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In this episode, we delve into the complexities of women's choices in romantic partners, highlighting a woman's struggle with her father's abusive behavior. I discuss why some women are drawn to "bad boys," exploring themes of personal accountability and the reinforcement of negative dynamics.

We also touch on the emotional challenges in therapy, the impact of societal norms on relationship choices, and the difficulties adult children face when confronting their mothers' influence on emotional growth. This episode encourages listeners to reflect on their relationship choices and strive for empowerment.



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00:00:00All right. Hey everybody, 1.30 ish on the 11th of February
00:00:072025 and
00:00:10So this is before I forget, this is before I forget, there's a little rant here
00:00:14Of course, this is just for donors so we can go spicy as we want. So there's just a little rant here and
00:00:20Then I'm gonna take some questions. I have another call in shortly
00:00:23So we're just gonna keep this over an hour. So thank you so much for your support
00:00:27Freedomain.com slash donate if you're listening to this later
00:00:30So I was talking to a woman yesterday and it was a private call
00:00:33But I asked her if I could talk about the themes in in public and she said yes
00:00:39because it was a very good call, but it was a private call and therefore
00:00:43I had to
00:00:45Keep it private. So
00:00:47So the general theme was this so she's
00:00:51in her 50s her father's in his 80s and
00:00:55He's aggressive
00:00:57abusive and
00:00:59nasty and and sort of has been his whole life and
00:01:02She's sort of complaining, you know that there are these negative men in the world and this and the other right now
00:01:08Her father had been married four times and had a whack load of kids
00:01:13her father had been married four times and she in her 50s was in
00:01:18sort of
00:01:19tortured by not
00:01:21Spending time with him by not seeing him by not taking care of him as he aged and so the rant that kind of erupted
00:01:28from me
00:01:29Testicle Vesuvius style was something like this. Why on earth why on earth are you women complaining about all these assholes in the world?
00:01:37When you keep dating them fucking them marrying them giving children and taking care of them in their old age
00:01:45So let me ask you this let me ask you this have you ever known
00:01:51Have you ever known women who date assholes and complain about assholes?
00:01:55I just just out of curiosity. Have you ever known?
00:01:59women in your life
00:02:05date and give children to assholes
00:02:08And have sex with assholes take care of our souls nurse our souls and then say gee
00:02:14there is a distressing plethora of
00:02:17assholes in
00:02:19the world and
00:02:21I think
00:02:23I'm not gonna make this my sole mission, but I am going to make it a mission to put a stop to this
00:02:33Which is I am no longer going to
00:02:37listen to women complain about assholes if
00:02:39They keep having sex with our souls if they keep dating them if they keep pining after them if they keep taking care of them
00:02:46And if they keep marrying them and giving them children
00:02:56It's kind of strange. I don't know if women know this or if they just kind of know this unconsciously
00:03:04Sex now you could say children and all of that, but you know just sex as it stands
00:03:09Sex is the ultimate positive reinforcement for males
00:03:14You know there were times in human history when you know
00:03:20A dozen females reproduce for every one male
00:03:29Harem style, right?
00:03:31So men cannot
00:03:35resist foundationally
00:03:37sexual access
00:03:40Right men cannot resist
00:03:44sexual access and
00:03:46so if
00:03:51Provide sexual access to men they are creating
00:03:56Masculinity they are creating men. They are rewarding with the ultimate reward
00:04:04Men as a whole and
00:04:06I didn't quite lose it with this woman, but I suppose I was somewhat emphatic that if her father
00:04:13For more than half a century has been an asshole
00:04:16To her and he called all kinds of terrible names and was a bully and like just a terrible terrible guy all around
00:04:26Her father
00:04:28Was an asshole to her and all of the women now tell me if this is a male-female thing
00:04:33Maybe it's just a male-female thing for you
00:04:35I think it's more of a female thing, but I don't obviously have a sample size of of me
00:04:43I said what do the men say?
00:04:45Oh the men say your dad is a jerk and you shouldn't write but all the women are like
00:04:49Oh, we should take care of him. We should visit him. We should make sure he's okay. We should be nice to him. We should
00:04:58Forgive and forget and and so on right? Well, you know men we don't forgive we just forget but women may forgive but they never forget
00:05:12What is it now I I try not to get all kinds of judgmental
00:05:15I mean, I'll probably fail but I'll try I would try not to get
00:05:22All kinds of judgmental
00:05:24Because you know what? I'm sure there are some
00:05:27Vaguely decent evolutionary reasons for all of this, but literally what the fuck
00:05:36It's not so much that women
00:05:40to love
00:05:44It's that
00:05:46they love jerks or
00:05:48are turned on by jerks or
00:05:51Have sex with and date and marry and give children to jerks and then take care of them when they get old and so on
00:05:59Made servants to
00:06:02Semi-sociopaths it's that
00:06:04They keep complaining about jerks while pursuing nothing
00:06:08But jerks as a whole in general tons of exceptions tons of exceptions
00:06:16What is it with the ladies and the bad boys
00:06:23Help me out now, I mean I kind of get you know, well the
00:06:30The bad boys are confident and and dominant and aggressive and don't take no for an answer and so on right
00:06:38like Elon Musk
00:06:40Elon Musk was talking his mom was talking about how
00:06:47Elon Musk's I think his father right it was was abusive and and terrible and so on and
00:06:54She she left him or whatever moved to Cape Town and then he came and said let's get married
00:06:58She said no
00:06:59And then the guy went to her family and said she's agreed to marry me
00:07:03The family was surprised but went along with it and then the parents were like here's 800 people at the wedding
00:07:08She just kind of got in a sense dragged along behind
00:07:23I mean, it's it's a foundational thing
00:07:26Ladies who you bang is how the future is made who you bang determines the future
00:07:33Of society of your life of your kids, right?
00:07:38And I get that
00:07:41Women like, you know, the sort of dominant
00:07:44Type and these aggressive type and the fearless type, right?
00:07:50It's the fearless type
00:07:53But a man without fear tends to be sociopathic his fear is a natural normal and healthy response
00:08:07So I I just I'm having I'm having trouble with this as a whole
00:08:13you know, there's certain things about women that are really tough to follow and
00:08:19for me, it's like I can get I can get the
00:08:25Finding the dominant
00:08:27Hyper-alpha cold-eyed big abd Christian gray kind of guy to be sexy
00:08:37But then why complain that there are assholes when you're literally breeding with assholes
00:08:44That that's the part like that's the part that to me I can understand having a fetish for cold-eyed
00:08:52Dominant men, right?
