• 3 hours ago
👉 Hablamos con el médico clínico ramiro Heredia sobre La ciudad grave crisis que enfrenta Bahía Blanca tras las recientes inundaciones que han dejado al Hospital General José Penna en condiciones críticas. La falta de agua potable y la contaminación han incrementado el riesgo de enfermedades como la leptospirosis y gastroenteritis. Los trabajadores del hospital, muchos afectados personalmente por el desastre, luchan por mantener los servicios básicos mientras enfrentan pérdidas materiales significativas.

👉 Seguí en #OtraMañana


00:00I'm going to add it to Dr. Ramiro Heredia, precisely because of what you are doing.
00:06And what happens now with the sanitary issue?
00:08Good morning.
00:09Good morning. How are you? Thank you.
00:11Good. Terrible that we are living with this.
00:15Well, let me give you a recommendation.
00:18The truth is that you have to look closely.
00:20Here we measure the damage it produces, the health effects,
00:23what is immediate, immediate and long-term.
00:26The immediate part has already passed because we are treating and rescuing people.
00:32Most people suffer from suffocation, trauma, electrocution,
00:38carbon monoxide poisoning,
00:41different types of injuries that have to do with the drag of the forces of nature, as we see here.
00:48What follows now are other health effects,
00:51mainly because of the contamination of the water and food,
00:55of what we are exposed to.
00:57And keep in mind that in these situations,
01:00the drinking water supplies, the water network…
01:04I don't know if they are with… I don't think they have drinking water.
01:07Exactly. And in this we have to consider that the water is not drinkable,
01:10what is available, because it is contaminated with tap water,
01:13with water from local waste,
01:15or with different reservoirs that have different chemical substances in the region, usually.
01:22This increases substantially the risk of what are diarrheal diseases,
01:26that is, aphrodisiacs,
01:29that is, patients with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, of different causes.
01:37Excuse me.
01:39This is the… You are there at the entrance of the hospital, right?
01:42What do you have?
01:44Yes, this is the entrance to the General Hospital José Pena de Blanca,
01:49which is, well, desolate, Antonio.
01:51What Juan just showed, and he will show again,
01:54is the corridor of the main entrance,
01:56where the consultations are, in the background, where we were just,
01:59which is the part of NEO that they could not let us get to.
02:03And for you to have an idea, look,
02:05here are the waste, in the red bags,
02:08which, unfortunately, the water dragged here.
02:10Here you have a…
02:11A PAF, for example, Antonio.
02:13More serious still, with pathological waste that can…
02:16It must be all contaminated.
02:18It must be taken as if everything is contaminated.
02:21The immediate risks are these, generally.
02:24And then there are risks that, over time, add up,
02:27because all this displaces a lot of rodents and vectors of diseases,
02:31such as…
02:33With the zoonoses that we have in the region,
02:36the risk increases, the risk that is present.
02:38For example, leptospirosis.
02:39Leptospirosis is typical of flooded areas.
02:42When we see it, it is.
02:43In certain areas of the country, in this area,
02:46it is an area where it is present,
02:49when the rodents proliferate and displace it in its midst,
02:52because you have to think that it also flooded the nests
02:55of rodents and different mammals,
02:57so that zoonoses can also appear and bother.
03:01And then other diseases,
03:03such as diseases transmitted by mosquitoes,
03:05which luckily we have very little activity this year,
03:07but in the next few weeks it may appear.
03:09There we depend a lot on the climate, right?
03:11And luckily this happened, at least not with extreme climates,
03:17but it would have been in winter, let's say, with cold,
03:19where we would have added the risks of hypothermia to all this, yes?
03:22But hey, it's terrible what we're seeing, the truth is not.
03:25Where are you, Alejandro, now?
03:28Let's start moving.
03:31We are in this part of the entrance,
03:32that we do not let ourselves be amazed by the amount, well,
03:34of things that are thrown.
03:35The contamination is going to be very serious,
03:37it will take a long time.
03:38In the background, what you see is part of the videos
03:42that have traveled from Neo with the flooded nurses,
03:44trying to get the water out,
03:46trying to save the babies.
03:48They just saw one of the beds,
03:50of those they had seen,
03:52that they are trying to restore.
