GH- 3-6-25 - Sonny vs Tracy Part 4-4
00:00that was the most impressive thing i've seen you do yet wait what it took a lot of nerve to define
00:06me and you've done it twice once in defensive scout and just now there's a lot more to you
00:12than meets the eye my family would learn from your example thank you for saying that i know
00:20you have your reasons for how you feel about sunny but so do i that is undoubtedly true
00:30it was really hard for me when my mom passed but uncle sonny made sure that i was okay
00:37some days it it was it really wasn't and i aunt lois obviously helped too but
00:46uncle sonny made sure that i i was always good
00:52sonny's very loyal to the people he cares about
00:55about yeah but then my mom it was like i was spinning but sonny supported my love of music
01:04and it gave me a purpose i can't tell you how many violin recitals and concerts he sat through but
01:14i don't know what i would have done without him
01:16it doesn't matter how old you are it's always really painful to lose your mother
01:24just as sonny is loyal to the people that he cares about
01:29geo so am i and my interaction with sonny today had less to do with my
01:38obvious dislike of him and more to do with my concern for you
01:46i'm glad we talked about this we do and as for dismissing your opinions about a scout and
01:56drew i i misspoke i i'm sorry i said what i said it's fine i i overstepped i regret what i said
02:06scout is very lucky to have someone like you looking out for her and while i certainly
02:12understand the reasons for your loyalty to sonny i i just hope that it never ends up costing you
02:22someday alexis give me a call when you can yeah i got a a signed document from geo for you and diane
02:34uh yeah and listen i'll just send it over as soon as you call
02:45before you say anything tracy is wrong and i am here to apologize on behalf of everyone who isn't
02:52her she had no right to stick her nose into whatever arrangement you and geo got going on
02:56i don't give a damn what tracy thinks of me i just want you to have the best possible life
03:03he can have let me ask you a question you think i should stay away from him you know in the past