• last month
Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, Airlangga Hartarto optimistis, penyelenggaraan Trade Expo tahun ini bisa meningkatkan devisa dan mendorong target pertumbuhan ekonomi menuju 8%.


00:00The Minister of Finance, Erlangga Hartarto, is optimistic that this year's trade expo can increase the deficit and push the target of economic growth to 8 percent.
00:15According to Erlangga, Indonesian products have high competitiveness.
00:19In addition, manufacturers and the manufacturing sector are optimistic about the business conditions in Indonesia.
00:25This is reflected in the Indonesian Purchasing Managers' Index, which rose to 51.9.
00:31Erlangga targets that the total transactions in this 40th Indonesia Trade Expo can reach US$25 billion or equal to Rp 407.52 trillion.
00:42Erlangga targets that the total transactions in this 40th Indonesia Trade Expo can reach US$25 billion or equal to Rp 407.52 trillion.
01:12Erlangga targets that the total transactions in this 40th Indonesia Trade Expo can reach US$25 billion or equal to Rp 407.52 trillion.