03:54They are washing them to see if,
03:56when they connect them,
03:58once dry, they turn on.
04:00The incubators, the beds of Neo.
04:02And the other situation is what they just said.
04:05Look, let's move over here.
04:07Come here, Juan.
04:09Look, let's move and keep going,
04:11when volunteers continue to clean.
04:14Look, so you have an idea,
04:17how the mud was sweeping everything.
04:22Here there were some benches,
04:24and a place for people,
04:26well, this swept it.
04:28It's okay, they're there,
04:30on the other end, Antonio.
04:32But hey, here, if the water came,
04:34there was a meter, a meter and a half of water,
04:37that swept everything that was in its way.
04:40Then I came back, when you can.
04:43I am still impacting the amount of mud,
04:45sediments that have accumulated.
04:47They are taking out,
04:49there are people shoveling,
04:51trying to get it out.
04:53But you have 50 centimeters of mud accumulation.
04:56Or more, Antonio.
04:59Nacho, what is that?
05:01The image is terrible, look.
05:03Yes, where are you inside the hospital?
05:06Have you already left?
05:08This is the parking of the entrance to the guard, Antonio.
05:11Look, there is the reception entrance,
05:13there is the entrance to the guard,
05:15and this is the parking of the entrance to the guard.
05:19This, which luckily I have boots,
05:21I'm stepping on, is already cloacal water, Antonio.
05:23The smell is very strong,
05:25and the color is noticeable, obviously.
05:27This is what we were talking about.
05:29This is what you said, the contamination.
05:31I don't know how to use this.
05:33This is very dangerous.
05:35First, try to recover the environmental sanitation,
05:38and then the exposed populations,
05:40obviously they have to be displaced,
05:42and try to prevent everything that can be done.
05:44Because what is coming is the next few weeks,
05:46also, regarding the flood.
05:48We will see this in time.
05:50This is the immediate thing.
05:52But from the State, what can you do?
05:55Displace people, I don't know.
05:57I say nonsense, but I don't know.
05:59And vaccines that you can...
06:01Well, many times in this situation,
06:03attention centers are established,
06:05vaccination centers are established.
06:07You have to reinforce the vaccines,
06:09in these cases, for example,
06:11against hepatitis A, against tetanus,
06:13against diseases that are also exposed,
06:15because here there are many people who suffer
06:17different types of wounds, polytraumas,
06:19apart from oral fecal contamination,
06:21which we see in all this.
06:23You have to be very attentive to symptoms,
06:25to everything that is prevention in this,
06:27and to the management of food, safe water, clothes,
06:29everything that comes now for prevention.
06:31You have to take into account everything that was in contact
06:33with the water, you have to think that it is contaminated.
06:35And then what?
06:37If it can be sterilized, sterilize it,
06:39and if not, discard it, unfortunately.
06:41And that it is well marked where we discard it,
06:43so that another person does not go looking for it too.
06:45I come back to you, Nacho,
06:47prepare yourself for meteorology,
06:49to see what is coming.
06:51Meteorology is quite important.
06:53I tell you that now, Antonio,
06:5516.6 degrees is the temperature
06:57over Bahía Blanca,
06:59on a day that starts well,
07:01but from the afternoon it will become very windy,
07:03first in the west sector and then in the south,
07:05and towards the end of the afternoon,
07:07bar night,
07:09there is a probability of some lightning.
07:11Let's say that the rain that is expected
07:13is of little millimeter,
07:15but there is a probability of lightning,
07:17the maximum before
07:19that the wind increases so much
07:21and that the weather begins to improve,
07:23it will reach 25 degrees.
07:25That is, a warm afternoon,
07:27with a mixture of sun and clouds.
07:29And I am going to show you
07:31because a very weak cold front
07:33will be passing,
07:35accompanied by some rains,
07:37which here are seen in blue color,
07:39which will be affecting both Bahía Blanca
07:41and the area of ​​Tres Arroyos,
07:43areas that at this time are still
07:45flooded under water,
07:47so to speak,
07:49it will be moving towards the rest of the province of Buenos Aires
07:51and will reach the federal capital
07:53tomorrow morning.
