• last month
Katherine Kearsey, the Chairwoman at Gulf for Good, joins Maria Botros on the Tell Me Why podcast to talk about their Gift of Giving initiative throughout the month of Ramadan.

We are raising money for a charity in Pakistan called ‘The Citizens Foundation’, says Katherine

Katherine: We’ve worked with the foundation for a couple of years now and hoping to visit them next year

The way it works is people can purchase a gift from our Gift of Giving initiative and that money is your donation, says Katherine

Katherine: The Citizens Foundation focuses on educating children in rural areas in Pakistan

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#UAEnews #podcast #charity


00:00Golf for Good is a local not-for-profit organization in the UAE. It's also a UK
00:05registered charity. We've been operating here since 2001
00:08and we're one of the oldest charities within the UAE. We
00:12operated here before even the governing bodies were in place.
00:16Our bread and butter, what we kind of do on a day-to-day basis, is we take people
00:21from typically the UAE but actually around the world as well
00:25to developing nations and we do an amazing challenge in that
00:31destination whilst raising money for a charity
00:35project in that destination too. So for example,
00:39we would take a group to climb Kilimanjaro and we would raise money for
00:42an orphanage in Tanzania.
00:50This is a new episode of Tell Me Why which is a Golf News original podcast.
00:55Joining me in the studio is Kat Kersey who is the chairwoman
00:59of Golf for Good. Kat, how are you? I'm well, thank you Maria. How are you?
01:03Good, good. How's everything? How is the weather like? How are you
01:08feeling today? Like what are you up to during the week? Has it been busy?
01:12It's been crazy as always. I work full-time as well as being the chair of
01:16Golf for Good so I think every day is a busy day
01:21but it's been great. I mean the weather to me is just amazing right now. I don't
01:24want it to end. I know that, you know, embrace it while
01:28it's here because it'll be gone in not too many more days
01:32from now. But yeah, all good. Absolutely, absolutely.
01:36Okay, Kat, I'm really interested, before we
01:38dive into the topic and before we talk about like all the details that we
01:42discussed before the show, I want to know more about you. So
01:45when did you come to Dubai or the UAE if you moved around
01:49in the country and how did you get here?
01:53How did your journey start? So I am originally from the UK. I lived
01:59my life there. I went to university in Nottingham
02:02and worked in Nottingham for a year after I graduated.
02:07And when I was at my job I met a girl. We just clicked and
02:13got on like a house on fire. Both of us wanted to travel but neither
02:17of us had any money. So we started looking into destinations
02:21that we could potentially move to and
02:24literally got a map out and kind of closed our eyes, spun around,
02:28took a figure out and it was kind of the Middle East. And then we were like, oh,
02:31started researching. Dubai seemed actually feasible. We started
02:35doing a little bit of research but not a lot because three weeks later we
02:38moved with nothing. So no job, no
02:42contacts really, just a little tiny bit of money
02:47and some hope. And actually three of us moved in the end. So
02:51her, my friend Caroline, myself and another girl called Nicola.
02:56And three of us moved over when we were 22 roughly, 22 years old.
03:00So it's back in 2005. Got off the plane and
03:05hired a car, drove almost accidentally to Abu Dhabi because I couldn't figure out
03:09how to navigate turning around on Shakeside
03:12Road. And that was the beginning of our
03:16journey. So I just, I mean, yeah, I lived in Dubai since
03:192005. It's given me everything. I met my husband here. I had my
03:24children here. I have had a wonderful career at
03:30many amazing brands. I worked for Emirates Airline, then Jumeirah Group and
03:33now I work for Marriott International by day. Okay. And then by night.