00:08:55I get that evolutionarily speaking right but what I don't understand is all the complaining
00:09:06You know, you know that the the sociopath who shows no fear is is strangely
00:09:13emotionally unavailable
00:09:18My now of course men I get this to men and I you know crabs at men in the call-in shows
00:09:25Intimately about this as well that if you just date women for their looks then don't be shocked when there are shallow
00:09:33And and unaccountable women like women who won't can't be held to account
00:09:36I can't be held to any kind because there's always some other simp who's gonna
00:09:40Rush in and and and take care of them and solve their problems and so on, right?
00:09:46My god
00:09:51Or, you know the the me too stuff combined with
00:09:55Well, you know, I told him no and he just stopped trying what's wrong with him. All right
00:10:01Let's let's get your questions and and comments a question for staff again. Thank you guys so much
00:10:07Don't don't tip today because this is just a bonus for you guys being supporters. So, thank you
00:10:13All right u.s. Strategic Reserve announced and 27 u.s. States are considering investing public funds into Bitcoin
00:10:20Question for Steph my husband and I have been debating about the worth of religion
00:10:23My stance is that religion provided people with wisdom that wasn't common at the time or even now
00:10:28He thinks there is subjective morality outside of religion, but doesn't know much about the work you've done on the topic
00:10:34I think primarily this issue is one of trauma for him given his friend committed suicide
00:10:39You actually had a call with him about this immediately after it happened and his friend used
00:10:43religion as
00:10:45The reasoning for why he did it that life would be better for him after death. He had a lot of mental health problems
00:10:51So the topic itself is triggering
00:10:53But how do you personally walk the line in your life of not believing in the existence of a god but objectively valuing the principles?
00:10:58And wisdom of the Bible slash religion better question yet. How did you square that conversation with Izzy? I'm imagining wait
00:11:07We don't believe in God, but God is good. Anyway, no, that's not that would be a completely contradictory statement
00:11:13to to make
00:11:21It hit me with a why if you've ever known someone
00:11:25Who's had health issues with their kids? The kids have had health issues that I see a beyond individual control
00:11:35certainly have
00:11:36experience to that
00:11:41So if you've had
00:11:44Parents with you know, the kids have health issues the kids get sick and remember, you know half of kids used to die before the age
00:11:51five for a lot of revolution
00:11:56Religion allows you to to manage your terror at the random and capricious nature of the universe
00:12:02Your kid gets some horrible virus or something like that. And you know, particularly for most of our evolution
00:12:08We didn't have any way to treat that really so you just had to what what could you do? You wanted to do something and
00:12:17You would pray and
00:12:19You would pray to God and you would make bargains and you would make deals if my kids gets better
00:12:24I'll do X Y & Z to promote this religion. So
00:12:28For religious people when you and yeah, I'm just telling you it's it's a form of you know, stress and anxiety management
00:12:35that's kind of hard to you know, kind of take away from people but
00:12:42Have kids who are half dying and what can they do but pray?
00:12:49The problem of course is that if you pray for God to make your sick child better
00:12:54You have the you know pretty foundational question of if God can heal the sick
00:13:00Why did he let your child become sick in the first place, right?
00:13:03But you kind of have to you just kind of have to blank out on that one. You have to put that aside, right?
00:13:18That's the price now, of course the problem is that when people are generally helpless in society here for sickness or whatever, right?
00:13:25And it's not just your kid could be a wife who could be yourself. Are you sick? Are you gonna pray right?
00:13:33The problem is that this creates a market for religion and then what happens is
00:13:40The the priestly class of the witch doctors are now profiting from the helplessness in society
00:13:49And they're profiting from the helplessness in society in other words because people are helpless they pray
00:13:55They sacrifice to the God they give to the priest or whatever, right? So that's because people are helpless
00:14:01They do this stuff. Now. The problem is then you set up an economy which profits from helplessness, which is one of the reasons why
00:14:10The more theocratic societies tend to kind of stagnate
00:14:16Because if you have an entire class of intellectuals who are profiting off the helplessness of society people in society
00:14:23then anyone who comes along and makes them less helpless is
00:14:28Messing with their business plan
00:14:34The other thing of course is that
00:14:37When you have answers like so
00:14:41Theological or superstitious answers exactly like a drug
00:14:45To me exactly like a drug. So a drug will make you feel better in the short run, but cost you in the long run
00:14:50I mean, I don't mean like, you know, you're getting surgery or something an anesthetic
00:14:55I mean like if you're unhappy and you snort cocaine, you'll feel better in the short run
00:15:01But then you will feel worse in the long run
00:15:06Things will get bad in the long run
00:15:11When parents need to tell their children here's the right way to behave right here's the right way to behave
00:15:17What are they gonna answer? Well
00:15:20My invisible friend told me and has been the answer for most of human history
00:15:25What is right? What is the good? What is right? Well, it's this list compiled by the all-knowing all-powerful all-good God, right?
00:15:34that creates a market for an
00:15:38anti-rational quote explanation for ethics and
00:15:43Because it is not
00:15:44Empirical philosophical objective or rational it is subject to exploitation and so on right? So that's really that's really terrible, right?
00:15:54Whereas that which is rational is not open to exploitation because you either accept the reasoning or you doubt, right?
00:16:06Religion to me. I
00:16:08Understand, you know, you're you're you're you're waiting for the test back on your kid, right?
00:16:12are they sick or not or they're gonna make it or not and you want to do something and you're desperate to do something and
00:16:18You can't go and and find a cure in in the time, right?
00:16:23But so you pray right and I understand that it makes sense
00:16:26It is a form of feeling like you're doing something
00:16:28Of course, everybody knows like they've done these studies where they divide sick people in two groups
00:16:33One group is prayed for one group is not prayed for the outcomes are the same
00:16:36So it's not but people want to feel like they're in control and the only way
00:16:40to genuinely be in control is to slowly build up the science and free market and
00:16:46Medicine, but that takes generations. That doesn't help your kid in the moment, right?
00:16:50so you want to feel like you have some influence or effect or control in the outcome of a
00:16:56Sort of particular situation and
00:17:00You can't
00:17:02Like if you're in the desert you can either build you can spend, you know
00:17:06A generation or two building these like big burr style or Dutch style irrigation systems, right?
