• 2 days ago
90 Day The Last Resort Between the Sheets S01 E07


00:00Why do you like older men?
00:02Like, I always have, like, an attraction,
00:04desire for old men.
00:06What about old men with money?
00:07If you put old men and money together,
00:11add your servant.
00:18Stanley, how are you feeling today?
00:20I'm feeling great.
00:21All right, Julia, here we go.
00:23Oh, my God.
00:29Yes, before me and you, we start dating.
00:32It's me and that girl, we have a relationship.
00:34And then, oh, you're pregnant.
00:37To keep it real, like, Ari was the side chick.
00:41And she's pissed off at you for it.
00:42She knows everything.
00:43She wants to look at me like I'm bad with my friends, you know?
00:51Wait, what's wrong, Jasmine?
00:52I don't know. I'm so confused about everything.
00:56I don't know. I just need some time for myself.
00:59Gino asked me to fake that he had had sex with me.
01:05And I told him, like, I'm not gonna lie.
01:08That's crazy.
01:12I don't want to listen to you bull------.
01:13Leave. You need to leave.
01:14Get out of the van, please.
01:16Get out of the van, please.
01:17Fine, I will leave.
01:18Please get out of the van.
01:19You're right. I don't need to deal with this s----.
01:21I was hurt, pissed off, had a box of steak.
01:25I was ready to camp out.
01:26I just can't f--- deal with this anymore.
01:28The only reason I ended up in a van again
01:30is because production was chasing after me
01:32and was like, we cannot let you just walk 60 miles.
01:36I felt bad for them.
01:46Don't wish it to even my worst enemy. I wish I could give her a hug honestly
01:54Name what I be what we are. I think that's why we're here trying to figure it out
02:01Girl this man is
02:04Revealing so much of himself. He's being so vulnerable and you're screaming at him. If you need another therapist, ooh
02:11Okay. Thank you. You're done. I have never ever ever been kicked out of a session
02:33Oh my god, let me try like this
02:49All right, Josh we are kicking this episode off with late side therapy where Natalie is still laughing and
02:58Oh, man
03:03I was very upset during this therapy. I
03:08Feel like Natalie and I both feel some type of way of like how this whole exercise played out and I feel like
03:15It's us against the world at right now. And so
03:19She's acting out a little bit. She's clinging on to me and and we're in our own little world and you know at the moment
03:25I'm you know, I'm fine with that
03:27It's not about you right now. It's always about Natalie. You're wrong
03:34Done I mean too much now, it's about us dear
03:41Everybody and you think it's everybody about you and this is so no Julia like to get Julia to do that
03:49And she's generally mad look up her face is so red
03:55You think it's everybody here about you. It's about all of us. Not only you
04:02Won't touch my heart no, no, I know it's for it. Oh my god, it's like actually pound
04:07I even like watching that's making us
04:11So and it's so disrespectful
04:13And it's like I know is that if I'm gonna stop she's gonna be disrespectful
04:18Everybody and I know what I'm gonna share and if she's gonna laughing in my problem like this, too
04:23I can I can't handle this. Yeah
04:26Everybody attacked our couple and it felt like really wrong and I have nothing against people you have no respect for their
04:34Like they'll talk did I interrupt? Yes, you laughed while I spoke
04:38You're like, okay, it's disrespectful. Okay, I
04:44there's a
04:46certain times that Natalie just does things that I
04:50Question and you know like there's no stopping it like it's just a part of her personality and things that she does and you know
04:57I've seen this before there'll be times where we'll go out to dinner and we'll be at a full table and
05:03she'll just
05:05You know put herself into the conversation and just start laughing and she might not even get what they're saying
05:11but she still wants to be a part of it and she'll just
05:14Laugh out loud. So, you know, I'm kind of used to these moments with her
05:19We made really good progress today. And you know, I think that Natalie felt attacked by everybody and so, you know getting her back
05:29They connect through negative
05:33Situations so when the group say is against them they feed off of that and then they become kind of closer
05:40But it's a false belief system
05:42All right, Julia. Here we go. It's now time to watch your therapy
05:47Oh my god, you're gonna watch this
05:51Okay, let's watch
05:54And next Brandon and Julia, how was it for you guys?
