• 2 days ago
90 Day The Last Resort Between the Sheets S01 E09


00:00I'm so nervous, it's like, Rob.
00:05Fan-girling out a little?
00:06I'm fan-girling out.
00:07I'm a little nervous.
00:09Look, he's just a person.
00:10He's just a person.
00:17All right, ladies, you ready?
00:21We are!
00:23I'm ready.
00:30All of a sudden, Josh arrives, flashy in his sport car.
00:35He likes to show off.
00:36We were caught in some restaurant by paparazzi.
00:40I think he did organize.
00:47We were in New York, and we were
00:49sitting with a bunch of people.
00:52She thought I was looking at Chantel.
00:55She threw her legs over me, and she
00:56starts to, like, stick her tongue all over my face.
00:59Why is he even telling this story?
01:01Why do you want everyone to already think
01:03she's more crazy than she is?
01:04To make you look better?
01:05Because you actually look worse, because then
01:07why are you with her?
01:11You're cheating.
01:12She's not cheating.
01:14But be kissing.
01:16And that's cheating.
01:18Once you're a cheater, you're always going to be a cheater.
01:21She should have checked it out.
01:25Honestly, don't even want to talk to you right now.
01:27Disrespecting your husband.
01:30I wanted everybody to know that I'm
01:31not this weak, sensitive person that stays quiet.
01:36I'm taking my power back, and I'm not going nowhere.
01:41Yeah, but don't sit there and say, oh, Gino,
01:43you have to have sex.
01:45Gino, why no?
01:47Gino prototype of perfect woman would be a robot.
01:51Now, I'm a robot.
01:54Now, Jasmine, go to your corner and be quiet.
01:57Move into my corner, being quiet.
02:00Then what am I supposed to do?
02:01I'm not OK with masturbating.
02:03It doesn't satisfy my needs.
02:04Well, then it sounds like we're not
02:05going to be able to be together.
02:07The group wants to save them.
02:09They may not be able to.
02:15You ready to do some flips?
02:17Flips, flips, flips, flips, flips, flips, flips, flips,
02:20flips, flips, flips, flips, flips, flips, flips, flips.
02:23All right, it's time to talk nice.
02:26Natalie and Jasmine, take five.
02:32Oh, I'm talking about you, and I don't regret it.
02:36OK, Stacey, we have some never-before-seen footage
02:39of you about to go to the honeymoon suite party.
02:44I'm ready.
02:46It's, like, spooky.
02:50I thought that was Darcy for a second.
02:53Oh, yeah, I remember that night.
02:55I look good, though.
02:57Snatched to the gods.
03:03Where are you going?
03:03I'm just, I'm going to go over there
03:04and apologize to everybody.
03:05It's, like, the right thing to do.
03:07Go apologize?
03:07In disrespect?
03:08Go apologize, ma'am.
03:10Florian, please stop.
03:13How you going to apologize to dead people, like?
03:15I honestly don't even want to talk to you right now.
03:17Disrespecting your husband?
03:20I'm the first one to respect my husband,
03:22and for him to have to remind me that, that
03:24just goes to show his insecurity.
03:27I feel like it's something deep down that maybe he's
03:30afraid of losing me one day, because he knows
03:34very well what he does.
03:36And he flirts and, you know, openly.
03:39I think, in a weird way, you know,
03:43he's afraid of me doing the same thing.
03:48People need to learn how to treat people.
03:54People need to learn how to call respect.
03:58I forgot something.
04:00She came back because she wants something from him.
04:04Don't wait up, because I don't know what time I'm coming home.
04:06Watching that scene, I had a hard time believing
04:10that Stacey forgot something.
04:12I think she wants to feel good and connected with Florian.
04:17Her going back was almost maybe the idea,
04:20the notion that maybe this can still work.
04:23Let me smooth things out.
04:24Let's see what he has to say.
04:25Let's try to get us on the right page.
04:30I'm going to do what you do.
04:31I don't know what time I'm coming home.
04:33I first time see she just like, done, bye.
04:37Done, bye.
04:40Yes, girl, you got it.
04:43I don't care to be honest with you.
04:46I know.
04:46I don't want to be in trouble.
04:48What are the rules?
04:49Yeah, I don't know.
04:50I like how Stacey is kind of like walked out
04:52and was like, fine, you're going to sit here and be mad.
04:54Sit here and be mad.
04:55I'm going to go have fun.
04:56You know?
