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The Commanders MIGHT be laying overseas in 2025, where would we want them to play? And, where could they play?
00:00The chances of the commanders playing an international game
00:04Jumped again today Danny. So there's already some thought that Washington might play
00:09outside of the United States against the Miami Dolphins
00:12Because they play in Miami this year road game and the Dolphins have the Madrid game, which has already been announced
00:18We don't know who they're playing. We just know that one of their home games is going to be
00:24The commanders so you have a one in however many home games chance to be going to Madrid
00:30And then I would say the chance is even a little higher than that because you're now an 18 with an 8 quarterback
00:35marketable the league's gonna want to squeeze every juice they can every drop of juice they can out of Jaden Daniels and his crew, right
00:43There's another game on their schedule that could end up being an international game we found out today there's a report
00:50It was originally in Spanish, but it's been translated here that tomorrow
00:54We're going to get an announcement
00:56Apparently that the LA Chargers are going to be hosting a game in Brazil on the opening Friday of the NFL season
01:04So think about what this means
01:06the Packers Eagles game from this year day two of the year you have the Thursday night opener, which will be the Eagles and
01:13Possibly the commanders NFC championship game, but it could be anybody of the great teams in the league as a showcase
01:20We've seen Chiefs Lions recently. Mm-hmm who the Chiefs open with this past season on Bengals
01:27Ravens Ravens again right there on the back. Yeah, that's right. So that was out. Where was it?
01:33It started the NFL season. So you're gonna get the opening night game on Thursday night
01:37the next day on Friday you get the Chargers and
01:41Possibly the commanders in Brazil now, you're not gonna have two of these
01:45So it's not like they would go to Brazil to play the Chargers and to Madrid to play the Dolphins and you very well could
01:50have zero of the two
01:52But I think the chances that they go internationally with Jaden Daniels leading the way now and this team becoming maybe the team in the league
02:00You've got to say they're pretty good. Yeah, hear me out on this
02:03So in years past it used to be they'd go take the worst game and we'll put it internationally
02:09Because folks are so grateful for it, you know the Jaguars and you know, I don't know when the Bears are bad
02:14They'll play Saturday morning at 9 a.m. They do that with the London games
02:17But I don't think they did that with the one-off international like hey, we're going to
02:22Mexico they're sending Tom Brady in the Patriots, you know
02:25Because it's it's like the first time you're ever having anyone over to your house versus the 15th
02:30You're probably gonna like maybe not stand up and greet them at the door the 14th time, right?
02:35So the that's the other school thought is that is where they're going. Hey, this is our next growth opportunity
02:40The NFL is I would say it's saturated
02:43But it's as close you can be to a fully tapped vein in North America really in the United States
02:47So they want to grow it elsewhere. Let's use our best bullets. Let's let's grow our game with the young superstars
02:55How about the guy that's whose jerseys sold as much as anybody's ever has and this is one of the eight teams
03:00I think that's the thing. I think it's a distinct possibility
03:03In fact, I don't want to say it's likely but I think it's right around
03:075050 to me not not two out of nine
03:09Would you rather the commanders play at Madrid against the Dolphins or at Brazil against the Chargers
03:19any reason
03:21The stories about the extra security that were needed in in Brazil were alarming to me
03:26I didn't I didn't love that story
03:27Remember the beginning of the season were like they had police escorts everywhere and it was like you you can't go outside
03:32Well a couple of players came out and kind of talked about it and then quickly walked it back and we're like, oh
03:36We're just kidding. Sorry
03:39We love it here
03:42It was like this is actually one of the most secure locations
03:46I really think the league should play here every weekend. I'm really happy to be in Brazil. Yeah, what sites have you seen?
03:54Out my window you can see yeah, I mean so that that's my answer
03:58I would say Madrid but not neither is great for me. Honestly like that that Friday situation now, it's weird these games count
04:04It's too it's so precious to me. Please don't screw us old man radio time. You ready for it?
04:08I know your boys in the minority and of this show that the sad thing is
04:13Slowly morphing more and more as an old person into you
04:16Yeah, your line moves to like your goalpost is moved
04:19So like I am getting to where you were when we started the show together
04:22That's right when you were probably a little older than me
04:25But actually you're probably my age when we started the show. Did you do the math on that?
04:30I'm getting there and you're now just like grandpa. Yeah, what's here?