07:55So the only day with a probability of rain
07:57is today, between the end of the afternoon and the night,
07:59the rains would not accumulate
08:01more than 5 millimeters over the region
08:03of Bahía Blanca.
08:05Thank you Nacho. Ale, we are outside
08:07the hospital,
08:09we have been asked to leave
08:11the hospital,
08:13there we are outside,
08:15we are in the parking lot
08:17and we see all the waste
08:19of material that will not
08:21be able to be used,
08:23we see probes,
08:25we see diapers,
08:27all kinds of supplies,
08:29one of the pharmacies,
08:31the supplies for first aid
08:33were here,
08:35in the part of the basement
08:37too, and everything was lost.
08:39This is a very painful loss
08:41because there is a lot of material
08:43for people to heal,
08:45things of intensive care
08:47that are being discarded at this time.
08:49Ramiro. Yes, well,
08:51obviously this affects more
08:53the most vulnerable,
08:55to the extremes of age, to people with chronic diseases,
08:57in this case to hospitalized people,
08:59and to people
09:01also more socially excluded,
09:03or with less resources.
09:05Here it seems urgent to me that you have to create
09:07hospitals, talk to the army,
09:09campaign hospitals, because you have to continue to attend,
09:11you have to redouble
09:13the attention.
09:15And then there are also problems due to the interruption
09:17of the attention of chronic diseases.
09:19Many people left their homes
09:21without their medication,
09:23people who live with type 2 diabetes,
09:25people who live with respiratory diseases,
09:27who are repressed in this case,
09:29people who have EPOC, people who have asthma,
09:31people who need support for their chronic diseases,
09:33for example oxygen supply,
09:35who live with oxygen.
09:37Of course, but for all that,
09:39knowing it, you also have to turn
09:41everything that has to do
09:43back. I insist on this,
09:45here there is no nation or province that does it together,
09:47there is no way.
09:49This is an effort, it has to be the whole country and receive help from abroad.
09:51Because there you have to turn everything that is medical attention,
09:53locate patients,
09:55set up centers of care.
09:57And set up networks of care with what is there,
09:59with what you can, with resources
10:01from here, from abroad, wherever necessary, because this
10:03the days that pass,
10:05they are putting in evidence more and more problems
10:07to health.
10:09Alejandro, I continue to travel with you to Valladolid.
10:11I don't know if you got close to the area.
10:13Yes, we are going to try to
10:15enter the part
10:17that they are taking out of the mud.
10:19It is also very difficult to know
10:21where to step.
10:23It is uncomfortable because
10:25one thinks it is firm and suddenly
10:27you sink.
10:29That situation is very complex.
10:31The issue that was just said,
10:33the ectopirosis and others,
10:35I have had the flood in Brazil
10:37that we have had to medicate
10:39for the number of
10:41dead animals.
10:43We will have to do it again now.
10:45The one that was in the area of ​​Puerto Alegre.
10:47Exactly, I have had to be there.
10:49A lot of contact with the water, just like here.
10:53And well, we are going to have to
10:55medicate now before we leave.
10:57They are two compressions
10:59that must be taken,
11:01that prevent one from
11:03obviously affecting.
11:07Still entering and draining water.
11:11And this is also serious
11:13because it does not stop draining water.
11:15There are still affected places
11:17and buildings that are draining
11:19because the water ends up
11:21leaking here.
11:23Still draining water to this pyramid
11:25that continues to form here.
11:27This is what dragged the water.
11:29If I was standing here, I would get caught in the mud
11:31and I would not be able to get out.
11:33Look at the height.
11:35At the height of the waist.
11:37Terrible, terrible.
11:39Let me ...
11:41I'm going to look for Valeria.
11:43You were yesterday ...
11:45Vallablanca, they are all desperate
11:47in the search for people who are still
11:49uncommunicated and two Hecker sisters,
11:51two little girls who had taken refuge
11:53in a truck that unfortunately
11:55the driver of that truck
11:57appeared dead.
11:59Valeria, let's remember that.
12:01Yes, Antonio Delfina and Pilar Hecker
12:03of 1 and 5 years
12:05who were crossing
12:07Route 3 with their family
12:09when they were dragged by the current
12:11when they wanted to go
12:13to a van of a man
12:15who was there, who wanted to help them
12:17and who finally, yesterday,
12:19unfortunately, appeared dead.