05:59Well teamwork that's something I think we showed today I think that we could
06:07Apply this to us having kids. So when they say like I don't want kids
06:17So I can't have a kids
06:24Three years ago I go Russia because we're talking about to have a kids and them say I
06:30Can't have kids but the brand trying to tell me I need second opinion in America. Yeah, absolutely
06:38That could be the possibility
06:42No, no, no, no, no
06:44It was relieving to hear when I actually found out the truth about you know
06:48Why she seemed like she didn't want to have kids. It wasn't just the fact that she had changed her mind
06:52It was rooted in fear. Okay, I can work with that. I can alleviate this fear
06:57I can reassure her and show her that I support her that even if the answers may not be great
07:02I'm still here for you. And this was exactly the reason why we came to therapy
07:07So I was excited to see that we were working fixing things
07:13It was a really good sign
07:15One time you actually ready to go to doctor and I'm saying no for last second because it's like what if we say no
07:22What and you already heard? No, haven't you though?
07:27Introspection rough because I know it's hard and that's I never share this. I never should anybody only my brother
07:34How are you feeling horrible? I
07:37Don't get the vibe from Julia that she really wants children. I think women when they really want children they
07:43talk about it and they they make their
07:47their plan into action and
07:49Julia doesn't want to see another doctor. She doesn't want to actually have sex with Brandon and
07:56She doesn't seem that motivated to
08:01Take that idea of having children and make it a reality
08:06I'm never gonna go anywhere
08:12It's another rock and we might hit it and but we're gonna get around that too
08:15the whole picture came into focus when Julia shared this information of
08:20Infertility and the struggles that she's been having because now all the puzzle pieces were starting to fall together
08:26Why she didn't think that Brandon was gonna be a good dad or you know, the fears around
08:32Parenthood and things like that
08:33It was all because it was her own internal field fears that she was deflecting on to Brandon
08:39so she didn't have to deal with her or feel that pain that she was feeling because there's a lot of guilt that women feel
08:44When they can't give their husband or their person a baby
08:48And so I think that that's something that she was dealing with and when it came out she got the support
08:54She was hoping for all along. What are you hearing? What do you say?
08:58I'm gonna leave me
09:00What what if what if we're gonna stop with the what if we don't have answers to those yet?
09:06Yeah, Natalie just sit in the front of me. She just keep grabbing my arm and I'm like, yeah
09:12She went and sat next to you and everyone was like, why are you the one to like?
09:15Yes, I want to like move my arm there. Yeah, because I want to clean my nose because I feel my nose running
09:27Let me clean my nose
09:34Let's watch Jasmine crying in the bathroom
09:39This is a bonus moment, so really a bonus crying I don't mean you're sorry
09:52The crying Queens, do you know what's saying really that we are crying Queens guys, let's have a dog
10:01Let's dream. We accomplished second psychological
10:10Yeah, baby
10:13We are here for therapy not just to have fun
10:17You want the truth like need to Jasmine need to pay me her complaining sex sex sex sex sex sex like
10:23Let me feed your husband with it with alcohol. I'm going to you probably
10:29Like I'm going to do like favorite for her. You know my point. I'm going to Miami, baby
10:36What Jasmine
10:39I'm not invited. You're always invited to Miami. I know but yeah, I was like inviting my house. Oh, thank you
10:52Love you, I
10:53Had a panic attack. Yeah, it was so bad. I feel bad. I wasn't there. No, it's because I was trying to hide
11:01I didn't want anyone to see me cry and especially do you know?
