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Actor talks about pushing boundaries and testing limits as he turns pugilist in new film

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#UAEnews #Bollywood #FarhanAkhtar


00:00I actually didn't want to get into the mindset of I have to look like a boxer. It wasn't that.
00:06I mean my mindset was that I have to be a boxer.
00:13You kind of root for the underdog. I think that's one of the best parts about any sporting
00:17drama. Are you the underdog here?
00:20Yeah, to a certain extent as far as life is concerned I am an underdog in it for sure.
00:25The character that I play and I completely agree with you. We've all grown up on a nice
00:31steady host of sporting films and sport based films and when done well they always have
00:38this amazing, amazing potential to inspire and motivate you.
00:42Apart from getting the physicality of it right like you have to look like a boxer perhaps
00:46and train hard but what about getting into the skin of the character?
00:49Yeah, you know I actually didn't want to get into the mindset of I have to look like a
00:53boxer. It wasn't that. I mean my mindset was that I have to be a boxer is what my mindset
01:01was. So, my training wasn't about just the physical aesthetic. My training really was
01:08about if I enter the ring and if I had to fight a match with someone, would I be able to do it?
01:13So, that's really what the training was and I worked with Drew Neal, an incredible boxing
01:18coach to start with and then of course Daryl Foster who came in later to further my training
01:26and to also do the choreography on the film and that was important to me you know to actually
01:33feel like when I enter the ring with people who are going to be in the ring with me who are
01:37boxers, I want them to know that they are up against an opponent who takes it as seriously as
01:42them you know and so that's really what was the exciting and the challenging part of the training.
01:49Did you think about it that this is something that requires you to be vulnerable?
01:55You know I mean all of us have vulnerabilities but when you go into the ring, that's not what
02:03you want to project at all you know. When you go into the ring, you want to project the fact
02:08that you belong there. You want to project the fact that actually this ring belongs to you and
02:13not to the other person who's dead to step in while you were there. Those are the things you
02:18project and that's again that's a mindset that you have to work towards and you need the right
02:26people to speak to you about the sport, get you to understand that it's a lot more than just the
02:32physical aspect of going in and beating someone up or getting beaten up. You have to fight
02:38through personal demons, you have to fight through the pain so to speak literally which is physical
02:44and mentally and emotionally to put yourself through that stuff and that's what as Darryl
02:50calls it he's like that's what creates the warrior's mentality you know is that no matter
02:55what the odds are, no matter how much the odds may be against you that you have the courage and the
03:00will to get up and fight and that's honestly what the intention was with the preparation in the school.
03:07How did this movie or working in this movie change you?
03:12Well, it has been a very personal experience. I also do feel I mean when you put yourself
03:17through the grind, it's very difficult to come out being exactly the same person you were before
03:23you know you will have evolved or metamorphosised into something new and something different
03:31so that's bound to happen. What the effects of it are I guess time will tell you know but
03:37like to draw parallel I think when I worked on the Milkha film which was again a very, very
03:43challenging film to me that film left me with a certain sense of self-belief which I mean
03:54obviously I feel is inherited from Milkha Ji you know that if you honestly throw yourself
04:02into your work or into towards achieving your goal and you're willing to work as hard as it
04:09takes you know with absolute sincerity and honesty of purpose because honesty of purpose is
04:15very, very important if you're willing to do that you will succeed, you will create some impact
04:24you know and that's what I learned from that film and actually that learning helped me in this film
04:28because when I knew I had to play a boxer I didn't have a question mark over my head
04:32like I did when I got into the Milkha training that will I be able to do it
04:36you know because I'd been through it and learning through the man himself and learning through his
04:42experience and learning through the experience of playing him I knew that if I just brought
04:49myself to that place where I'm going to do it honestly that it'll happen.
