• 2 days ago
NCIS Sydney S02 E01


00:01Previously on NCIS Sydney
00:04Special Agent Mackey, Colonel Richard Rankin. Heard great things.
00:07And you're already lying to me. Not a good start, Colonel.
00:10We need to get her help, quick.
00:12Oh, I need a doctor.
00:13You need a lawyer.
00:15What should we call you?
00:17My name is Anna Nemes.
00:19Your guest is of extreme importance to the U.S. intelligence community.
00:23If you want to disappear, you have to have your hands tied.
00:28Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, what do you mean they took Jack?
00:31Where the hell's my son?
00:33She's important enough for someone to kidnap a nine-year-old boy to get her back.
00:36Get my nine-year-old boy!
00:38This guy, he's not planning on rescuing you. He's planning on killing you.
00:41His name is Yaroslav.
00:43Each of them discovered dead with a painted conifer in their hands.
00:47Turns out it's an obscure pagan tradition within the Russian Orthodox Church.
00:50Dad! Is that you?
00:54I'm sure your team will arrive soon enough.
00:57And if they don't, phone a friend.
01:00You might be surprised who answers.
01:11You gonna get that, Colonel?
01:23I think it's fair to say that given the choice between fight and flight,
01:26most of us will run from danger.
01:29It's the rare few who run towards it.
01:34But when you volunteer to defend the nation against all enemies,
01:38foreign and domestic, that's the deal you make.
01:44To place duty above family,
01:47hardship above comfort.
01:54Tragically for some,
01:57it means paying the ultimate price.
02:23Don't make me ask again, Colonel.
02:26Answer the damn phone.
02:31J.E., we've got a problem.
02:34We've got a problem.
02:37We've got a problem.
02:40We've got a problem.
02:43We've got a problem.
02:46We've got a problem.
02:49We've got a problem.
02:52J.E., we clear?
02:57That's not supposed to happen, is it?
02:59Get up. Get up, now.
03:04On your feet.
03:06Now, Colonel.
03:09Lidocaine syringe in my kit and call the paramedics.
03:12Come on, you're not buying this, are you? He's faking.
03:14It's very hard to make your heart stop beating if it doesn't want to.
03:18Hey, it's me.
03:21Mackie? What?
03:23I don't understand.
03:24You just called Rankin's phone.
03:27Mackie, why did my son's kidnapper
03:30have Rankin's number in his phone?
03:32I don't know, but we're gonna find out.
03:34I got this. Call you later.
03:39Hey, Emily, come on.
03:41You back with us, Colonel?
03:43You have to help me.
03:46Once you tell me why your number is on a Russian assassin's phone...
03:50My kids.
03:54What's happening?
03:56Well, his heart rate's gone from zero to 200 BPM in a matter of seconds.
03:59Adverse reaction to the Lidocaine?
04:00That's that bloody thing there.
04:01Pacemaker. Pacemaker, yes. Give me a hammer.
04:03A hammer?
04:04Hammer and, uh, blues portable sound thingy there on the shelf.
04:17That'll do me at work.
04:19Pacemaker runs on a battery.
04:21Magnet disables the battery.
04:23It's an old battlefield hack.
04:25So he's gonna be okay, then?
04:26Him? No, no, no, no, no, no.
04:28I just stopped his heart from temporarily exploding.
04:30But by the time the paramedics get here and we get him to the hospital,
04:33then old mate will be as dead as disco.
04:42I need a cardiac team.
04:44He's crashing!
04:46All right, out of the way, please. Thank you.
04:48With me? With me? Let's go.
04:51Do you want to take a seat?
04:53No, I'm... I'm fine. Just take care of him.
04:56He's in good hands. I promise.
04:57I need to ask you a few questions, okay?
05:00Starting with the patient's name.
05:08His name is David Simons.
05:15David Simons
05:20Dippy smiled and closed his eyes,
05:23curled his tail around the campfire
05:26and went to sleep.