12:21But I want you to look at the images
12:23that Ale Pueblas recorded there,
12:25as you said.
12:27This is where the girls wanted to go
12:29together with their family
12:31when they were rolled up by the current
12:33of water. Look how far
12:35the water reaches at this time
12:37in the truck. So
12:39the water level at that time
12:41on Friday will have been
12:43almost by the roof. These are images
12:45taken by Ale who was
12:47in that place and anguish grows
12:49because still of Delfina
12:51and Pilar, these little girls,
12:53nothing is known. Although the father
12:55and the mother of these girls
12:57appeared and were found in a refuge
12:59and could be rescued,
13:01these girls still do not know
13:05There we are, Alejandro, there we are
13:07seeing images of yours yesterday
13:09and the rafting that
13:11were done in those areas of
13:13flooding, well, they gave negative.
13:15So there is no news
13:17of the little girls.
13:19Yes, in principle,
13:21in the morning hours we passed
13:23and they were dragging us.
13:25We entered yesterday before the
13:27rafting arrived hours later.
13:29When they reached 20 meters
13:31from us, unfortunately they found
13:33Ruben's body. There is
13:35a truck driver still taking care of his truck
13:37that dragged him into the water and left him on a
13:39terrapin and many vehicles
13:41overturned. In that place is already the second
13:43body that is found. On the day
13:45of the flood, a man whose car
13:47overturned, was trapped between the tracks
13:49and the body was found hours later
13:51by the truck driver who has saved
13:53his life by miracle only because he closed the
13:55truck and was able to put
13:57rags on the doors of the truck
13:59and begged him not to explode the windows because
14:01the water exceeded the height of the windshield.
14:03Well, that man
14:05has been stranded there and is
14:07waiting to be rescued.
14:09And if we go back to Calpena where we are now,
14:11they are now making
14:13practically a well inside the hospital
14:15of the amount of land there is.
14:17It looks like they are doing an excavation.
14:19Look how they take out
14:21in carts and in those ...
14:23Look, there they are going to throw water.
14:25Look at the mud.
14:27It's full.
14:29In those pits that were in the hospital kitchen.
14:31Yes, full, full of mud
14:33that they are not going to finish removing.
14:35They will be many days
14:37trying to collect the amount
14:39of mud that is inside the hospital
14:41Pena. Ramiro, we are
14:43forgetting, of course, another
14:45tension, which is psychological.
14:47It is described, let's say, obviously,
14:49after all these events, situations
14:51as soon as we are living
14:53and in the long term, post-traumatic stress,
14:55anxiety disorder,
14:57depression, mainly because of
14:59family losses,
15:01loved ones,
15:03economic losses too.
15:05And fear. And fear. And after all the people
15:07who are going to work on this, it is also described
15:09in the people who help, rescuers and everything,
15:11all these situations.
15:13All that this generates are tragedies.
15:15We were talking a little while ago with
15:17Adolfo, who is a hydraulic engineer,
15:19about the issue of alerts.
15:21How do you build
15:23an efficient
15:25alert system?
15:27Because the weather service
15:29had anticipated what was coming.
15:33In medical terms,
15:35what is missing?
15:37Because obviously
15:39we as a society are not aware
15:41what a red alert means,
15:43or there are not enough warnings.
15:45And we see it in different situations.
15:47In what are
15:49climatic disasters or
15:51extreme climatic situations.
15:53We saw it a little while ago with the heat,
15:55that alerts are issued.
15:57We experienced it with extreme cold,
15:59in some situations.
16:01We experienced it with weather problems,
16:03as we experience now.
16:05The issue is that sometimes it is true.
16:07We do not always dimension what happens
16:09until it happens, let's say.
16:11In this, I think it was...
16:13I am not an expert in this,
16:15but I think it was...
16:17We did not expect what happened.
16:19No, no, well, this is...
16:21Adolfo also told us that
16:23there is no work.
16:25The health system
16:27responds to this
16:29with what we can,
16:31with what we are doing now,
16:33that the medical staff is organized,
16:35non-medical staff,
16:37to try to contain.
