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The Real Housewives of Potomac - Season 9 Episode 20 ,
The Real Housewives of Potomac S09E20,
The Real Housewives of Potomac S09 Ep20,
The Real Housewives of Potomac S09 Epi20,
The Real Housewives of Potomac,
the real housewives of potomac season 9 episode 20


00:00I'm gonna kind of switch gears a little bit. Hopefully she'll come back
00:10Okay guys get out
00:13No guys, no guys
00:16My god, I'm about to get wore out the way I dragged Greg up here. You're gonna be like, okay
00:21So was it just Greg and it was just Eddie Eddie. Okay, I know
00:25Stacey you didn't want TJ to come today. We had invited TJ to come. Why didn't you want him to come?
00:32Because we're no longer together. Oh, are you sure no more camera? Yeah, I didn't want him to come
00:39well, Eddie is
00:42here and
00:43Eddie as you mentioned earlier Eddie and TJ talk
00:47yeah, Eddie actually FaceTime with TJ to see why he's not here and
00:52TJ let Eddie know that you actually paid him to be your love interest
01:02TJ also told Eddie that you told him not to come and TJ also said
01:08Run him his money because the money is not adding up
01:23She paid him some money and still owes him a lot of money you owe him back money. Yes
01:31Let me say this right now. Oh
01:33so we pretend I
01:35Absolutely do not believe
01:38Anything that you're saying, oh, it's easy I would never say
01:47Time oh, they're gonna run a baby was behaving like a paid actor control room control room. Do you have that on camera?
01:55Why would you have to pay for a boyfriend?
01:57I I just asked the control room Stacy if they have that on camera and apparently it happens while we were in here with Mia
02:05Can we just see a little bit?
02:08They're gonna roll it in two one, let's take a look
02:13No, I was cuing to it in the show
02:20Here's the thing the camera that has it in the thing is shooting Mia right now
02:27Are you taking a break?
02:29No, I'm leaving
02:31Not my kids
02:33Never put myself in a position for anybody to question my mother
02:47Now everything makes it you have called this man repeatedly my best friend, he's my best friend
02:53Wow, that's not the best friend. Yeah, that's right. It's not gonna lie on you
02:57So he's telling the truth and he said he wants his money you you you're in the rear. Yeah
03:03How many times you
03:06Want to see it
03:08You owe him money
03:10Want to see it. This is Wow, this is this is who do you want to go call TJ and
03:18Absolutely. Don't want to call TJ
03:29Entertain a lie you just
03:38Hold on I want you to know I do believe they have it on tape and I would love to see it
03:43I'm not gonna speak on something that I know is a lie, but they're not gonna lie to me
03:49Hold on
03:52Away for us to show this to her so could TJ be lying not at the moment later. She got me a beat today
04:19I see stop while you're ahead of it. So I see it's all I'm gonna say you busted legs wide open, honey
04:24Can I ask you a question? Why on earth would I sit here and say?
04:28Like less than an hour ago. He's one of the best people that I know because it falls in line
04:37That I know because he is
04:40This is this is what's completely unexpected
04:43I'm excited possible you and TJ are just not on the same page clearly
04:48No, I stand in my truth
04:52Show me the tape the way they gonna roll that tape on you Stacy. I want to see
04:59Can we bring Eddie out
05:16What would Karen think about this
05:18I know Karen you are missing it. You've been vindicated Karen. I
05:23Don't see why Stacy would need to pay anybody look at her. She's gorgeous. Well, obviously here comes Eddie. He's being like
05:40We've got a couple Eddie come have a seat welcome
06:05Said I'm a first leader Wow
06:07Something has come to our attention. Okay, what's going on you FaceTime with TJ I did and he told you what?
06:14He told me why he wasn't here, okay, why he said they he wasn't invited, okay, he said that
06:21He's never gonna be in DC again
06:24He said that someone owes him money. Oh, okay. Who's that?
