Friday Night Live 14 March 2025
In this episode, I examine the complexities of modern relationships, focusing on societal expectations and shifting gender dynamics. I discuss young men's trends of prioritizing video games over dating, and how this reflects changing norms for women. The conversation critiques women's attitudes toward feminist privileges, linking them to rising dissatisfaction and declining birth rates in progressive societies. I explore the psychological pressures affecting intergender relationships and suggest that true fulfillment may arise from self-sacrifice and gratitude, encouraging listeners to reflect on connection in today’s digital age.
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In this episode, I examine the complexities of modern relationships, focusing on societal expectations and shifting gender dynamics. I discuss young men's trends of prioritizing video games over dating, and how this reflects changing norms for women. The conversation critiques women's attitudes toward feminist privileges, linking them to rising dissatisfaction and declining birth rates in progressive societies. I explore the psychological pressures affecting intergender relationships and suggest that true fulfillment may arise from self-sacrifice and gratitude, encouraging listeners to reflect on connection in today’s digital age.
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You also receive private livestreams, HUNDREDS of exclusive premium shows, early release podcasts, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and much more!
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00:00:00Yes. Hi, everybody. Good afternoon. It is. I feel I should know this Friday, the 14th of March 2024. And as you can see, I've done a tiny bit of work on the background. But I'm not see, I like the background stuff. But the problem is, shimmer fingers. But the problem is, of course, that I can't use the high quality direct recording because background doesn't show up for the camera, only for the processing. But anyway, it's nice, right?
00:00:26That's right. Love the new graphics. Thanks. So first question, let's jump straight in. First question is what motivates spray paint vandalism and graffiti. I live in Berlin. It's hardly a flat surface. Not not covered in it. So the general motivation for this kind of stuff.
00:00:57People who feel invisible need to leave a mark. They need to mark their territory. So people who society doesn't see who are ignored, those people are not feeling visible. And so they feel the need to make an impression.
00:01:17So imagine if you were a ghost, and you wanted people's attention, you'd have to rattle some chains or, I don't know, pass through people and make them feel chilly and cold or something like that. Right. So if you feel invisible, then you feel the need to make your mark and graffiti is one way of doing that new novel is not I have yet to start for a variety of reasons.
00:01:41I've just seen what I need. I need at least four to six weeks of relatively uninterrupted time and various things have interrupted, some of which are chosen and wanted some of which are not. So I have yet to start. I'm ready to roll. The outline is ready to roll, but has not happened.
00:01:56So just while I wait for your questions and comments, I will tell you the stuff that has been on my mind as a whole.
00:02:15So young men are giving up on sex to play video games, study finds researchers used regressive analysis to try to understand why today's youngsters are spurning casual encounters, casual encounters.
00:02:33You know, this is one of the great tragedies of the world and will be studied for thousands of years to come.
00:02:42Which is the society that treats women the best.
00:02:51That's the shortest that women seem kind of hell bent on destroying the very society that has given them the most rights and privileges.
00:03:03It is a great mystery. I generally tend to be quite grateful for good fortune that comes my way.
00:03:14But it does seem to be the case that women as a whole, when men give them more privileges, they tend to view men with greater contempt.
00:03:25So, for instance, if you look at cultures that are not overly friendly to female equality, such as Islam and so on.
00:03:33Well, the women seem quite keen on Islam as a whole and not so much on white Western European or European Christians who have moved heaven and earth, not just to give women equality, but to give women particular privileges.
00:03:53And when I receive a benefit, I tend to be very grateful. slash donate to help out the show.
00:04:01I don't understand this and maybe people can help me out with this.
00:04:04I mean, I get some sort of evolutionary stuff about this.
00:04:08But for me, I really genuinely don't understand why women, when you give them equality and in fact bend over backwards, try and give them more privileges.
00:04:18Why women then spurn the majority of men, attack the patriarchy, largely imaginary though it is, with even more ferocity and simply refuse to have children.
00:04:31Like they literally will breed to extinction the society that treats them the best.
00:04:35They will not have children.
00:04:38This is very sad to me.
00:04:40I mean, I know some people are angry about it and I'm not saying that this is some big, you know, terrible thing or whatever.
00:04:47I just think it's really sad.
00:04:49Because this is women's one chance to show the world how equality is wonderful for society and privilege even.
00:04:56I think it's the privilege that's causing the real problem.
00:04:59But women have finally, you know, they've said they wanted this sort of equality and privilege for thousands of years off and on.