03:38I share golf for good, yeah. So yeah, that's kind of my history and
03:43I love it here. It's home. I think I've gone through
03:47that kind of journey of wondering, do I need to go home? Do I need to be closer
03:50to my parents as they're getting older? And that's really hard. I think for a lot
03:56of expats here, that pull home is strong and it's
04:01stronger with the children who are missing their cousins and uncles and
04:04aunts and grandparents. But the lifestyle here, the quality of
04:09living, the fact that you get to live as well as work and I can, I have the
04:13ability to volunteer and work and have some
04:17play time to myself. I just think that
04:21that is something that you get more here than I think back home.
04:25I agree 100%. We were having this conversation before we
04:29started recording. You know, it was always
04:32Dubai for us. We may have moved for a short while and then it was always
04:37coming back to Dubai. This was home. This was our base,
04:40even though we are expats, as you said. But yeah, it just gets you thinking
04:45to what home means to you and what it is
04:47actually. I don't know about you but what I've seen is the number of people
04:50who have gone home and then come back here because it actually has been such a
04:55hard kind of retrenchment and they've missed
04:58their life here so much that they've ended up reversing that decision and I
05:02think that that is what would happen with us.
05:04Yes. So I'm just not gonna do that. Yeah, so we're not gonna try. We're just not
05:07gonna try. Got it, okay. So you mentioned that by day
05:11you have a job and by night you are the chair of
05:16Golf For Good. So tell us a bit more about that.
05:19I hadn't heard of it, to be very honest with you,
05:23until I spoke to you and I spoke to your team.
05:27So what is it about? What do you actually do in Golf For Good?
05:30Yeah, so I'll tell you the story of what we do and then I'll tell you how I
05:34ended up in Golf For Good, I think. So firstly Golf For Good is a local
05:39not-for-profit organisation in the UAE. It's also a UK registered charity.
05:44We've been operating here since 2001 and we're one of the oldest
05:48charities within the UAE. We operated here before even the governing bodies
05:52were in place. Our bread and butter, what we kind of
05:56do on a day-to-day basis, is we take people
05:58from typically the UAE but actually around the world as well
06:03to developing nations and we do an amazing challenge in that
06:09destination whilst raising money for a charity
06:12project in that destination too. So for example we would take a
06:17group to climb Kilimanjaro and we would raise money for an orphanage
06:21in Tanzania or a school in Tanzania.
06:25Last year I went to Machu Picchu and did the Inca Trail and we raised money for
06:30a girls school in Cusco with Everest Base Camp and we're raising
06:34money for either a school or a children's home in
06:40Kathmandu. So that's the premise of what we do
06:44and we normally run about four international challenges a year.
06:49This year we're being a little bit more ambitious and trying to run seven or
06:52eight, we'll see. So that's kind of
06:56our bread and butter as I said
06:59and then on top of that we do a number of different activities to help
07:03gear people up for those challenges. So we organise local training here
07:07for people who have signed up for challenges. So stair climbs
07:10in the tallest buildings in Dubai, we hike
07:14at Ski Dubai at the weekends up the slope
07:17to get people familiar with what it's like to climb in the cold.
07:22Yeah the climate. Yeah they can test their gear.
07:26We hike in the mountains so we'll take groups
07:29to Raqqa or Fujairah just tracking getting them
07:33their fitness ready because a lot of the challenges we do are physically
07:37you know physically enduring so we try to get people prepared by doing that
07:42and then we work with corporates so
07:46corporates will approach us and we'll do team building hikes
07:49or training sessions whatever it was we can offer kind of bespoke
07:52solutions to them and in return they'll sponsor us or
07:56donate to one of our charities that we're raising money for.
07:59So every year we kind of identify around four to eight charities that we
08:04partner with and we'll drive all of the fundraising
08:07that we do through the year to those causes
08:10and they're always in developing nations. Okay
08:13I was just going to say like what if someone doesn't want to do a challenge
08:16can they still donate or can they still volunteer like how does it work?
08:20Yeah so it's a great question we have so firstly we have our social
08:26enterprise Thrift for Good that was born out of one of my favourite people in
08:30the world Jennifer Salt. So Jen used to work
08:33for Golf for Good and she came up with the idea to launch
08:36a charity shop in the UAE initially online then it became a
08:39physical store so through Thrift we have a huge number
08:44of volunteering opportunities because there's all sorts to do in the stores
08:47whether it's steaming clothes or working at the tills or sorting items.