06:32Said you he said I owe him money. I don't I mean he said he said she paid him to be here
06:37He said she paid him to be on the reunion or on the show
06:42I didn't get into that level of detail, but she says she paid him. She pays
06:47Hey, I pay him
06:50To be my best friend what and I owe him money. That's what TJ said to you in a nutshell. Yeah
06:59That's not very Christian like speak on that Jack
07:03Initially why I called him was because the men were here and we're looking for him
07:08You know, where are you coming on stage and he said oh I wasn't invited so he just sounded like he was a little upset
07:14Okay, but he also sounded he was tired of the narrative that was being painted of him. Oh
07:19being this
07:22Flamboyant person and being like he was just tired of being played with. Oh
07:27He says she owes the money and he said, uh told you say how much now?
07:32I mean, I wasn't getting into the details
07:37Say she owes him money or did he say she owes him money for appearing on the show with him
07:43We left for that. She owes him money. Okay, okay, so
07:47benefit of the doubt
07:49Stacey do you owe him money that have nothing to do with him appearing on the show? I don't owe him any money
07:55I don't even understand in what capacity I could owe him anything. I
08:00Ended our relationship because of the pressure so I can understand him being upset about that
08:06But I can't imagine that he would say those things did because they're just not true. Did he?
08:12Don't believe it. Did he?
08:14Know because it's not true Wendy
08:18I'm not saying that Eddie is lying. I'm saying whatever this is. I don't believe you
08:24I'm saying that TJ is hurt that he's not here and we are not together. That's what I'm saying
08:30Oh, so he's just making up. That is what I'm saying
08:33It didn't sound like he was upset that he wasn't here and you guys aren't together
08:37It sounded like he was upset because a the story that's being painted of him and the B
08:42I guess you have done some dealings with him that he was unhappy with
08:46Did he tell you that I paid him to be on the show?
08:49Andy asked you that question just a moment ago and your answer was
08:54Yes, say by the bell. No, I don't need to be saved. Yes. He told me that you paid him to be on the show
09:00That's not what you just said five minutes ago. I mean, like I said, I wasn't calling to be messy with
09:07Calling to say bro. Where are you? I love you Wendy and out of love for you
09:12I have a certain amount of respect for your husband. I don't know you two to be liars
09:17I don't think that you make things up for clout
09:20But in this instance, this is not true
09:22And if TJ said these things I invite him to come and say him to my face
09:27Why don't you call him right now? Yeah, because if I don't I'd
09:31TJ and I are no long together and I don't owe him a call about a lot
09:37Now I call bullshit because if you're saying that you won't take our word and the only
09:48Characters in question, okay. Well, that's you we are gonna leave it there. Can we can we give Eddie?
09:57Things are good with you and the family. Everything's good. Things are doing a lot better. That's great
10:02Thank you Eddie the whistleblower
10:06Eddie came in and dropped a bomb
10:09Don't we think Eddie has done enough a lot. I think he should leave. Yeah, he's done. Thank you Eddie
10:14He just came and told the truth. Okay for the record
10:16I mean, there's nothing wrong with it
10:18If you felt like you know
10:19You wanted to get on the show and let me tell you one day and let me say so that you hear me
10:24I didn't need TJ to get on this platform or any platform. You need it. Let me be clear
10:31I don't need an accessory and I'm not gonna say it again. Nobody here. I don't care
10:37I'm sure you don't care. I'm just telling you I don't care and the world will not believe you either. I
10:42Don't care you could squash it very quickly if you called him and said what I'm sure that I could just
10:49Call him for everyone's benefit here
10:54I'm just saying this as your friend who loves you
10:57If you come back to this group and you bring up this topic again and you say it never happened or TJ cleared it up
11:03Understand none of these women
11:06Nobody is going to believe you and your character and who you are
11:09Will always be in question totally because you had the opportunity cleared up and you did it and I say that would love
11:19It does not matter to me just because I know I am and I stand in my truth
11:24Any of you if your opinions have changed?
11:28I'll give you that. I
11:30Don't care
11:33Telling me you did and I believe them
11:35Okay, but hold on. Okay?