05:38Easy, mate.
05:40I'm right here.
05:42Just go back to sleep. Everything's okay.
05:50There's two more AFP officers out the front.
05:53Suits this time.
05:55Apparently he couldn't wait until tomorrow.
06:12Special Agent Mackey.
06:17I, uh, didn't know we were expecting you.
06:20You weren't.
06:21I just flew in from Singapore after I got a call from our friends at Quantico.
06:25Deputy Director of the FBI wants to know why his grab team
06:28flew all the way to Sydney to render an international assassin
06:31who is no longer in your custody.
06:36That was unfortunate.
06:38Deputy Director used a different adjective.
06:40Sir, we had Nemus isolated in the interview room
06:43while we worked the abduction of Sergeant Dempsey's boy,
06:46but by the time the grab team got here,
06:49she'd picked her cuffs and fled the scene.
06:52That's what I'm supposed to tell the Deputy Director,
06:54that she just strolled on out of here.
06:56It's a new office, sir.
06:58We have no dedicated holding cells on site.
07:00So it's the building's fault?
07:02I don't know what else to tell you.
07:11You're relieved of your duties pending a 2B investigation.
07:14Zero communication with your team until I'm done.
07:17Am I clear?
07:18Are you kidding me?
07:19It's fine, D.
07:21My watch,
07:23my responsibility.
07:29I'll be interviewing each of you regarding Nemus's escape.
07:32Jackson, you're Acting Supervisory Special Agent in Charge.
07:36Since you're calling the shots, you get to go first.
07:39Seriously? You made you boss?
07:41Can I be benched too?
07:46I'm not doing it.
07:47Excuse me?
07:49I resigned my JAG commission over the way Mackie was treated
07:51during her court-martial.
07:53I'm not about to throw her under the bus now.
07:56I don't think you're grasping the existential nature of the situation.
08:00Word from D.C. is if Nemus isn't recaptured, and quickly,
08:04you can all pack your bags.
08:07I'm talking end of days.
08:08So why waste time with me when I could be out there looking for her?
08:10Because there's blood in the water.
08:12And in the event she's not recaptured,
08:14I need to know exactly who's taking the fall for it.
08:18Because it sure as hell ain't gonna be me.
08:27Okay, just so I'm clear,
08:29you say you drove her to the swap site as instructed by the kidnapper.
08:33My son's kidnapper, yeah.
08:34But when you got there, she somehow disarmed you.
08:37That's right.
08:38But then, instead of shooting you,
08:40Nemus shot the guy who was there to rescue her before escaping.
08:44I underestimated her, what can I say?
08:47Not my finest hour.
08:50You think we're idiots, mate?
08:51You really expect us to believe that?
08:53What, that she escaped, or that you're an idiot?
08:59So you transported an international tier one HVT to a potential swap site without briefing AFP?
09:05When was I meant to do that, mate? Huh?
09:07We only arrested her last night.
09:09Yeah, she's been on your radar for months now.
09:11Along with the rest of the intel community.
09:14You know, NCIS just happened to be the first ones that caught her.
09:17Well, momentarily more than you.
09:20When was your funeral?
09:22Administrative leave effective immediately.
09:24I'll let the 10th floor know they'll likely want to speak with Canberra.
09:27Send me the zoom link, yeah, you got my email.
09:29Well, laugh it up, sport.
09:31Bet you're gonna need a bloody good lawyer.
09:33For your own sake, stay away from NCIS.
09:36I'm gonna need your badge and your gun.
09:38Come on, Jim.
09:40Take a look at the badge, you're one of us.
09:43Time to pick a side, mate.
09:47Gun's at home.
09:50Didn't think I'd need her amongst mates.
10:06How's Jack?
10:08He's still asleep.
10:11Poor thing's exhausted.
10:13You alright?
10:15Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
10:17Um, just call me when he wakes up, okay?
10:20What do I tell him when he asks where you are?
10:23Just tell him Dad's making sure this doesn't happen again.