04:58Good for her.
04:59Do you have rules in your relationships?
05:01Jasmine will sometimes, you know, message me and say,
05:05Poppy, give me your location.
05:07And I always tell her where I'm at.
05:09Gino has a bunch of rules for me with him in our relationship.
05:13What about you and Julia?
05:15Julia makes the rules.
05:16In our relationship, for the most part.
05:18But I have a few things.
05:19Like, I have a super sport, a motorcycle.
05:22And she wants me to get rid of it.
05:23I'm like, I can't sell it.
05:25It's such a passion of mine.
05:27I love it.
05:27I can't get rid of it.
05:28I can't do it.
05:30So I have a motorcycle?
05:32And my mom made me.
05:34You ever see those?
05:35For a motorcycle?
05:37This bone separated.
05:39Brandon doesn't have any rules set for me.
05:42No rules for you.
05:43No rules?
05:44Well, are you sure?
05:46What do you think of the rules I have?
05:48Do you think Brandon's OK if you were dancing
05:51on a pole in a strip club?
05:55He have rules for me.
05:58Let's see.
06:02OK, the next clip is just after you
06:04arrived at the honeymoon suite.
06:09Josh said, in his life, he needs stability.
06:13And you're a little all over the place.
06:36He sent me texts talking about how, like, she's just a lot.
06:40And, like, he doesn't even want to share a room with her,
06:41basically, like, calling her crazy, which, I mean,
06:45imagine, like, Brandon saying that about you, you know?
06:47Like, it's kind of rude.
06:50Well, actually, I didn't talk to Josh about you.
06:54But, you know, I don't think he would
06:57have came here for nothing.
06:59I don't feel like I was talking about Natalie behind her back.
07:02I feel like I tried to explain things,
07:05or maybe, like, why, you know, situations might happen,
07:08or what, like, maybe will set her off.
07:11You know, I feel like a lot of people are picking on Natalie.
07:14And they're trying to get under her skin.
07:16And they're doing a good job.
07:24She's frustrated.
07:28I think we're really seeing the dynamic of this relationship,
07:31the push and pull, how one withdraws because they
07:34become so overwhelmed.
07:36I don't know how to handle my emotions.
07:38That said, in therapy, I always talk
07:40about when we take space, let your partner know.
07:44Let your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend know.
07:46I need a 10-minute break, right?
07:48Or I need a 30-minute break.
07:50This is a lot for me.
07:51This is emotionally charged.
07:52And guess what?
07:53We're going to set that clock for 30 minutes.
07:55And I'm going to come back and show up.
07:58So important.
07:59And in this situation, you know, that's not there.
08:06OK, ladies, ready?
08:10We are.
08:11It's time to watch Stacey arriving
08:13at the honeymoon suite.
08:17Baby, be nice.
08:21It's OK.
08:21I'm sorry.
08:23I felt absolutely devastated for Stacey.
08:26And the fact that as soon as she arrived,
08:29she was apologizing for something that she didn't do.
08:32And he's so disrespectful, not only to her,
08:35but to everyone, including myself.
08:37And I'm not going to take shit from Florian.
08:39I disagree.
09:10There are a lot of people already on your side.
09:13So I will be in Florian's corner, and I protect Flor.
09:18And where is him?
09:19He's back home, I guess.
09:20You know, he walked in.
09:21I said, I'm leaving.
09:22I don't know what time I'll be back.
09:23I feel so bad for you, Stacey.
09:24I think that is not how your life should be.
09:27It feels like she's kind of, like,
09:29I don't want to say, like, mothering him.
09:30But, like, it feels like she's always excusing his behavior.
09:33And, like, he should be doing that.
09:35But interesting.
09:35She comes to me multiple times, outside camera.
09:38And he say how, like, he respect me.
09:40Thank you for not follow his anger
09:43and not be angry back to him.
09:44He always say me outside camera.
09:47I'm like, well, it makes sense.
09:48I mean, like, come on.
09:50Apologize in front of camera, too, please.
09:53I don't know what else to do.
09:55I miss feeling empowered.
09:56And I feel like he takes that away from me.
09:59OK, good perspective.
10:00OK, let's give her her power back.
10:03I want to celebrate me.
10:05Celebrate you.
10:07I know they've been together for 10 years.
10:09I don't necessarily see them growing closer
10:11or further apart.
10:12But what I see in these moments are just being stagnant.
10:16I think they were at a standstill.
