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Gulf News takes you inside a Dubai aviation training facility where aircraft personnel learn how to deal with safety and emergency situations.

Read the full story here: https://gulfnews.com/business/aviation/watch-uae-aviation-academies-take-on-challenge-of-bringing-out-new-pilots-cabin-crew-1.1661318894726

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00:00Ladies and gentlemen, welcome on board Gulf News.
00:05Thank you very much for coming today and experiencing a crash scenario shortly.
00:31If you're training a scenario, the more realistic it is, the better buy-in you have, the better your outcome is.
00:38And I can show you now what would happen if you do this on a fixed base mock-up.
00:46Welcome to a classroom setting.
00:50And now I've just robbed you of your sensory inputs and it doesn't feel the same anymore.
00:57So the idea for dynamic advanced training sort of evolved in 2013.
01:03We saw a gap in the market for the specific type of reality-based training that we want to and do provide.
01:11And it took quite a while to research and to see how we could improve upon conventional training.
01:19So stepping away from PowerPoint presentations and getting into a more hands-on practical training environment.
01:27A training environment which is fun and which evokes emotions and which ultimately leads to better knowledge retention and a better learning outcome.
01:38First of all, we're an independent provider, which means that we customize our training to suit an operator.
01:48So while the regulations are quite broad, operators have their own standard operating procedures.
01:55And so if you are a, well not necessarily, but if you're a large training center which is part of an airline, it can be quite rigid.
02:08So they will find it a little bit more difficult to adjust the curriculum to suit another operator.
02:15In our case, being a bespoke setup, we were able to do that.
02:20And because we're independent, we also cater to a larger fleet of commercial aircraft and business jets.
02:29So a legacy training center belonging to an airline will typically only be able to train the aircraft types that they have in their fleet.
02:43In our case, we can train the Airbus A320 family.
02:48We can even do A310, A340, A330, A340, A350.
02:54We can do 737, 777, 787.
02:59On the commercial aviation side and on the business aviation side, we can train all the Gulfstreams, all the Globals, Challengers, Falcons, Legacies and Pretas.
03:10So it's a very comprehensive setup.
03:12It's a one-stop shop.
03:14So anything related to cabin safety can and will be done by Dynamic.
03:21The rear section is a 737.
03:23We've got the L1 door with real-time slide inflation.
03:28Then we've got the classic overwing exit and the NG type overwing exit.
03:33On the A320 side, we have the L1 door also with real-time inflation.
03:39And then we have a classic A320 overwing exit and we have the NEO high-density config A321 overwing exit and also with real-time slide inflation off the wing.
03:50What is unique about this setup is that we've got cabin visuals and the cabin visuals are synchronized with the cockpit visuals.
04:01So we create one scenario and everybody lives it.
04:07So in a way, training is also compelling storytelling.
04:12So you want to onboard everybody and then go through scenarios together.
04:18And then there's no pretend, there's no imagine.
04:22You're in a scenario, which also makes it very easy for instructors to evaluate.
04:28Commonly, I'm asked by civil aviation authorities, we get audited a lot, how do you fail people?
04:34And I just think it's the wrong question.
04:36I think you should be asking, how do you make them succeed?
04:39So we don't do any remedial training at all.
04:43If somebody has made a mistake, that's great. Excellent.
04:48You've achieved 70% of what you're supposed to achieve.
04:53And now we'll take you and achieve 100% together.
04:57So it's a non-punitive environment.
05:00We make sure that it's fun.
05:02It's great to have good equipment, but it's equally as important to have very, very good trainers.
05:08So it's a holistic approach.
05:10So at present, dynamic advanced training only provides safety and emergency procedure training.
05:16So we don't do flight deck training.
05:19But the idea is to make a realistic environment so that it's also engaging for the pilots.
05:25So in this cockpit area, all the cabin-related safety switches are functional.
05:32And then typically, you can say that cabin safety is behind the cockpit door.
05:38However, there are also scenarios such as pilot incapacitation.
05:43We've got functional seats, which are electrically or manually operated.
05:50You can open the cockpit window.
05:52We've got the EROS oxygen mask that you can put on people.
05:56You can try and remove people from the pilot seats if they're incapacitated.
06:05And then what do you do with them when there's not enough space?
06:08So it's an eye-opener.
06:13Sound of jet engine.
06:38Sound of jet engine.
06:52Leg, body, leg.
06:58Now, John, you're not the biggest person I've ever seen.
07:05What are the contents of your emergency kit, your survival kit?
07:11How does it work?
07:13Try it out.
07:14We mixed it up with medical emergencies as well.
07:19So if somebody, let's say, has broken a femur, what does it feel like to lift a body that weighs?
07:25It's not untypical of a male being weighing 100 kilos.
07:30Try it out.
07:31Try lifting something that weighs 80 kilos where the arms and legs are floppy and all over the place.
07:37It's not that easy.
07:38These are hard settings now.
07:41You can do a lot of CRM in here, which is crew resource management,
07:45which is, in very simplified terms, is how to use everything that is at your disposal to achieve a good outcome.
07:56So with regard to the staffing shortages in aviation experienced around the world,
08:02I can say that the UAE has performed possibly as one of the best countries in the world.
08:12We all knew that there was going to be a rebound in aviation.
08:16The big question was when.
08:18And timing something is not as easy as, in hindsight, it's easy to determine.
08:25But looking ahead is very, very complex.
08:28But the UAE had a really good response to it across all sectors.
08:33So you've got, for example, air traffic control.
08:36You've got air crew for the various airlines.
08:42You've got ground handlers.
08:43You've got check-in staff.
08:45I mean, it's a complex industry.
08:48But the UAE really worked well together to be able to cater to the travel demand that bounced back.
08:55It was a bow wave being pushed ahead.
08:57People weren't able to travel for two years and wanted to go and see their loved ones or go on vacation or business travel.
09:05And so when it did rush back, when the wave did rush back, the UAE was well prepared.
09:12At the moment, we're only at 70 percent of 2019.
09:21So there's still some way to go.
09:23However, yeah, the UAE is well prepared for this.
09:27The way that we do provide our training is slightly different or very different than conventional training.
09:34So our emphasis is on hands-on training.
09:39So we do have classrooms, and I call them expensive coat hangers, where we will go through an OHS briefing in the morning, a bit of an introduction, some theoretical components of it.
09:52But most of the training is conducted on our full-flight cabin simulators or other advanced training equipment.
10:09NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
