved everything that was born, the construction, everything.
08:30He loves it.
08:31So, Gonzalo, since you followed your grandfather's tradition,
08:34your son can follow your grandfather's tradition too.
08:37Do you want the alias?
08:39Wait, I want to check the alias.
08:45Put the dot because there is an equal without dot.
08:48No, it's Maple.1234 and it's Nicolás.
08:52Gonzalo Nicolás.
08:54Gonzalo Nicolás Higuera.
08:56There it is confirmed, look.
08:58There it is confirmed.
08:59It seems to me that it will be more immediate.
09:02Gonzalo Nicolás Higuera.
09:07I feel like nothing, like, I don't know, a silly question.
09:12Are you eating, Gonzalo?
09:14Are you being able to feed yourself?
09:17Yes, at night they bring food.
09:20I don't know, the same people, solidarity, because it's not from the municipality, nothing.
09:25They come with food and that, so yes.
09:31These three or four days, thank God, yes.
09:34And Julián, is he okay?
09:36The same, that's the least.
09:38Yes, Julián wants to come here, get into the water.
09:42It will not happen to him, we will not let him.
09:45Tell Julián that Ale Pueblas is not going to let him come there in any way.
09:49That he stays there with his mother and taking care of himself.
09:55Today, do you think, it's not going to rain, my friend Andrioli told me.
10:00Do you think you can give in a little, that the water will come out of your house, Gonzalo?
10:05Yes, look, we have to put three or four centimeters.
10:10I calculate that it drains the house, the courtyard, forget it, no.
10:14But even if it is to go in and clean, remove the mud, the thickest.
10:20And this is going to take a few days, weeks.
10:24Well, you know, Gonzalo, that I am hypochondriac, I get sick just thinking about it.
10:29So we call Dr. Hugo Pizzi, so he can tell us.
10:32I see you there, barefoot, with the bruises on your feet, with everything that is happening.
10:38Dr. Pizzi, I am Luis Novarecio, how are you?
10:41How are you, Luis, the pleasure of seeing you and listening to you.
10:45As always.
10:47While I was paying attention to your program, I remembered the floods of Concordia,
10:54the floods of Santa Fe.
10:56Of course, I had to cover them.
10:58Tremendous, tremendous.
11:00The point is that the ecosystems of the cities and their peripheries are fragile.
11:06If suddenly a wind of these characteristics comes in, it breaks everything.
11:10And this flood leads, for example, to rodents that want to save themselves,
11:16get out of their hiding place, from that cryptic part, and they put themselves next to man.
11:21The cockroaches, everything.
11:23And then there are diseases that rodents transmit,
11:26such as leptospirosis, hantavirus, the bite of these things.
11:31But I would like to remind you, Luis, that in Santa Fe and Concordia,
11:36even the bite of a viper was here.
11:39But wait, do you hear me, Hugo?
11:42Yes, I hear you.
11:44Let's pay medical attention to the distance.
11:46I am worried because I see Gonzalo, who is barefoot,
11:49his feet have been injured and so on.
11:52Let's advise him so that it is not a way of entering any infection.
11:57What do we tell Gonzalo, who is watching us?
12:00The first thing I would ask him is if he has all the vaccines in order.
12:05Because really, in an epidemic like this, in a flood like this,
12:10the person who has all the vaccines in place is in immeasurable conditions.
12:16With respect to tetanus, with respect to hepatitis A,
12:20with respect to all the pathologies that can enter one way or another through the human body.
12:25Here you have to take care of the injuries, those that have legs, you have to disinfect.
12:28Of course, wait a second, Hugo.
12:31Gonzalo, do you have the vaccines on time?
12:35Yes, I have everything, thank God, everything.
12:38I went to the hospital, I took a little time and I went to the municipal hospital.
12:44I also want to thank the health people.
12:47They didn't want to give me pus because I was going to be in the water.
12:53I told them about the situation.
12:54But did they give you the anti-tetanus vaccine or something?
12:58I don't know, I'm medicating as if I knew.
13:01Did they give you an anti-tetanus vaccine or something like that?
13:04No, because I have them, but they gave me the antibiotics when I was little.
13:09There you go, Hugo.
13:11How, Gonzalo?
13:14I have all the vaccines when I was a kid.
13:17Well, it seems that you have the vaccine when you were a kid.
13:23Hugo, it seems that you have the vaccine.
13:28We lost Dr. Pisi, he can't hear me.
13:31No, no, I'm paying attention.
