00:00We got some scraps!
00:04It was satisfying.
00:06That was a nice shot.
00:08WD-40 and then
00:10some cream came out.
00:12That's some satisfying stuff there.
00:14It's like a little
00:16hide the screw dowel.
00:18Oh, nice.
00:20That was a nice technique.
00:24I like it!
00:26He didn't nail it well enough.
00:28It's an editing magic.
00:30Yes, really nice.
00:32Nicely filmed.
00:34Cork wood!
00:36You mean just cork?
00:38It's a chair and a table!
00:40It's a table!
00:42It's a table!
00:44It's a table!
00:46Look at this!
00:48It's a huge chair!
00:50No, it's a chair!
00:52It's a ladder!
00:54I love it!
00:56I love it!
00:58I love it!
01:00What's this?
01:02It's a criss-cross applesauce.
01:04It looks like steak.
01:06I see what he's doing.
01:08He's making a mini city inside of it.
01:10He's carving it out.
01:12He's just carving it out.
01:14As a toilet?
01:16Maybe a sink!
01:18Wooden sink?
01:20He's cutting it in half.
01:22He's going to put some laminate on it
01:24to make it sink-ify.
01:26Get the bark off.
01:28For the chisel.
01:32Good stuff.
01:34Epoxy resin.
01:36I don't know about blue,
01:38but I'll go with sand.
01:40Blue is nice.
01:42Blue is always looking good.
01:44It doesn't look blue anymore.
01:46I think that's for the faucet.
01:48Yeah, probably.
01:50Are we sure this is a sink?
01:52It's a sink!
01:54That's nice.
01:56See how nice the blue goes as well?
01:58Good stuff, sir!
02:00We're drilling in the wood.
02:02Wood drilling.
02:04What's happening here?
02:06I didn't know that tool was for that.
02:08I genuinely thought it was a chopstick.
02:12Another sink, potentially?
02:14Two sinks in a row?
02:16Nah, they wouldn't do two sinks in a row.
02:18Sure, but...
02:20It looks like a giant faucet head.
02:22What if it's two sinks in a row?
02:24It could be two sinks in a row.
02:26Look, it's the drain.
02:28Why he made holes before then?
02:30To break apart the wood, right?
02:32Oh my god, it is two sinks in a row!
02:34The other one was way better.
02:36Way better.
02:38I'm sorry, guy.
02:40Let's be honest.
02:42What is this?
02:44A table.
02:46To hide the screws.
02:48Or nails.
02:50Then you put it back down with glue.
02:54That's cool.
02:56That's how you hide your problems.
02:58Yeah, that's exactly what I do
03:00with all my trauma.
03:04Japanese bone saw.
03:10Can't feel trauma
03:12if you can't feel emotions.
03:14What is this for, exactly?
03:16Sanding it off?
03:18Making it smooth?
03:20Childproofing it?
03:22You work with what you have, right?
03:24It's like a bench?
03:28That's so cool!
03:30It's a table.
03:32It's a tablet for your tablet.
03:34It's a little tablet for your tablet.
03:36We got some more wood, as expected.
03:38He's just sticking it.
03:40It's a chair!
03:42What sorcery is this?
03:44I love the knife.
03:46It was nice.
03:48It's like a Japanese knife.
03:50We got a box on top of the chair.
03:52It's like a storage chair.
03:54Chair box.
03:58It's a chair-sure chest.
04:00A chair-sure chest?
04:06I feel like you'd fall through it.
04:08It's very boxy.
04:10We got a metal rod.
04:12Is this like a bathroom unit?
04:14We got a clay pot.
04:16You know what?
04:18It could definitely be used as a bathroom.
04:20It's a little outhouse.
04:22You put a nice little plastic bag inside.
04:24You push this up.
04:26Do your business. Put it back down.
04:28I don't know if I'd want to use that, sir.
04:30It's like that South Park episode when they're playing World of Warcraft.
04:32They're like,
04:36Coming, Eric!
04:38It's a World of Warcraft one, right?
04:40Yes! That's the one.
04:42So good.
04:44Oh, it's a clarity board?
04:46You're kidding me.
04:48I did not expect that.
04:50To be honest, I don't like the color.
04:52It looks like blood.
04:54And it's a chair!
04:56That's kind of cool.
04:58The functionality is cool.
05:00I don't know if I like the design.
05:02Share what you think, bro.
05:04Wear some gloves, my dude.