11:13You know asked me
11:15earlier that day
11:17To fake that he had had sex with me. He was receiving like so much like peer pressure
11:25and I was like and he and I told him like babe, I
11:30Love you
11:31So much, but I'm not gonna lie. I was so hurt. That's crazy
11:42What the hell she crying about
11:49I'm sorry, but Jasmine to me is not very grateful for anything. I did for her. Oh, that's man
11:57You said it. So now everyone thinks I'm treating her badly. This looks like crocodile tears to me
12:17I mean honestly felt bad for sure
12:21When I like now sees that she's crying and she's mentioning all of the stuff that I do this when I came
12:28I think like it would be helpful if she put her energy on doing then crying and complain
12:36Cheers, I'm glad I oh, yeah got to meet you. We're gonna have a good night. Mm-hmm men's night out. Oh, yeah
12:43We're gonna rock the town. Oh, I
12:46See a woman who is
12:48kind of at the end of her rope
12:51Joking about this open very state. I really wanted because it's not
12:59I can feel for Jasmine as far as she lost that independence and stuff
13:04But I don't feel like in that when I look at that clip
13:07I really don't feel that Jasmine's grateful for anything I've done for her. It's like she blames you for it
13:13Yeah, she blamed she always blames me for it
13:16So everything that is the result of the choice that she made to come here to be with you
13:20Is somehow some negative thing that you've done to her? Yeah, I mean, how is that?
13:25It's like it's just skirting the responsibility on like you you chose this
13:30Yeah, it takes time. It's a process
13:32It's like she's not even trying to leave. She's trying to say what can I see, you know?
13:36You're she's offering some kind of like yeah, so she could be happy to not just him. Yeah, right
13:44Think it's easy to
13:47you know kind of phone it in when your partner is
13:50In another country and you have you know, you have the power you have the money you have the the position, right?
13:57But now that you're married, right?
13:59You have to be a partner and I see Gino using sex as a manipulation tactic because they're married now, right?
14:06So it's not a sugar baby thing. It's not about the money
14:10So where does he have some semblance of control and and it's with the sex?
14:17You know that Julia walked in on me in the bathroom
14:23No, I did not know that twice
14:27And Brandon so Gina go inside and he doesn't tell me Gina there and I opened this door and
14:34You know, can I be
14:39Yeah, why did he lock the door I don't know I doesn't want see I mean like Jasmine so brand but I saw Gina but I
14:47Mean like me equal
14:56Can we go talk for a minute
15:02I'm not looking forward to this one
15:05I'm gonna tell you Eddie
15:07You are very brave for being just trying to save your Mary after knowing that this dude cheated
15:13That is a deal-breaker for me, honey. Now when I see him, I know he's such a psychopath
15:18And he cheated on every other woman. He's ever been exactly so he said like once I shit or was a cheater
15:23I gave you the passwords like you asked me and you said you would tell the truth
15:28Like beating a dead horse
15:30We're having a good day. Why do you want to do? Why do you want to do that?
15:34You know what? I mean?
15:35Like the one happy moment like enjoy the night like, you know
15:39Bring it up with the therapist talk about it. Like when you guys have a mediator in front of you
15:45Yes, I'm happy you won't talk to me
15:49About for me in your situation. I love to work on on it
15:54now it just it breaks my heart that like
15:56We've been together for five years and you betrayed me
16:03Are you gonna really say that you didn't cheat on me on the beginning of our relationship with that girl
16:08You did not have sex with her that you did not move her into my home. No, I did it
16:13She's talking about five years before me like before you I even got married. Yeah, that's what she was talking before me and her
16:20We're not we're not married
16:22That's it I'm so I'm so surprised she bring is a conversation
16:28Yes before me and you we start
16:31Dating it's me. So that's girl. We have relationship and then oh
16:35You're pregnant. Ari was your manager, right? Yeah. Did Ari know that you were talking to this girl before you and her hooked up
16:41Yeah, because she has almost so I knew that you had a girl and then she hooked up with you
16:47Knowing that you were talking to somebody to keep it real like Ari doesn't want to accept it
16:52But it from what it looks like Ari was the side chick. Yeah, she's pissed off at you for it
16:57Yeah, I mean she pissed off like already she knows everything
17:01Just I feel like she won't look at me but like about was my friend. You know, that's what I thinking. I
17:08Feel bad for this girl. She's so depression. I'm trying to just talk to her like she feel better
17:16Did she know that he was with someone at the time or was he oh she knew she was like the side the side girl
17:22Who he got pregnant my question is did she know if she was a side chick because that's a whole nother thing, right?
