• last month
The biggest UAE and Gulf airlines will be running special flights to Doha in November and December for the FIFA World Cup – but that’s not stopping private jet operators in the UAE to ramp up their own services by then.

Dubai-based private jet operator Jetex expects to fly an additional 2,500 flights to and from Doha during the World Cup. According to Adel Mardini, CEO, “We are receiving a lot of inquiries and many will make Dubai or Abu Dhabi their base during these two months.”

Read the full story here: https://gulfnews.com/business/aviation/watch-not-just-uae-airlines-private-jet-operators-too-are-ready-for-fifa-world-cup-with-more-flights-1.1659157802006

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00:00I have a lot of inquiry for the people who will be based in Dubai and they will travel to attend
00:04the match and they come back. They will consider Dubai or UAE as a hub and base for them during
00:11this month. We expect during the months of November and December, on top of what we have
00:16right now, we expect around 2,500 flights extra to be shuttled between Dubai and Doha
00:24within two months. I'm very optimistic that this market will grow every year
00:29more than five percent. We expect to reach $27 billion revenue of this market in 2027.
00:36This year they achieved $18 billion as a business aviation and on 2027 we'll have like $27 billion.
00:44I expect 2025-2026 for the commercial airlines to back 100 percent.