10:18They each did not know how to handle the situation.
10:21I feel an obligation to the group.
10:23I need to make apologies.
10:25And he's sitting there saying, I want you to show up for me
10:28and say you got my back and that, you know,
10:30you will respect me.
10:31You know, for Florian, I feel like it's
10:33so important for him to maintain this idea of family.
10:39He really values family.
10:41So to see Stacey defending someone else,
10:45opposed to being by his side, I'm sure that affected him.
10:49He felt unheard by his wife.
10:51It almost makes him want to shut down.
10:58Yeah, because that's what you are.
10:59You're a goddess.
11:01I do feel at times Florian tries to take my power.
11:04And I felt like, you know, I wanted everybody
11:08to know that I'm not this weak, sensitive person
11:12that stays quiet.
11:13I do speak up when I need to.
11:16Mark my words.
11:17I'm taking my power back.
11:19And I'm not going nowhere.
11:25You shouldn't be worried.
11:26Look at that.
11:26Look at this.
11:31Touch more.
11:33They feel like real.
11:35Oh my god, they feel like real.
11:37Jasmine, thank you so much for letting me touch it.
11:39Because, like, I didn't know how it feels.
11:41No, but touch it good, like this.
11:44You like it?
11:45Oh my god, yeah.
11:47It feels, like, so real.
11:48Oh my god.
11:49And did you touch my nipples?
11:50They are so good.
11:51Yeah, I believe you.
11:53Good job.
11:54This next clip is Gino and Jasmine
11:57talking about having sex.
11:59I'm excited.
12:00What do you want to do tonight?
12:02I want to have sex.
12:08I see the look on my face.
12:09I'm like, well, this isn't going to work again.
12:13Well, I'll tell you what.
12:14Because we fight every day.
12:16Plus, she doesn't listen to me.
12:18Gino's expectations are damn unrealistic.
12:22Gino considers a small fight, like even a disagreement,
12:26to be argument, a fight.
12:28And I'm like, you can't go a month without at least
12:31disagreeing with somebody.
12:33That's crazy, right?
12:34So if he looks at it that way, he sets the goal way too high.
12:39I don't think he has any intention
12:40of ever having sex, Jasmine.
12:42Those are the two reasons why we are not going to.
12:44So I'm the problem.
12:47We have had multiple days without fighting,
12:50and nothing is enough.
12:51No, we haven't.
12:52That's a lie.
12:53Gino prototype of perfect woman could be a robot.
12:57You know, it's like, Jasmine, massage my feet.
13:03Yes, sir, at your service, massaging feet.
13:08Is this enough?
13:10No, please, more.
13:12I'm giving you more.
13:14Now, Jasmine, go to your corner and be quiet.
13:17Moving to my corner, being quiet.
13:20Like, that's literally what he wants.
13:23You know?
13:24Gino, would you hear me?
13:25Would you come sit here?
13:27We're all here to make progress.
13:28We're all here to better our relationship.
13:29You want to do it?
13:31Here's your chance.
13:32OK, Brandon.
13:34I mean, this is some powerful stuff
13:35happening amongst the group.
13:36Wow, guys.
13:38Do you think that it is fair, while we
13:41work in our relationship, that it
13:42is OK for you to watch porn, to masturbate?
13:47Once in a while, yeah, of course I do.
13:49But for me, I need a real person.
13:52The weird thing is, Gino seems to be satisfied
13:54by not having sex with Jasmine.
13:56But then, like, he's got his porn.
13:59I did my thesis on porn addiction
14:02for my human sexuality class, and I learned a lot.
14:05You know, taught Gino a thing or two.
14:07Well, I did try to approach him and talk to him a little bit,
14:09because I felt like I had this unique insight
14:11into this problem.
14:13And then when I tried to talk to him, he, like, snapped at me.
14:15Like, and I was like, all right.
14:16He doesn't want to change.
14:18Hey, listen, Gino, call Ari.
14:21Yes, I'm a therapist and guru.
14:24No, no, I don't go that route.
14:28How am I supposed to satisfy my sexual needs?
14:30Because I need sex.
14:31I haven't had it in nine months.
14:33Trying to break a brick wall, man.
14:35Yeah, Gino's not going for it.
14:39That's insane to me, that he can't.
14:42Like, he's not going to give her sex.
14:43I wish that was my problem.
14:44I wish it was my choice.
14:45I wish I could just fix it.
14:46I could start fixing things.
