Salute, nefrologo De Nicola: “Ad oggi 850 mln di pazienti con malattia renale cronica al mondo”

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Sicuramente la malattia renale cronica ha una caratterizzazione epidemica oggi perché, con l'aumento dell'età media della popolazione e l'impennata dell'obesità, del diabete e dell’ipertensione, abbiamo sempre più pazienti con questa malattia: si stima siano 850 milioni in tutto il mondo e circa 5 milioni in Italia”. Sono le parole di Luca De Nicola, professore di Nefrologia presso l’università della Campania L. Vanvitelli di Napoli, in merito all’incidenza della malattia renale cronica, a margine della conferenza stampa ‘Verso un futuro senza dialisi’. In questa occasione Bayer ha annunciato il via libera da parte dell’Agenzia italiana del farmaco (Aifa) alla rimborsabilità di finerenone, il nuovo farmaco indicato per il trattamento della malattia renale cronica in stadio 3 e 4, associata a diabete di tipo 2 in pazienti adulti con presenza di albuminuria, in aggiunta allo standard di cura.


00:00The chronic ailment is a reduction of the renal function, of how our kidneys function, it is permanent and probably we can still say that it is progressive, I do not know because we will talk about it later, the spectrum of therapy has changed a lot in our patients.
00:23It certainly has an epidemic characterization today because with the increase of the average age of the population, the increase of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, obviously we have more and more patients who have a chronic kidney disease.
00:43It is estimated that there are 850 million in the world, in Italy we would be around 5 million and these are numbers that are even higher than those of diabetes, 20 times higher than patients with neoplasia.
00:56So it is not a rare disease, it is perhaps the most common disease, so much so that today we as a nephrological scientific society are asking the World Health Organization to add it to the four chronic and degenerative diseases, non-communicable diseases, as they are called in English, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and respiratory diseases,
01:22the World Health Organization adds it precisely because we need to increase the awareness of the importance of this disease, a disease that has everything negative, from the spread, from the complications, from the very high costs, every patient in dialysis, which would be the final point if the patient does not die before the chronic disease, every patient costs 50,000 euros a year.
01:46Italy spends 2.3 billion for the 0.08%, which would be the famous 45,000 dialysis patients.
01:56What is the good news? Today we have the drugs to be able to counteract this disease, in addition to the inhibitor acids, the receptor antagonist, which we already know, there are the SGLT2, which are primary drugs, but today we also have the possibility to add the finerenone,
02:16which is the receptor antagonist of the mineral corticosteroid hormone, but it is not steroid, it has an antifibrotic effect, antiproteinuric, antiprogression of the real disease, as shown in the studies carried out by Figaro and Fidelio.
02:36It is a very important weapon that we have recently at our disposal to add it to what we already have. I can say today that I will probably change the definition, it is no longer permanent and progressive, but I think it will be a permanent reduction.