17:27She knows that she's getting into who knows what the story is, dude
17:31because like it's all over the place, but Ari's taking the story and
17:36He's already decided he's guilty. She's already decided he is done something wrong and there's this
17:42Five years ago, you lied to me and you had a relationship with her
17:51Are you came for fixes this relationship I tell her I'm again and again again again, okay
17:56This is my answer. Can you move on why you should not move on, you know, because she came she won't
18:03Make me look bad all my friends. I thought we would come in
18:08for we have life
18:10Why he wants you to swear on the baby take the kid out of your mess Thomas I
18:19Don't swear on my son's life not like you
18:27He's an asshole I mean
18:30I'll be honest to you Ari. I have never seen this side of Vinny. Yeah before because he always
18:37Like the cool guy. He's extremely sweet to everyone
18:42but now seeing this other side of Venice who the is this man like I
18:48Like that gesture that he may I cannot believe it. Yeah in general
18:53He's been very hard to deal with all these years and I feel like people haven't really gotten a chance to see what I have
18:59To deal with at home and with him, you know, and it's always like oh people like oh, he's so nice
19:03So she must be a bitch, but not really
19:11Don't want to listen to you
19:18It was my first time seeing that crazy dramatic bitchy sigh of Rob
19:27For me to say that I have never seen someone been this dramatic I mean queen of drama
19:35And I'm saying that unbelievable
19:42You are gonna play pictures raised five years of draw school, oh really you're an artist
19:48Yeah, this is the moment. This is my chance to prove myself
19:52The heck do we got going on here?
19:55Okay, this person has hair. So he's not me
19:59Hmm if it's Jasmine just put horns out to the side
20:03There you go Jasmine see I got it you could have just made a picture of the devil, but that's fine
20:11This person has glasses and hair a robe and he's drinking beer at the suite
20:17Wait, that's Brandon. That's a sweet get
20:23Jasmine smoking
20:25Okay, eating something a pickle. Oh
20:30Jasmine licking Gino's feet. Hey
20:42All right, okay give me some sign all right, how's that
20:52Waves mmm kayaking Josh turning my boat out and kayaking
21:02Didn't even get to do anything. I am a great artist. I can tell that is another girl
21:11That's okay, right? Yeah ponytail
21:18Okay, so it must have been when Julia was dancing on the bar is that
21:23Julia's seeing Gino peeing
21:25All of us all together all group going to the hot tub
21:31My gosh, well, it's a girl and she's
21:36Sparrow graphing the
21:39It's okay, so it is still the bar sings that's Ari in the bathroom hiding in the bar there it is
21:45Already in the bathroom hide in the bar. It is a true artiste. Oh my god
21:50The bar it is a true artiste oh my god
22:14Sophie we're gonna show you some bonus footage that didn't make it into the episode right now
22:20Cheers to our family and love and happiness.
22:25Oh God, I remember this.
22:30Rob's situation is similar to me.
22:32Like, he doesn't feel appreciated.
22:34I'm in the same boat.
22:35I don't feel very appreciated.
22:37I can't question and I have to try.
22:39It's all on me.
22:39I'm the bad guy, but now I'm learning.
22:41Now I have text messages and proof
22:44that she's lying to me right now about.
22:46So I don't know what the he's been doing.
22:48Rob's talking about, I'm trying to listen.
22:52At that point, I had been constantly hearing Rob
22:54talk rubbish about me.
22:55And now he's doing it literally in front of me,
22:58in front of all the guys.
22:59And I just really felt like this man really doesn't care
23:02about me and thinks so negatively
23:04and has no respect for me.
23:05Now I can hear him saying about how terrible I am
23:08and all this stuff.
23:09And it's like, I'm your wife still.
23:11And you're telling all these guys.
23:12You're just a few meters away from me.
23:14Yeah, I know.
23:15And I'm like, get closer, get closer.
23:18I'm not agreeing with Jasmine or Julia
23:21or that wonderful, the other one.
23:23I'm totally supporting Rob.
23:25What do you mean talk bad about her?
23:27He's just saying how he feels.
23:33Yeah, Dina!