11:42Right now, okay
11:45Okay, here's the deal
11:47Mia has left the building the building the building
11:50She's not coming back that's a B. They do have the video of TJ
11:58They're gonna bring it out to me on this phone. Okay, and I'm gonna try to play it here
12:02I stand in my truth. I want to see
12:05Show me the tape the way they gonna roll that tape on you stay
12:08Show me the tape the way they gonna roll that tape on you stay
12:19They do have the video of TJ they're gonna bring it out to me on this phone
12:24Okay, and I'm gonna try to play it here. I stand in my truth. I want to see
12:29Okay, no
12:31Show me the tape the way they gonna roll that tape on you stay. I want to see it
12:35Thank you, sir. It's great
12:40And if it's not true if it's not true, okay
12:45Yeah, put him in a headlock
12:47Stacy do you want to come next to me? I wish I could get up and get there
12:51Okay, I'll come do you want me to come next to you? You mind sit right here. We gather. Let me scoot. Yeah
12:55Let me yeah. Yeah here. What about I just just let's let Stacy see it. I'm sorry. Okay
13:02Invested in this yeah, well we all are yeah, we're invested. Okay. Here we go
13:08Hey, what's going on?
13:10No much man. How are you?
13:16So that's true
13:24Man okay, we gotta lick up next time you in DC man
13:38That way he said, you know, she's
13:43Hold on let me hear it again. I want to hear it. Let me hear it. Sure
13:57We gotta lick up next time you in DC man
14:12Wow, yeah, that was a lot
14:20So you were calling me a liar and
14:24I think best friend that it is one thing to
14:32See someone
14:35Disrespect you and make you question your relationship now to see this
14:41It's so
14:45it's so
14:47very hurtful
14:50That's all I can say. I just can't imagine him saying that ma'am
15:01Absolutely heard him say that and I can't believe someone who prides themselves
15:07on being a man of God and being honest and someone who I
15:13Would think loves me even if we're not together
15:18Yeah to say that I've never who paid TJ a dime
15:24I've never owed him anything and to see that it's did you so did you promise him hurtful?
15:30Did you say if you come shoot with me? I'll pay your expenses to fly here
15:35I've never paid for him to come and see me. It's just not true. And I can't believe that he's saying that
15:42Listen for the record. Can I just say you could feel how you want to feel? I'm sorry. You're going through this
15:47Most importantly, I just want to say my husband did not lie because that's what
15:58Feel like the rug has been pulled from under me. I don't know what to say
16:03So it's TJ gonna have any Vinmo Zell receipts because he's gonna put those on the Instagram
16:10Cuz I've never the receipts I found paid him in any capacity in any I thought
16:16Have you promised to pay him never is he gonna have text messages, babe? Why do you think like money?
16:22And why would he call you?
16:27That's what I'm saying, it's one thing
16:30He's very much aware of
16:34The way I felt watching the way he treated me
16:38We talked about that. We've talked extensively about this show in the season
16:44so the only thing that I can tell you all is
16:48hurt people hurt people
16:52Okay, stop let's just stop
16:58You know, it's bullshit now you won't
17:01Bring that phone out here with the receipts on there, right?
17:04This is bullshit Stacy and you need to stop every one of you had doubts about TJ
17:16You all had doubts about TJ and you all talked so poorly of him and
17:22Now when it's a little salacious for you, or you feel like you're gonna say something to me to hurt me now
17:29You're literally believing this man over me and you know me
17:36Y'all were right. Yes. Yeah. No, I wasn't Stacy. I think it's so odd that now you're trying to flip this
17:45No, because we tried to help you we were sisters yes five ten minutes ago
17:49We said Stacy if you don't clear this up
17:56If you come back to this group and you say it never happened
18:00Nobody is going to believe you told me because you had the opportunity cleared up and you did it and I say that with love
18:06Now they don't pull the phone out on your ass and you look crazy. Yeah, I don't look crazy
18:13Yeah, I do not look crazy and I can't clear up something. Okay that I can't explain I
18:19Can't explain this. I'm gonna call him now and
18:23I think you I will absolutely be calling him with my attorney
18:36We're gonna be back in a minute
18:38coming up
18:40This is Karen shot one day before she left for rehab
18:53These crystals are eating my ass up crystals the chokers. I can't breathe Stacy
18:58What was the best-selling item you ever sold on QVC?