04:34what's gonna be like in ten years would be the same ratio buddy, but
04:38I'm the more adventurous of the two of us. Is that fair to say? Oh, yeah
04:42I mean, I did hold an alligator for God's sake you certainly did by the way, Toby Ryan Harris
04:48I held an alligator held it you guys forget about that
04:52Next time you say Oh granny's just one of these old dudes. It doesn't do anything wild and crazy
04:57Remember that I held a GD living alligator for God's sake man
05:01We talked to your loved ones about that
05:03Like did you bring that up to your your girlfriend at all? I held an alligator. I
05:08Did not but you know what next time I will it's ridiculous. Toby. What did your mom visited?
05:13Did you tell her grant held an alligator?
05:15I was telling her as she's you know dealing with bombs and things going all for wrong where she is at that Grant held an
05:20Alligator and she was really impressed. Yeah, I forgot about up that tree. Didn't you? Yeah, that's my bad
05:26Toby's mom is like Jason Bourne. By the way, she's like she lit. I don't want to say where but she spends
05:32Months on end in the most dangerous place on the planet currently
05:36Where's I gonna should have told her that I held an alligator and assassin comes and she beats him with a library book or a magazine
05:41I mentioned it and she was thoroughly impressed by the way when she got to come home for a short time
05:46I don't want to get into too many details was like right when things calm down like that's how you know
05:52She is so important everything she's hanging out in a hotspot
05:56Trying to calm it down
05:57So now that it's calm for a little while you get to come home and get away and then it ramps back up and they're
06:03We need you back. Yeah, by the way, do you know someone who held an alligator?
06:07I thought it was weird that they asked her that it's so strange Harris. Has it come up at the Dameron house?
06:10I held it. I held a GD alligator. So when we
06:15Got picked up from the airport. Yes
06:17Pops picked me up and the first thing he said what I got in the car was the grant hold a goddamn alligator
06:23Yeah, there you go. You get it
06:25Now you get it see Daris understand
06:27There's his dad's like cuz cuz sheen was talking about grant holding an alligator and that's how I heard about it
06:32Oh, she and brought it because she had brought it up where he's like a couple other things than Denton's notebook
06:37The turps are there better than you think and grant held an alligator in let me say this
06:42It was alive and he held it in New Orleans. Let's say that check drops that checks out. That makes sense
06:47Why you snake around the neck? Yeah, don't forget that. Yeah, I didn't forget it. What did this have to do with?
06:51Oh, yeah, how adventurous I you're an adventurous guy. Here we go back to how adventurous I am
06:56I would never
06:58Go watch an NFL game in Madrid or Brazil. I just have no interest
07:02My travel interest right now is very low. It's very low Danny
07:07I would go to a game in London at this juncture. Mm-hmm. I would do that. I
07:15Think I would go see a game like Ireland
07:19parts of Europe I think I could I could dabble into
07:22But I'm just telling you
07:25On a 1 to 10 scale
07:27We're under 5 in terms of leaving the United States of America to go watch sport right now. I'm in the minority. I get it. I
07:35Just don't have that in me at this moment. Is that weird? It's not at all that
07:40The mad hassle back. I mean the hassle now people are gonna do it
07:45They're gonna they're gonna see the Madrid game and they're gonna you know, my my pops and his and his lady
07:49They were in Madrid a few weeks ago. They're all about it. I mean, that's it. He loves travel to Europe
07:54That's his bit. So they sit there with their head down for six months
07:57They go to Europe for three weeks as long as you can stay before you you know
08:00I'd say you're welcome and it comes back with a head cold and then they save up and do it again
08:03All right. Let's play a game here. You got any game show music for me dad. Here's the game
08:08Would I want to travel there for an NFL game? You're gonna be the guesser? Okay. Okay. This is first blank
08:15I'm either gonna go or I'm not gonna go see an NFL game there
08:20And if if we could actually get who's best at research, I need to know how many hours it takes to fly there
08:26Also, it's a very important fact. Yep
08:28If it's longer than an hour, the chances might be I'm longer than an hour internationally
08:32It might be it lowers the chances. Uh, I'm gonna get you to Virginia Beach that quick dude
08:37Every single hour the chances go down like 11% that I want to fly to Australia 21 hours. That's a no
08:43I will not be going to that game. I can assure you. Let's start with that one. Okay, you kind of just
08:48Got your answer. Yeah, Australia. What I go follow the commanders to Australia you would not
08:53And it's correct. I'm gonna say that's a 20-hour flight. That would be 22 hours from here to Sydney, Australia
08:59Why would anyone do that? How could anyone do that? By the way, that's so many hours, dude
09:04But everything's going great in airplanes right now, right?
09:07No issues there. Yeah, 22 hours in one
09:10Sign me up. All right, Italy. Would I go cover the commanders in Italy?