13:34It seems that you have the vaccines on time.
13:36Next recommendation, what to do so as not to contract all the...
13:40In general, there is a cycle, there is a way that is given a lot in these circumstances.
13:47Which is when you don't have normal hygiene, the normal hygienic habit.
13:52Which is when you are doing your necessities.
13:57Which would be the anus, hand, mouth route.
14:02If you don't have good hygiene, you are also carrying bacteria and viruses to the eye.
14:09Because you touch your eye a lot during the day, or to the nose, or to the mouth.
14:13So you have to try to have at least a fountain, or a bucket,
14:17that has water with hypochlorite, lavender, in a dilution of 10.
14:23And then every time you have contamination of any circumstance,
14:28because you are cleaning something, you clean yourself there.
14:31And that persists, that lasts, the action of the lavender lasts.
14:35So I ask you, Gonzalo, are we able to clean ourselves like this, as the doctor is telling you?
14:41Yes, look, up there in the truck, when I go to sleep,
14:46I have a bucket with white soap and water, you see, to sanitize me.
14:50And disinfect my feet, you see, put gas on me.
14:54In your friend's house, does the bathroom work?
14:57Because he was telling us that you went to bathe at night to your friend's house nearby.
15:01At least the bathroom is working there?
15:04Yes, yes, the truth is yes.
15:07Thanks to them, I'm going to bathe.
15:09Because as soon as the sun goes down, it's a tremendous cold.
15:15Hugo, yesterday we learned that, due to doubts,
15:19water is suitable with two or three drops of lavender per liter to drink it.
15:26Are we okay with that, Doc?
15:31Safe water is the most important thing in these circumstances.
15:35Because anything can enter through the water.
15:38It can come in from a typhoid fever, it can come in with cholera,
15:43it can come in from any type of protozoan cyst, egg of the myth.
15:48Don't forget that the black wells burst,
15:52the flow channels of the fluorescent effluents broke and everything mixed.
15:56And another thing, Luis, now when they clean that mud that remains, that sediment,
16:02that's all contaminated.
16:05You're going to have to put on gloves and you're going to have to put on at least a scarf,
16:09a scarf, to be able to clean all that and use it again
16:14in a concentration of 10% lavender to be able to clean that.
16:19Because it is very effective and they are distributing it.
16:22Well, I mean, unless it's bottled water,
16:26that comes closed, etc., etc.,
16:28the water that is taken from any current system,
16:31preventively nothing happens to me if I put three drops of lavender per hour
16:36to drink that water and also to clean myself.
16:38Am I saying it right, Doc?
16:40Yes, you're saying it right, but remember that it has to rest for a moment,
16:44you have to let it act, right?
16:46Yes, yes, a few minutes, that's correct.
16:50It has to act, it has to rest for a moment.
16:52A few minutes to rest.
16:53Gonzalo, you are writing this down.
16:56I say this in voice for all the Bahians who are watching us.
16:59It's shocking the amount of people, and I know it's going to make you happy,
17:02shocking the amount of people who tell me that they are giving you a hand
17:06with your alias, with your account.
17:09But are you taking note of what Dr. Pisi says?
17:12Yes, perfect.
17:14Yes, yes, I was preventive with that.
17:16Of course.
17:18I'm worried about your feet.
17:20I confess, I'm an obsessive, I'm worried about the damage to your feet, Gonzalo.
17:23Are you healing them?
17:25Yes, I'm healing them.
17:27Yes, yes.
17:29I didn't have anything.
17:31After work, I practice running, you know?
17:36Of course, of course.
17:38And it hasn't happened to me.
17:40But you don't have any rubber boots that you can put on.
17:42Doctor, wouldn't it be ideal if you could cover the parts with some rubber boots?
17:47That would be ideal, but where do we get the rubber boots from?
17:50And if, even if it's an old shoe, I don't know, but it gets wet, it's worse.
17:54Where do we get the rubber boots from?
17:56A wet shoe doesn't make it worse, doctor.
17:59A shoe that gets wet and is all the time moistened in the area is worse, isn't it, doctor?
18:05Yes, of course, that's why the ideal would be the half pipe boot, the high boot.
18:10Because that's the one that covers you the most.
18:13But not everyone has it.
18:15At the moment there are a lot of things that are missing.
18:17That's why you have to be careful and see what you can do.
18:21Stay still and see how you can dry those wounds and clean them.
18:26Doctor, Gonzalo has a child, Julian, 6 or 7 years old.