10:32Howdy, partner.
10:33Yeah, I'd use that term advisedly if I were you.
10:36I just got benched.
10:37Join the club.
10:38I'm about as close to ex-AFP as you can get.
10:41You tell them about Rankin?
10:43Not in so many words.
10:45Then tell me.
10:46Rankin's not in a good way.
10:48Looks like he was heavily compromised.
10:50By who?
10:52He had a heart attack.
10:53He what?
10:55Just after you called him from Yaroslav's phone.
11:00I need to speak with him.
11:01Yeah, I don't think so.
11:03I'm not asking.
11:04Come on, I'm already suspended.
11:05What's the worst they can do?
11:07You really want to find out?
11:08I really want to talk to the person who helped take my son.
11:15Meet me in front of St. Christopher's Hospital in an hour.
11:46One, two, three, four.
11:56Blanket all airports.
11:57Domestic, international, freight.
11:59Overseas passenger terminals.
12:01Boat hire companies, full pipe.
12:02Do you really think that Miss Amos is going to try and flee the country?
12:05I mean, surely she'd know that there's going to be an alert out for her.
12:07Which her?
12:09Upload them all to Fatal Wreck.
12:11She's got to be here somewhere.
12:12On it.
12:16Hard at work, huh, Cooper?
12:17You're up when I get back.
12:19Yes, sir.
12:21Can't wait.
12:32What are you doing in here?
12:34Just getting my head straight.
12:36Good luck with that.
12:37So you bring Carter up to speed?
12:39More or less.
12:40You know, didn't want to overwhelm him with details.
12:42Details such as?
12:43Such as dead Yaroslav.
12:46And I didn't get to the part about J.D. using Yaroslav's phone to call Rankin either,
12:51or that he had a heart attack as a result.
12:53Told him everything else, though.
12:56Maggie didn't tell him and she's got to have her reasons.
12:58I'm not about to drop a dime on her, Evie.
13:00Snitches end up in ditches.
13:02With stitches.
13:10Totally stuck with this Boston, huh?
13:12I mean, you withheld intel from your superior,
13:14and you flat out lied about issues of national security on your first day in charge.
13:18That's a solid start.
14:03Thought we agreed to meet out front.
14:07Be simple, huh?
14:09Accidentally not to plug out and just walk away?
14:13Must happen from time to time.
14:15I guess.
14:17Thing is, you'd never get the answers to the questions swirling around that head of yours.
14:32Maybe I'm okay with that.
14:36Others maybe.
14:39Not you.
14:41Hell of a day, huh?
14:49You were only pretending you were going to kill him so I'd hug you, right?
14:53That obvious, was it?
14:55Sorry I'm late.
14:56I'm Dr. Jacobs, David's cardiologist.
14:58Yes, of course, we spoke on the phone.
14:59I'm Jenna, David's niece.
15:01This is my husband, Ward.
15:04We came as soon as we heard.
15:05I, uh, we weren't expecting to find Uncle Dave like this.
15:08He's going to be okay, right?
15:11Your uncle's in an induced coma.
15:14It was the only way to safely remove the pacemaker.
15:17But he'll regain consciousness at some point, right?
15:19I mean, he's not going to be like that forever.
15:21Your uncle was without oxygen flow to the brain for several minutes.
15:25In reality, if he does come back, he may not be the man you knew.
15:29What exactly does this do?
15:31It's an implanted cardioverter defibrillator,
15:33designed to punch the heart back into rhythm in the event of tachycardia.
15:37And I'm guessing it didn't work.
15:38Not exactly.
15:39It paced your uncle's heart back to almost 200 beats per minute,
15:43leading to a near-catastrophic cardiac arrest.
15:46So he had a heart attack, and then his pacemaker failed and made it worse?
15:50It's possible that the pacemaker didn't fail after your uncle's heart attack.
15:56Its failure may have caused the heart attack.
16:00How often does that happen?
16:02Almost unheard of.