19:01Jeans jeans because I was wearing them. Oh, really? Yeah
19:08Why are you laughing no reason were you like poking your booty?
19:12I just I'm trying to imagine you doing a little hello one two. We didn't do that on QVC. It was just selling
19:23earlier this year a car accident and DUI arrest left Karen injured and
19:30Potomac shaken and while Karen was tight-lipped about her ongoing legal situation
19:35She was very open to putting other people's business on blast
19:40Well a few weeks ago Karen was found guilty of what she was accused of drunk driving and
19:47Today instead of answering for her behavior throughout the season. She has checked herself into a recovery center
19:55There's no doubt. We'll be looking at Karen's actions through a different lens as we watch this. I
20:02Was in shock seeing that Karen totaled her car all the charges my heart absolutely
20:07Sink the DUI a DWI
20:10Unregistered driver's license an unregistered car. You're going to court at some point or did you go to court?
20:16You can read. I'm not just being out here shady and messy. No, this is not that this woman's never had a drinker
20:23Is it okay that we're drinking in front of you? I'm not drinking because I am on the medication
20:30But coffee
20:33I'm just not drinking with these bitches
20:35How are you doing?
20:36You know when it's legal you can't talk about it and I try not to say that over and over again
20:41I can't talk about okay. It was a nice little deflection and that's fine
20:45I knew when you gave me those over receipts that you will be as shady as
20:50A tactic that I've seen Karen use quite a few times to take the attention off of her
20:55She will come out
20:56I want to see who the real soldiers for Karen Huger is because I certainly don't want any fake bitches around me
21:02She called me, but she told you she called you when she was drunk. So it really doesn't count
21:08We all know on Tuesday is her court case for her DUI since she's not here
21:13I just feel like we can pray for her Lord in the name of Jesus, please
21:17Wrap your arms around Karen. I just want to tell my truth, but I have to respect the process
21:24Eddie said she could have house arrest. She could have community service. She could face jail time
21:35Well Karen's case is now closed and the verdict has been decided as of this taping her sentencing won't be known for another few weeks
21:43While Karen isn't here. There are still a lot of questions that viewers had that can and should be discussed here today
21:51Lindsay from North Carolina said we saw Karen deny having a drinking problem and
21:55Abstaining from drinking on camera all season her drinking has been alluded to a lot through the series
22:01Has anyone here seen this side of Karen? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
22:06Do you think she has a drinking problem or did you think she has a drinking problem?
22:10I think she used alcohol to cope with some of her difficulties. Yes
22:15Lisa from Red Bank, New Jersey said the word of the year when it came to Karen was
22:19Deflection. Do you all think she was lashing out because she was trying to distract from her case?
22:25Absolutely. Yeah, Jacqueline you received the most anger from Karen because you referenced her drinking
22:42How do you feel after watching this back and knowing the verdict
22:45So to be very crystal clear Mia threw me under the bus and talked about our private conversation
22:52You said it yourself, I don't know why they didn't include it, but you did say right I said that to you and Giselle
23:00She was drunk recently she seemed a little tipsy on the phone. It didn't seem like a normal Karen conversation
23:06It seemed like a Karen's kind of little litty. I don't know
23:11But that's what I thought. I wasn't saying it in a malicious manner. I didn't say it in a group
23:16Yeah, what really bothered me was that Karen dragged me the entire season over that one little piece of conversation
23:24When it was just out of concern. Yeah, you do know so originally she's supposed to go to court while we were filming
23:30Right, right her concern was I don't know whether or not any of this stuff
23:36It's gonna affect her case and that's what she was trying to tell you, but you weren't getting right Giselle
23:41I would agree with your saying except for the fact that we know that Karen continuously pushed her court case back
23:48Yes, so I found that odd because I would have rather gone to court before the show air
23:54Oh, right. She was trying to get stuff thrown out because supposedly there was bad paperwork and there was no Miranda, right?