16:39But it is very difficult
16:41to handle these things.
16:43Even the experience we gain in these situations.
16:45Where do you start walking, Alejandro?
16:47Antonio, we are going to enter
16:49the part of the kitchen.
16:51The mud is gelatinous.
16:53It is very difficult to pass.
16:55But is that what you were stepping on?
16:57In theory, what is it?
16:59Is it a sidewalk?
17:01Mud that brought the water.
17:03No, no, I know, but...
17:05No, down there is the asphalt part.
17:07Where one can park.
17:09But we are talking about a meter and a half of mud.
17:11To be able to arrive.
17:13Hello, how are you?
17:15Are you from here, from the hospital?
17:17We are working.
17:19Wait a minute.
17:21Yes, I work here in the kitchen.
17:23This is the kitchen.
17:25We are going to enter the hospital kitchen
17:27so you can see the work
17:29they are doing
17:31and the situation.
17:35Look from here,
17:37which is the first corridor,
17:39so you can see how it is.
17:41Part of the kitchen
17:43of the hospital.
17:45How they are lighting up with cell phones.
17:47And in the middle of the darkness
17:49trying to get mud
17:53from almost all places
17:55as they can.
17:57The food, save what you can.
17:59Well, here is one of the cameras.
18:01Look at the mud mark.
18:03This is the mark.
18:05I don't know how long
18:07they can take to get all this out.
18:09What you just saw.
18:11Without emergency lights.
18:13Antonio, I have to say it.
18:15Lighting up with cell phones.
18:17Well, it's very precarious the way they are cleaning.
18:19Are you a cook, ma'am?
18:21I am the kitchen manager
18:23and she is from the company of Buenos Aires that arrived.
18:25They are with cell phone lights in a very precarious way.
18:27Very precarious.
18:29And besides, I'm going to show you
18:31the emergency lights.
18:33We can't even walk.
18:35Our pantry was completely destroyed.
18:37The part where we have the groceries.
18:39The freezer turned it upside down.
18:41It broke everything.
18:43We didn't save a single freezer.
18:45The groceries, as you can see,
18:47it's all turned upside down.
18:49The freezers were all thrown away.
18:51Look, let's do this image.
18:53We left because people are working like this
18:55with everything lost and without help.
18:57We have to say it, unfortunately.
18:59We couldn't get the mud out.
19:01We didn't save anything.
19:03This is the storage of the groceries, Antonio,
19:05where they keep the food
19:07and the freezers and everything else
19:09that has been destroyed.
19:11We were able to get in here.
19:13Now what, Ale?
19:15Nobody came to help them.
19:17They are working like this.
19:19What a shame for the people in the hospital, right?
19:21Because they are working in the dark.
19:23They didn't even send emergency lights.
19:25And there are people...
19:27We couldn't save anything because
19:29what little was left got wet like rice.
19:31The groceries got swollen.
19:33The freezers are gone.
19:35They didn't come to bring emergency lights.
19:37The situation is critical.
19:39If somewhere they publish the help,
19:41it didn't get here.
19:43There is no kitchen in a hospital
19:45as important as this one.
19:47We are talking about the people
19:49who are cleaning, the people
19:51who work in the hospital,
19:53the people who work in the kitchen.
19:55They are cleaning their work area.
19:57It's not a cleaning team
19:59that they sent.
20:01It's the same people
20:03who are in the hospital
20:05and they don't even have
20:07emergency lights.
20:09Of course, they don't...
20:11They are the same workers.
20:13The same people who work here.
20:15What got flooded in their homes?
20:17They are cleaning the hospital.
20:19They are now taking out mud.
20:21In the dark.
20:25Are there people in the hospital?
20:27Yes, there are some.
20:29There are those who come to get dialysis.
20:31Who else is there?
20:33Dialysis, where else?
20:37There are also people in the surgical clinic.
20:39They are still getting food.
20:41They are still getting food
20:43under these conditions?
20:45In another place?
20:47They are still working and cooking.
20:49We are cooking for 900 people.
20:51We are not cooking for the people
20:53who came from the Ministry.
20:55We are cooking for everyone.