00:17:12And then you can get get water
00:17:14But if your crops are dying
00:17:17Of thirst you can't irrigate them
00:17:21Quickly, right? You can't build that whole irrigation system. They'll be long dead
00:17:25So the problem and there's this tension in society, right? Do we?
00:17:30Do we plant trees or do we pray for shade so to speak, right? So do do we?
00:17:38do we create these big irrigation systems that take a generation or two to build and
00:17:43Then we're pretty much guaranteed to have the water or do we pray for rain?
00:17:49it's a big tension in society and
00:17:54They're at war with each other
00:17:57Because the people who want to build the irrigation systems are accused of being without faith and
00:18:02the people who pray are accused of
00:18:06Not really doing anything but just wanting the appearance of doing good right rather like, you know, this whole thing of this sort of
00:18:13Virtue signaling, right?
00:18:14the what Musk rails against like the appearance of doing good rather than actually doing good the appearance of doings like I'll pray for you is
00:18:20kind of along those lines I
00:18:23obviously, it's passive-aggressive and so on but
00:18:31There's this big tension do we build rational structures to solve our problems or do we rely on faith?
00:18:41Do and if you want to wish James a happy birthday, I'm sure he wouldn't it was yesterday
00:18:44I hope that you will I do so he's a great guy
00:18:50That's that's the tension
00:18:54You touched on this expertly in just poor yeah my novel just poor this is the big tension, right?
00:18:59The priest versus the agriculturalist, right? Do you pray?
00:19:03and and the priest in just poor is very clear on if you if you're
00:19:09If your agricultural reforms create plenty, it will lead people away from God
00:19:20And there's a lot of tension there
00:19:25Do you pray
00:19:28For rain or do you build your 50 years of irrigation systems?
00:19:35All right. So let's get your questions and comments. Come in, sir. Oh
00:19:41Yes trying to drill through the technical errors
00:19:45Steph I have a question. It's actually Steph with a PA with an F not a pH to so, you know
00:19:50Steph I have a question. My wife is
00:19:53As of late feeling very depressed because she feels as though she's left out in a group in group conversations
00:20:00And the people are indifferent towards her. I've been trying to suggest that we can do something like improv to make her outgoing or
00:20:08She read some books on socialization, but she doesn't want to do it. Do you have any advice?
00:20:15Okay, let me make sure I understand this my wife is as of late feeling very depressed because she feels as though she's left out
00:20:21in group
00:20:22Conversations and the people are indifferent towards her
00:20:31Okay, well let me ask you this Jules does your wife believe that people owe her attention or inclusion
00:20:44That this is a sort of big big question and while you're answering that
00:20:49Somebody writes one of the girls I met last month told me her ex was a psycho and he said he made her scared of
00:20:53Men, her friend was aching it on. I see so many girls that say this crap a
00:20:59Lot of people prefer drama to love, you know, love is not dramatic. I
00:21:04Mean, I've been deeply in love with my wife for almost a quarter century. There's no drama
00:21:09There's no there's no ups and downs. There's no drama. That's just this
00:21:13Daily incredibly positive and pleasant life
00:21:18No drama, but a lot of people who can't feel
00:21:23Can only experience extremes like they can't feel emotions. They can only experience extremes. They've sort of burned out
00:21:30their adrenals on fight-or-flight and so they they can only
00:21:34experience life at the extremes
00:21:38And therefore they can't pair bond because pair bond is around sort of consistency in positive behavior and so on so
00:21:45When women date guys who are psychos my feeling is that they're just they're kind of dead inside and they're just trying to jump-start their emotions
00:21:52with extremes
00:21:54And of course, you know the the whole
00:21:57childhood sound the boxer stuff
00:22:00Somebody says I believe there is some sort of trade-off women way in their minds. He's abusive, but there's this thing
00:22:06I like more than not liking being abused
00:22:12Women's sexual fantasies are very dark as a whole. I mean, yeah, certainly the majority
00:22:20It's also if we focus on the guy we don't have to do the self work on ourselves, yeah
00:22:25Well, and remember most people but we're just talking about women here. Maybe it's a little bit more among women most people
00:22:33Only do what their friends approve of
00:22:39So a lot of people like the drama and excitement of dating crazy people they do it's kind of addicted
00:22:44and so the question with a woman if if she's gonna date some guy who's you know, obviously
00:22:50Unstable and and volatile or whatever it is, right? And it really doesn't come down to anything other than what will her friends think?
00:22:57And most people don't judge what is true
00:22:58They judge what is approved and now if her friends say listen if you date that you're out of the friend group
00:23:03Like if you date that guy you're out of the friend group
00:23:05I mean, I'm like I care I care about you enough that I'm not gonna watch you get treated like trash
00:23:10I just not gonna do it. Okay, I can't possibly care for you and watch you, you know
00:23:15Voluntarily put your hand in a blender and hit frappe like there's just no way
00:23:19Right, whereas if it's just oh, yeah. No, we agree with you. Oh my god. What else did he do?
00:23:23Oh my god, that's so like, okay, then they're just
00:23:26They're feeding they're feeding you into the machinery right and most social groups will feed you into the machinery
00:23:34Somebody says I went out on Saturday just a vibe at the bar with my homie
00:23:41What is with the ghetto talk I don't understand that I mean, I'll make fun of it from time to time
00:23:46But what's wrong with just having some?
00:23:49Proper language out here I went out on Saturday just a vibe at the bar with my homie
00:23:54Dance with the hottest chick there and then she said she's done saw her again and told her let's dance again
00:24:00And she said we already did I told her let's rematch and she happily obliged taught me how sometimes women want
00:24:07Guts that don't immediately take no one guys that don't immediately take no for an answer
00:24:13Okay, so you've got to
00:24:15Date with the hot you got to dance with the hot chick good for you. I'm sure that's the foundation of a family
00:24:22A theory on complaining women is a Western cultural narrative that a woman can tame a man if she's high value enough
00:24:28Maybe it's a status thing
00:24:29They don't want to give up on the asshole because that hurts her vanity and the resentment and shame bubbles up as complaints
00:24:36He's just too blind to see how lucky he is to have me
00:24:39The martyr-like suffering of staying loyal to the man becomes a badge of honor for them. So is it that
00:24:44I'm hot enough to tame the bad boy and
00:24:48Therefore I need the bad boy to confirm how hot I am. Is that right?