14:48I'm desperate for it, too.
14:50If you're not being sexually intimate,
14:52aren't you just, like, roommates, friends?
14:54That's how it feels.
14:56So, like, I definitely, I understand
14:59Jasmine on that side of it.
15:01But where I have a disconnection with Jasmine's disposition
15:04is the fact that she hasn't done the work.
15:05Like, if Sophie said, you do this, and I'll fuck you,
15:08I'm not, I'm going to be a fucking saint for a month.
15:11Don't sit there and say, oh, Gino,
15:12you have to have sex with me.
15:13No, not you.
15:14If you cannot give it to me, let me find it in someone else.
15:19And accept the deal of having an open marriage.
15:21I would want to pause here, and I would want to process this.
15:24Just the two of them.
15:26This is such a sensitive topic.
15:29No, no, I'm not going to be in an open relationship.
15:31That's not the kind of relationship I want.
15:33And then what am I supposed to do?
15:34I'm not OK with masturbating.
15:36It doesn't satisfy my needs.
15:37Well, then it sounds like we're not
15:37going to be able to be together.
15:40At the end of the day, it's so difficult and frustrating,
15:45and it's sad that some of the topics
15:50that they're dealing with and what they came in
15:53may be beyond repair.
15:55The group is sensing it.
15:56They're picking up.
15:57They're cheering for them.
15:58They want this to work.
16:00But Gino and Jasmine have some pretty significant topics,
16:05some big concerns.
16:07The group wants to save them.
16:09They may not be able to.
16:12It's an open relationship.
16:13Why did you need him?
16:15Yeah, just don't have open relationship.
16:18Ay, ay, ay.
16:20But the thing is that love is not enough.
16:21You have to work hard.
16:22Love is not enough.
16:23If Jasmine will have another, this open marriage, right,
16:27another guy, she'll be sick physically for him,
16:31but she'll love you as a man.
16:34That's why she's thinking that could be work for her.
16:37Yeah, but that's telling me, you know,
16:40she thinks she's doing nothing wrong.
16:43You know, forget putting any effort into this therapy
16:46and trying to fix our issues to be with me.
16:48Instead, it's easier for her to say,
16:51oh, I'm just going to have this open marriage
16:53and be with this other guy.
16:54And I'm not going to put any effort
16:56in to fix the things that Gino is asking to fix.
16:59My gosh.
17:01You know what?
17:02That's makes sense.
17:04She just basically run away and easy to find another dude,
17:09but not fixing your guy's problem.
17:15Can we get popcorn?
17:17You want chips?
17:18Yeah, right there.
17:19All right, well, thank you.
17:22I hope you don't mind if I have a little snack.
17:23I don't mind.
17:24I'm sure you won't.
17:25I don't mind.
17:26Can you open this for me?
17:28I'm going to have to open this.
17:31Real food.
17:34It's about time.
17:36I'm hungry.
17:38You're trying to prank me, but it's not going to work.
17:41It's not going to work.
17:43I'm too smart for that.
17:44Oh, my god.
17:45OK, here we go.
17:46Here we go.
17:49Ha ha ha.
17:50You want me to hold it while you open it?
18:11It was a nice attempt.
18:12I think you did amazing.
18:13Wow, that's a big schlong.
18:15Oh, wow.
18:19You got me.
18:23Oh, I win.
18:24I win.
18:27Oh, my god.
18:29The brown monster has risen.
18:33Hey, I'm shocked.
18:35Sorry, Flo.
18:36Ha ha ha.
18:36Oh, I'm so mad.
18:40Oh, let's watch leaving for camp.
18:44Yeah, I mean, Josh.
18:48Oh, wow.
18:50Who the car is this?
18:51Did he leave just to come back in a nice car?
18:54Yeah, right.
18:54Mr. Mean.
18:56This mother-
18:58Ha ha ha.
18:59That's exactly what I was thinking.
19:01This mother-
19:02Here, boy.
19:02You just show off.
19:05He's definitely showing off.
19:07All of a sudden, Josh arrives.
19:09Flashy in his sport car.
19:11He wouldn't write me a message, Natalie, I'm coming back.
19:14But he shows up.
19:15Honestly, it is how Josh lives his life.
19:18He likes to show off.
19:19He likes paparazzi around.
19:22He always, like, takes me to the places
19:24where we can get noticed.
19:26And we were caught in some restaurants
19:29and walking to the restaurant by paparazzi.