20:57Those people should bring
20:59emergency lights
21:01and good equipment
21:03to be able to finish cleaning.
21:05As a company, we are going to buy everything.
21:07We take care of everything.
21:09As a company, we take care of everything.
21:11They are going to try to take care of that
21:13because this part of Antonio
21:15has been devastated.
21:17We can see it.
21:19With cell phone lights,
21:21you can imagine.
21:23In the dark, you find people
21:25with a shovel, a dryer,
21:27and a cart.
21:29The people are wonderful.
21:31They have their house flooded,
21:33they are employees there,
21:35and they are cleaning as best they can.
21:37The people who work in the kitchen
21:39are the ones who are cleaning.
21:41And in turn, they are still cooking.
21:43And in turn, they are still cooking.
21:45For 900 people.
21:48Here is another one of the warehouses.
21:50Everything is covered in mud.
21:52We are going to go back
21:54to the main part, Antonio.
21:56We don't want to go in anymore
21:58so as not to complicate the work.
22:00Juan is going to show you around.
22:02While you go outside,
22:04I'm going to give Dario a pass.
22:06There is a post by
22:08Giorgio Ameloni on this issue.
22:10Yes, because the catastrophe
22:12obviously transcends the Argentine borders.
22:14And the first important leader
22:16who has spoken about this situation
22:18is the Italian Prime Minister.
22:20I express my deepest condolences
22:22for the victims of the floods
22:24that affected some cities in Argentina.
22:26The Italian government is renewing
22:28its support for the Argentine authorities
22:30committed to the rescue and assistance
22:32to the affected population.
22:34We are talking about a Prime Minister
22:36of a country like Italy,
22:38which has in turn its most important
22:40community abroad,
22:42one of its most important in the world,
22:44more than 400,000 Italians,
22:46and obviously a government
22:48very aligned and very close
22:50to that of Javier Milei.
22:52Hence the importance of this message,
22:54which is one of the earliest
22:56to arrive abroad.
23:00Alejandro Pueblas just mentioned
23:02and I'll leave you an image.
23:06Dialysis is still being done
23:08in the hospital Pena, as you can see.
23:10This is one of the most affected
23:12by the displacement
23:14of patients.
23:16Then there is the access
23:18to dialysis places.
23:20Most people do dialysis
23:22in an ambulatory way,
23:24that is, they are at home
23:26and are going to visit a dialysis center.
23:28All this is discontinued at the moment
23:30and it is necessary to reorganize
23:32and move patients.
23:34The dialysis of the person
23:36who has terminal chronic kidney disease
23:38requires periodic dialysis.
23:40Some sessions.
23:42Generally people have two or three
23:44weekly sessions, most of them.
23:46Or sometimes four,
23:48if necessary.
23:50But it is ...
23:52You can have a session,
23:54but not several in a row.
23:56So it is very important to diagnose
23:58these patients.
24:00In addition, they are vulnerable patients
24:02with other diseases.
24:06Antonio, this is the buffet
24:08that they do in Nogoya 3045.
24:10It is the buffet that
24:12usually works
24:14so that the fans
24:16and people who come here
24:18to practice some sport at the headquarters
24:20are seated. Here is the kitchen
24:22also behind. It is all
24:24dedicated to receiving donations
24:26and gathering.
24:28It is all separated by clothes,
24:30diapers, mattresses,
24:32footwear. On the other side
24:34there are food and drinking water.
24:36There are bottles and water
24:38packaged. There are remedies,
24:40floor cloths, laundry.
24:42I tell you that
24:44the amount is impressive, right?
24:46Yes, now you have to take it.
24:48There is a lack of logistics.
24:50Yes, ah, look.
24:52Speaking of that, the gendarmerie truck
24:54was going to come tomorrow, but as it is
24:58focused on going and coming
25:00and the transfer of
25:02merchandise and things to
25:04help, the day stipulated
25:06is Thursday.
25:08It does not have a schedule yet, but it would be
25:10Thursday the day
25:12to upload all this merchandise
25:14to the truck and start the trip
25:16to Bahia. What they are asking here
25:18from the headquarters is that when they have the
25:20schedule, notify the people,
25:22the fans and the hosts
25:24and the people of the neighborhood
25:26if they can come to collaborate
25:28to be able to upload all this to the truck.
