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#UAEnews #Indian #Bollywood
00:00the show of wealth is almost crude and crass, it's undignified. It can be but there's nothing wrong in
00:10wanting to be rich and there's nothing wrong in working hard to get it.
00:16I love the topic of this particular you know movie because I think scams it's a great time to
00:23be a scamster today somebody was telling me because of all the everybody is digitally
00:27overshare etc. Do you believe that greed is good? I don't know I mean being a kid who grew up in
00:35the 80s and 90s and saw Wall Street and Gordon Gekko all of a sudden a great almost heroic when
00:47he said greed is good. I don't know what greed is good but I think we should stop being apologetic
00:53about our dreams and our lofty dreams more so. I think our society and our culture teaches us a lot
01:00of humility which is very good but on some level maybe that humility has been turned into you
01:07should maybe feel a bit guilty about wanting to achieve and being ambitious and there's nothing
01:12wrong in that and I think that's good. So, I'm not sure if greed is good but pursuing your dreams
01:17aggressively I think is definitely worth it. Did you at any point tell you I think in an interview
01:22with Indian Express I read that you told your makers not to make him flawless like make him
01:27flawed is that what drives you now to have complex roles rather than just don't whitewash the man you
01:33said I think that was their quote I paraphrase it but is that well yes that's true my I am drawn to
01:46very humane characters you know I think human frailty is an interesting thing to portray
01:53on camera also what excites me is when you see somebody who's very relatable and real
02:01achieve unreal things I think that makes them far more heroic than somebody who's completely
02:08whitewashed and morally above board I also feel our audiences tastes have changed in the last 10
02:17years where previously we loved that typical heroic character that did everything right
02:24I think today the youth especially wants to see characters that are a bit grey yes we do have
02:32shortcomings as human beings but despite those hurdles and shortcomings we still manage to
02:37overcome them and achieve what we set out to achieve so I think that is something that really
02:42excites me and what I liked about Himanshah's character was like I said here's somebody who
02:49achieved these lofty heights so quickly but then also how he falls for the trappings of wealth and
02:56success and power I mean anybody who comes into so much wealth and power that has to corrupt you on
03:02some level but how do you surmount that how do you still succeed beyond that I think those are
03:07the complexities that I enjoy dealing with and your character also seems to equate wealth with status
03:13you know standing in society even with you know to feel morally superior to people perhaps
03:20was that an interesting trait in him because I think that's what Harshad Mehta in a weird way
03:24represented as well right my whole thing is why is that wrong you know on some level I feel
03:31we seem to think that the show of wealth is almost crude and crass it's undignified it can be
03:40but there's nothing wrong in wanting to be rich and there's nothing wrong in working hard to get
03:47now everybody's standards and morality differ what I liked about Himanshah is he's unapologetic about
03:54what he wants you know he says it before he becomes it that I want to be the richest man in
03:59the country and I will be the richest man in the country he's unapologetic about it he said nobody's
04:03going to make me feel guilty for feeling in this way because I'm putting in the hard work he's not
04:09doing anything to cut corners he works very hard and I think that's a message which I liked you
04:16know I really I see today's youth have that mantra as well they're very unapologetic about
04:24their desires and their wants and they could either be material or they could be spiritual
04:28you know I see a lot of youngsters today who are not chasing success and wealth for them success
04:35has a completely different meaning it means contentment it means health it means happiness
04:40and I dislike the fact that today's generation is unapologetic about what they want
04:45whereas maybe previous generations were brought up to maybe underplay our desires. Were you at any
04:51point Abhishek in your perhaps in your personal space apologetic about the wealth that I'm
04:57assuming you you are very rich I know but let's not get there but I'm just saying
05:01were you at some point feeling like the you know guilt that you feel for perhaps being
05:06more richer than others? No, I don't see why you should feel guilty about that I think if you work
05:11hard as we all do we get what we deserve we work for it and why are you feeling guilty about it
05:18it's hard earned money with blood, sweat and tears you can't be ashamed of that that's your hard work
05:24that's a badge of honor you know I think you should be proud of the fact that your hard work
05:29is paying off and you should also know that yes I'm not somebody who would like to throw it in
05:34people's faces that's just not the kind of personality I am but I'm not going to allow
05:40anybody to make me feel bad about the fact that I'm earning money and earning good money
05:44it's because I work very hard for it and the one thing you have to learn is without that sacrifice
05:50and that hard work and those extra hours you're not going to get that.