08:53We can also volunteer for Golf for Good so we've launched a volunteer program
08:56this year with we're trying to kind of like
08:59marry your skill set with what we need so we have
09:02people who are supporting on PR and communications
09:06introducing us to different media companies or writing or managing social
09:09media. We have people who've got
09:12experience in the travel sector who are helping us organise our challenges
09:16and just kind of playing a little bit more of a consulting role on the ground
09:19to help us get the best deals for our challenges who come on those.
09:23So that's kind of how we work. I would say our volunteer
09:26program's a little bit smaller than the Thrift. Thrift's got a lot you know
09:30there's volume accessible there because there's so
09:32much work to be done and it's physical. We also have volunteering reps
09:37though and volunteering guides so for our hikes we have qualified guides
09:42that work with us that volunteer for us. We have reps who've done our
09:46challenges that will rep a hike and they'll talk to people who are on
09:49that hike about the challenges and let them know what it feels like to do a
09:53Golf for Good challenge and talk about what we've got coming up
09:56so that they you know might sign up for one of them.
09:59So yeah there's loads of opportunities to get involved and we're actually trying
10:02to formalise that a little bit more because it's you know there's so many
10:06people who want to give back here and we want to be able to help them.
10:09People contact us all the time so it's just about navigating through
10:13that because obviously we're a tiny team but very busy
10:16so we do get requests and we try to get back to everybody as quickly
10:21as we can. Yeah absolutely I was just going to say a lot of people might have
10:25the you know they want to take the
10:27initiative but they just don't know how or like which stream to go through and I
10:31think that's crucial that you facilitate some of that as
10:34well. I just have a question so do you
10:39do stuff with schools as well like do you also
10:43spread the word through schools? Do you have like school activations or
10:47awareness campaigns? We do but it's something we're actually developing
10:52right now so we we have links in schools because a
10:55number of people especially board directors have children in schools
10:59in the UAE so we leverage our contacts there
11:02to spread the word. We're actually running three family-friendly challenges
11:07this year so nice in 2021
11:11I know 22 sorry I went to Malawi with my daughter and at the time she was
11:16the youngest challenger that we've ever had
11:18so we volunteered a charity called Sparkle that's also very well
11:23also got presence here in the UAE but Sarah who founded that
11:27is basically an amazing amazing school
11:31in Malawi that helps the children on the ground there that
11:34have very little so Rosalie and I went down there
11:37and volunteered and the interest that we got off the back of
11:42us coming back from that experience was phenomenal so this year we have taken
11:48the decision to launch three that you could bring your children
11:51to and we will be driving actually communications across schools
11:55over the next month or so. So we're running Ethiopia which runs on
11:59the 31st of March so we're taking a group of people
12:04to Ray Foundation which is an incredible charity
12:07just in out on the outskirts of Addis Ababa
12:10so and actually my my daughter's record is going to be gesumped
12:14by our one of our board directors Natalie who's amazing
12:18she's bringing her twin boys who are five years old
12:22and they will then become our youngest ever challengers so
12:25so that is open to families and there's single mums coming or other
12:31parents with their people are coming as a family or they're coming
12:34on their own with one child perhaps so it's completely
12:38flexible we can cater to people and then we
12:42have an Indonesia challenge running over Eid
12:44in June 14th to 19th so the second Eid and that is to
12:52somewhere called Acacia Camp which is in West Java
12:56and so it's kind of more it's not really a physical challenge as such it's more
13:01working with the local community helping out wherever experiencing local
13:06life and building awareness and providing funds to the people on the
13:10ground there so also very family-friendly because
13:13everything is going to be tented and in an enclosed safe space
13:18and then the third challenge we have that's family-friendly this year is to
13:21Uganda so we'll be flying in to Rwanda
13:24actually and then driving to Uganda to a village called Kisoro
13:28which is on the far far west side and there we've partnered with this
13:34charity for many years so we've been helping them develop the