25:30Because I tell you, it is a lot,
25:32it is a lot of weight, a lot of quantity
25:34and you also have to organize it, right?
25:36Although it is organized here,
25:38you also have to organize how to
25:40accommodate everything in the truck
25:42so that this Thursday
25:44the aid can leave for Bahia.
25:46Yes, because in one of the parishes
25:48that has gathered the most donations
25:50in Caballito, what they are asking
25:54trucks, because they have no way
25:56to get it out and in the middle, well, here
25:58it is under the roof, in the parish it is
26:00and luckily in front there is not much
26:02rain forecast, but it rains something
26:04and donations end up being ruined
26:06too, so
26:08it is a very important logistical issue,
26:10trucks that are needed,
26:12beyond the army trucks, prefecture
26:14those that
26:16of course what the dependencies
26:18or state bodies can put
26:20and if not, companies that can help
26:22with the transport to get
26:24all the donations. Also
26:26remember that tonight the train would be leaving
26:28from Constitución
26:30also with six wagons, type van
26:32to take the donations there.
26:34Yes, look here
26:36there is another room
26:38to the right of where we were
26:40and I want to show you this place
26:42which is the end of a corridor where
26:44the bags reach the ceiling.
26:46People enter,
26:48others directly pass and deliver
26:50their bag at the door because they cannot
26:52follow or find a place to park.
26:54But I tell you, they have received a lot,
26:56a lot of help. What people are asked
26:58is that they bring everything marked,
27:00identified, because
27:02here they also order,
27:04but I tell you, it is a lot of work
27:06also if they have to
27:08organize bag by bag
27:10or to pass things from one bag to another.
27:12I say so that everything comes out
27:14and is thus loaded into the truck,
27:16as it is. Paula, thank you.
27:18We are going to another of the areas that I was just
27:20counting there in Caballito,
27:22one of the parishes that
27:24has received the most donations.
27:26Mr. Fabián Rubino.
27:28This is the parish of Cacupé
27:30in the middle of the neighborhood of Caballito.
27:32We reiterate Rivadavia
27:34at 4800 in front of the park
27:36precisely Rivadavia and here
27:38some vehicles have arrived.
27:40The truth is that people are very supportive.
27:42This young man who has arrived with a kind of
27:44big truck, it is not a truck.
27:46You told me that you are from Bahía Blanca,
27:48that you made a trip to the capital for work reasons
27:50and that you have to go back and that you took advantage of it.
27:52Of course, I take advantage of the trip
27:54to take what little
27:56I get in the truck.
27:58So we take advantage
28:00to get to the most
28:02in need what is needed there.
28:04Where are you taking it to?
28:06What place in particular are they going to tell you?
28:08In particular they are going to tell me here in the parish.
28:10I don't know what place in particular
28:12I have to leave it, but
28:14I wait for the father's indications.
28:16Did the weather catch you here in Buenos Aires?
28:18No, I got caught in Bahía Blanca.
28:20The truth is that it is very bad.
28:22I mean, it's a catastrophe.
28:24Did you get the water out of the house?
28:26No, because it rained in the apartment.
28:28But yes, I lost vehicles,
28:30yes, loved ones
28:32with the water
28:34very high inside the home
28:36and well, they lost everything.
28:38So I'm going to start again.
28:40So let's go. Look Antonio, this is important.
28:44selected clothes
28:46and what you said, thank goodness we don't have
28:48a rain forecast because we have
28:50a lot of mattresses in bad weather.
28:52And this is very important.
28:54Fabián, thank you very much.
28:56See you later.
28:58Ramiro, we'll let you go.
29:00Thank you for your patience.
29:02Thank you for the invitation.
29:04Alejandro Puebla,
29:06I'll be back with you there.
29:08Antonio, they're still,
29:10well, it's going to be repetitive,
29:12but they're still removing mud.
29:14It's impressive
29:16what they're losing.
29:18The mountain you're going to see here
29:20is not empty boxes.
29:22They are all boxes with supplies that are no longer useful.