23:35Dina, you look good, Dina!
23:39If I can hear you and you talk to the guys about me,
23:41I can hear you.
23:42No fucking idea what I'm talking about.
23:43I can hear you.
23:44You literally have no idea.
23:45You're very loud.
23:46Every time you talk to someone,
23:48it's about how fucked I am.
23:49And you don't think that hurts my feelings?
23:51And you're a dick to me.
23:54I like Rob.
23:55Well, I do.
23:57Cannot help it.
23:59I be Sophie.
24:00I mean, like, take responsibility for your action.
24:04It's me.
24:06I don't fucking care.
24:08Yeah, there it is.
24:09There's dick, Rob.
24:09Have a fucking good night.
24:11Because I don't fucking care about you.
24:12Stop being aggressive now.
24:14Be loud and show everyone the real you.
24:16You should do it.
24:17Don't do it, Rob.
24:18He likes to, in front of other people,
24:21be like this really nice, charming guy.
24:22Like, everyone likes Rob.
24:23Like, he's such a great guy.
24:24But like, behind closed doors to me, he acts like that.
24:27He snaps at me.
24:28He talks down on me.
24:30He says he doesn't give a fuck.
24:31Like, he always acts like this to me when no one's looking.
24:35I know the real you and this act.
24:37I'm not doing it anymore.
24:39I don't want to listen to you.
24:41You're gonna paint this picture.
24:42Get out of the van, please.
24:43It's such bullshit.
24:44Get out of the van, please.
24:44Fine, I will leave.
24:45Please get out of the van.
24:46Oh, my.
24:48I mean, this video is self-explanatory.
24:51It was my first time seeing that crazy, dramatic,
24:54bitchy side of Rob.
24:57People accuse us women of being so dramatic.
24:59And look at the boys.
25:01They are even worse.
25:03For me to say that I have never seen
25:06someone being this dramatic, I mean, queen of drama,
25:11and I'm saying that, I like, oh, my goodness.
25:14It's like.
25:16I'll walk home.
25:17I don't care, bro.
25:18Hey, go back.
25:19I will walk.
25:20You just been a bitch.
25:21Because I'm so terrible.
25:22Go back.
25:23Fuck ever, dude.
25:24I need my food because I need to survive
25:26the fucking desert tonight.
25:28Rob, it's dangerous out in the desert.
25:31Fucking Sophie and her fucking mom.
25:35This is a situation that is not uncommon.
25:39When people do not know how to handle their emotions,
25:42when people feel that anger boiling,
25:44when they feel their temperature rising,
25:47it's that fight or flight.
25:48I need to go.
25:49So he made the best move for himself
25:51and potentially his relationship in that moment.
25:55Take this shit and walk down the goddamn block.
25:57Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
26:00She got me.
26:01She knows she got me.
26:02And she knows I look like shit.
26:05I don't need to deal with this shit.
26:09I walked about a mile down the road with production people
26:12following me, chasing me, trying to keep up.
26:16I was hurt, pissed off, had a box of steak.
26:20I was ready to camp out.
26:29Deal with what?
26:30Why is he having like a man tantrum?
26:36Y'all can leave me alone right now.
26:38Y'all can just leave me alone and I'll be fucking fine.
26:40Because I called him out.
26:42It's just so evident he was trying to fuck out of me.
26:49She knows how to push my fucking buttons.
26:54I'd rather walk 60 fucking miles than sit there
26:57and let her fucking take this picture of me
26:59as this bad person, the problem, the one who just can't
27:04get right when it's bullshit.
27:06The only reason I ended up in a van again
27:08is because production was chasing after me and was like,
27:11we cannot let you just walk 60 miles.
27:14I felt bad for them.
27:16So I'm like, all right, fine.
27:18Fine, I will get in the van.
27:20I don't think that there's another fucking person who
27:23would have made it this far into this
27:26and not have walked away or gone insane.
27:29He's actually lucky.
27:30Like, he's so dumb and so childish
27:34that he put himself into risk.
27:36Yeah, and the crew, because they had to chase after him.
27:38Exactly, with the big freaking cameras.
