• last month
(Adnkronos) - “I cittadini dovrebbero essere educati a non ‘marcare’ il paziente diabetico e a comprendere le motivazioni del perché c’è questa patologia”. Così Angelo Avogaro, coordinatore dello European Diabetes Forum Italia, intervenendo alla presentazione della nuova survey internazionale dedicata ai pregiudizi legati al diabete e realizzata su iniziativa di Abbott.


00:00What advice would you give to a patient suffering from a chronic disease?
00:04You definitely need to spend a lot more time with a patient suffering from a chronic disease,
00:10in this case diabetes.
00:11This is because diabetes is not the patient's fault
00:17who contracted this pathology,
00:21but the pathology is motivated by many causes.
00:26Environmental maladjustment, family maladjustment,
00:30and so you need a complete narrative
00:33to understand the real causes of this pathology.
00:36Citizens should be educated not to label the patient,
00:42but to understand the reasons why there is this pathology.
