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Anything can happen - turbulence, thunder, lightning or fire - inside the simulated flight training for pilots of Etihad Airways, the award-wining UAE airline based in Abu Dhabi. And it can happen at any time - pilots won’t know about it until the scenario is upon them, prompting them to work as a team to solve the challenge.

Only three others carriers in the world besides Etihad use this Baseline Evidence Based Training; Etihad is the only airline in the Middle East to deploy this training.

Read the full story here: https://gulfnews.com/uae/watch-how-etihad-airways-pilots-in-uae-soar-past-the-toughest-of-all-trainings-1.92650475

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#UAEnews #pilots #Etihad


00:00Etihad 1-1-1, runway 3-1-left, you are cleared for takeoff.
00:04Cleared for takeoff, Etihad 1-1-1.
00:07Ready for takeoff?
00:23Etihad has obtained their baseline evidence-based training approval,
00:28which is the first non-European airline to achieve this approval,
00:32and the first airline, obviously, in the Middle East to obtain this,
00:35and we're very proud of it.
00:36Baseline evidence training is the most advanced training methodology
00:39that exists today for pilot training.
00:41It consists about moving away from a conventional methodology
00:44where we just train certain tasks and maneuvers in a full-flight simulator
00:48to a methodology that actually exposes pilots to real-time situations
00:52where they need to react to unexpected events
00:55and work effectively as a team to resolve the situation
00:58and manage the consequences and achieve a safe outcome in a consistent manner.
01:03It's all about focusing on key competencies,
01:06such as good decision-making, workload management,
01:09good communication and teamwork.
01:11But in Etihad, we've taken that to the next level,
01:13and we've also recently introduced something that we call the coaching module,
01:17whereby instead of training all our pilots in the exact same way,
01:21with the same program, which is what most airlines do,
01:24we actually have an individualized training session for each pilot
01:28that is adapted to their individual needs,
01:30and that is making the effectiveness of our training to be way more effective.
01:35And we believe, actually, that the combination of this very advanced training methodology
01:38and the state-of-the-art facilities that you will be visiting today in Etihad Aviation Training
01:42and our highly qualified group of instructors
01:45demonstrates Etihad's firm commitment to leading the industry
01:49in terms of safety, efficiency, and sustainability.
01:52UAE, as a leadership, they always promoted that we invest in individuals,
01:57enhancing them to enhance the country.
02:00Etihad Training did a very similar concept to that.
02:03Evidence-based training was an evolved development plan towards training concepts.
02:08What it does is, it went away from the conventional training
02:11for specific skills or specific events
02:15into investing in the trainees themselves,
02:18enhancing their capabilities, represented incompetencies,
02:21such as increasing their workload management space,
02:25situational awareness, and also enhancing their knowledge.
02:29By utilizing the evidence-based training concept,
02:32we invested in employees, making them better.
02:35Now they're able to train in any scenario or any event that they encounter
02:39using the competencies and the tools Etihad provided them.
02:42And it's amazing to see how the leadership view reflects in such entities
02:47such as Etihad Training as well.
02:49In the past, how we have traditionally done training
02:52is very much linked to the equipment that we have.
02:56As you know, technology has now improved by leaps and bounds,
02:59so our airplanes are very much more sophisticated.
03:02But with this sophistication, it comes reliability, but also complexity.
03:07So the challenges we face today are very different,
03:10and that's when we introduced now, back in 2015, the evidence-based training.
03:15What evidence-based training is, we put in real-life challenges
03:18that people face on the line today, kind of thing, right?
03:22We try and simulate as much as those events in our training
03:25so pilots will build resilience, as you like,
03:28so they'll be able to adapt to what they feel and would face in real life.
03:33Fly safe. That's the word that we always say to them.
03:36We always keep in mind that safety is always first.
03:38When you're unsure, do the thing that you think is safest.
03:42You know, you can never go wrong by far.
03:44And once you're safe, then we start to also think about not just safety,
03:47but also efficiency.
03:49We are, after all, a commercial airline,
03:51and efficiency is very important to us as well.
03:53I'm here to explain to you what we have recently achieved in Etihad
03:57for the Boeing 787 multi-pilot license approval.
04:03It's our cadet training program, which we've just recently got an approval for,
04:08so we'll be the first in the world to do the multi-pilot license on Boeing 787.
04:14So we're very proud of that achievement.
04:16Usually in the cadet pilot program training,
04:19we used to send our cadet pilots to fly a single-engine aircraft for a period of time,
04:25and then they would be onboarded onto an airline.
04:28That's where they would learn how to fly with another colleague
04:31and learn how to fly in multi-pilot roles.
04:35In this particular case, how the multi-pilot license works is that from the start,
04:41we put them through a very comprehensive quality-controlled program
04:46where we not only shorten the time frame in which we get a pilot ready to fly the airline on the right seat,
04:57but we also make sure we get a very good quality product
05:00with cadets who are ready to address or are ready to fly in any situation and circumstance.
05:08It again demonstrates Etihad's contribution to flight safety
05:13and how we are actually putting a lot of effort in trying to pioneer a lot of new training technologies.
05:21I've been with the company for eight years now.
05:23I have decided to join the program because I have always been passionate about flying.
05:28Etihad has pioneered and was the first to introduce the MPL on the Boeing 787,
05:36and I'm so privileged to be on the first batch of that program.
05:40Thanks to the UAE leadership, I was able to proceed with my dream to become a pilot.
05:46They helped me to progress, and they believed in young Emirati female pilots since early on,
05:54and that was easy for us to proceed with that program.
