• 2 days ago
Trying the viral Aldi bubble tea Easter egg
00:00Today I'm going to review this Aldi Easter egg, well it's not really an egg, it's a bubble
00:06tea white chocolate cup. There you go. They do them in two flavours, this one's strawberry,
00:14they also do it in a peach white chocolate flavour. We've had quite a bit of correspondence
00:23with Aldi telling us that these are going viral on TikTok. So I went down and I had
00:31a look, I chose the strawberry one because I thought that sounded nicer to me than the
00:35peach one. I'll be honest with you, for me, neither of them look nice. I think this looks
00:40highly artificial, I don't think it's going to taste very nice, but I don't believe I'm
00:46the target audience. My seven year old son thinks this looks amazing and I'll tell you
00:50why, obviously because it looks all novelty, but it's got strawberry flavoured white chocolate
00:58swirled with pink cocoa butter, it's got milk chocolate coated malt balls, so their version
01:04of old teasers, a strawberry flavoured filled marshmallow and a rock straw. So I'm going
01:10to open it and I'm going to be very very honest about whether this is, I think it's going
01:17to be horrible and artificial and gross, but we'll see. I'll be very honest. Oh, by
01:24the way, it was £7.99, I nearly fell over in the shop when I saw the price of it. So
01:29this is it unboxed. It was in the cardboard box and then it was in this plastic protector,
01:35which I will mention, a lot of them, when I went to buy it, were all cracked already,
01:41so it is very fragile. But yeah, so you've got the rock straw, you've got these very
01:48sugary looking marshmallows and if you can just see inside, there's more marshmallows
01:55in there. So I'm going to break it up and yeah, I'm going to taste it, but for, just
02:03for reference, this is how big it is. That is the standard kind of kitchen cleaner and
02:10that's the size of it. So it's not huge by any means. Right, so I've tasted some of the
02:15chocolate. I've bitten into that marshmallow and you can see it's got some kind of like
02:21filling, some kind of liquidy filling in it and I've tried one of the balls. Obviously,
02:29it's very, very sweet. It will appeal to children. The chocolate isn't as nasty as I thought
02:33it would be. It's not quite as artificial as I thought it would be. It's all right.
02:39These marshmallows, of course, are just pure sugar. What else did we expect? The fake Maltesers
02:45are fine. They're quite small and they're more chocolaty than normal Maltesers. I haven't
02:52tried the rock. I mean, the rock's just rock, isn't it? It's, as an adult who's nearly 40,
03:00this is not my cup of tea whatsoever, but when my son gets back from school, he's going
03:06to be all over this and I'm going to tell you what he thinks to it. But for £7.99,
03:13I don't know. It's not one for the mums and dads, I don't think, this one. So what did
03:18my seven-year-old think? Well, yeah, he was straight into it after school. He liked it,
03:24but he was expecting some actual drink in it, which is, I guess, slightly confusing
03:30for children. He wanted some actual bubble tea inside, but he said it was nice. He didn't
03:36rave about it, didn't say it was the best thing ever, all these superlatives that seven-year-olds
03:40come out with. It wasn't like that. So £7.99, I think it's a bit steep for what it is.