27:40I was like, I know that the camera guys cannot say it,
27:45but I will be like, I don't get paid enough to be
27:49following this dumb ass, you know?
27:52I'm going to survive with my chicken wings.
27:56I have to fight the coyotes.
27:57I'm going to fight the coyotes with his ponytail.
27:59A tough guy.
28:01I just can't deal with it anymore.
28:03Fuck that, dude.
28:04Fuck that.
28:06Why do you like older men?
28:07That's, like, the body type I'm attracted to.
28:10Like, I always, you know, have, like, an attraction,
28:14desire for old men.
28:15Not old men with money.
28:17Oh, my gosh.
28:18If you put old man and money together, that's your type.
28:24I found your type.
28:25Add your servants.
28:27Oh, yeah.
28:35Oh, not this.
28:39She looks good in a bikini.
28:40She looks good in a bikini, doesn't she?
28:42She looks good in a bikini.
28:43I mean, I'm surprised you held out.
28:48Gosh, she looks like a bad boy.
28:49You're tickling me.
28:52Don't tickle me.
28:53Why not?
28:55Give it to her.
29:00Oh, the hair.
29:01Well, I was not happy there, but now it's funny.
29:09Kiss me.
29:11No, I don't want to right now.
29:13I wish this was our problem.
29:17Yeah, me too.
29:19It would have been a lot easier.
29:28I heard a lot of Gino's side of things,
29:32because Gino and I connected more than Jasmine and I did.
29:36That was, like, the first time that I've
29:38seen her side of things.
29:40And I can kind of relate to her.
29:42Like, I'm like, OK, Gino, dude, you need to step it up.
29:45Like, you are the issue here.
29:47It was definitely eye-opening to see,
29:49and I didn't know how bad, like, it actually was.
29:53But I mean, they're in danger, for sure.
29:56Just have sex with me, man.
29:59I'm angry for Jasmine, too.
30:00Because it's just, if that was my problem,
30:03I could fix it in a minute.
30:04You know what I mean?
30:05I hear you.
30:06I'm not looking to do that right now,
30:08to be affectionate like that.
30:10Gino, but I'm not even talking about sex.
30:12That is a problem.
30:13I'm not even talking about sex, either.
30:14That is the problem, Gino.
30:15That will give you an idea where I am at right now.
30:18So you want us to be friends?
30:20No, no.
30:21I want us to build a foundation.
30:23That's why we're married.
30:24We do not have a foundation.
30:25So why did you marry me?
30:28Watching Jasmine, I could definitely
30:30relate to just that rejection.
30:32You internalize that really quickly,
30:36and you feel like that this person does not want me.
30:38You're just like, damn.
30:40Yeah, the thing is, in that clip, in that situation,
30:43really, it's Jasmine rejects me and doesn't
30:46listen to what I'm saying.
30:48That's why I'm rejecting her.
30:50I don't know.
30:51I've never been where you're at.
30:53How do you think it is fair, Gino, that you put Jasmine
30:57pushing me away?
30:58Let me see the red, bro.
30:59Jasmine pushing me away.
31:00Show me the red.
31:01This should be you.
31:01Yeah, yeah, yeah.
31:02Yeah, I'm saying sleep in the same bed.
31:04I didn't say kissing, hugging, and that's it.
31:07Gino, can you hear yourself?
31:08Why don't you want to hear yourself?
31:10Oh, this is hard to watch.
31:11I left home for three days.
31:13And I am going to go at my pace.
31:14I don't care about anything.
31:16I'm going to go at my pace, because it's me that matters.
31:18You know, I didn't ask you for sex.
31:21I just asked you for a kiss.
31:23So one thing that I think about when
31:25I think about Gino and Jasmine is how they met, right?
31:28They met on a sugar baby site.
31:30And from what I know about sugar relationships,
31:34they are, they can be transactional.
31:37But now that you're married, right,
31:39you have to be a partner.
31:40And I see Gino trying to find the power
31:43that he had to continue to make this relationship transactional.
31:46And him just continuously rejecting her or telling
31:50her not now or maybe later.
31:51And we all know later isn't coming, right?
