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Indian celebrities on hate speech and how to combat it

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#UAEnews #Bollywood #Hatespeech
00:00So I would just say we are in tricky times, we are in complex times and while we are pushing
00:07the boundaries to tell more stories, I think there's a lot of hurt that is happening but
00:15that also signifies with the complexity we have as a nation because we're so many and so different.
00:22So I don't call it hate, I call it disapproval. You are terming it hate, the media is terming it
00:28hate and making it thematic. It's not hate, it's disapproval, somebody's hurt. Have a dialogue,
00:33have a conversation, either go against the motion or go for the motion but this is the interim.
00:39We have to find a long-term solution, upgrade, upgrade, upgrade, upgrade people, society,
00:44thinking, education, upgrade cinema, upgrade responsibilities. Anyone who doesn't gel with
00:51us, same frequency is our environment. It's a huge world, just let everyone breathe, people change,
00:58I change. Somebody who doesn't praise me, doesn't like my work, I will accept that with the same
01:07amount of love and dignity. That is something I have learnt in life but I have never been
01:14under a death threat but I am not scared.
01:22Somehow it's become very fashionable right now to start like a boycott trend for something or
01:30ban this and hashtag this and I just find that it's become like it's just trendy to do it and
01:38it doesn't cost much. People can sit on the internet all day and spew abuse and filth and
01:44it doesn't matter. My conscience is clean. I know that we've made this film with a lot of heart
01:50and really worked very hard on it so I'm hoping that the ones who want to see it will see it and
01:57appreciate it for what it is.
01:59It's bitterness and anger that people have contained within themselves and when you realise
02:04that oh wow, you have so much anger within you, you don't feel bad for the person because
02:12honestly it's not going to make a difference to my life if you abuse me. Not going to make a
02:18difference to my life if you like especially on Instagram and if you support something that
02:22people don't believe in and they're like unfollowing you and blah, blah, blah. I laugh because
02:26I'm like you really have to announce that you're unfollowing me because first of all who are you
02:31talking to? I've never played the numbers game. So now when anger comes my way, when people
02:37threaten me for my views or say they're unfollowing me, it's like I feel bad for them because
02:43they clearly need validation. That's why they think I need validation. When you find that sort of
02:50comfort in who you are, this hate, resistance, anger, you're able to sort of digest it and you
02:59know look upon those people with compassion. Yeah, sometimes you do get upset. I'm not saying I don't
03:05but then because I've made my choices and come this far on my own, I'm able to spit it out. For me
03:14art inherently is provocative. It's in the nature of art to be provocative
03:20because how else do you shake people out of their stupor if you're trying to pass a comment on
03:25them being conditioned or she or misled or you know following a formula. You have to break those
03:34things and so that leads to provocation and then if you get provoked to a level where you want to
03:41ban my creativity then I'm not for that. No. Do you have such a policy perhaps that you don't
03:49want to respond to haters? So now I've started following some sort of an algorithm in my own
03:54head. If they don't have a picture, if they don't have you know a blue tick, if they are not
04:01people who look legit or legit, I don't involve myself into an argument. It's like you know
04:11standing against a wall and having a conversation, not even a conversation. I mean I'm trying to
04:16have a conversation, they are having an argument and that's never like a way that I can move
04:20forward with that kind of a thing right so why would I waste my energy, my time even because I
04:30genuinely have other things to do and this is what I had to see. You don't want to take it, don't take it.
04:36But what do you think is a way forward like when you get hate, death threats or you're
04:42slut shamed, what do you do? Well, when it gets a little too extensive, I block them. I report them.
04:49That I think is everybody's responsibility. Please report them because this is not cool. Half of them
04:54are bots. Yeah, please report them and two there needs to be stricter laws in general. It is a
05:01message for everyone out there that if you know that if you're abusing me and I'm not replying,
05:06it's not because I don't want to. It's because you know I you know it's because I can't, I don't
05:12have it in me to abuse you back each and every one of you. So, here it is just generally telling you
05:19all where you belong. They can try Manjusha but I'm not an easy target. I give back as good as I get, I give back.
05:28As actors or as people on social media who have any sort of influence, I think everybody just needs to
05:34stand up for themselves and stop giving into this kind of bullying you know or stop giving into the
05:38bullying of what they want you to wear, how they want you to behave, what they want you to say
05:43because these are just judgmental people. There's nothing better to do instead of just spread hatred
05:48then that's their karma. It's pointless saying that we have a 100% literacy rate if you can't treat women with respect and dignity.
