00:00wow yeah wow yeah I love it stick it together yeah oh boy boom
00:10oh I want a big one like that that looks awesome. It spins and it gets bigger yeah that's the type of
00:14innovation we need okay we're chainsawing some wood here what are we
00:22making yeah chainsaws are very dangerous it's I guess it's oh yeah oh yeah it
00:34looks like an owl yeah okay you might be right why are they hurting its head
00:40poor owl oh yeah I was the symbol for wisdom the symbol of Athena I think you
00:50know I'm pretty sure okay I think Athena was the goddess of wisdom I'm
00:57pretty sure but I could be wrong guys let me know if I'm wrong then that's not
01:02out of the ordinary so just tell us okay we're adding some feathers there's some
01:12nice texturing going on here the angle grinder I like it I like it a lot it
01:28looks good I guess that's the eye it I'm thinking they're gonna put something
01:41for the eye maybe like a gem or something would look nice hopefully but
01:46I don't know no you think it's just gonna be wood oh yeah there that's
01:50another cool effect Wow Wow don't burn it please
02:01that looks cool that reminds me of like in wildlife preserves in the States you
02:08find a lot of these wooden carvings and they also do the same effect like they
02:13all look like that basically of different animals and stuff it before
02:17when it was the natural wood color but oh I guess if they're polishing it it
02:22looks nice yeah I'm just kind of in bliss right now I feel like the eyes
02:47that it's so flat on the front I want a little bit more texture on the front but
02:52yeah yeah with a little bit more detail there yeah we're so critical yeah we're
03:01we just you know we're the masters of what the crafts actually yeah it could
03:07be better not bad but not bad but it could be better yeah okay it's the wood
03:14we got some pallets here oh we're gonna do pallet craft fun I love follow it is
03:19actually I know I I saw many videos about pallets and there was one of the
03:25videos where they made a pool out of a lot of pallets a pallet pool awesome a
03:30paloo okay I've seen a lot of furniture like just out and about made out of
03:35pallets it's the cheapest way that you can make cool like beach furniture and
03:38stuff so I think I'm looking forward to what this guy is going to make right now
03:44so far it looks like he's just made a smaller pallet mm-hmm okay where are you
03:51going with this buddy we got some hinges I'm confused like a gate gate for what I
04:03don't know he's gonna do it again see it look at some kind of door I don't know a
04:10treehouse oh it does look like a closet maybe a shoe rack oh that could be it
04:20could be a shoe rack because it's a little thin to be a closet okay what are
04:26we doing painting staining it okay that's that didn't look like it's spread
04:33too well at first that looks good yeah on the on the shoe rack yeah okay acrylic
04:46bad bar oh it's a bar nice oh that's fancy
04:53Wow that's nice yeah I like that a lot okay okay another thing more pallets
05:00give us all the pallets that's destroying them that action the same
05:05exactly and pallets aren't too expensive are they there I think they're reasonably
05:10priced I mean yeah if you find them in the right place and no one's looking
05:16them no no she should buy them of course by the
05:20man they cause some people made them yes I don't exactly use them on purpose for
05:26using gun purpose by them guys if you have any ideas for pallet hacks let us
05:32know right now we're on furniture and and that's it I'm in barns and pools oh
05:41it's oh it's a little garden nice that's pretty cool I feel like you could get
05:51some more interesting plants but okay do what you do man yeah that's cool
05:59they're all different herbs it's an herb garden mm-hmm okay I like how clean
06:10that is
06:14debbity-dab-deb yeah if you wanted our commentary you probably don't but it's
06:26all good at this point it's all right ooh what a nice connection
06:34Wow yeah yeah I love it together yeah oh boy boom oh I want a big one like that
06:46that looks awesome this shape look at them this is every woodsman's dream
06:51every craftsman's dream is nice connections it looks like a puzzle yeah
06:59I think so sophisticated some puzzle the chair on the top yeah the cherry on top
07:05that was cool and they didn't really need that much of the cherry I guess I
07:09love this all wooden connection and how beautiful and how smart it is yeah
07:15teak oil yeah good thing it wasn't me because it wouldn't be nearly as nice
07:22looking okay we got maybe a base for a tree for Christmas tree for a Christmas
07:35tree it could be yeah I want to see what these things are used for afterwards
07:41they just show us the technique I guess yeah I guess that's enough for some
07:46people they're not us we don't have an imagination you know we need you to tell
07:53us what to do yeah okay just do it so this looks like a frame of some sort
08:01maybe for a greenhouse for the table yes
08:09without any needle there exactly nails no need for nails no need for metal it's
08:16all wood all wood baby what all right and it looks strong strong connection
08:25thank you for telling us that helps I was confused I thought it was a medium
08:29connection can you can you please yeah medium rare
08:36I think they won't know it's wrong I want I want to like a really nice box
08:44with just those edges it looks so good I don't know what I would put in the box
08:49but I just want it some people came to you and you like yeah look at this
08:57connection box okay please leave us alone we're trying to have a picnic with
09:01they're like okay we're calling the police okay more I really like these
09:10rolling ones they're good yeah yeah looks good and more and more more more
09:23more you should be so precise with every piece it's like a complex game game of
09:30Jenga looks like we're making something out of this one I don't know if it's
09:36gonna be a connection oh that looks so cool
09:43what is this for ah no I thought it's support but no with such a hose I don't
09:52know maybe oh oh maybe a lamp right ah lamp I love lamp lamp look at all those
10:08hinges this is hinge city yeah forget about connections now it's hinge wow
10:16okay oh that was awesome what it likes this Japanese thing