00:24:56There are church marketing books that say go to go after sick people recently broken
00:25:03Families recent criminals and appeal to their helplessness. They're good prospects to join
00:25:08There are no atheists in foxholes. Yeah, because we don't believe in collective delusions so we don't go to foxholes
00:25:16Catholics are supposed to engage in works of mercy both
00:25:19Corporal feeding the hungry clothing the naked healing the sick and spiritual teaching burying the dead visiting prisoners and the sick if able
00:25:26It's something that nuns and monks used to be somewhat famous for
00:25:30Well, it's a nice bit of information. I'm not quite sure where if it's it
00:25:39All right, let's see here
00:25:46Love is not dramatic big agree. Yeah, it's it's really not I mean my wife and I don't we don't have drama
00:25:52We just enjoy each other's company. All right
00:25:54She just feels
00:25:57It's been a pattern. Oh, this is the woman with the socialization
00:26:01She just feels it's been a pattern for most of her life. She sometimes is upset that people react
00:26:07Positively towards me on in some social situations and don't seem to engage with her as much
00:26:12She is shyer than I am, but she's still pleasant with people. She doesn't feel that she should have more attention when she speaks
00:26:21Pleasant with people
00:26:27Pleasant with people
00:26:33So, what does it mean that she's pleasant with people that she just have sort of like
00:26:37Homilies and and cliches and it's nice weather that we're having for this type of year
00:26:42I mean, she may not be shy. She may just be boring
00:26:45I mean not saying in general or to you but but in in society and so on right so
00:26:51Steph what can you tell someone who believes therapy is useless, especially when they see so many women in therapy for years
00:26:56Who are still batshit crazy, it's kind of hard to argue against it
00:27:01Well, there is actually studies that show that ignoring your problems reduces stress
00:27:06right, so sometimes it's just like yeah gonna
00:27:08Gonna ignore it right and and you know, most most problems go away if they're on a court, right?
00:27:14So if somebody says therapy is useless, what I would say is well, would you say that?
00:27:21Dieting is a scam. In other words, would you say that if you?
00:27:25Take in fewer calories than you expend. Do you think it's false that you will lose weight, right?
00:27:33Do you think that
00:27:36Human beings are exempt from basic laws of physics and energy that human beings can consume fewer
00:27:44Calories than they expend and somehow not lose weight
00:27:47Because if you believe that then you should design a car that goes further the less gas you put in it
00:27:54Like that would be amazing, right?
00:27:57if you believe that dieting is
00:28:01a valid thing right like you lose weight if you
00:28:05Take in fewer calories than you're expending
00:28:08Then I go my question would be
00:28:11But a lot of people fail in their diets like 90% of people fail in their diet
00:28:15So does that mean that dieting is wrong or that just people do it badly?
00:28:19Right, so therapy which is, you know coming to important truths about
00:28:25Yourself and your history and uncovering patterns so that you have more conscious control over your life direction
00:28:31So do people do therapy a badly sure and there are lots of people who go to the gym who don't get ripped
00:28:38What does that mean? It just means it
00:28:40So there's therapy the theory and and what it does like dieting their calories in calories out and then there's what people do with it
00:28:46Right, those are two different things
00:28:49So would you say that dieting doesn't work because a lot of people fail in their diets right doesn't really make sense
00:29:00Somebody replied therapy is only as effective as the work a person is willing to put in and there are lots of people in therapy
00:29:05Who believe they can change their lives while still having their abusers and bad people in their lives
00:29:10Well, I mean certainly I'm not a therapist but in my call-in shows I'm bringing moral clarity to people's lives. I
00:29:17Think that therapy as a whole would be better as a moral discipline than a self-knowledge discipline. So
00:29:29That's not what a lot of people do a lot of people it's like navel-gazing understanding themselves and
00:29:35All of that so, all right, I
00:29:39Think you should tell them what you perceive and think but there are things you don't see from a distance especially his internal experience
00:29:47So I wouldn't I'm sorry. I mean, I missed that one. Sorry. All right, Steph
00:29:52What do you think?
00:29:56Of one of the biggest causes of approach approach anxiety slash
00:29:59Averseness to speaking with women for men is that they don't have enough just anger towards their mom
00:30:05Ever since Kairos from our community here said this I have an epiphany with respect to how I see women
00:30:10I notice guys that haven't e food confronted with their abusive mom usually suck at being direct with women
00:30:17So you have to outgrow your mother in order to be a leader among women
00:30:25You have to outgrow your mother
00:30:26You have to outgrow your mother in order to lead women now again, you know leadership is mutual in relationship
00:30:32My wife leads some areas I lead some areas but in order to be a leader among women you have to outgrow your mother
00:30:38Now there are a lot of mothers who were like nope fuck you kid you're not outgrowing me I'm hanging on to you till grim
00:30:47Now to cripple you and undermine you gonna emasculate you you stay a small little serving functional little Lord Fauntleroy
00:30:57Waiter boy, you're here to serve me
00:31:01You're here to make me not lonely. You're here to make me feel wanted. You're here to make me feel needed
00:31:06I don't have a relationship with a quality man. So I'm gonna have a relationship with a birthed boy
00:31:12Right, so so your mother a
00:31:17Lot of times if she's certainly she's dysfunctional your mother will will fight and resist like hell you outgrowing her
00:31:27Right, so hit me with the why if
00:31:29This has if you've seen this or experience this I certainly have right hit me with the why if you've seen or experienced
00:31:39your mother
00:31:42Will not let you outgrow her which means she will not submit to your authority on anything
00:31:49She will not treat you as an equal or a superior in some areas she will not take advice
00:31:54She will not bow her angry will towards your authority or expertise
00:32:05You cannot be a man without outgrowing your mother
00:32:08Sorry, this is like not even a Freudian this is
00:32:13Self-knowledge sort of one-on-one you you cannot be a man without outgrowing your mother, right?
