• 2 days ago
GH- 3-6-25 - Ric & Portia Part 2-2


00:00Take a breath
00:01Okay, all right
00:03Let me do some research. I can assess the personal and professional fallout of your actions should you be exposed
00:10And what do I do in the meantime just keep this to yourself, okay?
00:13I as hard as that's gonna be do not tell Curtis at least not right now
00:18as far as Drew is concerned just
00:20Just stall him string him along make him think that you're gonna give him to all of his demands
00:26Okay, you're right. I think you're right about not telling Curtis the truth. Yeah, just for now right just for now, but
00:33Curtis knows how I feel about true if I'm all of a sudden sympathetic towards him. He's gonna know that something's up
00:39Yeah, well you're gonna have to be subtle
00:42Finesse your husband the smallest way possible make Drew think that you are pressing Curtis as hard as you can
00:49That's exactly what Ava said
00:51Well, Ava's a very smart woman
00:54And unfortunately, this is your only choice right now
00:59Drew has to be completely convinced that you are playing by his rules
01:10Where's the fire counselor, huh? Oh, no fire. I just I got a lot to do
01:15You find who you were looking for earlier
01:18Yeah, yeah, I did it was Portia
01:21I'm sorry. I just I gotta get going. I'll see you later. I
01:27Got you text
01:34Okay, I assume that means that you've given my offer some thought I
01:40Have I have
01:43And as long as you agree not to tell what you know, I will absolutely do what you ask
01:48I'll convince Curtis to have a meeting with you so that you guys can bury the hatchet and mend your friendship
01:58Glad you finally came to your senses believe me
