• 2 days ago
The Miami Herald’s Barry Jackson reports Miami Dolphins would like to keep Bradley Chubb but on a restructured deal on their terms. We review Chris Grier's history with injured players... How much does Tyreek Hill have to prove this season? What AFC east teams will take a step to surpass the Fins?


00:00Got a story here from the Miami Herald about Bradley Chubb
00:06You try just throw it toss me a softball
00:11Softball, I mean, it's just a story about the Miami Dolphins star pass rusher Leroy, you know
00:19This is a lesson in football in general
00:24For all those people who say, you know football players make a lot of money if you get hurt
00:30They gonna get some of that money back
00:32Well, it's just regular
00:34You know, this is the cost of doing business and why?
00:40You have to be careful when you get mad at somebody that's asking for more money. That's all right my Bradley Chubb
00:46Huh? That's all you want to say about it. That's it. That's it. That's it. Um, you know, he go
00:53The I
00:56Think he'll redo it and save the team some money
01:00Because it's gonna be hard to recuperate any of the money that you would get from the Dolphins
01:07Without playing last year who's gonna pay you what? Yeah, so you might as well work
01:11And I think that's just the process of the way you get around
01:19Give him a check up front, right?
01:22So we say hey your how much he's supposed to make 20 million
01:27Yeah, like 19, but none of its guaranteed, right? So say hey
01:32This 19, you know, that's a pipe dream. Yeah, we can just toss that out. Okay. Here's what we'll do
01:40We give you a five million dollar check
01:45Guarantee that portion of it give you incentives. You maybe can get 10 to 12
01:52Because you haven't played last year so who's gonna
01:58Write and especially he's got a bit of an injury past as well. Oh
02:03Yeah, I like I don't understand
02:11Chris Greer
02:12Don't give a damn about injuries. He will sign you in a heartbeat because Bradley Chubb had those problems in Denver sure did
02:23So like yeah, I mean even you could say even as much with Tua
02:28You know, the only question I had went to it was getting drafted
02:31right and
02:33The way everybody talked to me through this was he's gonna redshirt the first year, right?
02:39That's the conversation we had but he had had some injuries and I question I say hey
02:44I don't know how good Tua is gonna be and right now he's you know, he's fine
02:51Fine but still dealing with injuries, right? But I'm
02:56one of those people
02:58that I would have a problem with
03:02One of the needs of the team you sign in a guy that's hurt
03:07Don't you need if you're Chris Greer
03:10For Bradley Chubb to work out like you have now been in a situation
03:14He cares about that because why why would he let so many guys walk?
03:18But you trade a first-round pick for him. It does like if you
03:22What's worse?
03:23Trading him for a guy with first-round pick or actually drafting the guy first
03:28but that's the point though if you're not gonna draft and then you're gonna start spending your arsenal of draft picks and
03:33Let's just say we were in a situation where Bradley Chubb wasn't here and let's say we're in a
03:39Situation where Tyreek Hill wasn't here. So it's like if you were Steven Ross and you sat back and be like, hold on one second
03:44Let me just get this straight. We're giving up all our stuff and we ain't got nothing to show
03:47We have nothing to show for it, right?
03:50so I feel like that kind of forces the hand of the GM to be like
03:56Man, I kind of need this one to work out and I would say this to you
04:01The way everybody has criticized him on the draft and
04:07him having players that actually worked and
04:11That he drafted and did really well and he let them walk
04:15I'm having a hard time believing that he's not that he's thinking about
04:21You know
04:23That aspect of it, which me per I told you before
04:28Look if people question my draft, I make damn sure that I keep my draft picks because it's a good look on you
04:36Yeah, I mean it's kind of incomplete right now like it's like I get he's got he's got some guys like I think chop looks
04:44Like he knocked out of the park with that one last year
04:46But the year before the campus went it looks like he's gonna be a complete bust
04:53The reason why I'm not ready to say that is because
04:58when somebody's drafted in
05:01In the second third round you are acknowledging that that player has talent but needs work
05:08Yeah, but they didn't have that first round. Was that the tampering first round pick?
05:11They didn't have Marcos or was that the Bradley Chubb first round?
05:14They didn't have I think it was the tampering one. They didn't have that year. That was a tampering one for sure
05:18Oh, that's that that was their first pick
05:24But even still to get nothing nothing, right, right, no, you know again
05:31Like I don't I would like to see I would like to think
05:38You could see a plan
05:42but for the life of me, I
05:45Can't figure out
05:48What a plan is when
05:51you do all this preparing to get players to get young players into your organization that are going to help you win and
05:59When those guys actually come in you let them walk. I don't know what the plan is. They're
06:04Waiting and waiting and waiting when listen, you could add Christian Wilkins for a lot cheaper than he ended up getting
06:12You could have had Austin Jackson for a lot less
06:16Than what he ended up signing for now. They got him. They signed Austin Jackson early
06:21No, I'm not talking about who walked. I'm sorry, huh?
06:25Huh? Yeah, Robert. Yeah, Robert, huh? I'm sorry. You let
06:29Robert hunt so when you think about
06:33especially on the offensive side of the ball
06:36How much these guys could have helped and you're telling? Oh, don't worry. We got a cheaper, you know
06:44Way of dealing with this and it didn't work out now we can go back and say
06:50Maybe you not re-signing Robert Hunt was a bigger deal than we let on maybe you not re-signing
06:57Christian Wilkins
06:59Was a bigger deal
07:02We tried to make up. Well, I think that's the thing is like
07:05I'm having trouble with the guy and I think of this is this is the the ire of most Dolphin fans with Chris Greer
07:13is like
07:15if I put it if I put in a box the things that he's good at and the things that he's bad or not like
07:19how many positive things can you look at and be like, this is what I have faith in for him to fix it and
07:26This is why I have no faith for him to fix it
07:28And I would say my number one is it feels like he's always either covering up or reacting to things
07:35He's never he's never on the front foot
07:37there never seems like there's a plan like
07:39One of them if we look in town to Bill Zito like one of the things you can look at is even with
07:43You know some forward it's like oh like like yesterday. They signed they bring in last year this year. Yes, we're boquist
07:50who's having like a
07:51A lower series playing on the minimum and they're like man. This guy looks like a player signed to an extension immediately
07:57They get him on the cheapskies, right? Like I guess what I'm saying?