24:00Yeah, okay, Jacqueline the eight balloons
24:03No, Jacqueline. Yes
24:05Did it land?
24:16The weight of the eight citations no
24:21Because I feel like when I was up there and I was trying to be happy and excited about these heart balloons and we're releasing
24:27Them into the atmosphere. Hold on. I mean you were trying to be shady. Yeah, obviously
24:32I mean, so initially I was okay because she came after my child's father understood what people means parental partner
24:48Felt like that was really dirty work of Karen
24:50however, I
24:51Kind of switched things up and was like, you know what?
24:54I'm gonna be positive because I really want Karen to not be so stressed out
24:57Did she wind up suing you for ruining the environment? I
25:02Have begun the process of pressing charges against you. Okay?
25:06Listen after this case that Karen has I don't think she has any money left to sue anybody
25:13Okay, you have been a close Karen ally, yeah, how are you feeling after so staunchly defending her all season
25:22For us to be as close as we were she had no reason for at least to not tell me the truth
25:25But she had a problem with drinking, but you know Greg has a clinic we deal with substance abuse and things like that
25:31I even privately extended that to her like we can handle this. It's just like no, I'm gonna be fine
25:35You know some it just makes me sad, yeah, why do you all think Karen decided to take this case to trial?
25:42I don't know. I
25:44Had terrible legal counsel knowing that that footage was out there who would advise that she has a public trial
25:50Absolutely, and maybe she didn't remember what happened that night
25:54Maybe when we were watching the footage, maybe she was watching it like us and seeing how awful she was
26:02I don't know
26:04Weeks ago was reported that her counsel asked for the footage to be suppressed. Yes before she went to trial
26:11Yeah, so it's clear that not only were they aware of the footage
26:15They were also aware of the context because they didn't want it out. They're trying to get rid. I hope that answers
26:21I know it's big delusion
26:23That's from what I understand. She pushed it. She didn't want to take any deal. What yeah was she offered a deal twice
26:31What kind of deal I've heard six months house arrest. Yeah, I heard 60 days jail and she didn't take six months house arrest
26:38Yeah, yeah. I mean I'd have taken that I was taking it. I would have said I love my house
26:50Now her lawyer did not tell me this I don't want that to be right there
26:53Okay, but this is what I've heard credibly, but I feel like she thought she'd win
26:58Something that probably didn't age too well for Karen was when she said
27:06Clanky clank really the bar soap. Yeah, you might want to help you
27:11Was there a level of vindication for you surrounding that?
27:15Yeah, of course. I did reference it in my mind like who karma is a bitch, but she's always on my side
27:21No in all seriousness more
27:22So I was thinking about the fact that the night after Karen's accident this journalist was texting me things about the incident
27:30Okay, and one of the things I wanted to ask her if she were here today, which I should direct my question
27:38So one of these journalists had messaged me that there had been a person in the car with Karen who was actually driving the car
27:43You know, so one of these journalists had messaged me that there had been a person in the car with Karen who was actually driving the car
27:49This is what someone told me and so in the body cam footage Karen actually does say
27:54Someone was in the car and fled we had an accident, you know, you probably did have a you know, a couple beers
28:01You didn't see the media
28:03Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry
28:08I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry
28:15How about
28:18The security
28:22Was he not was he here do we know who it is? Oh, I didn't get a name
28:27So that's oh, that's a question that I have. Yeah
28:31Okay, Marcus from Culver City said the biggest mystery is where was Karen before the accident?
28:37She had said she was getting drinks with her girlfriends, but no girlfriends came forward and testified
28:41I do believe she was at a
28:45Restaurant bar, whatever. That's like four minutes from her house. Okay, so I'm so she thought I can make it home
28:51Yeah, it's so easy to get a new bird. So I'm not even gonna ride
28:54I just want to know who I was there and allow her to drive like that Wendy. What were you gonna say?
