• 7 hours ago
00:00that's weird actually okay yeah if you nice little kia too i like it
00:06to approve this love it shall we test it maybe maybe
00:10oh wow i wouldn't do it this is like so much effort
00:13it's even you can scratch the pant on your
00:17or they make this some scratches on the plastic and there
00:21with the no i wouldn't do it buzz this in
00:24put your finger in fiberglass mat stick it on with some glue glue
00:31dang it's pain you know for my eyes i've actually seen people do that before
00:36like i've seen the fiberglass thing that they put over it
00:39they do a little bit more professionally than that though obviously
00:43not that bad yeah sponge glue screw screw toothpaste and
00:50vroom vroom yeah all right but again you shouldn't overdo it
00:54if you will push it the metal part could scratch and get
00:57you can get more scratches exactly and what we want is less
01:01less scratches so we're not gonna do that okay so we're spray painting inside
01:07i love this hug i saw it many times and it looks useful i have
01:11never tried this butch tried and it worked
01:14very good okay maybe you have to try it for yourself
01:17yes maybe one day brush okay roll okay your girlfriend wouldn't
01:24wouldn't appreciate it no if you would take her bread
01:27no okay take it back honey
01:32what the hell did you do this
01:36okay so we're stitching together old that was a really bad that was bad but
01:42you know i at the same time i saw in our uh
01:46the same sewing yeah of the car seat and it was close technique and it worked
01:53well okay they just did a good bad job good
01:56bad job this is a really good job bad job
01:59foggy windows all right we have this sock some tape
02:02we wrap it around i like this for some reason i don't even know why
02:06catheter okay and fill it up and all right freshener
02:15inject your seat i don't know about that one that's weird
02:18that's weird actually okay yeah if you
02:24they so i i've seen that before they made a mistake
02:27when they made that video because they should have closed in on the teacup and
02:31watched it being like this uh-huh and looking at the car go down
02:35and not knowing what it is and then zoom out to show the guy
02:38because the the assumption is something else is happening in the car
02:42that's making it just saying that's true i know we should
02:47refilm it
02:51maybe no maybe no maybe no maybe it's not our market but anyway
02:58okay so
03:01use your wiper okay that's nice multi-tool
03:05but then you kind of ruined that pan i guess it's pretty cheap anyway though
03:09so it's not that bad start but there is also some rubber
03:14thing on this pen which you can use for the same action
03:22so i put some starch on this and it didn't really clean it off that well
03:26yeah okay we're filling this cotton bud with some
03:30anti-rust that's kind of weird for me and now okay that was it okay i
03:38don't know how well that works they should show the result
03:42please first okay yeah and this is how you
03:47found oil how physics works it's physics yeah
03:52you blow the bottle you want to try to escape
03:57x kacks for your car we're gonna see what kind of hacks they can come up with
04:03oh i need this if you don't have any sensor on your car
04:08here we go here we go all right so we get a wheel we got a weird thing all
04:12right now we waited to test it now i don't think we
04:16should test it it looks dangerous um we have chickens on the front of our
04:19car what are we gonna do
04:22all right very nice better than your sensor oh no i ran over a knife my
04:26wheel has been punctured okay all right okay your tire were on fire
04:32yeah that was good all right duct tape and we put this and so you can pee
04:39while you drive yes i love these yeah would you try this i mean really
04:45i would for something what why not okay let me it looks a little far away
04:51though because so i'd have to pull it closer
04:55i don't know i'm not magic johnson all right so
04:58we have some duct tape on the window pull it down
05:02no it doesn't work like so yeah it doesn't work
05:05maybe if you have a really bad car i don't know um
05:09okay so we're plugging this in and it melts everything inside okay so always
05:12carry a syringe with you uh i take it back immediately as soon as
05:16i set it
05:20what is this five minute crafts what are you on and where can i get it
05:27okay so oh it's a wash your bottom wash your bottom wash your bottom
05:34everybody make sure you wash your bottom yes soap
05:37okay you know we're tested this right oh yeah and i
05:42i were i overdid it i i went very fast and we a bit damaged car of our
05:48video designer and yeah it's a situation where
05:54which i'm yeah regretting it's like a nightmare
05:58yeah remember like i do this so stupid it's okay it's okay
06:04but we're fine everybody makes mistakes it happens
06:08let us know what was your worst mistake that you've ever made and why you
06:11regret it and yeah your deepest darkest secret and
06:17yeah that's all we want actually
06:21wow oh so you can protect your car in the snow it's nice cover without too
06:28much water exactly and your breath smells
06:32that's why it works just put it yeah
06:39easy easy yeah okay so this little thing to get to the top of the hood that's
06:44nice nice i have it yeah yeah i bought it we
06:47tested while ago and i bought it nice
06:53okay this goes inside to clean out your stuff
06:57i guess it's okay yeah i can see it being a little useful but you could
07:02also get something thin and just like kind of go in
07:04each one hot shifter oh no it's not called a
07:09shifter but okay pet fur blow a balloon
07:16place it on top collect all the pet fur with the rubber i mean rubber
07:20all it collects fur so fair fair enough i'll let you have this one five minute
07:25crafts but i'll get you next time but you also can use your hand
07:31just to make them wet a bit and if you are not of course
07:35i don't know how how how how to say the person who don't want to touch
07:41any dirty thing yeah germaphobe yeah you're not so i can use your hands
07:52you can see throwing makeup brush uh-huh dip it inside clean out the tight
07:58space and get your girlfriend to break up with
08:00you bubble wrap it's it was a hack how easy to
08:06break up with your girlfriend yeah exactly that's
08:10what the real hack is anti-stress as well wow you just put
08:14bubble wrap on it put bubble wrap on all of your problems
08:16like all everything that's wrong put bubble wrap on
08:19you know your uh anxiety bubble wrap it the moisture but then you
08:24smell like cat litter so like is it worth it i don't know
08:28put this tape around your bumper to make it look ridiculous yes
08:32thank you okay okay nice yeah that's good i guess oh no i have a little
08:40scratch time to apply this thing and
08:42immediately it gets rid of the surface scratch
08:46because it's just a surface scratch but if it were deeper
08:49it would not make a difference and thank you
08:52sad and upset yes just like always that's true stacy take me back
08:59all right that's nice thing and i actually want to buy it for
09:03my future i don't know let's do it bye yeah shall i bug it oh
09:12all right so we have this little thing
09:16poor guy i kind of like the idea but like it
09:20would you actually do it i don't think so it was
09:23always ridiculous yeah can imagine every time
09:26yeah better to start driving well exactly this thing is also nice i like
09:31this actually a lot yes but oh and little thing that's cool
09:38can you imagine how many efforts it would take just to put this tiny car in
09:41that place yeah it's a little effort yeah but if
09:44you're quirky then you can do it yes paper
09:49okay nice hack drill it in boom
09:58all right so we're using screwdrivers to get this rubber around
10:02so now you know how to put your rubber on
10:08follow rg5 for more rubber