19:32And after we saw ourselves in a magazine.
19:34Was that in LA?
19:35It's LA.
19:36It was LA, yeah.
19:37I think he did organize.
19:44That car is probably as much as my house.
19:47It's not going to cost so much money.
19:48It's not a Lamborghini, Geno.
19:49It's a rental.
19:53Did I say that?
19:53You did.
19:55It's not a rental.
19:56It's not a rental?
19:57Do you know how much it's worth?
20:00Almost $60,000.
20:01Is it?
20:02I think Geno's like, is that your car, man?
20:03And he's just like, one of many.
20:07I'm like, oh, s***.
20:09Oh, my god.
20:10Look, I'm here.
20:12Hey, the guy's here.
20:15All right.
20:19All right, you're now going to watch
20:20some never-before-seen footage from the drive to camping.
20:26So do you think you have like a,
20:28do you see any long-term relationship
20:30with Natalie with you?
20:31I'm willing to try and see if there
20:34is something that can work.
20:37But I don't know, man.
20:40She wants to come with me wherever I'm traveling.
20:43Dude, you guys have not even seen like the surface of it.
20:48We were in New York, and we were
20:50sitting with a bunch of people.
20:52You guys all know them.
20:54You know, Veronica, Tim, all of them, Chantel.
20:57She thought I was looking at Chantel,
20:59and she became extremely jealous.
21:02She threw her legs over me, and she
21:03starts to like stick her tongue all over my face.
21:07Well, you know, there is a saying, if I lick it, it's mine.
21:10I'm never surprised about Natalie
21:12having those kind of reactions, acting crazy.
21:14She'll pull jealousy or any form of anger
21:17from the strangest places.
21:19I believe that, you know, like Josh has a happy eye.
21:25He likes looking at woman's body parts, like the tits,
21:30the butt, and that kind of shit.
21:31Apparently, he's got a thing for the butt, so.
21:33Yeah, he's a butt guy.
21:35Yeah, because look, Sophie has a good butt.
21:37So I told.
21:37And Chantel, too.
21:39Natalie needs to find a boob guy,
21:41so he can just be like, she can yell at him,
21:43and he can just put those things on his face,
21:44and we can be all good.
21:47And she's like, no, I deserve to be with you.
21:49I deserve to be there by your side.
21:51Why is he even telling this story?
21:53Like, what is the point of doing that?
21:54Is it just to show how obsessed Natalie is with you
21:57because you're so great?
21:58Like, I understand Natalie can be crazy.
22:00Like, we get it.
22:01But Josh also does seem to go out of his way
22:04to make her seem even more crazy.
22:07Like, even the first time I spoke to him,
22:09in the same day, he told me how crazy Natalie is
22:11and doesn't even want to share a room with her.
22:13And like, I never see him talk good about her.
22:15And it's just like, why do you want everyone to already
22:18think she's more crazy than she is?
22:20To make you look better?
22:21Because you actually look worse.
22:22Because then why are you with her?
22:24You don't like me.
22:24You don't want to be with me.
22:25And I knew it was going to escalate to a point
22:28where it would be like a huge meltdown
22:29in front of all these people.
22:30So I gave in.
22:32And I said, fine, let's go.
22:55I think that he likes to seem like the man,
22:59like manly man, the cool guy.
23:01Like, women want me.
23:02You see how Natalie wants me?
23:03She's jealous of me talking to Chantel.
23:06So I think it's about maybe control.
23:09And also, I think he doesn't want to be
23:14seen as someone vulnerable.
23:16He doesn't want to be seen as someone
23:17who needs love from someone else.
23:19He gets love, but he doesn't have to give any love.
23:22That's what I think.
23:23That's what he wants people to see, even if it's not true.
23:28All right, everyone's ready?
23:29Let's do it.
23:36Beautiful view.
23:37Here we go.
23:39Well, welcome to Lake Pleasant, everyone.
23:41I am Sarah.
23:42I am a clinical hypnotherapist.
23:44All the tents are going to be set up right here.
23:46And we're going to start that right now.
23:50You going to help?
23:53I don't want to help.
23:54He thinks that he can handle everything himself, so.
24:00Let me help you, Gino.
24:06Thank you, Florian, for helping me put up the tent.
24:09No, I really appreciated it, honestly,
24:11because Jasmine wasn't helping me at all.
24:18You thought she was angry with me?