00:32:22And mothers a lot of times absolutely fiercely and pathologically and instinctually and deeply resist
00:32:30You outgrowing
00:32:36Your mother
00:32:45So if you have a mother and listen, I I'm in this fulcrum with my daughter right now
00:32:51I'm in this fulcrum with my daughter where I do want her to challenge me. I want her to out think me
00:32:56I want her to out reason me and I want her to teach me things because I need for her to have her own self
00:33:02Authority in her life and to not view me as some sort of ultimate authority figure
00:33:09Who she cannot outgrow. I don't I don't want that. I want her to have authority in her own life and in her own future
00:33:20So it is really really important that you teach your kids how to outgrow you
00:33:28That's really the point
00:33:32you know, she's very smart and she's very funny and she's
00:33:36going through a good cynical teenage phase and
00:33:39So I really really need her to you know, see my foibles my flaws some of my pettiness
00:33:45I need her to see me as fully human so that she is not
00:33:48Trapped underneath this big giant toadstool head of mine where she can't get the Sun
00:33:54And not around self insults because you know, I'm still obviously I have a good deal of self-respect and pride in what I do in my
00:34:01Life, but yeah, obviously it for perfect and and all that kind of stuff
00:34:05So then the question is if you have a mother
00:34:09Who won't let you outgrow her who won't let you grow up. What do you do?
00:34:14if she just fiercely undermines
00:34:16attacks and resists your
00:34:18Growth your evolution if she's constantly trying to do things for you all the time if she's constantly worried about you
00:34:24Which is a form of insult?
00:34:26Towards you if she's constantly anxious about your future or anxious about what you're doing if she's constantly having to remind you of things
00:34:32if she's just constantly undermining your
00:34:36Responsibility as an adult and there's so many different ways that this happens
00:34:46What do you do
00:34:48What do you do
00:34:51Somebody says my brother really can't speak with women and has been romantically unsuccessful for as long as I can remember
00:34:56It's the busy biggest simp for our mom too and can't say no to her. That's a really interesting comparison observation
00:35:03so if you can't outgrow your mother, then you are easy pickings for controlling women and
00:35:10Women will say like dating women will date you and say oh, okay. This guy's
00:35:14Broken by a mother he comes pre domesticated pre-owned pre-stamped pre spineless
00:35:19so I can push him around and get my way and
00:35:22if I ever have any trouble, I'll just side up with his mom and we'll both take him down and
00:35:27She may get a certain amount of familiarity about that and all that kind of stuff. But of course then what happens is
00:35:34Is what? Well, she has no respect for the man
00:35:41the number one reason that women file for divorce the majority of women the majority of divorces are found by women and the number one reason is
00:35:50Dissatisfaction, right? So
00:35:53It's like if you have a really quote obedient woman, then you feel like oh, I'm gonna get my way
00:35:58but then you end up with the emptiness and the passive aggression and the sexlessness because she doesn't have much of an identity and
00:36:04Then it doesn't work for you, right?
00:36:07The predatory women looking for broken men are the scariest women and I can't imagine being so incredibly foul
00:36:15Now listen, I'm not gonna argue you out of your anger
00:36:19But you understand if you dump a bunch of sugar in a field you're gonna get ants
00:36:25You're gonna get mice like if you dump a like prey creates its own predation
00:36:31It's not just as simple as well there are these predators out there like predators can't survive without prey
00:36:37So everybody who goes out into the world in the form of prey, you know, they're they're
00:36:43Kind of hesitant and the shoulders are up around their ears and they're just kind of nervous and their voice trembles and they won't look
00:36:48Anyone in the eye. They're just like eat me eat me eat me. That's all all they're doing is
00:36:54Rubbing themselves with fish oil and jumping into a feeding frenzy of sharks
00:37:01Go we don't right, but you can imagine of course going in a cunning zebra suit into the Serengeti in Africa
00:37:09And then would you blame would you blame the Lions for chewing your ass off? No
00:37:13So I get where you're coming from. Oh, there's these poor these predators. I just but it's the prey
00:37:19That creates the predators because predators cannot exist in a place where there is no prey
00:37:26Which is why all of the stuff
00:37:29That I talk about is like stop being prey stop being prey in your life stop it
00:37:38And stop blaming
00:37:40the predators
00:37:42When you're rubbing yourself a marinade and jumping into the lion's den
00:37:51I mean literally it's like it's like
00:37:53Walking through the worst neighborhood in town with a bunch of hundred dollar bills in your hands and then like I got jumped man
00:38:01It's like you talk you targeted yourself. You're out there in the world being obvious prey. Oh
00:38:08But people prey on me. It's so terrible. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, fuck
00:38:14Guess what
00:38:17Sunshine there are predators in the world. I don't mean to shock you. I
00:38:22Don't mean to shock you but there are predators in the world and if you go around
00:38:28With your head up your ass
00:38:30Marinated weak helpless and full of resources. You are gonna get pillaged
00:38:36It's gonna happen
00:38:39Sorry, it's at some point I stopped blaming the predators honestly I do
00:38:45At some point it's like well where there's a big food source. There's gonna be predators
00:38:56So you understand that when you go out into the world as prey
00:39:02You are drawing and provoking and making the saliva fall like rain from the mouths of the predators
00:39:12So, I don't know if you've ever been to Florida, you know, there's this thing in Florida like don't
00:39:17Feed the gators, right?
00:39:19Don't feed the gators because then the gators start associating people with food and they become more dangerous and blah blah blah, right?
00:39:26So don't don't feed the gators because if you feed the gators
00:39:29We have to call the gator because it's too dangerous, right?
00:39:33so the problem is
00:39:38Feeding the gators
00:39:40Right, which is you you're being prey in a sense, right? You're mimicking prey by giving food to the gators, right?
00:39:45or my daughter and I used to enjoy the process of getting a seagulls or you get a
00:39:54French fries when you hold the French fry up and you try to get that great photo where the
00:39:59Seagull is is taking the French fry, right?
00:40:06So what would happen well you sometimes you'd get a great photo of a bird feeding out of your hand
00:40:12And you know what else would happen sometimes
00:40:14You'd get bird shit on your face
00:40:16Or on your shoulders or your hat or something like that cut to the point where I was showing up in scuba gear almost
00:40:23Right. I want to feed these birds
00:40:28Bird poops on me
00:40:31So mad at the bird it's like you're feeding the bird you're drawing the bird to you you're feeding the
00:40:37Bird right. There's this old meme where this guy was saying that
00:40:42he would get
00:40:44Cats from the shelter and sort of keep them in his backyard, but every now and then
00:40:50The coyotes would come and eat the cat and he'd have to go and get another cat from the shelter and
00:40:54his friend commented it sounds like you're just
00:40:57Feeding sheltered cats to coyotes and then his daughter started crying and it was all kinds of terrible, right?