13:37school on the ground there and we'll be working with them working
13:41with the children playing games helping I don't know working
13:45with the teachers seeing how we can just basically all hands on deck what we
13:49can do and then there'll be an option for people to do the
13:52guerrilla track which is just nearby nice
13:57yeah into the national park so that would be amazing I'm actually
14:00I'm taking my whole family and we're going to do that one I was just going to
14:03say you have to try that I was funny enough so I was I just attended
14:07Kevin Hart's show oh I'm so sad I missed it was it good
14:11he did mention the guerrilla trip no way he went to Rwanda
14:14recently and he was saying that he did it obviously
14:17he had a funny story to tell but yes but I remembered as you were
14:22saying I was like I heard that before so yeah
14:25but he did say that it was it was an amazing experience it's once in a
14:28lifetime it looks it it looks it's obviously it's optional because it's
14:32it's expensive yes it does sound a little bit once in a lifetime
14:36yeah unfortunately you can't take the the children to that because there's I
14:40think there's an age age restriction of 16 years old
14:43because obviously is it yes like safety element there yes so
14:47we're just working through the details of okay so where am I going to leave my
14:51my husband and I exactly some friends to babysit
14:55yeah you guys go so our lovely Natalie from
14:58from the board is maybe going to join in one of her and
15:01her team is maybe going to come and help babysit the children okay well that's
15:04good that's good you have the support do it
15:07okay before we get into because you mentioned Eid so we are going to get
15:10into Ramadan but before we get into that because I
15:13just I just find it crucial to
15:18open our children's eyes yeah to these I mean I don't want to say harsh realities
15:23but they they they aren't easy for them to see that there are other
15:27people in the world that are less fortunate and that that might
15:31have certain struggles that we're not aware of or that kids these days aren't
15:34aware of because they don't see it you know immediately yeah and I just
15:39wanted to know what was your daughter's impression I'm actually curious to know
15:43I want to know like what's the impression that these kids
15:46are left with once they're back from these trips I think it's had a
15:49profound impact on her so I mean it's the kids here they are
15:54very privileged and really blessed with you know what they what they can have
15:58what they can do so I think that's one of the reasons I
16:01took her I wanted her to see that you know how fortunate she is
16:06and also to understand that there's other people in the world some of whom
16:10you know many of whom actually need help and support and how can you as an
16:14individual contribute and make a difference and
16:16make lives better so um I think it was it was one of the
16:22most amazing trips of my life and I think hers too
16:25it we went from you know I'm also a mother-daughter bonding experience but
16:29she's also you know at the time she was eight and
16:32very much wanting to be independent and kind of run her own sessions and
16:36work alone without without me around so I also
16:40that kind of having that freedom and allowing her to do that
16:43I think was really just helped her helped her grow as an individual
16:48she I think when we look back she just talks so fondly about it and it's given
16:53her a huge amount of story to tell and it's a
16:56very unique experience and not everyone has so
16:59a class you know when she came back her class were fascinated by what she'd
17:02experienced also kind of sharing of that information
17:05was really kind of empowered her and also
17:09helped give them something interesting to listen to that was a bit different
17:13my son who we didn't take because at the time he was four
17:17is mummy when are we going to Malawi like kind of
17:21desperate to go and I've already talked to Sarah actually about a trip for the
17:24four of us because he asks me all the time because of how
17:27my daughter Rosalie was about it and what she saw
17:31but the one thing that I think just is really important to know
17:34is the children that you meet in you know any country I don't think I've ever
17:40been to one of our charity projects and not
17:42been greeted by a sea of just smiling happy faces
17:46so regardless of you know our perception of what we think is happy and what we
17:51think is you know privilege and yeah and having
17:54what we have I don't think that guarantees happiness
17:58in the way that if you're living and working on the land and
18:02creating and you're physically active and you're playing all the time and
18:07you're one of the lucky ones because always when we go to the charity
