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Meet Bilal Tahboub, one of Dubai’s most-seasoned cabin crew trainers. Tahboub, one of the senior cabin crew members who flew on Emirates’ maiden flight from Dubai to Karachi in 1985, is well known today for crafting unique, ‘reality-based’ training methodologies for the flight crew.

Tahboub is the Co-Founder and Training Director of Dynamic Advanced Training (backed by Khansaheb), UAE’s only independent Cabin Crew Training Organisation (CCTO). Located at the Mohammed bin Rashid Aerospace Hub in Dubai South, Dynamic Advanced Training is home to five full-flight cabin simulators (FFCS) capable of emulating any real-world scenarios – from extreme turbulence to a plane crash.

Read the full story here: https://gulfnews.com/business/aviation/watch-this-emirates-cabin-crew-member-was-on-airlines-maiden-flight-to-karachi-and-now-he-trains-new-recruits-1.96979339

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00:00Press! Press!
00:08Say Max! Say Max!
00:10Say Max!
00:12Let me get out of here!
00:20Let me get out of here!
00:23Check the cabin! Check the cabin!
00:41I am Bilal Tahboub. I am from Jordan.
00:44I landed in Dubai in 1985.
00:48Ok, September 1985.
00:51And I started with Emirates Airlines.
00:54I spent almost 33 years with Emirates Airlines,
00:58but I was on the very first flight to Karachi.
01:02I am very proud to say that I started the training
01:07along with my ex-boss in 1987.
01:10We started with three rooms on the fourth floor
01:14of the ex-Danata building at Clock Tower area.
01:19During the training sessions, it used to be classrooms,
01:23and then later on it moved to a kind of a simulation,
01:28but simulation we used normal wood.
01:31Later on, Emirates Airlines acquired more aircraft,
01:36and then we were so privileged by His Highness Sheikh Ahmad bin Said Al Maktoum
01:44to be granted and almost an opportunity to have
01:49the very first cabin motion simulator on earth
01:53that was built by CAE in Canada.
01:57After spending for almost 33 years with Emirates Airlines,
02:02almost 10 years back before I left,
02:06I was thinking of doing something,
02:10maybe still in the aviation training,
02:13but different to be more comprehensive
02:17and include the training of all types of aircraft types.
02:25We came to a conclusion of our feasibility study,
02:30and we had met with our main financer,
02:35the investor, the Khan Sahib Group here in Dubai,
02:41who came from a construction background,
02:45but they believe in whatever we have really designed
02:51and whatever we have aspired.
02:54And we were given the chance to go ahead,
02:57and the project started building itself in 2017,
03:02where Mark took the whole, I would say, job on himself,
03:09but at the same time, we were liaising together
03:12while I was still with Emirates Airlines.
03:15On the 1st of January 2019, I left Emirates Airlines
03:21and I had a full-time job at Dynamic.
03:26Now, the challenges that I had faced throughout all of those things here
03:31is training people with over 100 nationalities from all over the world.
03:38But at certain times here, I would say,
03:41with whatever Emirates Airlines has provided,
03:45which is second to none, cabin motion simulators,
03:49it helped to conquer all those challenges
03:52and come up with the desired results that we needed to do.
03:57Now, in addition to this, I would say here,
04:00some of the challenges here is that,
04:03I wanted to do some more of the training tools,
04:09such as covering the private and corporate jet training here.
04:15And this was not possible because Emirates Airlines,
04:19like any other operators, will focus on their own needs.
04:23Then, later on, when we came to Dynamic from here,
04:27we built all kinds of full-motion cabin simulators
04:33that covered the full shade of aircraft types,
04:36from the smallest to the biggest, but not the A380.
04:40So, we covered the corporate and business jets,
04:43the small aircraft, and even the narrow-bodied aircraft,
04:48and then we have the wide-bodied aircraft types as well.
04:53Now, we are almost coming to 3,000 that we have done.
04:59But anyway, when we launched, we launched in 2020 February.
05:07We were followed by COVID,
05:09and there was some time where business was not conducted.
05:14So, I would say, when COVID was over here,
05:20we immediately were inundated with the number of training requests
05:26that other operators wanted.
05:30And most of this now here, most of the business here,
05:34I would say, comes from the corporate and private jets.