00:41:05But if you keep
00:41:08Quote feeding sheltered cats to coyotes. Can you really blame the coyotes for being in the vicinity?
00:41:15You understand that complaining about predators is one of the most foundational elements of being prey
00:41:23Right complaining about predator is one of the most foundational elements of being prey
00:41:29Because when you accept that there are predators in the world
00:41:37When you accept that there are predators in the world you
00:41:40Guide your life accordingly and you stop complaining about it because you accept it as a reality
00:41:46Right. It's the old thing. You can complain that you get sunburns or you can slip slap-slop right step on a hat
00:41:54Slap on some sunscreen slip on a t-shirt
00:41:58Right, so stop complaining
00:42:01Accept the reality there are predators
00:42:05And conduct your life accordingly stop complaining. Oh
00:42:10Here comes. Okay. I
00:42:12Do think there is a bit of a difference between wild animals that are incapable of morality and human beings who are predatory because they're
00:42:19Actively evil, but yeah evil people are always going to exist just like natural predators. So gotta not be prey
00:42:24Well, well, thank you. I appreciate this
00:42:28This is an advice this is like a PhD level course, right and you're telling me, you know, you know
00:42:34There are moral differences between people and wild animals. Oh
00:42:39Fuck I write that shit down. That's brilliant. That's genius. Not something I've been talking about consistently for 20 years
00:42:46Thank you for stating the blindingly obvious
00:42:50You know, I appreciate the opportunity to speak to the post
00:42:56Doctorate class in physics. I just wanted to remind you that
00:43:01Matter tends to attract matter
00:43:04Yes, did you guys know that? I mean you get a PhD post PhDs in physics
00:43:08But did you know did you know gases expand when heated?
00:43:14It's really cool, I mean, I don't mean to blow you guys minds, but that's that's a fact
00:43:25Just people can't resist can they people just I do think there's a bit of a difference you wild animals
00:43:31They're incapable morality and human beings who are predatory
00:43:39Oh, it's delightful people just they cannot resist
00:43:43Well, I really appreciate the opportunity to give my lecture to
00:43:47All of you guys with pose who are doing postdoctoral work in advanced calculus and functions and relations
00:43:53I just wanted to I just wanted to put this up here. I'll put this up here on the board
00:43:59Two and two
00:44:03They don't make three I just I wanted to like not have you think and they don't make five and they don't make a blue
00:44:09unicorn two and two make
00:44:12You guys want to take a moment to absorb the brilliance of this two and two making four people and animals are different moral categories
00:44:22People can't resist it. I don't know why I don't know why people can't resist it, but they can't oh
00:44:27Oh, I have something blindingly obvious to say that's smart
00:44:33Steph I'm gonna cry. Maybe I'm just not very smart. I'm trying here. Oh, no, don't don't do self-pity
00:44:39Don't don't do self-pity on me, bro. Don't do self-pity on me. Oh
00:44:43But are you making me sad?
00:44:46No, I'm just I'm just making some fun right I mean you're just stating something blindingly obvious
00:44:52Right, you know that human predator is like, you know, you talk about a serial killer as a predator
00:44:57But it's not the same as a coyote morally, right? We don't try a coyote and put him in prison, right?
00:45:02I get that and we know we know humans and animals have different moral categories
00:45:10Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, I don't mean a lot. I don't mean you know, it's just it's just funny
00:45:15for me
00:45:19So it is foul, yeah, I get it's foul it get it's foul, but if you're honest come on man
00:45:28Okay, let's let's do radical honesty time here
00:45:31I'm gonna be honest about it. And I if you tell me this has never been the case for you. You're lying
00:45:35You're absolutely lying. Okay
00:45:39Tell me or tell me not have you ever been in a situation
00:45:43With somebody who's so submissive that it provokes annoyance and aggression in you
00:45:50Have you ever been in a situation?
00:45:54Where somebody is around you and they are so submissive
00:46:01That it provokes dominance annoyance irritation and superiority in you, of course you have I have
00:46:08Right somebody's just quite so craven. You just want to smack them
00:46:14Right, so this is how so this is how predators are created
00:46:18This is somebody who's trying to turn you into a predator by being excessive prey
00:46:25It's annoying
00:46:27And it can provoke irritation. I'm aware of this. I mean this happens in call-in shows where people are just okay. Yeah. Yeah
00:46:33Okay, I did that. They just so submissive that it gets annoying
00:46:36Submissive that it gets annoying
00:46:39So people can you y'all can say oh, but these terrible predators out there how to you're them
00:46:45I'm them. Come on, be honest
00:46:49Stop abstracting yourself from the human experience and saying all these terrible predators out there. I can't believe it's so terrible
00:46:56Come on, we all do it
00:46:59It happens to us all
00:47:01We all get provoked
00:47:04Into a kind of
00:47:06predation and
00:47:10Yeah predators are to some degree a pulled economy like it's a cycle, right?
00:47:14So predators on children create prey as adults which then draw more predators and you end up in this
00:47:20Dominant submission hierarchy for the rest of your life unless you sort of break out of it
00:47:24Okay, so let's get back to mom's got another few minutes here. Let's get back to the moms
00:47:28What do you do with a mother who won't let you grow up?
00:47:31She won't let you become an equal she won't treat you with respect she won't learn from you
00:47:35She won't treat you as an independent adult. What do you do with a mother who won't let you grow up?
00:47:41How do you get how do you deal with that how do you deal with a mother who won't let you grow up
00:47:50Because my friends and I when I was growing up we had very different approaches to this
00:47:57We had very different approaches to this
00:48:01How do you do it
00:48:05I mean, I think you can say look I need to I need to grow up. I need to right need to be an adult
00:48:12And this is why in the just poor this is why what happens between Lydia and Lawrence happens between Lydia and Lawrence is that Lord
00:48:19Serbs won't let her grow up
00:48:21But isn't anyone who acts on these predatory impulses just an asshole who doesn't operate our morals
00:48:30What do you mean acts on these predatory impulses are you saying that over the course are big big l1 2 3 4
00:48:36Are you saying that over the course of your life?
