• yesterday
(Adnkronos) - “La scarsa conoscenza del diabete e i luoghi comuni sulla patologia hanno una duplice influenza negativa sulla vita dei pazienti che sono affetti da questa malattia metabolica”. Così Riccardo Candido, presidente Associazione medici diabetologi, commenta i risultati dell’indagine internazionale sui pregiudizi legati diabete realizzata su incarico di Abbott e presentata a Roma.


00:00What are the side-effects of diabetes?
00:04I would say there are two side-effects, on the one hand, and on the other.
00:08On the one hand, you risk trivializing the disease,
00:11talking about diabetes as a bit of high sugar.
00:14In reality, diabetes is a disease that needs to be taken care of,
00:17because if it is not treated and the glycemia is not properly controlled,
00:22complications and damage related to diabetes develop.
00:26On the other hand, diabetes sometimes causes stigma,
00:30constitutes limitations in people's daily lives,
00:34and we must absolutely avoid this.
00:37Just think of the younger boys who, in the past,
00:40could not go to school trips because they were afraid of getting insulin,
00:44they were afraid of hypoglycemia.
00:47Or just think of the professional athletes who still today,
00:51with type 1 diabetes,
00:53cannot join sports groups of the armed forces.
00:58And this is a great discrimination that we must all fight together.