09:16You should want to do this Italy should be a bucket list. I've never been it so it's my one of my bucket list places to
09:21Go it's just so much pasta. It's so much bread. It's pizza. It's fresh. It's good food
09:27I'm gonna say you wouldn't do it. I'm so you wouldn't do it. I mean, that's a no you're wrong
09:31I would love to go see the commanders in Italy
09:34That'd be an eight and a half hour flight from DC to Rome. So we're not doing that. I can assure you. Yeah
09:41Can I land somewhere and then take a train?
09:43Um, can I land somewhere and then take a train? I think I can can I do like a five?
09:48What's the shortest flight I can do and then train?
09:50Is that London? You're still it's hard to train for me. You want to be my uh, my travel advisor there
09:56You land in Paris, which again is six and a half seven now to be clear. I want to land at an airport
10:00I'd like to be on the ground in an airport. I'm not not like just the quickest you can get me down
10:05I need to be on land in Europe
10:07by the time you land in Europe and then
10:09Go somewhere to the train station and get on board a train and take it for a few more hours
10:13You probably should just fly to Rome. Nah
10:15Eight hours and an airplane's too long. Can't do it
10:17So you could do seven to Paris and then uh, take a cab to Galdino
10:22And then like a long uh train to somewhere in Italy. I can't do anything at like five and a half six
10:26No, you sure? I mean you can land in London, but then you got to take get another plane. Yeah
10:32Are you sure it's an island kind of out there dude, you got to do a little you can't do a boat
10:38Maybe you could boat to Italy. Okay a go fast boat and then come up and it's a fast boat
10:43Yeah, like one of those uh cigarette boats
10:47Booking passage like you're a fugitive. Yeah, why not?
10:49And then come up those little tiny like little alleys and hop off and have a little dinner right there
10:54No, the little what is that little town? Yeah, it's a little water the malty coast there
10:57No, no, no the little water in the town. Italy. I'm a venice. Uh venice
11:00Yeah, i'll just bring my little go fast boat up a little venice streams venice. Why not? Yeah. All right
11:07Thailand no shot. That's around the world
11:10That's that's it's literally it's opposite of us i've heard silly things about bangkok me too are the best things
11:16Uh, that would be a 20 hour flight 20 hours. Danny is correct. I will not be watching the commanders in thailand
11:23Uh, what about france paris france? She's had the olympics. You should want to go
11:29That's you can do that in six. I think
11:33That one's closer again. Delish great food. Very very good. Yeah
11:38Yes, i'm gonna say yes to that one danny's wrong
11:42I would not want to go to france
11:45I'm, just france. It's not on my radar. I'm not that interested in it seven hours is what I got here seven
11:50So I mean that's seven I could probably deal with but it's but you land at charles de gaulle and that airport sucks greece
11:58Maybe uh, the commanders are in athens for some reason
12:01It's a little further
12:03I'm gonna say again. You should want to go
12:05Great food again. It's a beach time. I know you're a big beach guy. That's a joke. He's not i'm gonna say no to that one
12:14Danny's wrong again. Damn it. You're really bad at this. I am terrible at it
12:17I'd be steamed up to go see uh, yannis's birthplace
12:20That would be 11 hour flight for you. It's 11. Oh god. Yeah, I told you further
12:24Is there a way to do that without that much flying?
12:27Like can I do the train thing there or no? Yeah get this this
12:31Train thing is it is fascinating to me. I'm a big train guy
12:34I'm a big train guy. Yeah, if I could train all the way there I would do that the whole way from dc to greece
12:38I don't think that it works. There's lots of water around it. Maybe you can maybe you can uh boat do it
12:42That's the issue is the plane and so much watering. Yes, I like staying above that ground. You know what i'm saying?
12:48Oh, is that the coast? Let's let's veer to our left. So I think i'm right
12:53That you wouldn't do it because it's so far
12:56No, i'm gonna do greece. Wow. I it's just too beautiful
12:59Everybody everything just too pretty i'll do that one
13:02Okay, uh, the united kingdom. I already told you I would you would do that. Yes, we're going to london. How about portugal?
13:08Portugal, but I go watch the commanders in portugal portugal is your first landfall there in europe
13:15If they were in
13:17Lisbon or something like that
13:19I'm gonna say yes. Okay, you'd be wrong again. Unbelievable. You are on a cold streak
13:24Uh, I don't know anything about portugal. It's just not really something that i'm looking forward to doing
13:29Do you have to know something about the country? Oh, yeah, i've got to be okay
13:31I've got to want to go there right into it. Yeah, seven hour flight. Yeah, that's the closest. Thank you
13:37Uh, did we do australia? I think we did 22. That's in germany
13:41My wife's all in on germany. Why is she all in germany? She loves october fest. She had a girl
13:47Uh live with her when she was a little girl from germany to go to school with her
13:51What are those foreign exchange students? Oh, yeah, one of the like friendly, uh girl that she still keeps in touch with pen pals with
13:58Would I want to go to germany?