24:21Yeah, but I mean, even though she's angry with me,
24:25don't you think she should have helped me out,
24:27try to put the tent up?
24:28Maybe that would help our relationship a bit.
24:38But hey, there'll be a better chance.
24:41Maybe I'd sack with her if she were to help me with the tent
24:44than if she didn't.
24:55You can see how their emotions really
24:57dictate how they work together, or I
25:00should say not work together.
25:01Jasmine, I think she has a big inner child in her.
25:04That really runs the show a lot.
25:06So if you think about what a child does, when they're mad,
25:10they yell.
25:11When they're sad, they cry.
25:12When they're happy, they laugh.
25:14So this always, this comes out of Jasmine
25:16very seamlessly and easily.
25:17And I don't think many people are used to that.
25:19But I think she's pure, and I think she's genuine.
25:21However, I'm concerned.
25:25Based off of the intensity of the tension between them,
25:29almost in that moment, I sensed that there
25:32was an absolute brick wall between them
25:34as far as the love goes.
25:36And it almost felt like a fire that couldn't be rekindled.
25:49You ready, Ari?
25:50Do you remember camping, and you had
25:53to put your tent together?
25:55Oh, my freaking god.
25:57So you are going to have to assemble your tent.
26:01We are going to time you.
26:03Oh, shit.
26:04Up against everyone else in doubles interviews.
26:06Oh, shit.
26:10I will go and camp.
26:12I'm so excited.
26:14Set, go.
26:22What the hell?
26:26Tell me what to do, and I'll give you the stock.
26:29Wow, I'm actually in charge for once.
26:31This is nice.
26:32This is a pretty simple tent.
26:37I'm going to, like, pull it, and you're going to wait for it
26:39and pull it at the back.
26:40Yeah, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.
26:41I do the other part.
26:43Put it there.
26:45Oh, shit.
26:47All right, got it.
26:48Just push it.
26:49Now straighten out.
26:50Put that other piece on there.
26:52Here, here.
26:54Oh, good idea.
26:55It's good.
26:56Jasmine, no.
26:57We should have more sticks.
26:59Two sticks is not enough.
27:02Ha, ha, ha.
27:10We're done.
27:13Here you go.
27:13Your two-person tent.
27:17Teamwork makes teamwork.
27:19Now we can sleep higher than the tent.
27:21The better you sell it, the better it goes.
27:23So let's do presentation.
27:26Guys, me and Jasmine just built up a wonderful tent.
27:30Nice camp for your kids, family.
27:33So who going to buy this wonderful tent
27:35for me and Jasmine?
27:37This is better than my Michigan house.
27:41You did that in three minutes and 10 seconds.
27:44And guess what?
27:46You won.
27:49And tell them what they won.
27:51A trophy.
27:54A trophy.
27:57I'm just going to my tent now, because we lost.
27:58Ha, ha, ha.
28:00I don't want to talk to anybody else.
28:03Ha, ha, ha.
28:05Who's kissing that shit?
28:10All right, Josh.
28:11The next scene is some never-before-seen footage,
28:13and it's Natalie talking about you
28:15and her having a goddess child.
28:20So how was that experience?
28:22So who got their tent set up first?
28:24And you two got up quick.
28:26Everybody hates us.
28:27They don't like us to win.
28:41That is going to be cute.
28:46Went from not knowing if we're going to be together
28:48to having a child.
28:49It's crazy.
28:57I mean, yeah, I think that if that's what I wanted
28:59and we would, you know, to want to have a kid, yeah,
29:02I think it'd be cute, of course, you know?
29:04So what you're saying is you hope to work on putting
29:09your powers together more so you can raise
29:12a beautiful, strong little human?
29:44Yeah, that's not happening.
29:47I don't know if it's possible, because we don't know if we're
29:50going to be together.
29:51We're kind of on a complicated relationship.
29:53I think that the only way that these two will have a baby,
29:56and if it will be, like, something that happens,
29:58is if they can figure that out and get strong together.
30:00Yeah, I mean, there's no point.
30:09Josh is in a very different page,
30:11and he is, like, stopping you from experiencing that.
30:17As a mom myself, I can tell you that
30:18is one of the most wonderful experiences, become a mom.
30:22If he's in a different shop during his life,
30:25just try it with someone else.
30:27It's going to be beautiful, no matter who you have it with.
30:30And actually, Josh will be at that rate.
30:32And that's what we're here to learn.
30:34Yeah, OK.
