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Should MP’s be getting a pay bump?


00:00Potentially a controversial opinion. I actually think MPs, you know, if we want to fund the
00:05best and the people actually qualified for their roles in MPs, you know, you should pay
00:09them as such. You know, I think our current MPs aren't the best. And I do think the salary
00:15cap on that is a big portion of that. If you get an educated young person that wants to
00:19go into, why would they go into politics and then go into the private sector and far more
00:23far more qualified. And that's where you get the brightest brains of the country going
00:27rather than into politics, get people going in, going into politics for the wrong reason.
00:31And I think a large part of that is the salary cap.
00:34Yeah, I think lots of people are struggling still. Very like, yeah, I mean, it's so expensive
00:40to live in London, compared to just even what it was a few years ago. So I think yeah, sometimes
00:49it feels like people here are very, very comfortable, just kind of very hard to understand what it's
00:55like to not be very comfortable.