18:31I don't remember the age, Gonzalo.
18:33Six years old.
18:35Six years old.
18:37Let's talk to the parents of children like Julian.
18:41What special prevention should we take with children?
18:43Well, it's the same as with human beings.
18:46Make sure to help them in the bathroom, in the injections.
18:52And fundamentally, make sure that the vaccination carnet is in order.
18:57Because don't forget that we have problems even in other parts of the country with measles.
19:03To see if everything is in order.
19:05If you have cough, flu, tetanus, diphtheria.
19:10All the vaccines that the child needs.
19:14If they are all in order.
19:16Because the mobile vaccination centers are already there.
19:20And the nurses are there.
19:22So you don't even need to bring the carnet.
19:25Because we are all registered in my Argentina.
19:28So you have to complete.
19:30You have to take advantage of these unpleasant circumstances.
19:33To complete all the vaccines that are missing.
19:36Adults too, Luis.
19:37Because there are many people who suddenly need one for pneumonia.
19:42Or one for the flu.
19:44Now that it's going to be cold.
19:46For COVID too, attention.
19:48Because we don't know what can happen.
19:50Doctor, several of those affected by this tragedy.
19:54They told us that they were sleeping on absolutely wet mattresses.
19:58Because they have not been able to get others.
20:01That can't bring them any complication.
20:03In the upper airways, for example.
20:08It is risky.
20:10Because don't forget that the second day the temperature began to drop.
20:15And at that moment, you could see it yourself.
20:20That the chroniclers showed it.
20:22They had to warm up.
20:24Because it was cold.
20:26Imagine sleeping on something wet.
20:28You can have anything.
20:30A bronchitis, a pneumonia.
20:32But I want Hugo.
20:34I want Hugo to review this for all the Bahians.
20:38I complicate it to Juan Chazarretas.
20:42And he shows us again the floor of Gonzalo's house.
20:46Thank you, Juan.
20:48I tell our cameraman.
20:50Notice that you can see it there.
20:52There you will see it.
20:54You can see the mud there.
20:56Gonzalo, be careful.
20:58Because Dr. Pisi said, correct me Hugo.
21:00That mud is contaminated.
21:02You have to clean it with a reduction of water.
21:05That is, 10% lavender, 90% water.
21:08Am I saying it right?
21:10Yes, everything is in order.
21:12That is, when the water that we want it to be today comes down.
21:17With gloves, Gustavo reminds me.
21:19With a bucket.
21:21Bucket with water and 10% lavender.
21:23Do you have lavender, Gonzalo?
21:25To be able to use it?
21:27Yes, so far I have 2 liters of lavender.
21:30To be able to use it.
21:32And where did you get the lavender from?
21:34I have...
21:36The guys brought it to me.
21:40Volunteers, of course.
21:42Well, at least, at least a volunteer appeared.
21:44I was able to buy it.
21:46You don't have to buy anything.
21:48Not official, huh?
21:50Volunteer of people who decide to go out to help, Luis.
21:52Ah, that is, they are self-managed.
21:54They are good people, good volunteers who go out to help.
21:57Self-managed, they buy things.
21:59Yes, some who could, from other towns.
22:02They have gone through large supermarkets.
22:04They loaded the truck with minivans that they assembled and deliver.
22:09They deliver a lavender, some cookies.
22:11Well, everything to stay alive.
22:13And a bottle of water.
22:15And they continue on the way.
22:17Ale, help Gonzalo there.
22:21So that we can check and stay calm.
22:23Because here many people write that they are turning money to...
22:28Point, point.
22:32There it is, look, thank you.
22:34One, two, three, four.
22:36Notice while we are talking.
22:38Hugo, what vaccines must be given, must be given to adults?
22:41Flu, pneumonia?
22:43What is convenient there?
22:45In general, if it starts to get cold and we have been in contact,
22:49I would get the COVID one.
22:50If I had pneumonia.
22:52And I would wait for the flu to come soon.
22:55And I would also put it on.
22:57Because the one that still has the flu today is the one from last year.
23:00But the advice I give to everyone is.
23:03It is not necessary to bring any carnet to the vaccination center.
23:08We are all registered.
23:12And when our history appears.
23:14There the girls are going to tell us.
23:16That they are vaccinated.
23:18They are going to tell us.
23:20You are missing this one.
23:22I need a reinforcement of this other one.
23:24And we are not going to have any kind of problem.
23:26And they are all free.
23:28And there is.
23:30And there is existence of all.
