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(Adnkronos) - “Guardando al futuro, l'idea di poter disporre di farmaci” come aflibercept 8 mg “che durano all'interno dell'occhio tre, quattro o addirittura cinque o sei mesi dopo le dosi di carico, significa poter ridurre in modo talmente sostanziale il numero di procedure, che l'aderenza alla terapia può migliorare moltissimo e conseguentemente anche la sua efficacia, con enormi vantaggi dal punto di vista clinico”. Lo ha detto Francesco Bandello, professore di Oftalmologia e direttore della scuola di specializzazione in Oftalmologia dell’università Vita-Salute San Raffaele e dell’unità di Oculistica dell’Irccs ospedale San Raffaele di Milano, in occasione dell’incontro ‘Una nuova opportunità per la gestione della maculopatia’, organizzato da Bayer a Milano.


00:00The new anti-BGF drugs guarantee the possibility of substantially reducing the number of procedures,
00:12that is, the number of injections that must be performed to ensure that there is an adequate therapeutic level in the eye.
00:19We have been coming for a long time, now it is 15 years, of therapies with drugs that had a very limited duration of action in the eye,
00:29which ranged from about a month, so the procedures were repeated with a very high frequency.
00:37All this in order to guarantee an adequate effectiveness.
00:40Unfortunately, this involved, and it is the experience of all of us who clinically follow these patients,
00:49it involved that after a few years from the beginning of the therapy, the patients were moving away from the treatment,
00:55because it became unsustainable on a practical level, on an organizational level, on a logistical level,
01:00and above all it brought great discomfort to all those people who today are called caregivers,
01:09who had to take care of the problem of accompanying them,
01:13and in general they are the son, the grandson, the daughter-in-law, the son-in-law, all people who are happy for the first time,
01:22and this is what the patients refer to.
01:24They see the loved ones smiling when they can make themselves useful to guarantee the treatment,
01:31then over time all this, alas, vanishes, because it is inevitable that the entity of discomfort is such,
01:39so the patient has the perception that all the people who are helping him do not do it anymore.
01:46Well, this involves the moving away of the patients from the therapy,
01:50therefore a poor adherence and a loss of effectiveness of the substantial treatment.
01:56Well, looking to the future, the idea of ​​being able to dispose of drugs that last in the eye for 3 months, 4,
02:03even 5, 6, after the dosage, means being able to reduce the number of procedures in such a substantial way
02:11that the adherence to therapy can improve a lot,
02:14and consequently also the effectiveness of the therapy,
02:17and therefore with enormous advantages from a clinical point of view.
02:21It greatly improves the possibility for the structures to be able to guarantee an adequate management of the problems.
02:29Our hospitals, our care centers have been very stressed by the huge number of procedures that had to be carried out,
02:39so reducing this number means making everything more possible, more practicable,
02:44and then it means having enormous advantages from the point of view of costs,
02:49because the health system at that point, with a figure that is equal to the previous one,
02:54because the cost of these drugs is equal to the previous one,
02:58with a number of euros equal to the previous one, can achieve enormously better results.
03:05So only enormous advantages looking to the future.