16:03Even when we've had issues in the past,
16:05it's almost always a glitch with the third-party monitoring service
16:08that tracks the device 24-7.
16:17A couple of things.
16:18Firstly, you might want to give me a heads-up next time we get hitched.
16:21First thing that came to mind.
16:23Can we talk about Ward?
16:25I mean, really, do I look like a ward to you?
16:27What's wrong with Ward? It's a good, strong name.
16:29Yeah, for a 1950s TV dad.
16:31Fine. Next time we get married, you can pick your own name.
16:35Now, can we get back to the fact that someone hacked Rankin's pacemaker?
16:38What are you thinking?
16:40There's a company with remote access.
16:42All you've got to do is hack them,
16:44and you can turn them off with the click of your fingers.
16:46Okay, why would anyone want to do that?
16:48Maybe it'd become an unnecessary complication.
16:51New stuff they didn't want him sharing? I don't know.
16:53Yeah, well, you'd have to know that he had a pacemaker first.
16:56You'd have to know the exact device.
16:58Who has that kind of information?
17:00He works for the D.O.D.
17:02Why don't we start there?
17:09Call me old-fashioned, but isn't it normal for an agenda to have more than one item?
17:13I don't know. First day in the big chair, remember?
17:15But what I do know is that if we don't find her ASAP,
17:18it could also be our last.
17:20So let's go. No such thing as a bad idea.
17:25Doc, floor is yours.
17:27I was just wondering whether now would be a good time to discuss Arise.
17:30I'm serious. Come on.
17:32Y'all think I wanted to be boss?
17:34Hell no. But here we are.
17:36So is it too much for me to ask for a little respect?
17:39I think it probably is, Mike.
17:41Sorry I'm late.
17:43My interview with the real boss ran long.
17:45How'd it go? Yeah, fine.
17:47He just wanted to know how he could have screwed up so badly.
17:49I told him it was all your fault.
17:51Who wants to start now? For real.
17:53I have good news.
17:55I was able to track down Doc's van.
17:57Turns out Nemus left the swap site and drove to Wollongong Central.
18:00Way to go, Blue. Good initiative.
18:02In less good news,
18:04they don't have CCTV in the parking station
18:06and we owe $235 in parking fees.
18:09Great. What about Rankin's phone?
18:12Burner. Bought with cash.
18:14Only had Yaroslav's number on it.
18:16So in terms of tracking down Nemus,
18:18we got nothing but our...
18:21dead Russian friend here.
18:24And he ain't telling a squat.
18:30Cool pants.
18:33Sure, if you get off on QR codes.
18:35It's bio-wearable, obviously.
18:39A tech tat.
18:41You... Seriously, guys, where have you been?
18:46It's a, um,
18:48a digital device that runs off the body's electrical system.
18:50It's embedded under the skin
18:52with, um, a near-field communication chip.
18:56What's it for?
18:58Data storage, mainly, so you can
19:00lose your phone, but you have to try really hard to lose this.
19:02Um, I've got hard data
19:04at me 24-7, baby.
19:06I'm not even going there.
19:08Isn't the problem, old mate, is out of juice?
19:10So the tech died when he did.
19:12Not true. See, the tattoo, it's like a thumb drive.
19:14So you don't need power to store the information, just to retrieve it.
19:16In which case, we have no other option.
19:18We'll just have to
19:20stick a probe up his butt
19:22and Frankenstein him back to life.
19:28No way.
19:30Why not?
19:32Because it's my first day and that is not a
19:34first-day boss type of move.
19:36Says who? Come on, show everyone
19:38what sort of leader you are.
19:40Yeah, the type that goes to prison for reanimating dead people.
19:42Come on, Doc, tell her it's impossible.
19:44Controversial, deeply
19:46unethical, but impossible.
19:48I don't think so.
20:00How much did he make again?
20:02He's like some
20:04bougie serial killer.
20:06It's not a crime scene.
