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With MPs set to receive a £2,500 pay rise this year, we’re asking people around Cardiff if we get our money’s worth with our politicians.


00:00I think everyone does deserve a pay rise, but actually, is it the best
00:06he's thought of plans? I don't know. I think, I always get the feeling
00:09with MPs that they're very much looking to keep their own jobs and
00:12perhaps enhance what they're doing privately.
00:16Westminster is what it is, and I know they've got a formula, haven't they,
00:20for deciding where that should be, and also they have a lot more things
00:26that they have to get involved in, and also they put in a lot more work
00:31than the Senate in terms of the hours. So, maybe, I mean, 95 grand,
00:36it sounds high, doesn't it, to your normal man in the street?
00:40It sounds high to me.
00:42Sounds about right. Basically, there's not many jobs that you do
00:46where you've got a threat of assassination over you.
00:49Several MPs have been killed and they've only got a job for a short time.
00:54I don't see any problem with that particular increase.