05:06You know, you usually use a stick to do that.
05:08Or does it have that sausage function?
05:10Where if the sausage touches it, then it just...
05:12No, it doesn't have the sausage function.
05:14I thought they all had the sausage function.
05:16Okay, we got some gold paint here.
05:18Some glue or something.
05:20Got some little flat dowels.
05:22This looks really satisfying.
05:24Triangles are my favorite shape.
05:28I don't know why I said it like that.
05:32I'm pranked.
05:38So close with your fingers, bro!
05:40He's a professional.
05:42It doesn't matter.
05:44You gotta calm down.
05:46You gotta calm down.
05:48It's dangerous.
05:50He's gonna dowel it.
05:52No, that doesn't help.
05:54You should use a little stick to push it through.
05:56Nice bending.
05:58That was a nice shot. I like that.
06:00There was a split screen.
06:02Bending the blade.
06:04Gotta smooth this out with a special router.
06:08I hope you're gonna put some glass here.
06:12I think I know what this is.
06:14It's one of those
06:16standing by themselves table.
06:18Standing by themselves.
06:20There we go.
06:22It's like the illusion.
06:24It's physical.
06:26Yeah, it's pure physics.
06:28It's quite hard to make as well.
06:30To get the perfect balance.
06:32Hats off to you, good sir.
06:34You are doing a great job.
06:36A tip of the cap to you as well.
06:38A tip of the cap.
06:40We're getting this dowel in there.
06:42There we go.
06:44I wouldn't expect the dowel to be able to hold it.
06:46It doesn't seem strong enough.
06:48That's how it's gonna hold.
06:52It's a wet dowel.
06:56There we go.
06:58We got the wire.
07:00It's very accurate.
07:02And pure tension as well.
07:04I failed science.
07:06Alright, moment of truth.
07:08Moment of truth.
07:10It's holding.
07:12Put something on it.
07:14It's beautiful.
07:16Why didn't you put something on it?
07:18It's so good.
07:20There we go.
07:24I need one of those.
07:26You can make it.
07:28Let's test it.
07:34I don't think it's a 5 minute craft.
07:36That's much longer than 5 minutes.
07:38It's a 5 hour craft.
07:402 day craft.
07:44Is it another sink?
07:46It's another sink!
07:48I know this guy. I've seen him around.
07:54We've seen him around.
07:56Teak oil.
08:00What's teak oil?
08:02It's from Tikka Masala.
08:04I didn't know.
08:06I was ignorant.
08:08Ignorance is bliss.
08:12We got some dowels again.
08:14I don't like how you left that glue on there.
08:16What are you doing?
08:18Weird sink, but okay.
08:20That's not a sink.
08:22This sink is weird.
08:24Actually, I knew what it is.
08:30Got some paper.
08:32It's leather, right?
08:34It's leather.
08:38Leather with fabric.
08:40Play a game of pig skin.
08:42Pro leather.
08:44What is happening here?
08:46You're sewing a pocket.
08:48Is this a wallet?
08:50Is this a wallet?
08:52I know what it is.
08:54This is the weirdest sink I've ever seen.
08:56I don't think it's a sink.
08:58I don't think it's a wallet.
09:00Maybe it's a handbag.
09:02No way! That's an ugly handbag.
09:06You see that?
09:08He doesn't have enough
09:10money to buy his girlfriend
09:12a Valentine's Day present.
09:14DIY is better than you can buy.
09:16I agree.
09:18You put your heart, soul, blood and tears
09:20into it.
09:22Thanks, Dave. I think we need to see other people.
09:24But better buy something
09:26with your DIY stuff.
09:28Just to be safe, guys.
09:30Don't listen to us.
09:32This is not what she meant by Gucci.
09:34It's not Gucci.
09:36Do it, Yusuchi.
09:38Do it, Yusuchi.
09:40Oh, gosh.
09:42You know what?
09:44It's interesting, for sure.
09:46Oh, my God. What's this?
09:48We need to see other people.
09:50You can deal with it, right?
09:52It feels really heavy.
09:54Look at that stitching.
09:56How did you do it?
09:58Good job.
10:00Good effort.
10:02But B for effort.
10:06A for effort.
10:08You can put two things in this.
10:10It's actually not bad.
10:12But how practical is it?
10:14It's not. Zero.
10:16How practical?
10:18Although you can probably take it
10:20and whack it on someone's head.
10:22That's practical.