20:10So, stop snooping and plant your ass.
20:14Finish that, then go home.
20:16Be with your family.
20:18Yeah, just sit back and wait for it to happen again.
20:24Yaroslav had a
20:26bag over my son's head.
20:30He was going to shoot him.
20:34And the people who paid for it are still out there,
20:36so, uh,
20:38it's not going to end until I end it.
20:43I haven't been home in months.
20:45I've been camming out in a mate's
20:47garage until things work themselves
20:49out with Beck.
20:51A mate's garage, huh?
20:53And you're
20:55criticizing my setup?
21:01You're thinking
21:03about my pacemaker hack theory, aren't you?
21:05No, no, no, no.
21:07Yeah, you are. And you're wishing
21:09there was some way to prove it. Wait, wait, wait.
21:11No, no, no, no. Why not?
21:13Because it's 9.30 and they're probably left for the day.
21:15They're not meant to talk to us. So it's time for the loyalty test, then.
21:21Hey, boss. What's up?
21:23Jay, do you want to see if you'd pick up?
21:25No, I didn't. What are you all doing?
21:27Oh, you know,
21:31Any closer to reeling in Nemus?
21:33Working on it. How about Rankin?
21:35We just paid him a hospital visit. And?
21:37And Doc was right.
21:39His pacemaker wasn't doing him any favours.
21:41We think the device was hacked.
21:43And once we figure out what the device
21:45is, then we can...
21:47Scratch that. We know what the device
21:49is. How's that?
21:51Because Mackie stole it from the hospital.
21:53Oof, way to go, real boss.
21:55Blue, I need you to shake out
21:57Rankin's medical file from Walter Reed.
21:59Think you can do that without leaving too many fingerprints?
22:01Is the bear a Catholic?
22:03Hey, turn your video on so we can see the pacemaker.
22:07No can do. We're at
22:09the library.
22:11Then why aren't you whispering?
22:13Call us when you have Rankin's file.
22:23They're never going to find Nemus, you know.
22:25Don't say that.
22:27We catch a lucky break. Maybe
22:29she makes a mistake.
22:31People like that don't make mistakes.
22:33You get one shot at someone like that and we took ours.
22:37in that case,
22:39it was fun while it lasted, mate.
22:43Good luck
22:45crop dusting from a chopper.
22:47I'm right back out to teach.
22:55Oh, it's the States. I'll call
22:57back. No, you can take it.
22:59Just pretend I'm not even here.
23:07Just wrapping up for the day.
23:09Kind of crappy.
23:11I can't lie.
23:13Yeah, I'll explain later.
23:15No, no.
23:17I'll be fine.
23:23I love you too, baby.
23:29You told me to pretend like you were
23:33Well, I didn't know you had a partner
23:35back home.
23:39I don't.
23:41That was my son.
23:47Okay, your son.
23:51How old is he?
23:53Almost 18 now.
23:55Senior year at high school.
23:59I was 17.
24:01Also a senior at high school.
24:03Crazy, huh?
24:05That must have been a lot.
24:09Making real-life decisions without any
24:11real-life experience?
24:13I would not recommend it.
24:15Figured I'd
24:17totally screwed up both our lives.
24:19You know, living cliche.
24:21Broke-ass teenage mom
24:23trying to raise a kid in small-town America.
24:25But that is not how it turned out for us.
24:27Trey lives with my mom.
24:29We talk most nights.
24:31He visits during holidays.
24:33He's killing school.
24:35He's a varsity point guard.
24:37And the best thing in my entire universe.
24:39Best mistake I ever made.
24:49A conifer.
24:51A conifer.
24:57There's a shield against evil spirits that might be released.
24:59I don't want to take any chances.
25:01I wonder about you sometimes.
25:05What is that then?
25:07That is a magnetic resonance
25:09electrical impedance tomography machine
25:11and it's used to measure the electrical conductivity
25:13in skin tissue.
25:15And that?
25:17That is a car battery.