30:36Beautiful, beautiful.
30:40Oh, shit.
30:43Welcome to your session for today.
30:45We're going to do some group hypnosis.
30:48The reason that we're doing this is
30:50to reconnect you with parts of your mind
30:53that you may not have connected with before.
30:57I wasn't sure, like, whether or not I could believe in that.
31:01But I was super interested in seeing if it was going to work.
31:05I'm like, hell yeah, if this is real.
31:08I'd love to find out that it's real.
31:10Hypnotize me.
31:11Now, what I want all of you guys to do,
31:12hold your hands out in front of you.
31:15Go ahead and close your eyes on down.
31:18When I click my fingers, your hands
31:20will feel like two strong magnets,
31:22two very strong magnets.
31:24Pulling and drifting it together,
31:25you'll feel your hands pulling and drifting together.
31:27There's a lot of hesitancy and also fear
31:30when it comes to hypnotherapy.
31:31A lot of people get this idea that they're
31:33going to be out of control in this, like, some magic show.
31:36But the truth is that, actually, in the state of hypnosis,
31:39we are more in control than we are,
31:41and this is so interesting, than we
31:43are in our just wakeful living state.
31:47And the reason for that is because you're more relaxed.
31:50So hypnosis actually puts you back into the driver's seat.
31:54When I touch you and say, sleep now,
31:56you drift into the deepest state of relaxation
31:58you've ever been before.
32:02Sleep now.
32:03Sleep now.
32:06Drifting and floating.
32:08Drifting and floating.
32:09It's, like, crazy.
32:10Like, I just kind of, like, instantly, like.
32:13Very, very.
32:14You feel that?
32:15Yeah, like, relaxed.
32:16And then I felt like I was going further and further back.
32:19And, like.
32:20Yeah, she feels sleepy, you feel like.
32:22All I could hear was her voice and, like, the nature.
32:25It was pretty cool.
32:26Like, I was shocked.
32:27I was actually, like, didn't think I would be hypnotized.
32:30But, yeah, it really works.
32:31You just made us go into ourselves.
32:35When I say the number one, you remember a specific time,
32:40a time when you've hurt your partner.
32:45So what was your verdict?
32:48I don't think we were in the right environment
32:52for that to be successful.
32:53Yeah, because you got Natalie back there.
32:58She was definitely cutting off the oxygen to her brain
33:00in that exercise.
33:09It was a little harder for me to concentrate,
33:10because, you know, Natalie was, like, having an exorcism.
33:14But for the most part, I feel like the girls had,
33:18were more into, in tune with that than the guys were.
33:21It was a win-win, yeah.
33:22Do you feel refreshed, revitalized,
33:23and renewed in every way?
33:25I actually like this exercise.
33:28Welcome back.
33:31I have been hypnotized before.
33:34I hypnotized myself.
33:35So I believe in hypnotherapy a lot.
33:38But the thing is, I haven't hypnotized Josh yet.
33:40But I'm preparing for my major hypnotized session.
33:43Hopefully, next year, I will hypnotize Josh that hard.
33:47So I'll get him to marry me, have a child with me,
33:49and move in with me in Arizona.
33:52So when he wakes up out of hypnosis,
33:54he will be father with child from Natalie,
33:58and we will get him after.
34:02Do you guys remember using pendulums at the campsite?
34:06For hypnotizing?
34:10I don't.
34:11I don't remember very well.
34:13We have to remind us.
34:15What is that?
34:16Remind me.
34:17So we have this pendulum for you guys.
34:19And we want to see if you can hypnotize one another.
34:22Have you ever hypnotized someone?
34:24Yes, multiple times.
34:26You have?
34:27Have you hypnotized Brandon all the time?
34:29He's called He Made Him.
34:31OK, I'm going to give you some instructions.
34:34Just your eyes are getting very heavy.
34:40Think about three beautiful women running on the beach.
34:47Are you sure?
34:48Yeah, it's OK.
34:50It's OK.
34:50And they're looking at you.
34:52Oh, Benny, you're so buff.
34:55You're such a good dancer.
34:58Now I want you to imagine you see a beautiful lake.
35:03And in front of you see so many boobs, small and big.
35:09And after I say one, two, three, you will be hypnotized.
35:13And you're thinking you have long hair like Rob.
35:16Take a deep breath in.
35:18Now let it out.
35:21Your head is getting very heavy.
35:24Connect with the inner part of yourself, your inner child.