00:48:38You've never had someone so submissive that you might get annoyed or snap at them
00:48:44you are so absolutely abstracted and holy and
00:48:49Perfect that you have never been provoked into any kind of
00:48:54Acted out aggression against somebody who is
00:49:00Shaking and kneeling before you which is kind of annoying
00:49:05See when you give these kinds of moral criticisms you are coming from a place of
00:49:14Deranged vanity
00:49:16Are you saying that over the course of your entire life?
00:49:19You've never snapped at someone who's being overly obsequious or never been raise your voice or never
00:49:26rolled your eyes or like
00:49:30We all have and if you tell me you haven't you're lying because these are all instincts, right?
00:49:43Okay gonna be kept an obvious again, well, you know self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom
00:49:47But there is a big difference between snapping at someone being pathetic in the moment and then devising plans to exploit them over the long
00:49:59You know, I just wanted to tell you I just wanted to tell you Steph that stealing a single piece of bubblegum is
00:50:06Less bad than plotting to steal an entire bank vault over six months
00:50:13Now see I need you to up your standards right about how you're contributing, right?
00:50:19There is a difference between something which is less bad and something that is really bad, right?
00:50:25But what this person said but isn't anyone who acts on these predatory impulses just an asshole who doesn't operate on morals
00:50:32So what you're saying is that either you're an asshole who doesn't operate on morals or you've never acted on these predatory impulses
00:50:40Never acted on these predatory impulses. And if you tell me you've never acted on these predatory impulses
00:50:46You're just lying to me because we all have
00:50:49Everybody has I'm pretty good guy. I certainly have
00:50:55I think my IQ is caps at chicken body temperature. No self-insults. Don't don't solve it. I
00:51:05Knew a wimpy kid like that in high school was happy for him when he finally started to grow a pair and started to setting
00:51:10Himself. Well, that's the Crispin Gloving character in back to the future, right?
00:51:20No, so if it's obvious to you it's obvious to other people that's all
00:51:27Try not to act on these impulses, but I don't like it when I do it. Although some have been
00:51:32Far worse
00:51:33No, I get it. I get it. I have to you know, grit my teeth and restrain myself, but I'm not saying it
00:51:38I'm never gonna say in my life. I never acted on aggression. I'm confronted with pathological
00:51:50Yeah, I mean we all have these instincts for sure
00:51:54So I just sort of wanted to point out that if you say oh the people who act on these impulses are just evil
00:52:01And it's like what so you're just telling me that you don't have a realistic assessment of your own capacity
00:52:08for virtue advice
00:52:15You know, like I find it annoying I get it this is a tiny tiny little pet peeve of mine, right
00:52:21So, you know these these waiters like
00:52:27And you you order your food and they're like perfect it's like it's not perfect
00:52:34I'm having a club sandwich. Oh
00:52:36perfect perfect it's like
00:52:39You're gonna give me a platonic ideal of a perfect club sandwich. It's my choice. Perfect. How would you even know?
00:52:44How would you judge it?
00:52:46Maybe I don't want that but it's the best and healthiest thing for me and maybe I actually want a chocolate bomb Vesuvius crater
00:52:53Or something like that, right, but it's a perfect. It's like
00:52:56Stop it. It's not perfect. It's just my order
00:53:00I'm an excellent choice. It's perfect
00:53:05Or you know if you
00:53:08Know you're good. No, you're good. You're good. You're good. It's like
00:53:12What are you telling me I'm good for
00:53:14You don't know you don't even know really what I'm talking about
00:53:17So just all these people who come in and it's you know, you're good. No perfect
00:53:21Yeah, so this is a manipulation on the part of the waiter, right?
00:53:26Yeah, perfect right there's world peace or a club sandwich now world peace would be perfect
00:53:31I get that a club sandwich a little tough to put in the same category
00:53:39But I get it they're they're praising you all perfect your choices are perfect everything you do isn't it perfect so that you'll tip them
00:53:46Better just feels a bit gross. That's all
00:53:50You know, like just just bring my my food and be a generally pleasant waiter and
00:53:55Check in with me and that's fine. But you don't need to say that what I'm choosing is perfect. Perfect
00:54:05All right, I'm sucking my toes and calling me a calling yourself a podiatrist I
00:54:10Also think petitions positions of authority make it worse
00:54:14The older I've gotten in my lab the more new people need my help and the power imbalance is greater
00:54:18It takes conscious effort to not get upset when they ask me stupid things day in and day out
00:54:24so you're saying that
00:54:28Having power over obsequious people tends to make people more aggressive and
00:54:34You think that other people are saying stupid things? Come on, man, that's obvious
00:54:39You know when it comes to abusing power
00:54:43More power can lead to more abuse. I am a big brain
00:54:48Now, I'm sorry. I'm sorry if you're spending time around dumb people, but you're not around dumb people
00:54:54Right, you're not
00:54:56You're not around dumb people. So you just have to up your game
00:54:58but the funny thing is that you're complaining about people saying silly things that are blindingly obvious and
00:55:05You're saying literally in the same tension. It's a silly thing. That is blindly obvious. Well
00:55:09Power tends to corrupt. Yeah. Yeah Lord Acton said it 150 years ago. We got it. We got it. You know one of that
00:55:18Yeah, all right, yeah, so if a woman if your mother won't let you grow up
00:55:24You you ditch her
00:55:28Like you're gonna grow up this was sort of my like I'm gonna grow up you're on board or you're gone
00:55:36Right, like you're I'm gonna grow up you're on board or you're gone, right?
00:55:42I'm going to continue to mature. I'm gonna continue to be wise
00:55:45I'm gonna continue to dig in and try and make the best out of my life. You're on board or
00:55:51You're gone
00:55:54To me it's like
00:55:57Okay, this ship is leaving the dock
00:56:00You're on the dock you're on the ship if you're in the middle you're in the water
00:56:09So, yeah when my mother wouldn't let me have a voice or have a word or grow up or have
00:56:14Perspectives or opinions that differed from hers. It's like
00:56:22And I can't imagine I don't tell you I can't imagine how crushingly depressed I would be if I hadn't made that choice. Oh my god
00:56:30just monstrous
00:56:34And listen, I'm not trying to be mean to you guys are donors and all of that and you know at some point
00:56:38I'm sure you'll totally figure out and understand that when I kind of give you this shock
00:56:43Like you've been around dumb people or average people and then you're around smart people
00:56:47So you have to up your game in terms of the contributions
00:56:50Like two plus two equals four is great for kindergarten. It's not great for graduate school. So I'm just I'm just challenging you to up
00:56:59Stop saying things that are obvious and to up your contribution to stop because this is automatic behavior, right?