25:19Now, Blue
25:21please connect those
25:23and soon his heart battery will be yours.
25:25Are we sure about doing this?
25:27I just, I feel like we're
25:29crossing some kind of spiritual Rubicon.
25:31Bluebird, relax. I've spent
25:33an entire career on the margins of life and death.
25:35Abby Conifer
25:37there is really
25:39nothing to fear here, okay?
25:41Besides, we're being ordered to do it
25:43by our new boss.
25:47we need to find Nemous
25:49and Yaroslav is one of the last people to see her, right?
25:51That's a legit avenue of inquiry.
25:53So in the absence of a better lead
25:57Light him up, Doc.
25:59I thought you'd never ask. Stand back on the count of three.
26:01One, two, and three.
26:07Well, I won't lie to you
26:09I was hoping for more.
26:17Please tell me that's you, Doc.
26:21Let's lock me up, I guess.
26:23Yes, here we go.
26:25Come on. He's got a charge.
26:27Blue, let's go. Come on.
26:29What in the hell is going
26:31on here?
26:33Who in God's name is that?
26:37Das, um
26:39Yaroslav Ilkin, sir.
26:41He's a dead Russian assassin.
26:43Then J.D. called
26:45the only number in Yaroslav's contact list.
26:47Who turned out to be Colonel Rankin.
26:49He then had a heart attack and almost died.
26:51I see.
26:53And you chose not to tell me this because...
26:55Because I didn't want to compromise you, sir.
26:57If you didn't know, you couldn't be held accountable.
26:59You thought that was your call to make.
27:01You told me to find Nemous
27:03or risk losing my team.
27:05Those are the stakes.
27:07I gotta do what I gotta do.
27:09Sorry to interrupt.
27:11You might want to see this, boss.
27:13And boss's boss.
27:17What am I looking at?
27:19This is what was stored on Yaroslav's
27:21tech tattoo.
27:23Do we know what it means?
27:25I do. Okay, so at first I thought it was a haiku,
27:27but then I realised that it has
27:29more than 17 phonetic units, obviously.
27:31So then I thought it might be the answers
27:33to the New York Times Connections word game.
27:35Has anyone played that? No.
27:37It's great for neuroplasticity,
27:39especially in old age.
27:43And then I worked out it's a seed phrase.
27:45A what?
27:47It's a series of random words that allowed
27:49Mr. Yaroslav to access this.
27:51What is that?
27:53His crypto wallet? Affirmative.
27:55Giving us a window into all payments
27:57into and out of his account. Jobs that he's done.
27:59It's like his professional ledger.
28:01That's what I'm talking about. Boom. Come on.
28:03And I bet my electric scooter that based on the date,
28:05that is his payment for abducting Jack.
28:07That sequence of numbers,
28:09that represents who ordered the kidnapping.
28:11So, like, Yaroslav's boss.
28:13The beauty of the blockchain
28:15is that it's somehow able to embrace
28:17anonymity and transparency at the same time.
28:19So, meanwhile,
28:21you know, we're not able to see
28:23who is behind that series of numbers,
28:25but we are able to see what goes into
28:27and out of the account.
28:29And both of these line up with Mimis' known actions.
28:31The attempted theft of the nucleotech from the USS Navajo
28:33and the crushing of the Geometric launch.
28:35So, this number paid both Yaroslav and Mimis.
28:37It's got to be Rankin, right?
28:39That is what we thought, and then we noticed this.
28:43That is a payment going into
28:45Miss Mimis' crypto account an hour ago
28:47while Rankin's in a coma.
28:49So, Mimis has another job.
28:51And whoever paid Yaroslav
28:53and Mimis, it's not
28:55Richard Rankin.
28:57Then who the hell is it?
29:05How long have I been out?
29:07Uh, a few hours.
29:09Figured you could do with a shut-eye.
29:13I've got to go.
29:15Yeah, hey, um, before you go,
29:19Oh, in the cone, compadre.