00:05:07And they finally get it.
00:05:09They finally get everything that they say they want.
00:05:12And then they just turn around, scorn and attack men, sleep around and take from the general tax coffers outrageous amounts of money and then don't have children.
00:05:24And of course, I have a daughter.
00:05:27And of course, I want her to have equality as I want people as a whole to have equality before the law.
00:05:33And my concern is that for the next 10,000 years, people are going to look back and say, oh, no, no, we tried that.
00:05:43No, no, we tried that.
00:05:45We absolutely tried that.
00:05:47And it doesn't work.
00:05:53I don't I don't understand it.
00:05:55I don't understand why there's not more gratitude, appreciation and positivity and anything like that.
00:06:02When you give women even more than the first round of feminists asked for, you give them more and more and more.
00:06:07And you get treated worse and worse and worse.
00:06:10And the birthrate collapses.
00:06:16It's a mystery.
00:06:18I'm not sure I need to understand it.
00:06:21But I'm telling you, I don't understand it.
00:06:24Why you wouldn't be like, wow, this is fantastic.
00:06:26Why did the demands escalate?
00:06:28Why does the more that men bend over backwards to give women more than what they asked for?
00:06:34Why it is that the women who are treated the best, the men who treat women the best, are scorned, attacked and disparaged the most.
00:06:45But I don't follow it.
00:06:47I don't understand it.
00:06:48And I'm just going to tell you that it is probably probably probably is never going to happen again.
00:06:58Which I feel I feel quite sad about that as a whole.
00:07:04I do feel quite sad about that.
00:07:08That forever and ever amen.
00:07:10And unless this is somehow understood.
00:07:12But forever and ever amen.
00:07:15If women lose their rights.
00:07:19And of course, you know, if some European country falls to Sharia, then women are going to lose their rights.
00:07:24And then forever and ever amen.
00:07:30People are going to say, well, we should give women more rights.
00:07:33And then people will look back.
00:07:35And I think it's very, I guess, genuinely sad.
00:07:37Genuinely sad about it.
00:07:39That people are going to say, no, no, no, we tried that.
00:07:41It's it's terrible.
00:07:42It doesn't work.
00:07:43It's bad as a whole.
00:07:46So what can I tell you?
00:07:47I mean, the only thing I could probably say is that power corrupts.
00:07:50And it's not that women have been given equality.
00:07:52That's great.
00:07:53Equality before the law is great.
00:07:55It's just that women have been given crazy unjust privileges with the result of.
00:08:02Of rights without responsibilities.
00:08:04And I would imagine that it has something to do with.
00:08:09Women get unjust privileges through the redistributive power and control of the state.
00:08:15And that causes significant corruption and hostility towards everybody who is who exploits others, has to dehumanize those others.
00:08:26And again, I don't know.
00:08:28Or maybe it's because women weren't evolved to have this kind of power and privilege in society.
00:08:33And maybe it doesn't particularly work for them.
00:08:36And maybe it's the redistributive aspect of it that mistakes that women made are patched up and shored up by the redistributive power of the state, largely from men.
00:08:48And I don't.
00:08:51It's just it's very sad.
00:08:53It's very sad that this is going to be the lesson that people get out of this.
00:08:58And women are.
00:09:01I think I'm just I'm very, very concerned that women as a whole are kind of sealing their fate.
00:09:06And the next time that equality of privileges is suggested, people would be like, oh, God, no, we did that.
00:09:13And look what happened.
00:09:17I don't know.
00:09:19I don't know.
00:09:20I don't know.
00:09:22But it's very I mean, I feel I feel honestly quite heartbroken about that.
00:09:27I feel quite heartbroken about that.
00:09:30And it feels impossible to change or reverse, if that makes sense.
00:09:49And, you know, I try not to be upset about reality because I'm not a leftist.
00:09:54Right. So I try not to be upset about reality.
00:09:57But this reality is upsetting.
00:09:59It is upsetting.
00:10:03Somebody says perhaps they have too much free time to think about what they could have because they didn't have to think, where will I find food and shelter instead of figuring out how do I get my man to want to spend resources on me?
00:10:15Too much freedom from reality.
00:10:16Maybe here.
00:10:23I mean, it's funny because certainly in relationships, I treat my wife wonderfully.
00:10:27She treats me wonderfully.
00:10:29And I treat my daughter wonderfully.
00:10:31She treats me wonderfully.