29:00I'm not gonna say
29:03Just say it Wendy
29:08You know who the person is that she was with
29:12Mm-hmm. Okay, we're gonna leave it there Jacqueline. Thank you for joining us. We are gonna be back
29:32So, what do you want me to just stay here? Okay, Stacy move over. Okay, that's crazy. Let's get final stretch
29:42Welcome back. We are beginning to wrap things up on this very dramatic
29:49Real Housewives of Potomac reunion, but before we do we had hoped as you know
29:54That Karen would join us here today and provide her with a platform to speak and provide her friends with the opportunity to hold her
30:02Accountable, but Karen checked herself into a recovery center prior to her sentencing
30:07Want you ladies to take a look at this very personal never-before-seen
30:13Moment shot one day before she left for rehab. Oh, okay. I want to see it
30:32How's it going
30:34Good hanging in there. Okay, you actually look pretty good. Oh, thank you
30:40You're funny. Yeah
30:42You probably look look better than you feel at the moment
30:45True, but hey, it is what it is. I think though, you know if dots are being connected for me
30:52You know, I didn't watch the tapes
30:55Before the trial. I don't believe that. I know I didn't want you to I know because I know you would have told me about
31:01Yeah, so I'm sitting there in the courtroom like I have to finally watch it
31:09Because I kept saying well surely they've made a mistake right because everything's
31:14not connecting for me and
31:16I watched and I'm telling you I
31:20Didn't recognize that woman. I didn't know it wasn't you
31:23But it helped me to hear that because I blacked out before the impact according to David's testimony
31:30So when I hit the tree, I was blacked out already, but they did the construction on there
31:35So Jessica structure, right? There is a new construction, but baby, it's my fault, but I need to tell you something though
31:44Self-medicating is one thing but I started that seven years ago when mom and dad died
31:51So when I started taking antidepressants, it was fine
31:54It would help but then I needed more and more as life kept life in and so instead of going back to the doctor
32:00I adjusted my medication. Mm-hmm. I
32:04self-medicated that night
32:06What I do remember is going to a friend's house, you know having
32:11Open a Stella
32:12Didn't like the beer and I said, no, I'm just gonna do a champagne. Okay, so I started drinking champagne
32:20But I had forgotten I had taken the medication and not only just taking it I had opened up the dose
32:27Yeah, that's the tricky part. It was like a snowball. I thought okay, not a problem, but I never drank and drive you and I have
32:37Rumors because I have a
32:39That's the interesting part, you know
32:41And that's when they got into the whole blue eyes thing and whatever because you had a driver that had blue eyes, right?
32:50That I wanted you to have drivers when you oh, yeah, you got a DUI
32:5512 13 years ago, and that's when we decided to say hey no drinking and driving and I I guess you feel especially
33:03Bad about it now that you've been there done that had my lesson and you're sort of back there again somehow
33:20What happened to me either I don't want that to ever happen to me again before you beat yourself up too bad
33:25You know that there's six million car crashes every year in the United States
33:30Wow, you had how many of them though right self-medicate and drive
33:35What happened to me was self-inflicted? Okay, I drove I had that accident
33:41I put people in danger. I'm going away not court-ordered. Mm-hmm. I'm doing this for me. Okay, that's beautiful
33:49I'm you know, just
33:51Sorry that you know, you're going through this so it's this place. Okay for the ground down
33:57Listen, I was you're not gonna be gone. I was Karen Huger before the ground down
34:01I think I'm gonna retire the ground down and give the world a dose of Karen Huger
34:06Okay, because I think she's enough. In fact, I know she is
34:09Thoughts I
34:18Mean they certainly covered all the bases that was a lot
34:21Well, what did you see? Like I said, they were trying to cover all the points
34:25They think that we're going to question right that wasn't accountability. No, not to me. I
34:32Don't know what that was. Y'all need to scrap that take that out
34:35Do her some favors
34:38It looked like she was
34:41Trying to accept responsibility, which is something we've not seen yet, right?
34:46until she started talking about she
34:48Was not drinking the beer drinking the beer that she drank champagne like all of that is just like you
34:53Know she said she really upped her dose of anti-depressants in the car
34:59How about you were drinking on the train coming up here? Okay. Oh boy
35:03I sat across from this gentleman and we started getting chatting and I told him that I was on this show and
35:09He googles the show and he says I recognize this lady and I said who who is it?