18:11projects these kids are the lucky ones they are the ones who have protection
18:15they have access to education they have a roof
18:18over their heads they have food right and not all of the children in those
18:23countries have that and so I'm very mindful that
18:28yes for sure there's privilege here and
18:31we are I guess happy and lucky but actually
18:34I think that I'm always left with this profound respect
18:39that actually happiness comes from just it's within you
18:43it's for who you are and making the most of what you have and that could be
18:47nothing and you could still be extremely happy so
18:50it's really it's just it's amazing experience it's so
18:53um I think it just makes you really reflect on
18:57yes on your life and I always come back from any challenge actually but
19:01particularly the volunteer challenges where you're working so closely with the
19:04kids and the and the staff on the ground it
19:07just really makes you reflect on what is important and actually material goods
19:10do not bring happiness like having access to you know amazing
19:15restaurants doesn't it doesn't bring happiness
19:18friends connections working with nature being with nature
19:23you know yeah that's what I think brings happiness
19:26yeah but the safety security aspect that is obviously important no one can
19:30operate in you know a place where um you know they're
19:34being abused or they haven't got a home you
19:38know this that's obviously awful and that's where we try to give as
19:43many children around the world those kind of
19:46the basic access to education food safe
19:50and a home and yeah that's I think once that's in place then you kind of create
19:55your own happiness absolutely absolutely I love that you
19:59shared that with us thank you I mean I'm sure it wasn't the easy
20:04easiest obviously as well with with you know what you've seen on the ground
20:08as well and then reflecting that upon yourself
20:11but I know I had a friend who did that with her kids as well and
20:15she said after that trip they realized that it's not the gifts that they get
20:21that make them happy and it's exactly what you said
20:24and they started putting aside presents every birthday knowing that
20:30they'll send it back to that village that they
20:32visited knowing that it's not that extra gift that's going to make a difference
20:36and one of them actually came and told her he was
20:40seven I think or eight at the time he's like they have nothing but they're
20:44always smiling and I'm always complaining yeah and he was only seven
20:48and she's like that to me was the success of that's the learning
20:51that's it like I was I was done I was good yeah I could go home after that
20:56but that's a lovely initiative that they're like donating their presence and
20:59so important yeah and it's so right yeah they're happy
21:03and we complain and we complain and and you know to them
21:07we might have everything materialistically
21:10however they have the happiness they have that one thing that we keep seeking
21:15through these materialistic yeah things okay
21:19uh going back to you mentioned there's a
21:24challenge what about ramadan so since it's the holy month of ramadan and
21:30people are fasting and people want to do good during the the month-long fast
21:36are there any special initiatives that you're doing during ramadan and how can
21:40people get involved sure so every year we have a ramadan
21:44campaign that we run and launch throughout the month where people can
21:47donate so this year it's called the gift of
21:50giving and we're raising money for an amazing
21:53charity in pakistan called the citizens foundation so it's um
21:57basically a program to develop and um educate children in pakistan and
22:02rural areas so we um the idea is that you
22:08gift you basically you you purchase a gift
22:11and you give it to somebody and then that gift is the donation for that
22:14charity so it's all of our campaigns when we're
22:18fundraising are i think without fail through yalla give
22:22so with the licensing that we um get when we are approved to fundraise
22:26we set up a yalla give campaign that'll be accessible through our website
22:30and yalla give directly and people can go and donate
22:33and we're just trying to raise as much money for that charity as possible
22:37we've worked with them for a couple of years now and looking to
22:40actually hopefully visit them next or well you heard it here first
22:44i had a really amazing meeting a few days ago
22:48with a charity and they're based in um karachi
22:52and they have satellite kind of schools in different parts of pakistan so i'm
22:56wondering if we could support both and do a trip to volunteer
23:00one of them and then support the other or we can do a
23:04split a split challenge where we support both