23:32What you are saying is very important, Hugo.
23:34Here they ask us.
23:36I am from Bahia and others.
23:38Preventively, do I get the anti-tetanic vaccine?
23:40I don't know.
23:42I will consult you, Hugo.
23:44And it all depends on how your history has been.
23:46If it is a vaccine.
23:48If it is a person who had a nail.
23:50That was hurt five years ago.
23:52And he got one of the tetanus.
23:54He will not need it.
23:56If it is a small person.
23:58Who has had everything in order.
24:00We would say the first three.
24:02And then the later ones.
24:04He doesn't need it either.
24:06It all depends on the history.
24:08What happens is that there are people, Luis.
24:10Who do not have vaccines.
24:12That is, the young man who got the measles.
24:14And the influenza.
24:16He was not vaccinated.
24:18Give me a touch, Hugo.
24:20Give me a touch, Hugo.
24:22What happens, Ale?
24:24We have just reached the impressive figure.
24:26In a few minutes.
24:28That will help him a lot.
24:30But he will need a lot of help.
24:32And many more.
24:34Because he happens to be going to help neighbors.
24:36He had less than a million pesos in his account.
24:38He had 900 and something thousand pesos left.
24:40And now he has 21 million pesos.
24:42That people have donated.
24:4421, 2, 35, 8, 79.
24:45It is the figure that has been reached in minutes.
24:49My God.
24:51Incredible, my God.
24:53The solidarity of the people.
24:59I just updated.
25:01I am updating now.
25:03To check that the alias is fine.
25:05Obviously it is fine.
25:07You can't believe it.
25:09Look, he ran to our side of the emotion.
25:11I didn't want it to be a problem.
25:12I didn't want his children to see him crying.
25:16A 26-year-old boy.
25:18The first thing he says is.
25:20I saved the clothes for my son at school.
25:22So he can go.
25:24Because at some point he has to go to school.
25:26And he has put double on sencillo.
25:28That this boy shares the 21 million.
25:30That you helped him.
25:32He is excited.
25:34Come, dear, come.
25:36Calm down, friend, come.
25:38You are excited.
25:40Thank the people.
25:44You will be able to get up.
25:46Thank you very much.
25:48You told me.
25:50You are comfortable.
25:52And you will also help the neighbors.
25:54Yes, everyone is flooded.
25:56They lost everything.
25:58They will all receive help.
26:00Thank you for coming.
26:02Thank you for what you said about your children.
26:04The figure rises, Luis.
26:06Now almost 30 million pesos.
26:08It does not finish recharging.
26:10But good.
26:12The help that is coming here.
26:14It will also be distributed.
26:16I'm sure.
26:18To help everyone get up again.
26:20You have put double on sencillo.
26:22That Gonzalo sets up a cooperative with friends.
26:24With the one who lent him the bathroom.
26:26With the one who brings him the ashtray.
26:28I'm sure.
26:30I'm sure.
26:32And you know what?
26:34I think back to Vera's mother.
26:36They are offended when I say my stepdaughter.
26:38But we do tell each other.
26:40It is more effective for the Bahians.
26:42That the money arrives.
26:44That you bring a bottle of water.
26:46That you do not have logistics to transfer it.
26:48Who do you trust?
26:50I trust Gonzalo.
26:52But not the rest.
26:54Well, how good.
26:56How good to feel that for a small thing.
26:58This work is useful.
27:00Because usually one has.
27:02I do not know if it happens to you.
27:04What effect does our work have?
27:06Yes, it not only serves.
27:08Sometimes for these things of our work.
27:10To realize what Argentina is.
27:12Because when we started.
27:14When I have to give the police news.
27:16I'm going to say.
27:18Hey, what destination is there?
27:20This is the destination.
27:22The Argentines are this.
27:24The vast majority of Argentines are this.
27:28Well, let's continue.
27:30I'm happy for Gonzalo.
27:32In the middle of crazy.
27:34It seems like an oxymoron.
27:36Luis wants to say hello to Gonzalo.
27:39At the beginning, from what we understand.
27:41He ran out of battery.
27:43We are playing almost 40 million.
27:45Mommy dear.
27:47What are you doing, Gonzalo?
27:51To the people.
27:53To the people who love you.
27:55We are nothing.
27:57Tell your son that he is going to finish school.
27:59At least you told Julián a good news today, right?
28:02Yes, today yes.
28:04The truth that yes.
28:05Yes, yes.
28:07Proud of the people who only say it.