29:23Would you have told me about him if it didn't look like it?
29:25No, no, no, no, no.
29:27No, no, no, no, no.
29:29No, no, no, no, no.
29:31No, no, no, no, no.
29:33Would you have told me about him if it didn't look like
29:35we'd hit the end of the road?
29:37I don't know. Uh...
29:39Some point, maybe?
29:41Hmm. No, you know what?
29:43Probably not.
29:45Well, then I'm glad we're done.
30:25Morning, Sergeant.
30:27What the hell are you doing here?
30:29Come on, now. I'm not a tiny bit excited to see me.
30:32We're done.
30:34Okay? That was the deal.
30:35After you played me so badly?
30:37Convincing me that Jaroslav wasn't there to rescue me, after all?
30:39I told you. I did what I had to do.
30:41You know the funny thing?
30:43You were right, you cheeky bugger.
30:45Jaroslav brought three conifers to the swap that day.
30:48One for you, one for your son.
30:50And one for me.
30:52I was never meant to walk out of there alive.
30:54Has that got to do with me?
30:56Well, you see, someone paid him to do it, didn't they?
30:59I don't know where Rankin is.
31:01Come on, now.
31:03I think carefully before lying to a woman with a gun in her hand.
31:08Rankin's either military, or intelligence, or both.
31:12But the Yanks took him and didn't tell me where.
31:14He was more than happy to sacrifice your son to protect himself.
31:17Think about that.
31:20I promised to do to him what you want so badly to do yourself.
31:24Think of me like an angel of vengeance.
31:28So who's footing the bill, then?
31:31Someone further up the chain than Rankin?
31:35So how's this?
31:37You tell me who's pulling the strings,
31:39and maybe I can rustle up Rankin's whereabouts.
31:44You're in no position to propose a deal, Sergeant.
31:50Fool me once, shame on you.
31:52Fool me twice, and I'll be back to pay your son a wee visit.
31:58And if not me, others.
32:02You've got until noon.
32:28What the hell are you doing here?
32:30You know you shouldn't be in a cart of a flip.
32:32How are we tracking?
32:34We found out who's paying Neemus, and it's not Rankin.
32:36Any idea what the payment's for?
32:38Well, if we assume the pacemaker hack is an attempted hit,
32:40I'd say someone's trying to finish what they started.
32:44Find out where it's made, who sold it, and where it was implanted.
32:47Crack that, and we'll find out who's paying Neemus.
32:50I don't know what you're talking about.
32:52I don't know what you're talking about.
32:54Find out who sold it, and where it was implanted.
32:56Crack that, and we'll crack his pull in the strings.
33:00So, good to have you back, Ross.
33:06Don't speak too soon.
33:24Don't speak too soon.
33:47Good work accessing Rankin's medical file, Bluebird. Very good.
33:51Thanks. Anything out of the ordinary?
33:53Well, reasons I didn't like him?
33:55He's as fit as a trout, strong as an ox, no heart complaint history,
33:59low cholesterol, low blood pressure, and...
34:04There's this.
34:07Boss, down here, please.
34:09As of Rankin's last six-monthly DOD check-up, no pacemaker.
34:14So when was it implanted? No idea.
34:16And by whom? And why, if he wasn't sick?
34:18Maybe it's leverage. For what?
34:20I don't know. Get Rankin to play nice and do as he's told?
34:22That doesn't explain why they chose that exact moment to try and turn him off.
34:26No, but this might.
34:33It's a listening device.
34:35Rankin had a listening device inside of his pacemaker.
34:38Come again?
34:39Rankin had a microphone implanted inside of him.
34:43Explains that, I guess.
34:46Rankin wanted to tell us something before he collapsed.
34:49Didn't want to alert whoever was listening.
35:21St. Christopher's Hospital. Room 213.
35:31Bit early for a heart starter, isn't it?
35:34All good?
35:37What's so important you couldn't do it over the phone?
35:39The listening device in Rankin's pacemaker.
