00:00but still it looks cool cool yeah but not practical yes oh making art okay let's see more
00:08okay we got a hand now we've gone from faces to hands paraffin and this for what we're making
00:17more candles okay this is an actual candle yeah okay which is looking good now we take a spoon
00:25oh how many spoon things did you have to do for that it's what i was thinking about it's like
00:3110 hours of work for one candle no thank you for two hours of of light light yeah
00:41now i know what is this a candle candle probably a candle yeah yeah but which
00:48oh it's a spiral candle yes i like it okay nice seven out of ten good effort eight out of ten
00:56eight out of ten for concept hot water okay now we're melting the candles together do candles
01:02work like that i don't think candles work like that it doesn't look like it's candle but i think
01:09okay okay it looks cool it's good work because when you warm up the red crayon
01:18is it becoming the wick
01:22no it's just decorating ah just for the color okay okay okay nothing special candles are
01:28actually flammable we've tested them yes they could have just lit the can the crayon
01:34it's out of wasp so kind of yeah makes sense
01:39nice little uh feather candles going on foil on the owl toothbrush clean your owl
01:53nice i've actually not seen that many aluminum molds on five-minute crafts so this is this is
01:58refreshing okay well pretty good wow it's a good owl mold nice i want to make that yeah
02:16that's just how they make candles though usually right they just dip it dip it
02:20yeah it's a yeah it's a technique yeah
02:27sand candle a sandal
02:34okay i don't know some of these are kind of suspect like
02:37it yeah and now you have now you have bigger candle
02:48oh multi-colored candle
02:51wow that's cool okay okay okay i expect i like i like that simple but simple and cool as well
03:03rosemary into wax
03:07all right
03:11and it's a rosemary candle i like how they were like yeah whatever
03:17nail polish are we doing the same thing
03:22we're gonna dunk a candle in it yeah and make it look pretty
03:27ready now we got a party candle okay we got the idea yeah nice thank you very much it looks pretty
03:34um oh pringles we got some cement
03:42cement candles wax to make a base it's cool okay
03:50that's nice yeah looks very nice very aesthetic
03:54work got some p-blaze p-blaze p-blaze some waiter and then canola oil
04:14that could work yeah good work we tested
04:23okay we got candles here yeah candles yeah wow the candle making oh yeah
04:29but yeah it's candles okay so what are we doing now it's epoxy resin into the lipstick right
04:36all right now i'm confused why this straw there i don't know so we pull out the straw and now it's
04:44like an led why an led what is happening i'm confused i'm so lost well guys you know what's
04:52happening i am just completely lost oh it's a i have an idea but let's you have an idea yeah
04:58i have no ideas so it's an artificial candle i mean not of artificial i mean it's just a
05:04toy candle ah it's a toy candle it's not a real candle okay i was lied to
05:09guys you said it was a candle video now you made me look silly
05:18ah so they're attaching the led to it and then making it look like a real candle when it's not
05:22a real candle wow oh well that's a nice effect it's kind of melting yeah okay now we have some
05:31now we have some plexiglass oh wow what are we doing with the plexiglass
05:38didn't make a mold or what it looks like we're making a little
05:44box rectangle box yeah there's the face gonna oh there's the face
05:49oh this all one crap it's all craft yeah it's all one thing coming together i thought it's a
05:56separate thing oh wow okay okay so this is not so much a candle as much as candle art
06:07now we're adding some resin
06:15ah so that they can add the smoke
06:18wow excuse me now is it illegal yes uh-huh but i see this line yeah now you see the line is a
06:27little unsatisfying but okay let's give it a chance all right uh-huh let's send it
06:40i mean i mean yeah that shot is completely not doing anything to sand it
06:44wow but uh i mean it's a cool concept good yeah i like it i want to see it lit up
06:55yeah wow from that angle it looks great right okay we're going to ruin this jewelry or whatever it
07:05is it's uh i don't know oh oh now we have a little flower wax thing oh okay but what's next
07:17floating candle flower that'll last for five minutes i think for 30 seconds yeah
07:25but still it looks cool cool yeah but not practical it is oh making art
07:31uh-huh oh i i love this technique i love this that's awesome you can paint everything yeah
07:38that's cool wow you guys did it with shoes right yeah yeah we did the laptop recently
07:46a laptop yeah nice subscribe to the channel so let's check it out
07:50the new york is
07:57there i've been with glitter and now we're making a starfish starfish
08:06okay nice yeah relax and enjoy
08:11cool i like it hydrogel i like how they they just put hydrogel like everyone knows what hydrogel is
08:19i've never even heard of hydrogels before oh they look like orbeez but they have no
08:27doesn't have a shape oh they're just kind of shapeless shapeless yeah
08:34okay but that's only gonna light the top right yeah it's what it's as well but it looks cool
08:42yeah cool give us more information yeah we need more information than that
08:50oh that would smell good yeah
08:54that's good work for me well yeah it look okay simple easy peasy to make it easy peasy to make
09:01it look okay simple easy peasy to make it easy peasy i wouldn't put it on that fabric because
09:06you know flammable and stuff but yeah it's cool oh okay a couple layers of wax 100 layers of wax
09:18now it looks like a microphone
09:19but okay now it looks like a banana
09:29and it keeps lit yeah yes it could work just with the oil okay wrap it and
09:38hair straightener for for it to stick in yeah okay looks nice it's a candle i give it a candle out
09:48of 10 next i wonder what this is going to be something tells me oh ice cubes cocktail
10:02all right that's smart yeah it's kind of cool