00:00oh itchy sticky feet oh that's nice okay i know it's fake but it's still unsettling to see things
00:08between your toes exactly okay what are we doing here we got it looks like he's maybe gonna make
00:17a mold i don't know there's dirt that's kind of random thing happens yeah we got the styrofoam
00:25the metal casing around and the dirt in the middle or sand or whatever it is cement mix around
00:31interesting choice i guess that's to keep the pressure in you know yeah
00:41but where are we going with this any any guesses i just thought about own you know some uh
00:49some fireplace or i mean it could be a fireplace maybe something with this it looks like the right
00:54shape maybe an oven oven yeah something for cooking something yeah i don't know someone's
01:01gonna make some pizza in this thing yeah so we'll see your guess i mean what oh why is it outside
01:09but the thing is they do this on the wood yeah and it shouldn't be probably not very stable
01:16right yeah yeah and i can catch fire exactly i totally forgot that wood was flammable
01:23it beat yeah just a tiny bit tiny bit yeah but we'll see maybe it's um i don't know
01:32it looks like a dog house kind of but like also i thought about this but i'm worried
01:36it is a dog house i mean it's better to make it out of wood fully yeah
01:44this is like the worst if it's a kid's like playroom this is a horrible thing to do don't do
01:49this you poor children but let's give you the chance okay any guesses it could be
01:57no you were right i think it's for a child and it's for the cat or dog yeah for sure
02:04this is this is a kid's house in ohio now i got it
02:13all right so astroturf yeah
02:18okay all right so far so all right are we gonna cover everything in astroturf now
02:24no just just the part we want to show on the camera all right
02:28yeah it's kind of okay kind of nice what's your rating of it
02:32um yeah and everyone looks at me and they're like oh what he beat himself again it was one time
02:43oh okay we got some wire action here yeah
02:47okay you just sonic cleaner you just stole wires for what i mean to sell it i don't know
02:57mm-hmm okay it looks like we're oh is this jewelry is jewelry happy looks like so right
03:04or it's just really really cool wire uh organization i'm not sure about this i don't
03:10think so okay wirings wow ring get it wiring wiring wiring what a ring yeah no but
03:19yeah okay we're gonna make something better exactly why always rings
03:27uh uh-huh we're smoothing out the the what did we melt let's just have a tanner aluminum
03:37is it another ring i guess it's another ring
03:40yeah you can never have too many rings aren't you i guess so i have nothing
03:45i love it i mean that looks satisfying it looks pretty satisfying with the previous ring i mean
03:50from the wire no what what dude this is 3d
03:58more wire rings they're not the fanciest if you're on a budget and you have the tools
04:04and you want to get married she will say no if you give her a wiring
04:07if you're on a budget and you have the tools and you want to get married
04:11she will say no if you give her a wiring what i don't know maybe it depends if she's
04:16where maybe she don't care about ring uh oh oh okay now it's looking fancy this is how you do
04:25it guys fellas take notes and look this thing in the middle it should be wool ball i mean
04:33yeah rotate around i don't know though i think they're going to stop that from happening
04:37well maybe okay this is much better it looks just the wiring it looks like it gives you the
04:44the powers of an ancient greek you know like warrior that's what i'm feeling it's worried
04:50yeah it's like i'm hercules you know all of a sudden you can lift up a cow with one hand
04:56yep sorry excuse me you can juggle archie and a cow
05:03uh oh yeah it rotates that was cool that what i said okay what and it's on a toe no never mind
05:13it's interesting decision okay but is it the fashion i guess it's the fashion i don't often
05:19look at people's toes but okay do you like this ring i i give that honestly a nine out of ten
05:26nine oh ten it would be ten if it was on a finger instead of a toe seriously yeah i give it a nine
05:31wow i like it i like how it spins i would wear it good job fighting graphs yes i mean for me it's
05:37uh six six six out of ten right it's cool it's nice i said yeah it's cool it gives you the power
05:44to juggle her you know like a cow and you so no i just want to say that i wouldn't repeat it i mean
05:51i mean i couldn't repeat it oh but in lip jewelry it seems jewelry let's see how we're doing there
05:59it looks like a honeycomb so far like yeah bees make i think here's the idea to make it
06:06i wouldn't want bees crawling in my mouth so i don't know how i feel about it
06:11what is that the lighting or is that the actual new color of it uh it's lighting
06:18i guess so what is this is that stone okay what kind of stone is oh it melts
06:24wow that looks satisfying it's a vasque vasque wax
06:33okay so you got a oh we're making a b we're making a b out of wax maybe yeah
06:37yeah it's a vasque vasque no this right pronunciation yeah for sure for sure whatever
06:45you want to know whatever you want to say okay okay okay we're making a mold of a b now
06:52for our honeycomb lip thing and we're gonna solder and melt down all this stuff
07:07okay better than i expected but still kind of ugly
07:12what the costume was having okay making chains chain links
07:18wait make a link with me
07:22like some like that and it should work yeah and it works like that okay
07:26it will add some some glue here then we would be stuck yeah let's not do that let's do that
07:37okay okay that's good it's a buff ultrasonic cleaning
07:48looks sick no you think so i i mean it's kind of interesting what do you rate it
07:57i would rate it i'm in nine out of ten what yeah i give it a two that is really not that
08:03no that's impressive look at this are you gonna walk around the whole night like
08:08have you ever seen someone walking with such a thing no and if i saw someone i'd be like hey
08:13you have something on your lip or something you know it looks yeah it looks like it's about to
08:18like uh it's a ship you know yeah yeah shape for your nails exactly just to straighten how did it
08:25work we didn't see any straight nails okay oh so we're showing interesting we're showing it using
08:36a diagram this uh interesting way how to explain what hard to find explained yes exactly what mom
08:45and pop won't tell you look for five minute crafts itchy sticky feet oh that's nice okay i
08:56know it's fake but it's still unsettling to see things between your toes what okay uh yeah
09:05obviously dandruff removal okay you got some specks some crumbs you got the lunch that you're
09:11saving for later in your hair yeah well let's get rid of that better yes you'd really what ew
09:20it's not real that's okay don't worry i don't know that looks real though
09:24what is that this this oh it's gross belly button that's gross yeah that's pretty gross
09:30that's pretty useful but gross at the same time yeah we're gonna pad some bras baby powder
09:37wow okay there you go no more sweat and you know we're looking pumped
09:43cotton causes acne silk does not i did not know that oh is that true no i don't know
09:48we should test it over like the course of two weeks and see how much acne i get
09:55i just come everything for the test right
09:58so what she's she's sweating i think and she got sweat on her oh okay so you just freeze it
10:07now and you can sweat on it and it's okay i guess that's the moral of the story yeah
10:14but it's good cool you down it could yeah towel scrunchies so so you don't get any water on your
10:23clothes i guess yeah yes you know sometimes it's annoying when you want to something yeah and then
10:29all of a sudden there's this big circle on your crotch and i didn't pee myself i swear