35:14He said I used to work at this place called Regal Seafood and Montgomery Mall. She used to come and day drink every day
35:20This is something that has been happening for a very long time
35:28Sat across from this gentleman and I told him that I was on this show and he googles the show and he says I recognize
35:34This lady. He said I used to work at this place called legal seafood and Montgomery Mall
35:38And she used to come and day drink every day. Oh
35:43Boy and he turns around the phone and it's Karen Huger
35:47So this is something that is pre-existing prior to the unfortunate passing of her parents
35:52This is something that has been happening for a very long time
35:54And that's what I was gonna say when you kept on saying when do you say what you want to say?
35:59Oh, well while we were filming I went to a certain place and they said
36:06You're on the show with Karen and I say yes, and they said she comes here every single day and she gets drunk
36:15Well, we just saw that wasn't accountability no, I
36:18Just feel like no matter how she gets there at least she's getting help, right? She said she didn't watch the footage
36:26That's what I said. I said, there's no way that she saw
36:32You're saying there's no way she didn't watch it, correct
36:36Why would she say? Yeah, let's go to try what we know for sure
36:39Is that her legal counsel knew because they submitted an appeal to have that footage thrown away
36:46Her sentencing is in a few weeks. How do we think this is gonna pan out for her?
36:50I know, you know, there's speculation. She could get up to a year to in jail, which is just so hard to imagine
36:58Oh my god, that'll be terrible. Terrible. Like you can't wear your wig. Oh, I
37:05think you just have to go in there with your regular hair really and
37:09Karen is 60 something years old. That's yeah, you'd be going to jail at 60 something years old is a problem
37:16Yeah, that is I don't see it going. Well at all. I don't even want to envision that that is right the possibility
37:22I'm hoping maybe she can get something like home monitoring and hopefully they could be gracious towards her because she took these steps to
37:29Be preventative with the rehab. Well, I know that we are all sending our love and support
37:37It has been quite a year of ups and downs and I have to say we're ending tonight in a really interesting
37:47Okay, you're shopping for rings. Yeah
37:51Thank You Andy Ashley by the time this airs you should actually probably be divorced. I will be divorced. You will be divorced
38:01Absolutely, yes
38:03Wendy and Giselle I have to say I have really enjoyed your banter tonight
38:09Oh, I mean the two of you might have more in common
38:13Then not
38:15Yeah, the jury's still out
38:17Stacy you had a great first season it ended
38:23Did not see this coming. Where do you go here with TJ? I
38:30Don't go anywhere with TJ. I lost my best friend tonight. That's sad. It's horrible
38:38But still I rise and I'll be all right
38:51Speaking of Maya Angelou, we lost Mia Angelou
38:57I don't think you should put her in that
39:00Don't put Maya and Mia together. What is your whack?
39:03I think you know, like like Wendy said we all have done nonsense craziness. We come to a reunion
39:09We deal with it, right? You don't run out. Not only do you run out you run out the building, right?
39:15But she stood on business to the entire season. Yeah, no contrition. No apologies. I said what I said, that's it
39:23Yeah, so now that we're sitting here on the couch and everyone has had their opinion about it all of a sudden
39:28It's a very different Mia sitting on this couch
39:31The way she tears
39:37That's all I was trying to say earlier I was saying that you had all this time to course-correct and you did not know
39:44And conveniently you come here and now it's different and she gone. Can I say something? Yes, let the record reflect
39:52Her first season I clocked Mia. Why you always gotta
39:56Because it's true
40:00You said it actually tell true
40:04Before anybody about her age that was the first one
40:0938 years older than I am doesn't act 68. How old are you 36? Come on mathematician. So he's 30 years older
40:17Wendy always knew well, listen, it has been quite a year of ups and downs trials and tribulations
40:24But I stand by the fact that this group has come a long way and it was an incredible season
40:29From start to finish and I cannot wait to see what happens next in the little-known town of
40:36Potomac Maryland, it's always something. Yes. Thank you ladies. That is a wrap
40:44It was just getting good