35:42Someone was monitoring him the entire time. What's that tell you?
35:45Tells me everything we thought about him was wrong.
35:48The attempted theft or nuclear attack, Gaiometro...
35:50Jack. All of it.
35:53All someone else.
35:55And that someone else just hired Nemus to kill him once and for all.
35:59How do you know that?
36:00Because she told me.
36:03You'd do anything for your son, right?
36:06What have you done?
36:07Call the others. We don't have a lot of time.
36:11Because Nemus knows where Rankin is.
36:13How the hell did she find out?
36:15I told her.
36:46I seem to have lost a patient.
36:48Oh, Mr Simons. He's on his way to the ambulance bay.
36:50He's been moved to a different hospital, apparently.
37:25She's closing fast.
37:34We're getting closer.
37:44She's getting...
38:11You OK?
38:12Define OK.
38:13Where is she?
38:38You good?
38:43There, there.
38:44Grab control. I've got Nemus.
38:45Copy that.
38:48Get back!
38:49Move back this way!
38:56That's far enough.
38:59Put the gun down, Sergeant.
39:00Not this time.
39:02Come now, I spared your boy. Don't make me regret it.
39:07So you got cold feet and couldn't see it through.
39:11Rankin got what he had coming.
39:13You know that.
39:15It's a good result for both of us.
39:17You don't know what you're talking about.
39:19Of course I do.
39:21Which is why you're going to lower your weapon.
39:24And I'm going to walk on out of your life.
39:31Take care, Sergeant.
39:33Give your boy a hope from me.
40:05Rankin's family's been notified.
40:07His wife and kids are on a flight out of Dallas as we speak.
40:10How'd they take it?
40:11How do you think?
40:14I hope my being suspended won't make things difficult for you with the FBI.
40:19I suspect it might have if I'd told them.
40:23I didn't pick you for such a pragmatist, sir.
40:25The FBI are far more interested in locking up a national security threat
40:28than they are with a temporary HR issue at NCIS Sydney.
40:35History's written by the victors, Agent Mackey.
40:38Now, I can't imagine how Rankin's whereabouts were leaked
40:41or how that may or may not have flushed out Nemus.
40:45But given the mission was to take her into custody, that's all anyone's going to remember.
40:54It was you who let Nemus know where Rankin was holed up, right?
40:58Why would you say that?
41:00I'm going to take that as a yes.
41:02All I know is that recovering Nemus was a condition of getting my job back and
41:06I happen to like my job.
41:08Remind me to never play chess with you, Sergeant.
41:11You know what I mean?
41:12It reminded me of this fat American Marine.
41:14It was just as bad.
41:15It wasn't so much a golf ball.
41:17It was a golf ball.
41:18A mini golf ball.
41:19I have your attention, please.
41:22I just received an email from Director Vance
41:25congratulating all of you on an outstanding result.
41:28It's not every day that we collar someone on the Interpol red list.
41:32There you go.
41:33What's up?
41:34AFP have also been in touch and they're thrilled to have played a pivotal role
41:38in apprehending an internationally sought-after fugitive.
41:42Well done.
41:43But I'm afraid I have some more sobering news.
41:46I've completed my interviews regarding Nemus's escape from custody.
41:51And the findings are conclusive.
41:53Heads are going to roll, big time.
41:55Which is why I need to know who is ultimately responsible for losing her.
42:02I am, sir.
42:05I am.
42:07That would be me.
42:09You're looking at him, Mike.
42:11You're looking at him.
42:41You're looking at him.
43:00The doctor's removed the sedation, but he's not responding.
43:03He swapped an induced coma for a natural one.
43:07At least for now, no one knows he's alive.
43:09But they can't guarantee he comes back at this point.
43:13He better.
43:15He's the only one who can put a name to the son of a bitch behind all this.
43:40I'm sorry.
43:42I'm sorry.
43:44I'm sorry.
43:46I'm sorry.
43:48I'm sorry.