• 4 days ago
After TFL enforcement workers went on strike, do Londoners feel ‘enforced’?


00:00Strikes were planned across the Transport for London network this month following claims from union members that staff were being paid thousands less than colleagues on the London underground.
00:13Unite the Union said that enforcement workers within the Compliance, Policing Operations and Security Directorate at TfL escalated strike action over an ongoing pay dispute.
00:27The union claimed that staff were paid up to £27,000 less a year than their counterparts on the London underground, despite the roles being equivalent.
00:38But do Londoners see enough security on our underground? Do TfL enforcement workers have a visible presence? And how safe do Londoners feel on our underground?
00:51I do feel safe on the underground. But that's probably because of the volume of people that are around. I don't, I'm not aware of enforcement workers. I'm not aware of a presence, certainly not on the tube.
01:06Maybe ups, you know, when you're when you come off when you are near the exit, but no, not on the platforms. Not at all, actually.
01:17No, I don't think I've seen, seen a lot. I've seen them trying to stop people or, or question their, their tickets. But I've never seen anybody trying to push through, I'm afraid.
01:27I don't think there's enough action. I don't think there's enough presence. You do tend, when you do tend to see them, they tend to be in clusters. There's a number of them together. But then you'll go long swell without seeing anyone at all.
01:41Yeah, I don't see that happen very often. But when I have seen it happen, they get away with it. Yeah.
01:49Do you think more should be done for people that that you think it should be stricter? Do you think there should be more people saying there should be more enforcement stopping people?
01:58I guess, I guess, as I said, I didn't see it that often. But I think there is a general sense that if you're if you want to do that, you're probably going to get away with it. I think people are nervous.
02:07No, there should be something like a £200 on the spot fine, which I think would prevent people from taking the risk and doing it. People are quite blatant. They do it in broad daylight in the middle of the day, in busy periods, and they'll just rush through. Sometimes even with staff there, and the staff don't want to challenge them.
02:27Unite said that workers had been racially abused, spat at, attacked with a bottle, punched and headbutted in recent months. A Transport for London spokesman said that we are disappointed that Unite has announced this strike action for members of our Compliance, Policing, Operations and Security Directorate.
02:48TfL added they have held constructive discussions and have presented a plan of how TfL can work together to address their concerns.