23:06so more to follow but um 2025 challenge may be on the horizon
23:11nice if we can if we can obviously there's a safety and security element
23:15and we were meant to do a challenge there a couple of years ago but we had
23:18to pull it because there was just political unrest at the
23:21time but um i think things have settled down a little bit and we're now
23:25starting to to explore that again so yeah that's
23:28our that's our ramadan campaign from for this year and then we're also hosting
23:31an iftar okay so we typically run an iftar every
23:35year this year it's on the 21st of march it's at the strand which has
23:39become our um i just our happy place for running
23:42events it's such the team is amazing they're so
23:45um supportive of us and just really flexible really amiable the staff there
23:52are incredible the food's great i mean everything is just perfect amazing
23:55everyone should come to the strand although
23:57don't not not all the time because i would never be able to exactly
24:01then you won't get in place to sit or yeah
24:04but it's lovely it's a really nice environment and so we're hosting there
24:07and there's a charge uh i think it's 175
24:11per person and um that obviously gets the iftar experience okay um do you
24:18find that there's a surge in donations and volunteers during ramadan
24:22yeah we do i think to your point i mean it's a time where people reflect and
24:26they think about how they can give back and it is just a
24:30time of giving and a time of reflection so we do experience um people wanting to
24:35donate and just contacting us with sponsorship
24:39or partnership opportunities that um maybe it wouldn't
24:42happen so much the rest of the year and people approach us about our
24:46campaigns people also want to organize campaigns with their
24:49with their companies so we can also um you know if your company wanted to have
24:54a campaign we can help that we can help facilitate
24:58that as long as it's supporting one of our
25:01charities because the work behind you know getting an
25:04approved charity here in terms of um you know we go through a lot of
25:07due diligence to make sure that every organization that we work with
25:11is audited properly everything is above board we have proper documentation
25:16we make sure that there's a project that we're funding so we can see when it's
25:19been implemented that the money has directly gone to that
25:22so there's a lot of due diligence that that goes into that
25:25so um we drive the organizations to support one of those kind of pre-approved
25:30charities because it's easier and quicker
25:33and we we know that we will see that the money will go to
25:37the right it'll it'll make it to the the child at the end of the day that
25:41will benefit so yeah lots of different ways you can get involved and
25:45i mean i think this morning i had five volunteer emails saying
25:49i'd like to volunteer and give back so that's um that's definitely more than
25:53normal i think that that number tends to ramp up at this time of year or
25:56during the kind of lead up to ramadan and um actually i think it's something
26:01on the table for us to think about is that
26:04during that month how else can we support people to give
26:08them those kind of volunteering opportunities so i'll have a i'll take
26:11that away and think about it with the team
26:13nice very nice okay um before we let you go i know we've taken up so much of
26:20your time but um what's your advice to people who want
26:23to do good but just don't know like how or where to start or
26:26what to um what to get involved in basically
26:31i'd say i mean firstly you can reach out to us we're available at info
26:36at golfforgood.org and we'll come back to you and give
26:40advice but i i would say that it's easy fundraising is quite daunting
26:46it can be quite overwhelming the prospect of having to hit a target
26:49potentially you know so i think doing it with a partner or a
26:54group of people is actually a really kind of soft way
26:58to get into it we've had this year we've had you know
27:01a mother and son approach us to do a fundraising campaign for one of our
27:05charities in tanzania because they're climbing mount maroon
27:08off their back an initiative they've approached us because they want to
27:12coordinate their trip with the ability to to give back to a
27:16charity in the country that they're going to do that
27:18um and so i think it's about asking the questions
27:22i think there's a perception here that fundraising is a big no-no or it's
27:26it's not possible that's not true you have to find
27:30an approved organization that's got the legislation in place that
27:34they have you know all the permits etc and the working relationship
27:37with ihc so we're obviously fully licensed to operate like that