35:30And now you are sleeping.
35:33You feel like all your worries, all your struggles,
35:35all your fears go away.
35:37You'll see.
35:38Open your eyes.
35:41I want more.
35:42One, two, three, bam.
35:44Do you hypnotize?
35:46You have pointed tail.
35:48Look at the mirror.
35:51My god.
35:52You see?
35:54I have hair.
35:56Natalie, when you come back, you're not going
36:01to give a shit about Josh.
36:04You deserve better.
36:07Come back to me, Natalie.
36:09You hate Josh.
36:12Did I cure you?
36:14You surprised me.
36:15I was just like, I'm good.
36:17You're cured.
36:19And that's how you hypnotize somebody.
36:22OK, let's go to hypnotherapy, Brandon and Julia.
36:25Oh, damn.
36:26So what I want to do at this time
36:28is just kind of go down the line and hear your feedback
36:31on what the moment was for you, how you would
36:33have liked to do it differently.
36:36I mean, we're here for honest, right?
36:42Please don't walk away when I tell you that.
36:45Ooh, I remember that.
36:47Yeah, I remember that.
36:48That's what it's.
36:50I remember when you come to visit my family in Russia.
36:53I acted horrible, and we always broke up.
36:58Because I meet my ex, and we plan to be thinking
37:03to go back to each other.
37:09That was a pretty big bomb that Julia dropped.
37:13I mean, I think you see all of us were like, oh.
37:15Yeah, we put our heads down.
37:17I didn't know what to say.
37:19Oh, shit.
37:21Yeah, me too.
37:21It's like I didn't even want to pay
37:22attention to what was going on.
37:33That's cheating.
37:47It was one of your exes before Brandon,
37:50so I don't really feel like it's considered as a cheating,
37:53to be honest.
38:06Kiss is cheating.
38:13I don't know if I want to dig any deeper
38:15into it at this point.
38:17Right, that's why she should have never brought it up.
38:20Just let that shit be dead and leave it.
38:23It's old news.
38:23It's back from five years ago.
38:25It's like y'all are so far past that,
38:26and you guys are married now and devoted
38:28and committed to each other.
38:30It's like, why would you throw that monkey wrench
38:33into y'all's whole reality and dynamic
38:37at this point in your life?
38:48At that moment, when Julia brought that out,
38:51I was more concerned and reading and really
38:53connecting with Brandon.
38:57Because to hear that in the setting
39:00that he heard that, I was genuinely concerned
39:03about his emotional well-being.
39:07It's not common that somebody just kind of airs something
39:10totally unexpected, at least in a group setting.
39:12It definitely is common in the one-to-one setting,
39:14though, with couples.
39:17But I was not expecting that.
39:42Next time on Between the Sheets.
39:45Oh, my god.
39:45Ketchup on corn?
39:47Jasmine is over here, like, eating it like a potato.
39:52I think I'd rather eat a blackened potato.
39:54You're a bitch.
39:55And you're blaming me for ketchup.
39:58You're a bitch.
39:59Julia told me you gave her the dark kiss.
40:03The dark kiss?
40:06Rob, what was your moment?
40:08You know, the first girl to reach out to me
40:10and sending me inappropriate things,
40:12I feel like it changed everything.
40:14We came to the resort because of other issues.
40:17I have a list of reasons.
40:18Can you share what those reasons are?
40:21The top one is on my birthday, when he took me
40:25to a fast food place.
40:26And I said, can I get some ranch?
40:27He goes up there, comes back.
40:28And I said, where's my ranch?
40:30It was $1, so he can't have it.
40:34If I'm going to give an apology,
40:36like, I want it to mean something.
40:38I don't want to just apologize for everything.
40:41I was hoping he would apologize for not wanting
40:43to be committed to me, for not putting me
40:46into his future plans, for not spending holidays with me,
40:49for not showing his house, for not letting me into his life,
40:53for not letting me into his work.
40:54He deserves to be kicked in the balls.
40:57I saw on his phone that he's been texting women
41:02the whole time during this resort.
41:06You're down to be adventurous?
41:09Let's explore.
41:14That was like the beginning of the end for me
41:16ever with Jasmine, because I could
41:18feel that Jasmine was in Sophie's
41:20ear that whole morning.
41:21And I just felt like Jasmine was the puppeteer.
41:24That's our marriage.
41:25And Jasmine's treating it like it's a game.
41:28That's why I fucked Jasmine.
