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Pop singer talks about her eventful journey in Indian music scene and singing brassy Bollywood songs.

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#UAEnews #music #sunidhichauhan
00:00Music is about soul, heart, coming straight from the deep, pure, honesty.
00:09Firstly, can I just say how excited we are, Sunidhi, that you're going to perform in Dubai.
00:13I feel it's been ages since I've been to a live concert. Are you as excited as I am?
00:17I always get excited when I have to come to Dubai. You know, performing in front of that
00:23audience is something, it's magical, honestly. I mean, over there I feel I can just sing any
00:29song and they will be with me, you know, they'll support me and, you know, sing along or
00:37dance along. Dubai has a fantastic taste. I mean, they are so versatile. I would call them
00:44versatile. They just listen to everything, be it any language, it doesn't matter. It's amazing
00:49how the Dubai audiences, you know, they respond to you and they really welcome you with open
00:57hearts. Now that it's all gone and we are okay to perform live, we are able to travel, there's
01:04this different energy I feel. There's this, I mean, I feel more powerful. I feel I can do
01:09anything now. I feel like a superwoman. I have only worked towards getting better because
01:16that's what I want to do and more than proving to someone, it's all about how I feel inside if I
01:24get better. It's all about proving to myself. It's all about making sure that I talk to myself
01:29that am I there where I actually want to be in terms of, you know, performing or singing live.
01:36So, that is the fight, that is the question I keep having with myself and I think that's the only
01:42thing that takes me everywhere and I'm glad that it translates to people. It gets conveyed to my
01:50audiences. Otherwise, you know, I've been performing for like 25 years now almost and I could
01:56get boring but it's people who love me for me, love me for me, for my music and of course,
02:05yeah and of course, the fact that I cannot forget the fact where I came from, how it all began for
02:11me. I am still, I can call myself rooted because I don't want to forget where I came from. It's a
02:18lovely place and I am a product of that place. I want to keep working hard, keep singing, keep
02:24making myself feel good first and then everything else will be fine. It's all about, it's like
02:30taking care of your health and I think in music field, you cannot really crack something. There's
02:36no formula. Music is about soul, heart coming straight from the deep, pure honesty. Honesty
02:45whether it is in soul or not translates. Honesty reaches out. So, that's why we have so many
02:54artists who are not probably very good singers and it's not just in India but it's also in the
02:58West. They're not great singers but they're great songwriters. They have great personalities.
03:05What they convey to the audience is their thought process, how they feel about the world, how
03:12they feel about love and that's what makes them an artist. So, it's not just about classical
03:19music, western classical but whatever is honest is going to go. It's going to go far and I think I
03:28am a total believer of that. I just want to, I want to live each and every moment. I want to be
03:37in the moment. I don't want to get distracted and yeah, I don't think about the future too much.
03:44People ask me where do you see yourself 10 years later? I don't know. How can you ask me that
03:48question? I mean I might be dead tomorrow. I mean I don't want to say that. What I mean to say is
03:53maybe I would want to be a homemaker. I mean not a homemaker, designer. Maybe I would like to
04:00design homes and that's also music for me. Yeah, it could that the drive could come from that
04:07space. So, we should not think too much about the future and plan so much I think. We should
04:15definitely be in the moment and live the moment we are in because once it's gone, it's gone. That
04:21moment is never going to come back. It's very easy to typecast you in this industry but you find
04:26those people. Of course, you have to be very good at your with your talent and your skills and if
04:31you show that drive that you know I have to do this, I want to do this. You just have to show the
04:35want and the universe just makes it happen to you. The universe made me meet those people.
04:42Jatin Lal, Sandesh Anjaliya. I wanted to sing love songs so people happen to just you know come
04:49around and it happened. So, just before the lockdown I wanted to do non-film songs and it
04:56happened. So, I think it's just about your conviction towards something. If I want to do
05:01something, I will work around it. Everything will work out.
05:04That's amazing.
05:05I would just say that come and let's have some fun because I don't know why maybe it's the song
05:11list that I've chosen this time, maybe it's the new songs, my songs and other songs that I'm doing
05:17on stage. It's just very exciting and I feel my show is giving me this new kind of a feeling. So,
05:24come and experience this with me. It'll be fun and yeah I'm looking forward to it, definitely.