31:54He's manipulating, you know, using
31:55sex as a manipulation tactic.
31:58My heart goes out to her, because I
32:01see a woman who really just wants
32:03affection from her partner.
32:05I mean, how many times can you be rejected
32:07before you just give up?
32:21I don't wish it to even my worst enemy, you know?
32:25No one should go through that.
32:27That feels like torture.
32:31And just watching it makes me sick of my stomach.
32:34I wish I could give her a hug, honestly.
32:40My legs look hot.
32:47More clips?
32:47Do you think me and Rob look alike when my hair was curly?
32:50I didn't think it until you said it.
32:52And then, and now I'm like.
32:56And even our mannerisms are both just like.
32:58No, you are like, when you look at you, it's like, yes.
33:02This guy's like matching, you know?
33:04Because sometimes you look at the couple, you're like,
33:07how did you even together?
33:09And now that he's bald and I have black hair,
33:11do we still look the same?
33:12I never see you together after he cut her hair.
33:14He looks so much better.
33:16I look so much better.
33:17I saw him on social media, but I doesn't
33:20hate that ponytail and cut it off in his sleep.
33:22OK, I've never seen his real life, but I see.
33:25It looks good.
33:27I'm not a hater, it looks good.
33:28Moving on to Natalie and Josh's sex therapy with Reba.
33:33Oh, man.
33:33I'm so not into this exercise at all.
33:41That looks like a lot of sugar.
33:45I just don't want to lick the syrup.
33:48Next time, for people like him, sugar-free, please.
33:51OK, yes.
33:52Yes, I will keep that in mind, sugar-free next time.
33:55I was on a strict diet.
33:56I didn't want to lick the sugar.
33:58So one of the activities that I did with the group
34:00when we had our session was called
34:03couple's pleasure mapping.
34:04We used these paintbrushes, and you're
34:06just going to explore your partner's body for things
34:09that feel good, right?
34:10Like, we don't have a problem having sex.
34:13That's the least of our worries.
34:17So who wants to go first?
34:20Well, I don't really want to put that on my body.
34:47That's the whole point was.
34:49Look at their different, like, expressions.
34:53Josh, now you are the person that we are going to explore,
34:55and we have limited.
34:56Can you take off your shirt?
35:00I don't know why he would be able to do that.
35:02I mean, he's not shy.
35:03I've seen his social media posts,
35:04and he's, like, basically naked.
35:08Yeah, to loads of people that can see it.
35:10And he's like, oh, I don't like being vulnerable
35:13and naked in front of people.
35:13You're naked in front of people on your social medias.
35:16Oh, yeah.
35:17Way more people than just Reba.
35:19Look, we do not have problems.
35:21Well, it's not about that.
35:22It feels like, listen.
35:24I know, but I just don't want to put this
35:26shit all over my body.
35:27Well, it's not, it's, oh, God.
35:31OK, can we do the exercise?
35:34Please, man.
35:35I'll be back.
35:36OK, all right.
35:39It's perfectly normal for people to feel uncomfortable,
35:45especially with their first time with a sex therapist.
35:48I like to do our first-time sessions in groups
35:51so that, you know, people can start to learn me
35:53and trust me.
35:54And since they weren't there for the group session,
35:57you know, we skipped right into the, like, one-to-one.
35:59And so I'm not sure that Josh and I had a chance
36:01to build that rapport.
36:06So, OK, strawberry or chocolate?
36:10Stop being a little bitch about it, Josh.
36:13Sit your ass down, it gets sticky.
36:16Fine, let's just do the chocolate, I guess.
36:21If I were Natalie in that situation,
36:23I would have kind of been a little bit hurt at, like,
36:26Josh's being, like, negative instead of embracing just
36:32being, you know, just getting close and doing stuff together.
36:43Nice job.
36:44Great team.
36:48We did it!
36:51We completed the exercise.
36:52God, this is good.
36:53You see, we can move to the next level.
36:58Yeah, he seems grossed out.
37:00He seems like, do you know Mr. Jasmine?
37:02Like, he seems grossed out by Natalie,
37:04and I feel bad for Natalie.
