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Former Disney darling and singer talks about her love for dark films and thrillers

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#UAEnews #tarasutaria #ekvillainreturns


00:00The first day of shoot for me was on a stage where I had to sing to a live audience
00:07and it was like this concert set up which is which feels like home for me.
00:13It is a sequel obviously but in so many ways I feel like the film is it's just a completely
00:18different world to the first part as well which makes it so much more exciting as I think a
00:23begoer or a lover of this franchise so to speak. I think Mohit has created so many dimensions in
00:31the second part to make it more exciting for the fans that loved the first part. What really drew
00:36me to it was was obviously my individual role in it which it's something very close to my heart
00:43since I was very young. I play the role of a singer and that's something that's been very
00:47special to me all my life because I've been a singer all my life before I was an actress. To
00:51get to sing my own songs for the first time in a Hindi film was a very, very unique experience.
00:58The first day of shoot for me was on a stage where I had to sing to a live audience and
01:05it was like this concert set up which is which feels like home for me so for me it was just
01:10very rewarding and it felt like coming home to something I've been doing all my life so I think
01:15that's what really drew me to this film apart from the villainy and the obvious
01:22different unique story that it is.
01:23I love your chemistry with Arjun. Kapoor, I think you genuinely comb each other's hair.
01:28What is that? Let's just get into that. I mean that shows a deep bonding that goes
01:33beyond it's almost like very nurturing bond. What's happening between you two? Are you
01:37really, are you good at faking or are you really such great friends?
01:41The one thing I wish I was good at is faking a bond with somebody. I can't seem to do that. I'm
01:48I think I'm the only person to do that and I think so is he. We didn't really know each
01:52other before we started filming this movie and we met in Goa because that's where we were
01:57shooting the first song for the film and literally the minute we met, in fact day two not day one
02:04of when we met we actually got along like a house on fire. We got to know each other a little bit.
02:09Everything that like best friends do is what we do. It's crazy despite not knowing each other
02:15how close we've become. I feel like and I keep saying this I feel like I didn't know him before
02:19this film but it also feels like I've known him all my life and I'm very, very grateful that he is
02:25the co-actor that I've spent so much time with on this film. It's a very genuine,
02:29rare friendship and in this industry it's not easy to come across a real friendship and I'm
02:35very grateful that we are who we are today.
02:38This is a franchise which has like two sets of couples right like so couple of couples yes.
02:43So, what is that? Is that different?
02:45I love this genre of film even if I wasn't in this film it's a film that I would go watch
02:50whether it's Hollywood movies, this is the kind of space that I personally really enjoy
02:55and I feel like I just very recently watched our film and I noticed something that was
03:03really drawing me to want to watch more and more and that's something I would love to share it's
03:08just that we have an amazing ensemble cast of John, Disha, Arjun and myself but I feel like
03:16this film has brought out a side to each of us individually that you have definitely not seen
03:21before. It's when you think of John Abraham you think of a few things that define him or
03:28same goes for Arjun or Disha or perhaps myself as well but I feel like this one is just so
03:34unexpected. I think there's a certain vulnerability that John has brought to this film, a certain
03:40amazing style and this macho thing that Arjun has brought to the table. Disha is unbelievably,
03:48effortlessly sassy and so comfortable playing her role. It's something you probably haven't
03:53seen her play in film before and with me I'll leave that to the people to decide but I just
03:59feel like it was terribly, terribly exciting to see actors like John and Arjun who've done so
04:05much work before take on something like this that I literally promise the audiences they've
04:11never seen before.
04:12Did you have workshops before?
04:13We actually began shooting it just before I think the second lockdown. We stopped shooting I think
04:19a week and a half into shoot because COVID was just all over the place but I actually feel like
04:24I wouldn't have it any other way because it brought this spontaneity and intrigue I think to
04:30the way that we did the scenes and it was very, it felt almost like an improvisation when we met and
04:36when we did the scenes and I think that's very interesting because usually things are very
04:41rehearsed and I think Mohit sir's style and the way I like to shoot and the way Arjun and I ended
04:47up you know just working and clicking everything just fell into place so I'm actually very glad we
04:53didn't do workshops and we just met and it was just that was that I think we just did
04:58more scenes in two or three takes it wasn't more than that.
05:01How do you choose your movies because one movie is very different from the other there's
05:04absolutely no relation and you're like okay just before you can slot you in is that the element or
05:09how do you choose your movies?
05:11No, I think the aim is just to keep doing things that excite me because I feel like I'm the kind
05:16of person if I don't enjoy what I'm doing it will show. I'm a very sensitive person and a very
05:24honest I would like to think and real person so if I didn't enjoy the genre of film that I was
05:29doing it would probably show in the film. I'm very happy to be doing a film like Villain because it's
05:34it's exactly the kind of film I would want to watch and kind of film I would want to do I'm just
05:39hoping that you know people from all over come and love the film because I and I never say this
05:44because I'm super critical about everything that I do but this is the film that I'm proudest of and
05:48I hope that people will come and genuinely just support it because it's a tough time for the
05:54movies and I just hope and pray that everybody watching this comes in and gives us some love.
