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A 12-year-old Canadian student in Dubai was invited by the prestigious Johns Hopkins University Centre, USA, to join it’s Talented Youth Programme in which he scored an A in his first course on Cryptology.

Arik Sharma, a Grade 7 student at Dubai American Academy (DAA), which identified him as a “gifted child”, recommended him to Johns Hopkins, which held a test before accepting him for its course in Cryptology that uses mathematics in computer algorithms to encrypt and decrypt messages.

Read the full story here: https://gulfnews.com/uae/watch-gifted-12-year-old-canadian-boy-in-dubai-aces-tough-johns-hopkins-university-course-1.95863591

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00:00I'm very happy and very proud of this because it's a great achievement and I worked hard to get accepted.
00:09So recently I've been accepted into John Hopkins Centre for Talented Youth which is a all-year
00:16program for talented children. Basically there's these tests called MAP tests which you have to
00:22do each year and there's three and you have to score at least 99 percent in the world to get
00:28into John Hopkins and I had to study a lot to score well on these MAP tests because I scored
00:34well and I got 99 in all my scores for two three tests in a row and that's what led me to be
00:41accepted into this program. John Hopkins offers a variety of different courses from all different
00:47subjects from like math, science, engineering, science. I particularly am interested in math
00:54and science because I scored very well on those so I might do like basically I've already done
01:00a cryptology one for math and sciences and I'm hoping to maybe do biology or forensics
01:07which are two things that really interest me or honours mathematics.