37:06He's like, no.
37:07I don't want chocolate sauce on my body.
37:10Like, there's sugar in it.
37:12Be so for real.
37:13Be so for real.
37:14One of our things that we do struggle with
37:19is when we are intimate, the next day
37:24is usually not the best.
37:28Something just changed.
37:31She went from jumping to the doorway,
37:33and now I feel like I can see it in her head.
37:35There's something negative is brewing.
37:41Yeah, that's not the answer.
37:45That's not the answer.
37:50What do you want to hear?
37:53I think that's why we're here, trying to figure it out.
37:59Natalie's emotions take up all of the space in the room,
38:03and Josh has no space to say the things that he wants
38:07or that he needs.
38:08And then when he does, she doesn't hear him.
38:11Girl, this man is revealing so much of himself.
38:16He's being so vulnerable, and you're screaming at him.
38:33Like, it has nothing to do with chores
38:35we were supposed to have done.
38:37So I was really confused what exactly is the point.
38:40And I consider him just, he didn't
38:44want to be on the spot when it comes to sex,
38:48when it comes to touching himself with sticky s**t.
38:52Something is going on.
38:54And he just didn't want to be in it,
38:56and he put me into that hell of feeling uncomfortable.
39:00I feel like as a part of this therapy,
39:02we failed because we were hurting each other.
39:06It didn't work out.
39:08We failed this lesson, unfortunately.
39:12Don't let me speak!
39:16How many hours are you supposed to work with us?
39:19Maybe it's time?
39:20It's too much for me for today.
39:22I'm sorry, I can't anymore.
39:23Can we stop?
39:24Natalie, I hear you struggling right now.
39:26OK, thank you.
39:28We're done.
39:29She was pushing me to answer something
39:31that I didn't want.
39:32And I think therapists have to be compassionate and respectful
39:37to their patients.
39:38And when I asked her, stop, it wasn't enough.
39:44When I saw that my word wasn't enough,
39:48I had to kindly let her out because no one is
39:53pressing me at my room.
39:55She would push me several, several times.
39:57Why, why?
39:58I'm like, what?
39:59I'm not responding.
40:00No, it's not going to work.
40:02Here, right now, it's done.
40:07Thank you for your time.
40:08It was nice meeting you.
40:10Oh, you guys can have those.
40:12I don't think so.
40:12He doesn't like it.
40:13She doesn't want to accept truth.
40:16That's what's her problem.
40:17And then she blames everyone else but Josh.
40:19She started blaming Reba and being rude to Reba
40:22instead of being like, Josh is a dick
40:25and doesn't want you, bro.
40:26Like, he does not want you.
40:28It's sad, but at some point, you need to stand up and leave.
40:31You forgot your plate.
40:34Have a nice evening.
40:38In 10 years of doing this work and working with clients,
40:42I have never, ever, ever been kicked out of a session,
40:46especially not with a half-eaten plate of fruit.
40:51So that was a first.
40:55OK, bye.
40:57Natalie's not hearing the things that she wants,
40:59so she's not hearing anything at all.
41:06Next time on Between the Sheets.
41:10Oh my god, seriously?
41:12No, no, no, no.
41:13He's coming out of his comfort zone.
41:15He's shaving his armpits.
41:16Oh yeah, and what if I do all this?
41:18You're going to sleep with me?
41:19This is great.
41:20Go ahead, shave my armpits.
41:21I'm going to dance.
41:23Shut up.
41:28Yeah, exactly.
41:42Oh my god.
41:47He told me he are afraid so Natalie
41:50going to take his money, take his business.
41:53You know, the fact that they took those words
41:55and twisted it, I don't think that really anybody understands
41:59what I'm talking about.
42:00They completely don't get me.
42:06This was 100% strange reaction.
42:09I don't know if he wanted attention.
42:10I don't know if he didn't want his wife to go to the party.
42:13I don't know what that was.
42:17That would be rude.
42:19Jasmine got involved.
42:20Because it had nothing to do with Jasmine.
42:22I think Jasmine make every situation worse.
42:24You know how who we are.
42:27I'm not Stacy, OK?
