00:00I know something about this fashion yes okay from 15 meters but she turned the
00:10beast into a dress okay oh this is fish skin okay what are we doing here you
00:18know they do I think it's with tilapia they if you have burns on your face
00:22tilapia skin and then it heals your face faster from burn it's not the changing
00:28of the your skill is just for the health just for healing it yeah okay I don't
00:45know about the texture it just looks too slimy you know yeah okay I prefer like
00:52the little mermaid seashells you know yeah those are a little bit more not
00:57terrifying it's more you know as it would happen in real life yeah yeah this
01:04is a Netflix special Little Mermaid yeah yeah I don't these are very suspects a
01:15nice little pearl where are they going I don't think it's real especially with
01:23them drilling in it yeah okay maybe they will put some seashell oh I don't
01:33know like for some reason hole punching in fish skin is very disturbing we're
01:40gonna corsage it all right I would never thought that you can make some dress out
01:48of fish skin yeah I don't think most people would you have to have a special
01:54five-minute crafts mind to comprehend the complexity of this innovation Wow
02:02well I guess yeah yeah come for it's not bad whoa
02:09Oh what was that okay why are you ruining your okay this hair just come
02:16out like that I guess no is that how you made your beard you just took your
02:22hair and you just oh okay this is like this is giving me weird vibes I don't
02:33know that's crazy what is I've just straightened the hair I guess I don't
02:42guys what does aluminum do on hair
02:49okay yeah more hair I'm so confused what are they doing ugly honestly beauty
03:02subjective but this is objectively I don't even know I don't even know okay
03:12hair hair okay what is this what's the point of the it's see-through okay maybe
03:24it's like mosquito net maybe she's a practical thing it wasn't her real hair
03:29who would have known yeah it looks very convincing
03:43and she's braiding it too do you ever braid your hair no I don't have enough
03:50okay but like what about your head hair head hair yeah yes I did okay I don't
03:58like it yeah I also don't like it okay I mean it it is like a lot of skill
04:07that's going into this but at the same time exactly give me shivers to look at
04:12what do you guys think that yeah right it's in common but I mean I hate it when
04:22you like roll around in some twigs and you get flowers stuck in your hair
04:25that's exactly what this is I think it's a dress ah she's eating the hair
04:31I mean it's it's high fiber and it's yeah yeah it's like when I'm oh okay and they're
04:39putting hairspray on it genius oh my god I don't know and to wash it you'll use it
04:48what are you gonna use I really don't know it looks it looks nice like from afar it would
04:53look nice and then when you get closer it goes from wow to ah you weird though from afar it looks
05:00nice I'm not sure about it just looks like a yellow dress it looks like a um uh beauty and
05:06the beast dress looks like a tree uh roots system yeah uh bra roots yeah brutes brutes the brutes
05:16mm-hmm and what is this I don't know it's like a silica oh a silicon mold oh
05:23I know something about this fashion yes
05:27uh-huh wow I thought it was yeah oh thanks god
05:36I mean yeah it would be fun yeah we wouldn't be able to post this so yeah
05:41okay so tin we're using some tin we're making metal mold
05:47it looks kind of cool I don't know how it's gonna fit on someone I think it bend it well
05:53yeah and you know you can adjust it on your body I guess so okay this kind of metal
06:00should be in shape well we'll see oh that was that would be really satisfying cutting off all the excess
06:07yes okay some additional pieces not too bad not too bad I like what I'm seeing oh
06:21sharp yeah and see oh and then they're bending it yeah wow very nice nice
06:30I'm afraid it's going to be pointy like it's gonna poke into you uh-huh that's that's true
06:35that's true you need to be careful with it yeah and then they're polishing it I think they're
06:42gonna put like maybe some leather or something and then they'll put it on top of the leather
06:46so it won't poke you that would be clever decision it might be that I don't know we'll see now
06:53let's see okay all right
07:00that looks like a cool little craft room yeah
07:07I'm interested to see this actually on someone what does it look like
07:11or they're just not going to show us they're not going to show it yeah it's probably because
07:14it's too pointy they tried it and they're like nope after a couple lawsuits they were like nah
07:21what should I do I don't I don't know oh wait no no she knows oh I have a scissors
07:27oh this is weird no this isn't what you do we'll just cut it off everything oh the problem's
07:36solved that's it no more so trash ah this is it that was like a Louis Vuitton dress and now it's
07:46a Louis Vuitton dress and now it's a you know fashion bathroom Vuitton bathroom Vuitton I like
07:53it thick swift tape wow this is this is next level actually this is some bra back bra back bra
08:04back bra back bra okay so it yeah it looks like a dress sort of sure
08:13um it's kind of weird it oh wait they're adding frills on the side maybe it's going to be like
08:21it looks like a prom dress if I ever had a date for prom it would look you know
08:26maybe like that like that yeah maybe okay I wouldn't know
08:34all right wow it's it's really I feel like you get hot in it though
08:38like of course of course it's plastic and you know it's like yeah I don't know that will make
08:44a nice belt I I was wondering why they cut it off for all their her dress before you know it's
08:51it's for material it's for crafting material no we know what I just don't touch that part
09:00yeah save that part for something else some other crafts
09:03okay I think this is going to be the corsage like the oh no no wow this cleaning lady
09:12cleaning lady should change her job yeah she should be paid more they should really yeah
09:19wow okay what's what's next what are we thinking maybe a hat a scarf
09:25no I think it's for uh for sleeves you know it's like
09:29uh-oh what what are we doing is it a handbag it's a handbag handbag maybe uh actually I like
09:38this idea it would be lovely just imagine she destroyed her back I mean if you if you
09:45destroy a dress you might as well get a handbag back you know that yeah okay
09:52yeah sure what about bucket you destroyed bucket yeah first of all it's um your
09:59acquirement no that's the helmet now it's a helmet yeah okay yeah she fresh look at that
10:07she fresh for sure bam okie dokie okay that's a fashionable rocking that garbage chic