00:57:04Because if you thought ahead of time
00:57:07About whether or saying, you know
00:57:10The more power you have the more you can be dominant with people
00:57:14It's like that's the entire definition of power is being able to be dominant over people, right? That's why
00:57:20When the pizza guy in the car says you need to pull over you won't but when the cop says that you will
00:57:26The cop has a gun, right? So we all know this. It's all very obvious very blinding
00:57:30It's all we experienced in school. We experienced in church. We experienced in dysfunctional families
00:57:33So I'm just what I'm doing is challenging you to stop regurgitating
00:57:39Obvious fortune cookies and thinking you're adding something and start to think creatively and alive in the moment
00:57:46That's the challenge, right? Since I'm on a night shift. It's hard to catch daytime streams. Yes, that is obvious
00:57:52So we're saying Steph gives great advice and I think worth supporting good book. Thank you. I appreciate that
00:57:57This is worth reminding worth reminding. All right, any of the last questions comments issues challenges problems?
00:58:03I've got a call in this afternoon and this week
00:58:08I'm gonna get started on this new book now that my health is back from the near-death
00:58:12experience of
00:58:14Close to terminal conjunctivitis. I can't open my eye
00:58:21Somebody says well to my credit my brainpower is at a low and I'm over emotional because of crazy pregnancy hormones
00:58:27So I just asked for a little mercy. Lol. I did cry but I cry at everything. So it's fine. I'm trying
00:58:32Well, see that's the thing. That's the challenge, right?
00:58:34So if you say well, I said a blindingly obvious thing and then you say well
00:58:39But I've got all these hormones and and and sold of that kind of stuff
00:58:42I well
00:58:43but if you know that then you should pause and ask yourself if what you're doing is really gonna
00:58:48Contribute to the conversation now what you did does contribute to the conversation and listen if it's any
00:58:53Consolation if it's any consolation I do this to myself on a regular basis
00:58:57like why is it shows continue to be innovative and new and new ideas because I
00:59:02Grindingly try to avoid repeating myself as much as possible and I grindingly filter and say is this obvious before I say something
00:59:10It's this obvious. Is this too obvious?
00:59:13Is this so and and there are times when I do say things that are blindingly obvious
00:59:17I can't remember the details
00:59:19But I was saying something to my daughter the other day and then I just paused and I said that was so blindingly obvious
00:59:26I'm so sorry. Like that was just that was such a blindingly obvious thing to say
00:59:30it was something along the lines of
00:59:33you have to
00:59:35You have to anticipate traffic further ahead the faster you're going right and then I was like, I'm so sorry
00:59:41Like that's that's that's ridiculously obvious. You're far too intelligent to have to be told that and
00:59:46I'm really sorry about that. I have to I have to point this out
00:59:49I do it with myself and it's one of the ways that I keep myself. I think at a fairly high level of
00:59:58Productivity and value is that I just have to be relentless in not
01:00:03Saying things that are obvious and so I'm just inviting you into that same space, right?
01:00:08No fault divorce has been a disaster
01:00:11well, the no fault simply means that the fault accrues to the
01:00:15Children, which is very sad. All right
01:00:19Now let me and congratulations on your pregnancy
01:00:22That's a beautiful thing and I mommy brain is a real thing
01:00:24I get that my wife had to sometimes get back for the car three times because she forgot stuff
01:00:28I mean you've made a whole new brain and it takes a while for yours to recover. So I sympathize with that
01:00:33I really do and love
01:00:35Love the fact that you're gonna be a mom and I think that's beautiful and wonderful. So don't take this in any particularly negative
01:00:42Negative way, right?
01:00:44all right, so
01:00:48I'm gonna say oh, yeah hit me with a
01:00:51Why if you're okay with this going to the general stream, I know this was a donor stream only
01:00:56But it's nice sometimes for people to see what goes on behind the closed flickering fiery doors of infinite intellect in its collective sense
01:01:04So hit me with a why if you're okay with this going to the general stream hit with an N if you think it should
01:01:09be kept in the hallowed halls of
01:01:12The donor only okay, it looks like everyone's fine with it. Okay. I just wanted to check on that. All right. I
01:01:18You know, you ever have this thing in life, yeah, okay. Oh you help me out for once you selfish people
01:01:23I'm just kidding, but once just you help me. I cannot I I don't want to eat anything these days
01:01:28I'm I'm pretty bored with just about everything that I want to eat. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is
01:01:35It's a strange
01:01:37It's a strange thing
01:01:39I'm just like I'm like, yeah, I could eat this. Yeah, I could eat that
01:01:43Maybe it's just a post illness or whatever, but it's an odd thing. I
01:01:48Don't know that. I mean, I probably had this before at times in my life, but yeah, maybe I'm pregnant
01:01:55Pregnant pause pregnant with thought
01:01:57Hey bocce for me. Yeah, maybe I go and try some Korean hot pot or something or
01:02:03kimchi or I just I'm like
01:02:06This is what happens when you're 58
01:02:08It's just you get bored of everything that you've eaten and you're just like, oh, it's just boring fuel
01:02:12I'm literally not I'm not I'm not eating because I'm just bored of everything that there is to eat
01:02:17I'm like, oh I could have this
01:02:19Have some trail mix
01:02:23Nothing is that yummy for either maybe it may be my I don't know maybe my taste buds diminished over my illness. I don't know
01:02:30Maybe a little inner Steph finally realized it's not scarce. Yeah, maybe new cultural food ideas
01:02:36Every meal is old now. Try something new. Yeah, you see now that's an obvious thing, right?
01:02:42Oh if you're bored of what you have you should try something new like I haven't that hasn't crossed my mind at all
01:02:48That's just kind of funny, right?
01:02:52Keep my weight down. Yeah, wait, it's good. Wait, it's good. Wait is wait is good
01:02:58So, all right, well if you have any ideas you can let me know
01:03:02Hosted free domain calm, but thanks everyone for your support
01:03:06of course the fact that you are donors means the world to me and I hope that you know that any correction or
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01:03:27Super duper top brain live streams. I would appreciate that. All right. Have yourself a lovely day everyone
01:03:33Take care my friends. Talk to you soon. Bye