(Adnkronos) - Ssn promosso con riserva, liste d'attesa e carenza medici principali criticità. Il 62% degli italiani è soddisfatto del Servizio sanitario nazionale, ma la gran parte di loro non lo è pienamente: il 46% ritiene sia necessario rafforzare il sistema pubblico e il 12% quello privato per rispondere ai bisogni di salute. Le criticità maggiori si riscontrano nelle liste d'attesa, nella carenza di personale e nella disomogeneità dell'offerta sanitaria a livello regionale. Sono solo alcuni dei dati che emergono dal sondaggio Ipsos 'Priorità e aspettative degli italiani per un nuovo Ssn, presentato alla settima edizione di Inventing for Life Health Summit, dedicato al tema 'Investing for Life: la Salute conta, organizzato da Msd Italia. Il sondaggio mostra che Salute e la Sanità restano in cima alle priorità per il 74% degli italiani e ritiene che siano i settori sui quali il Governo dovrebbe investire di più e più urgentemente.
00:00Priorities and expectations of the Italians for a new national health system.
00:09This is the title of the Ipsos poll, presented in Rome on the occasion of the 7th edition of the Inventing for Life Health Summit,
00:15dedicated to the theme Investing for Life, Health and Accounts, organized by MSD Italy.
00:20Among the main data from the poll, health and health remains a priority for 74% of Italians,
00:27who believe to be the sectors on which the government should invest more and more urgently.
00:32However, while still satisfied with the national health service, citizens point out criticism.
00:38In particular, the long waiting lists that the minister also mentioned,
00:43as among other things the focus of some solutions already in place, and the lack of medical and health staff.
00:53This, however, is not an obstacle to the improvement of some elements,
01:01including greater benevolence towards vaccines,
01:09greater awareness of the usefulness of preventive practices,
01:15and an adherence to the digitization of medicine, which facilitates interactions between doctor and patient.
01:26The key message of the meeting, according to MSD Italy,
01:29is linked to the opportunity to see in health a new glue and a new asset for the economic and social growth of Italy and Europe.
01:36I also think that it is well understood that health matters.
01:41It matters because the industrial sector of health, the pharmaceutical sector,
01:45is the sector that guides the growth of our country,
01:49it is the sector that guides the growth of Europe,
01:52and from a social point of view it is also an extraordinary opportunity,
01:57because in the face of demographic changes, in the face of new challenges,
02:01and also of policies and divisions that we must face,
02:06the opportunity to have a healthy population is a guarantee for a growth in prosperity.
02:13Francesco Saverio Mennini, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Programming,
02:17Devices and Health Professions of the Ministry of Health,
02:20explained what are the indicators to be taken into account when it comes to national health spending.
02:25Unfortunately, we always refer to this relationship of health spending on the GDP,
02:29forgetting that it is the GDP that makes it the master,
02:33because it is at the denominator, and by now everyone, including other economists,
02:37have widely demonstrated that this is not the indicator to take into account,
02:41also because a simulation that we did a short time ago,
02:45only by putting the GDP of 2022 at the denominator and on the spending of 2024,
02:50we had exceeded 7% of the GDP,
02:54so this means that these are two random measures
02:58that cannot be taken into account to see how much is being spent.
03:02Rather, we have to look at the relationship of health spending on GDP,
03:06from which we see that Italy in the last two years has quickly approached the line of regression,
03:12so we are approaching the level of spending that we can afford to spend.
03:18Still, if we make a comparison on health spending,
03:22it is always said that we spend much less than France and Germany,
03:26but in reality the differential on GDP is lower than the differential between the GDP of these two countries,
03:36so we actually spend, as GDP, if we read these data,
03:41even a little more than France and Germany in relation to the GDP that we have and the GDP that they have.