29:24They are
29:26gas, probes, medicines,
29:28well, all things
29:30that in that deposit,
29:32unfortunately, look, there they throw another box.
29:34Everything is no longer useful.
29:36What is there is no longer useful.
29:38Now a truck is going to come
29:40with a backhoe shovel
29:42to take
29:44this basement, which unfortunately
29:46is lost.
29:48The figures, if you also talk about the economy,
29:50the amount of materials
29:52that are being thrown
29:54in those boxes
29:56that are there,
29:58others open, others full of mud.
30:00Well, the deposit that was in that place
30:02full of supplies
30:04is already pure mud.
30:06And we see how they throw everything
30:08out of that corner to re-enter
30:10with a supermarket
30:12that has given them
30:14to do this job,
30:16plus the wheelbarrows
30:18and throw everything in that deposit.
30:20Well, the images are one
30:22stronger than the other
30:24and honestly
30:26it hurts, it hurts to see this, it hurts to see the hospital
30:28knowing that it is still working
30:30in a part with electrical groups
30:32because there is no electricity
30:34and in any way possible.
30:36The mud has covered everything.
30:38I now stand on another mountain of mud,
30:40Antonio tells me that one advances
30:42and it is impressive to imagine
30:44if one had been here for some reason
30:46without leaving, the mud would have caught him.
30:48That image is terrible.
30:50It's a lull, honestly.
30:54Do you see the size
30:56of the volume that
30:58the accumulated mud has,
31:00mud, sediment?
31:02It's dramatic because
31:04I don't know,
31:06if you don't get this out now,
31:08it seems that you have to
31:10because they need it.
31:14A lot of structure.
31:16Thanks for the Bahía Blanca,
31:18who came to give a hand,
31:20to let people know what is really going on.
31:22It's complicated,
31:24we came now, the guys,
31:26to talk with Pena,
31:28because we are a cooperative,
31:30all cooperatives are working,
31:32giving a hand in Bahía,
31:34but also all the neighbors
31:36This is not shown.
31:38Because, I don't know,
31:40I don't blame anyone.
31:44a group from Buenos Aires is coming,
31:46they are organizing from Mar del Plata
31:48to come and help
31:50because they really need help.
31:52They are all helping,
31:54but I don't know why it is not shown.
31:56We are working,
31:58today the neighbors, the guys from the university
32:00asked me for my daughter,
32:02I feel that when it is shown,
32:04and I feel that many times,
32:06if we have been able to come
32:08with a communal effort,
32:10why doesn't the help come?
32:12It's unfortunate,
32:14I've been walking 15 blocks,
32:16because we don't have a bus,
32:18there is no Uber,
32:20because there is no NASTA,
32:22we go out to look for NASTA
32:24at the service stations,
32:26we have two,
32:28they are saturated,
32:3020, 30 blocks of NASTA
32:32to help,
32:34but everything happens for the same,
32:36it costs us everything,
32:38but I don't know why the help doesn't come.
32:40I know it is coming,
32:42but it doesn't reach.
32:44Thank you,
32:48I'm sorry to interrupt you,
32:50but I think this is key.
32:52The help is coming,
32:54but of course,
32:56nothing reaches.
32:58That's why we emphasize
33:00that, luckily,
33:02I think that
33:04the campaign and everything
33:06was put aside,
33:08and these nations and provinces,
33:10there is no other alternative,
33:12because what this person says is true,
33:14and the help, yes,
33:16is coming,
33:18but the damage is so great
33:20that nothing reaches,
33:22but it's okay,
33:24it's logical that they feel that way.
33:26I think it's wonderful
33:30people helping each other,
33:32and people with their houses
33:34full of water,
33:36I've seen people saying
33:38I'm going to help the hospital,
33:40I'm going to help a dining room,
33:42but your house is full of water,
33:44well, it doesn't matter,
33:46no one died here,
33:48and they are going to help
33:50the places where they are in this way.
33:52The hospital here is now in complications
33:54of serving people,
33:56and that's going to be a problem
33:58if this arrangement is not done
34:00quickly as it is being tried to do
34:02with the hands of the neighbors.
34:06Alejandro, thank you.
34:08In a little while I'll be back with you,
34:10and we'll add you, of course.
