• 2 months ago
00:00What are they doing?
00:01Skittles on the face that's one way to feed your child that is one big sugar rush about to happen
00:06I am like that child has such self-discipline. I would never I
00:10Would eat all of those in a second gosh?
00:13cavity galore
00:18From inside yeah, and then your phone's all covered in sand and stuff. She has a nightlight. Oh
00:25That's cool. That's kind of cool. It was bubbles. Yeah, they were bubbles and stuff
00:31So I guess I guess it's like children
00:33Your kid just has like a bunch of fun their eyes
00:37Let me get a gold chain. I'll make it all better
00:41What does that do? What is he trying to do there?
00:46It won't move
00:48No, now. I can finally take a photo of you
00:51I was so bad with photos when I was little I used to like whenever my mom's like okay smile. I'm like
00:57And I would make the funniest you know you know what they say
00:59It's usually it's usually children and animals that are the most hard to film really worse. Yeah, well
01:05Yeah, we don't we don't care about that stuff. You can't control them. We don't have that ego. You know they don't care
01:12Exactly exactly I'm not insecure my mom is
01:16watermelon dress
01:17Broccoli dry or cauliflower I know vegetables I know vegetables ah
01:25Okay, so
01:29Asks different whatever it was awesome. Did they bring them to parties um they they you know they weren't invited to many parties
01:35That's why they have
01:38All right copy before
01:40What's gonna happen?
01:42Okay, oh so they can see if it's the right size you can also just remember what size you are I
01:49Don't know my kids size, so I'm just gonna copy it
01:52I guess what no but listen kids kids feet grow all the time
01:56That's true, so it makes sense to do that actually need to change like by the time
01:59She goes out for shopping. She can come back and it grew like a sense of me exactly. Yeah, it's also with kids clothes
02:05That's why they have so many hand-me-downs
02:06They don't buy a new clothes for your kids if you're buying Gucci shirts and clothes for your kids
02:13Waste the money. Yeah, they're gonna go out of that in two seconds
02:16And you're gonna have to give it to your like your sister that you don't like so
02:20Gucci hand-me-down
02:28True yeah, nah I ain't about that life. I'm about the five-minute craft marker. Yeah, everything I do is a five-minute craft
02:36I live in a five-minute craft house
02:38I eat five-minute
02:42Quick take a picture before it collapses. No guys. They're doing good
02:50Five-minute craft. Yeah, we should have that they provided me after firing
03:00We don't want you to be homeless
03:12Why would your kid be stressing yeah, I know what do they have to stress about I get all them food made it for them
03:17They just have to eat sleep and poop, dude
03:20She didn't
03:22Time oh no
03:31Okay, so this is like some padding for it or what like yes, so it's not using a 3d gun, okay?
03:37Yeah, it's sharper now
03:40So if you bump into it, it's not as smooth. You're gonna actually scrape yourself
03:44You failed successfully
03:48That's is boring it's true, it's a
03:51Trigonometry you're the worst trigonometry ever
03:59You triggered me all the time, what is this?
04:08Always wanted aqua pearls, but I never knew like where do you get them from you know like craft stores and stuff?
04:15Yes, oh
04:17It's flower shop. It's a calculator. Oh, yeah, good for growing plants, right?
04:25What does this have to do with what is the month at all because it was it was a calculator
04:29Oh really with fingers. Oh cute. Oh
04:33What if you have to do like you know algebra or something like that?
04:37You need a bunch of a bunch. She came into the wrong class
04:43Okay try to color within the lines
04:55Please let me sleep. I want another picture. No this
05:04Actually good
05:09Funnel or you could just use a funnel looks like a docking
05:13Wow, it's the got in the goblet of fire the
05:17Goblets of fire. What's the Indiana Jones the?
05:21The Holy Grail the Holy Grail best dad
05:25Dude, that looks like your older brother
05:31That's how we were born right like the bird dropped the egg into my mom's house
05:35Just gave the kids a spray-paint. Yeah
05:39Yeah, that's how it happened with the crane
05:42Okay, we got a cool butterfly
05:45I'm pretty sure the butterfly would fly away if you just like
05:50But you saw the memory in your heart forever, it's okay, I'm gonna make you a butterfly Wow
05:55Get out of my bum
05:58How fast did she just make that?
06:06That's look at the evolution of butterfly man
06:10Butterfly man woman, ah, it's like she's a giant. That's cool. The next Godzilla movie looking weird
06:23Don't do that
06:31It's silly that's cool. Okay. Also like why?
06:37Okay, we got this nice garden background she doesn't look happy she looks very upset actually
06:43Now she's gonna be
06:47Okay, so the gist is a smooth movement yeah movement and being happy is for sure it
06:56That's how you do it
07:06No, yeah
07:08Then cuz you couldn't have a normal showers. No. Yeah a little gadget that you can just wash when you were a kid
07:15Did you ever try to like wash your hair in the bath and the soap would just never leave your hair?
07:19No, this is why you have to find new solutions to these things
07:23Makes sense
07:25You don't remember. I remember everything. I remember the moment I was born
07:29Literally, okay. I was a bag, right? No. Yeah, like literally I was I was out of there and then I was in this like a
07:35small plastic
07:37Bathtub. Oh, yeah, it was red. You know shiny and it was plastic and I remember specifically being in that bathtub
07:43Afterwards, there's a little bit of a jump. I
07:45Was naked the whole time really embarrassing
07:48Do you feel embarrassed? Yeah, I still feel feel embarrassment from baby me who was naked the whole time
07:55Interesting, it's interesting. Yeah
08:00Yeah, so many things to say
08:04Use some some tissues dude. Why just get the tissue. What is this thing? He's big boy. Oh
08:15Okay, just like ruin the frickin that's for my dog to do not you a child
08:20There we go
08:27How many sheep had to go for that blanket
08:32Oh, that's kind of that's a cute picture but also for sheep
08:36Or pillow, ah
08:40With a laser, what was that? No, that was just oh that was just a cutting editing special. Yeah. Oh cool
08:49Very cute. I love it star. I want to be the star of something. I'd love to be the star of something
08:56Did you guys ever want to be actors when you were younger? No, yeah. Yeah, you want to be an actor?
09:01I always wanted to be an actor. I think I wanted to be a dictator
09:06I still want to be an actor. Yeah, me too. I want to be an actor, too
09:10But something I was thinking what actor would you be like
09:13What actually do you want to be like, you know, like I was always like Leonardo DiCaprio
09:19Brad Pitt need to meet you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my gosh
09:30Yeah, that's so creepy
09:36Babies it's like slender man. Yeah, it's two little slenderman. Okay, you're boring. Oh
09:43Okay, what are they making here some lips some lips, okay
09:49Okay, oh
09:52Yes, I had a friend who had a whole closet filled with these they made them there's themselves
09:57And color inside the lines. Yeah color inside the lines
10:02You did a good job. Hey, mommy. I made you a rainbow
10:06Oh, that's cute. But rainbows actually don't look like that in your life. So try it again
10:10Try again
10:12I'm not impressed
10:14So this is how to make a tracing. Yeah
10:17That's cool. Now. It's on his lunchbox. So all the kids at school. No, his mommy can be jealous
10:27Cool that's Lucy. I'm gonna make