08:01like all the other the things you're talking about with with Zito I
08:06Could take certain players and have the foresight
08:10to say let's get him under our
08:13control sooner and
08:16They had a lot of opportunities
08:19to do that, but what happened was
08:22when they started trading and
08:25Then extending guys, so you're talking about Tyreek you're talking about Chuck
08:32You're talking about
08:35Jalen Ramsey Jalen Ramsey, right you talk about those three guys
08:40You traded assets for him then brought him in and gave him
08:48leading money or top five money at their position
08:53You leave yourself open
08:56For the possibility of your homegrown talent. You can't keep
09:01Whereas the plan that started this right and and let's be let's be clear
09:10when he got Tyreek Hill
09:12Nobody wasn't thinking about the future
09:14when he got
09:16Jalen Ramsey nobody wasn't thinking about the future when he got
09:23When he got Chuck
09:25You may have questioned that pick but nobody was thinking about the future and now the future is here and
09:32now we're starting to go back and
09:35Talk about those moves when we weren't talking about
09:39Tyreek coming in or Bradley Chubb coming in or
09:44Or Jalen Ramsey we were not talking about as
09:47Best and me and you have this fight all the time because you don't care about
09:53About ramifications you want him. Mm-hmm. So he did that and now
10:01Almost paying the price for doing that because now you're young talent
10:07You can't resign so I don't know what the fix is
10:13He's had
10:15several draft picks
10:17Come through here
10:19That didn't work here and they're playing throughout the league
10:24So, I don't know what the answer is because if you then start signing your young talent
10:31it almost looks like you're
10:34You know
10:36Resetting and that's not what it is at all
10:40Yeah, but I get you but like look, okay, you you spend a lot of picks on Tyreek Hill
10:45but dude, like I was supposed to give credit for that like
10:50like any general manager in the league would obviously go get the the number one player in the NFL if he if they had if
10:55They had the means to go do it. Like it's not it's not a it's it's not one of those moves
10:59That's like oh man, that's a that's a career definer. Yeah, but now it's more of a career for it now
11:05Yeah, I guess I mean
11:07I think the bigger thing is is like are they gonna be in a situation where they have him unhappy and have a
11:13structure of
11:15You know having Tyreek Hill here under means where he can actually still be productive
11:19I don't think all of that is on Tyreek Hill the player
11:22I think you could look to the Miami Dolphins in their investment in their offensive line and their investment into their backup quarterback
11:29Right, and those are all things that the GM who is not just oh, I can go get the star receiver
11:34Tobes the GM could go do that. I'd be like, how many pigs do I have to give up for Tyreek Hill three?
11:38Boom, let's do it. Call me up
11:39I'm a GM and that's probably when he was at his highest
11:42His highest popularity was just the recklessness of F them pics
11:47Right, but now now now you're seeing the ramifications of that
11:54especially when you're not winning if
11:58You were winning and you had these struggles now
12:03We would have a different
12:06mindset, but you you said F those pigs and
12:10Now your team is older and there's certain positions that you need that require
12:18Continuity one is the offensive line where?
12:22Offensive line is not a plug-and-play thing
12:25You need a group of guys that play together
12:28And so that's how you build it through the draft
12:33You might add a couple of players here and there but you can't just go out and put an offensive line together
12:39They need some kind of continuity. So
12:42Some of the positions that in in here's where it gets tough
12:47for me
12:49because some of the
12:51Questions that we had about the team
12:54He told us don't worry about it. Yes, and they were big problems. Of course, so that were obvious problems, right?
13:02so so that is
13:06The issue right there like all the other stuff
13:10Worked out fine. I like I don't have problem with Jalen Ramsey. I don't have brought in John new Smith
13:17They've signed some good guys
13:20Okay, but everyone's going to have right some good guys
13:23It's the but it's really like it does it does feel like they're in a bleak spot and they had this like
13:30They should be at a spot right now Leroy where four years ago or five years ago really when Brian Flores was here
13:39Chris Greer got his chance to start revamping the roster with pigs by trading Laramie Tunsil. So how many years do you get?
13:47Along the way, of course, you're gonna have good stuff
13:49But I'd say he has more whiffs than then hits and I don't I think once you get to this point of the plan
13:55Where it's like, well that plan didn't work. It very clearly didn't work. They haven't won the division
14:00They haven't beat the Buffalo Bills. The Buffalo Bills have started breaking their team down and are still
14:07seemingly miles ahead of the Miami Dolphins and
14:10Yeah, you're in a position where all right
14:12The Jets are gonna have to revamp maybe the Patriots could even take a step ahead of the Dolphins this year
14:16You don't know right? It seems like all the other teams
14:22Have more assets and more money to bring in
14:28Players to fix what their issues are and we're sitting here wondering how the Dolphins gonna do it when one of the big
14:38Issues are premium positions right now, and that's that
14:43guard and center
14:44right like the
14:47Guards are getting paid a boatload of money now because now everybody's starting to realize that pressure up the middle is killing all these