14:02I've been wrong every time so my instinct is no
14:06So i'm gonna say yes
14:08You're wrong. I was right about that. I'm just i'm not i'm not a germany guy, I guess
14:13I wouldn't want to see a football game there. That's a seven hour and 45 minute flight to germany
14:19If you'll get the air curtains, it could be more efficient. Let's do one more. Um
14:24I'll do two more china. No
14:27You don't there's no way again. It's the furthest it's almost as far as it can be
14:31You wouldn't do that I would look no i'm just kidding danny's right
14:33I would not want to go watch football in china 18 hours from here to beijing
14:38That's longer than I would have thought. I would have thought china's not that far away
14:42No, you gotta update that file. It's against the opposite of us. Uh, and lastly, this will be the last one I do
14:48How about the netherlands
14:50amsterdam situation
14:53Again, this this is this is a should be yes
14:58Should be yes a lot of french fries
15:01I'm gonna say no
15:03You're wrong. Damn it. I get steamed up for the netherlands big amsterdam guy big amsterdam guy big. What do you like about it?
15:10I just want to go to amsterdam. Yeah, the movie euro trip was awesome
15:13I thought amsterdam was pretty cool. That's one of the big reasons for tourism
15:17I think a lot of people saw euro trip and wanted to go saying this isn't where I parked my car
15:22Uh daris that one is uh, seven and a half hours non-stop from dc. Actually, that might be my one seed
15:28That or italy
15:29Ireland's not on this list, but ireland's up there, too
15:32I'll go see the commanders. Let me know when they play in one of those locations scotland something like that
15:37You could do how about you? You got to go to madrid or you got to go to?
15:41brazil madrid you're going to madrid I would
15:44I went to barcelona. Uh when I in my younger years and I loved I don't know why it ricks me when people do that
15:50You have to do it. You can't just say barcelona. They like they go
15:55But but that's what they call it when you do it just every day. Oh, it's it's gonna get to me
16:00Yeah, because like I stayed in barceloneta inside. He didn't though. I did it was southern barcelona, right?
16:06Where it is. You can't get mad at me. Stop it. You you're mr. Correct. I'm a journalist
16:11I I try to like this is the correct. Barack obama all of a sudden going qatar
16:16my daughters
16:17Traveled with me to qatar
16:19I stayed in the neighborhood. The neighborhood is what it's called. Yeah, barcelona. Stop me in barcelona. I hate you right now
16:25I'm, just don't know where it was
16:28Say barcelona real barcelona. Oh, I hate you. Let's go to steve in dc. What's up steve? Not barcelona
16:36Steve hey guys, how are you buddy? Hello steve pretty good
16:41Okay, so grant I need you
16:45I need you to just follow me on the madrid thing. Okay, having been there a couple having been there a couple of times
16:50Okay, I went to london to watch that that horrible tie game
16:54And it was fun madrid
16:57First of all, do you like?
17:00Products made with pork that are high quality. Oh, I love those. Those are some of my favorite things. Exactly
17:06Do you like we'll call it cafe culture sitting outside with a uh,
17:11Very high quality, but yet inexpensive
17:14A bottle of the red vino with some high quality pork product watching the world go by your answer is yes
17:20Well, so i'm not a wine guy, but my wife would love the wine and I do love
17:24What's the temperature when i'm sitting outside? Uh, well, let's okay. So the nfl season let's say when they would play it you're talking in that
17:32Seven say 60 62 at night to 75 during the day. Oh, yeah, that sounds amazing
17:38Um exactly and you're talking direct flights from dallas to to madrid
17:45Uh, you're talking once you're on the ground there, uh
17:48Average cost per meal 10 to 15 euro or dollars less than it would be in the u.s. So you're eating well for
17:56Very very kind of in right now. It's a day trip to bartholomew. Like it's easy to go
18:00Telling you it's information. So i'm kind of in how long is the flight and
18:05Um, I think our flight, uh was seven and a half
18:09Okay, it was like it's like maybe it's like maybe
18:13I'm, maybe 45 to 50 minutes longer than going to london
18:16So that's the sticky wicket if I could say that because every minute after the london thing is just oh my god
18:21Get me off. I'm looking at this from dallas. It says nine hour and 20 minutes
18:25That sounds that sounds wrong to me. Oh, you know what this says connection. There you go
