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Learn all about John Abraham’s discovery Ranjith Sajeev, who was born in the UAE and grew up in Dubai

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#UAEnews #indian #johnabraham


00:00This is my first film like I'm not a like this is my first time a feature film so like I grew up in Dubai I started in Dubai I went to AUD actually American University in Dubai that's where I did my college
00:10You're a Dubai boy
00:12Yeah, I am a Dubai boy, what I'm proud of yeah
00:17So, yeah I did my school and college there but parallelly I used to like be really into performing and acting I used to do theater plays, dance performances and stuff so
00:26Now I'm like at the stage where I can say I'm like pursuing a passion like as a full-time job so that feels like surreal
00:32Right, right so were you born in Dubai or like how long were you
00:36I was born in yeah I was born in the UAE yeah I was born did my studies high school college everything
00:43in UAE like but I used to come to India like once in a while but ever since I took this up as a
00:48full-time profession that's when I was like you know I'm pretty much placed in Kochi right now
00:52all over Kerala and I go to Dubai like pretty rarely right now I mean I still go but you know
00:56once in a while I'm very surprised that how like do you have your people in the movie industry or
01:02was it just something you woke up one day and you're like I'm going to be an actor
01:07No, no, no I this passion was always in me like even in high school and all these cultural events
01:13I used to like take part in them like theater plays like I said during college I used to
01:16attend a lot of workshops I actually went to New York Film Academy back in 2018 for a month
01:22so whenever I can like I tried like you know just taking as much as I can to you know get
01:28more and more experience like this was something I was always passionate about like movies have
01:32been like something that's always been a big part of me you know so that's so interesting like I
01:37so your parents are not into the business of movies or anything they're just like
01:43they are producers actually they produced two Malayalam films three actually Pranayam have you
01:49heard of Pranayam? Mohanlal, Anupam Kher and Jayaprada yeah so that was their first production
01:54venture and then they made this movie called Kinnar with Jayaprada it released in 2018
02:01but they made it in Malayalam and they they parallelly made that in Tamil as well so it
02:06released simultaneously okay yeah but this is produced by John Abraham this is John Abraham's
02:12first Malayalam venture so it's very it's pretty exciting yeah how did John Abraham he's a Malayali
02:19I think his dad or somebody is a Malayali mom or one of them is a Malayali I think
02:26so like I said so I only got to know that John Abraham's producing this after I came into the
02:31project so like I said I used to make a lot of these monologue videos to post on social media
02:36as well as you know send for auditions so one of these videos like you know like my director came
02:41across the director Vishnu Sivaprasad he actually came across one of these videos I think through
02:45Instagram or Facebook and by that time he already had a structure for the script of Mike and he
02:50kind of like wrote these characters Anthony and Sara Anthony's the character that I portray Sara
02:55is Anusha Rajan so I don't know I felt I think he probably saw a spark in me through those videos
03:01and he set up a script meeting so as soon as I heard the script I was like on board you know like
03:07because the character, the content like everything's so socially relevant but at the same
03:12time it's a really heartwarming, soulful story as well you know I felt like this is exactly
03:18like me as an audience this is exactly what I want to watch on screen you know that that really
03:22resonated with me so is this a movie about quarter-life crisis among millionaires you can't say that you
03:30can't say that like there is definitely we touch upon that like yes both these characters are
03:34dealing with form of quarter-life crisis as you would say but like you said it's a parallel
03:40journey of both these characters right so definitely like this is a really content-driven
03:45movie but at the same time there are a lot of commercial and entertaining factors but at the
03:49same time it's not like out of the blue and just placing for the sake of it like you know because
03:53when you go into a theatre you know I feel like from the general audience's perspective
03:59you expect entertainment right entertainment is the core factor but at the same time we have to
04:03provide them with an experience that they can take back home with them you know a story you know
04:08well-written characters so we try to mold all those things together to present it as Mike so
04:14you know I think you did a good job so far but let's see generally in Dubai if you have grown
04:18up here then Kerala movie I like Malayalam films are a part of your DNA yeah and yeah I mean
04:25definitely it's but at the same time you know like I'm really exposed to the Dubai culture over there
04:30as well because I still remember like I studied in AUD in American University in Dubai so I used
04:35to always be around that area with my friends so it's you know like like I said it always has a
04:40nostalgic feeling when I go back there you know like no matter where I am Dubai will always hold
04:44special place in my heart you know right it's something like like you said I'm like I'm like a
04:48proper Dubai kid at the end of the day.