27:42but that you know takes time and ihc actually is an incredible wealth of
27:47information as well the people who work there are
27:50phenomenal they all really care about giving back so i would say that that's
27:54also um and you know kind of a place that
27:57people could go to to ask um for information they hold
28:01information evenings um occasionally which will um you know
28:05help kind of dispel any rumors about fundraising here which is all it's all
28:11possible as long as you have the permits in place to do so
28:14as long as you're doing it through an organization that has that that ability
28:18so i would just suggest reach out ask questions
28:22join forces because that helps kind of um i think with people comes the
28:27opportunity to you know brainstorm and think about what
28:30you can do and be creative i think the best fundraising kind of
28:34things i've seen are always around events so if you are not afraid to host
28:38an event or to to run something and think a bit you
28:41know creatively or differently about it then the world can be your oyster and
28:45you can actually raise a lot of money for amazing charities
28:48and i actually the whole premise behind you know them is
28:51about with all of the money that is you know here we know that this is such an
28:56affluent country it's about taking funds from the uae and
29:00supporting those developing nations around the world where there isn't so
29:04much money so i think if anyone is wanting to do
29:07that they would be very supportive right amazing amazing okay where can we
29:11find you guys so we are on our well we have a website
29:15which is www.golfthenumber4good.org
29:20uh also we're on facebook we're on instagram we
29:23are set we're on linkedin setting up on um
29:28oh my gosh my mind's gone blank video tick tock
29:31amazing okay so all of that is golf for good with the word for not the number so
29:36golf for good um you can obviously find us in the
29:39mountains at the weekends we've got i think
29:42eight challenges lined up between now and the end of the year
29:45so we're running um so i mentioned already uganda ethiopia and
29:49indonesia but we're also running everest base camp
29:52in october we're running machu picchu in uh july yeah okay we're running
29:59um malaysia in also july and kili we're doing a kilimanjaro
30:05women's only challenge uh in july as well
30:09um lots going on in july we've got uganda in august as i mentioned and
30:14i think very excitingly we've got bhutan in november
30:18which we've actually been provisionally granted permission to
30:23and visit um without the permit that most people have to
30:26um pay because it's very expensive to go to bhutan yes because we're
30:30raising money for charity they're actually supporting us by waving that
30:34so it's an incredible opportunity i'm pretty sure that challenge is going to
30:37sell out and yeah super exciting i'm sure i'm
30:41sure otherwise we have a ball as well so our
30:43gala ball which we host annually is on the 1st of june
30:47and that's at the ritz carlton in jbr and it's just a wonderful
30:50community evening celebrating our challenges
30:54celebrating our charities celebrating everything about who golf for good is
30:58and and just basically trying to raise
31:00awareness and get as much money raised as possible
31:04for our charity projects as we can so we're starting to sell tickets now
31:08and people can join us and also find out information
31:11in that evening we'll you know we'll talk about everything we've got coming
31:15up and and share as much information as we can
31:18and around the tables there'll be leaflets and flyers and
31:21qr codes so people can go and find more info that's beautiful thank you so much
31:25for sharing everything today because i feel like
31:27i for one i learned so much and i'm sure
31:31you know the audience did too because um we put out a poll and a lot of people
31:35are just they're not aware as you said there's always that people are always
31:38tiptoeing around fundraising yeah you know
31:41charities because of the rules and regulations which are in place
31:45so that you know with good scammers exactly
31:48exactly it's it's all for a good reason so thank you so much for sharing
31:52everything today cat it was lovely having you
31:55please keep me posted i'd love to come to some of these events and
31:58i think you should come on a challenge yes what you're gonna sign up for
32:03can i convince you to do kilimanjaro physically
32:07i feel like i'm not there yet i feel like you should know that i did that
32:10without any training so it's all in your mind it's in the
32:14mind huh okay well maybe then i'll think about that because i like the fact that
32:17it's all women and you know yeah women empowerment i like that okay let's
32:20think about it deal thank you thanks so much
