• 2 months ago
00:00with a boxy okay and burn it i didn't know it burned like that prepare your wood what crafts
00:10all right yeah so we have some glue we have some wood what better way to spend our evening
00:15than to watch glue and wood being put together what connection wow that was actually a nice
00:21yeah wood connects us all every one of us in our hearts we connected i feel connected to you do you
00:27feel connected to us it's all good it's okay if the answer is no we'll make that connection in
00:35this video with wooden connections yeah so be with us we have that sounded creepy
00:42okay so we have these uh weird jenga looking designs on this wow okay the action goes so fast
00:49yeah it looks like a scooby-dooby-doo uh outline here okay
00:56roll raggy like scoob this lamp's awesome man i love it beautiful it's beautiful it's beautiful
01:07okay we got an old chair old chair cut it open probably a family of roaches living inside
01:15it's like ratatouille in there you pull it up and there's like a ton of rats just
01:18pour out yeah this could be there is a lot of space for such a thing yeah
01:22ah okay wow okay fully destroyed yep goodbye chair except the frame looks pretty good actually
01:29it looks very antique i think after cleaning and everything it'll look nice okay spiderweb
01:36gross looks fake the spiderweb looked fake to that for me but maybe i'm wrong sometimes i think the
01:43spiderwebs that spider-mans you know yes in the movies yes might be fake this guys let us know
01:56so he just removed the varnish yes like so with a special reagents okay so now we're removing all
02:05of that outer layer with our nice sandpaper ish thing okay oh i'm guessing that they're gonna
02:13restore it with uh some uh noodles or something noodles yeah noodles did you sell this oh yeah
02:19well everyone knows that yeah yeah but noodle filling i don't know noodle filling yeah i feel
02:25like that was uh that finished a couple of years ago but that's old news archie come on get with
02:30the program oh gotta hang out with the youngsters i'll try nor teach me okay educate i also need to
02:39find the young youngsters to educate me as well i don't know okay what is the i mean educators
02:46what's after gen z gen start all over again a do we start does that gen a gen a i guess that'd be
02:55cool gen z point two that's what i was thinking as well
03:03there's nothing after z yep that's the end that's the end it's the mayan calendar it's the uh
03:11the end of the world you you remember in 2011 when everyone thought the world was gonna end yeah
03:15i honestly was like kind of concerned you concerned i was a little concerned i was with
03:21my friends at our hangout spot and we were next to the beach and i just looked up at the sky i was
03:26like oh my gosh is a meteor gonna come for us right now okay i'm not gonna like lie i me too
03:32yeah okay yeah guys if you were there let us know i actually also believed it
03:38yeah i was a little concerned but then again i was 12 so i'm a bit older but the same age
03:46okay uh-huh uh we're getting that nice that pull-in effect
04:00but what it's it's such a modern thing why they add these uh bottoms uh there that's true there
04:08yeah or is it the practical thing i think it's just for show i think it's it might also help
04:13like keep the um you know fabric from moving off of the uh the base okay we got wheels on the bottom
04:20as well that's pretty pretty cool you can use it as an office chair there is actually a very tiny
04:27nice wow i like it would you i would have that in my house yeah for sure well okay nice how about you
04:37um i think no because it's not suits some style of my whoa okay it doesn't suit the style of my
04:43house guy over here okay but i like the chair okay okay okay so now we have a palette looks
04:50like a palette deck what is this deck for i don't know it's some we're about to find out
04:59okay let's do let's find out together let's hold hands and find out
05:05should we try to guess it's going to be i think it's going to be like a i don't know like a place
05:12maybe like a place where you can do barbecues and stuff okay i think like an outdoor deck
05:19that's actually true but the spot is too
05:22small that's cool that's a nice little device actually it's actually not the device this is
05:28the thing for the water you know to oh for spraying plants yes i didn't thought that it
05:34could work like so but i think i think it's cool well nice nice steps a little bit i don't like
05:40the shape but okay steps
05:46all right wow oh wow wow i want to do that now it's actually a nice nice technique to
05:56to find the perfect center for your roof okay i'm making one of these this summer this looks awesome
06:04we got a big roof so i think uh this is this is time this time okay
06:11oh see nice design okay very pretty holiday destination we got more planks
06:31i don't know everyone destroys pallets because they're very cheap i need answers
06:36you need building materials oh it's a boat it's a boat yeah i think so i don't know so
06:42it looks like it might fill with water yeah there is no space
06:50and now see what's him
06:55to get it to
07:02one wrong move and that thing is in the bottom of the sea with you
07:05and there is no this thing you know which can help you to
07:10to keep the bolts and a paddle yeah true it's like a flat surface it's not gonna work yeah
07:18i think you will just flip over with this it's fake fake fake maybe no but it looks fake
07:27pull off that wood wow okay you got blocks and blocks and blocks there is a thousand of them
07:35kind of reminds me of bread i want to make a wood sandwich
07:40well are you hungry i'm hungry i really want it i'm hungry as well
07:45um okay now is to is it the glue or is it the paint
07:50i'm not asking you actually sometimes just look like i'm pushing you tell me what is this
08:00tell me what is this what is this for i don't know brown iron oxide no i'm asking
08:08sorry guys do you let us know is it glue or paint
08:12uh so like bronze it up make it look like rusty and stuff
08:16i think yeah something something like that
08:21okay fill it in your gaps fill in with the boxy okay and burn it i didn't know it burned like that
08:28that's crazy that's very crazy i mean and then he stands it all down table this yeah maybe like a
08:36tabletop yeah could be could be could not be could well see we'll see
08:46it's not this frame okay yeah it's pretty wonky but it's all right still looks cool
08:54okay all right
09:00putting these together with some pieces of wood okay oh this frame to attach some some legs
09:09the table legs yeah so i think it's a table i think he just got this at ikea
09:16and it's actually all in reverse and he's disassembling it uh-huh but but he's making
09:23it seem like he made it oh okay yeah wow yep we'll find out in a moment uh i don't like the
09:32legs i like the legs the legs look bad they looks i mean yeah they're a little wonky
09:37yeah okay uh okay he just uh playing with uh with the boxy right or is it
09:50i think it's just varnish actually for like a wow ah maybe
09:57it's so pretty okay i just pretty okay i think they could work on the uh the legs a little bit
10:02and then it would be a nice solid 7 out of 10 but for now oh no wow food is awesome