00:10:32So obviously, this is not somehow endemic to all women, but I think with political power, women are the new aristocracy and aristocracy tend to be cold hearted, contemptuous and self-destructive.
00:10:53Yeah, I don't know.
00:10:55I don't know.
00:10:57But it's honestly, I try not to think about it too much because it really just breaks my heart.
00:11:10Well, so this, yeah, there's this Gen Z girl.
00:11:15She says, you know, like I had a party phase, I had a hoe phase, I hooked up with a lot of people.
00:11:21So maybe that means men and women.
00:11:24And now she says, I'm done with that.
00:11:26I'm through with that.
00:11:27Now you've got to whine and dine me and treat me like the princess that I am.
00:11:30And nobody's stepping up to do that.
00:11:33She's yelling at people and yelling at the camera and doing this like in your face hand gesture stuff that is just wild.
00:11:41And I think maybe it's just too much power.
00:11:44Maybe it's just too much power to have youth, beauty, fertility, desirability, sexiness and government power and a voting bloc.
00:11:53And like maybe it's just too much power and it just makes people crazy.
00:12:04Yeah, it's it's really quite quite hard to understand for me why women aren't saying, oh, guys, guys, the men have given us everything we wanted and more.
00:12:16The guys have given us everything we like.
00:12:18Can't we show some gratitude?
00:12:19Can't we?
00:12:20You know.
00:12:22I don't know.
00:12:23I don't know.
00:12:26Like I saw this thing on Women's Day or whatever it was like we had to fight for our rights.
00:12:31Like, no, you didn't.
00:12:34No, there was no there was no revolution.
00:12:36There was no civil war.
00:12:37There was no women in the streets with with weapons.
00:12:39And like there was no you didn't fight for your rights.
00:12:41You nagged and complained and asked and demanded.
00:12:44And that's fine.
00:12:45That's fine.
00:12:47And then the moment it became really feasible to give women equality and then privilege men did so because, you know, we want to please women.
00:12:53We love to please women.
00:12:55And the problem is the way that it works for men.
00:12:58I don't know if you've had this.
00:12:59This is sort of in a sort of personal level.
00:13:01So this is not some big.
00:13:03Oh, thank you for the tip.
00:13:04I appreciate that.
00:13:08This is something that happens with men, I think, as a whole.
00:13:13Maybe you've had different experiences.
00:13:15But what what happens is a man will work hard to try and please a woman.
00:13:24She says, I want X, Y and Z.
00:13:28And then the man will work really hard to try and please the woman.
00:13:34She says, jump.
00:13:35He says, how high?
00:13:38You want this?
00:13:39You want that?
00:13:40You want the other?
00:13:41And I will work very hard to get to these great things for you.
00:13:50And he does that on the belief that she says what she wants.
00:13:54She's unhappy because she doesn't have it.
00:13:56He gives her what she wants.
00:14:00And then she should be happy.
00:14:07I mean, if I say I want a piece of cheesecake for dessert.
00:14:11And then the waitress brings me a piece of cheesecake.
00:14:13I say, thank you.
00:14:14And I eat my cheesecake with happiness.
00:14:16And now I am satisfied because I want a cheesecake for dessert.
00:14:19I got my cheesecake.
00:14:20I ate my cheesecake.
00:14:21It was good.
00:14:22So I'm happy.
00:14:24I don't want to oversimplify things.
00:14:26And maybe this is just a bit of a male thing.
00:14:32So men will bend over backwards to try to make women happy.
00:14:38And I certainly had this in relationships, like in romantic relationships.
00:14:42And even not just romantic relationships, but personal relationships with women.
00:14:47Where I work hard to try and make the women happy.
00:14:51And, you know, maybe you're just like my mother.
00:14:54She's never satisfied.
00:14:57And then you realize, you may realize, you realize that you can't make her happy.
00:15:08And the general response for men, when you work very hard to try and make a woman happy, or women happy.
00:15:18And you realize that they just, the goal posts keep moving, the standards keep moving, and they're just never happy.
00:15:24Is, fuck this, I'm out.
00:15:32Fuck this, I'm out.
00:15:39And I've had this, I've had this in relationships.
00:15:44Where you try to make the woman happy.
00:15:47You change a lot, a lot of growth, a lot of change, a lot of improvement, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
00:15:52Well, I want you to do the dishes more.
00:15:53Okay, I'll do the dishes more.
00:15:54Well, you're not doing the dishes right.
00:15:56Well, I want to do the dishes my way.
00:15:57This is the way I like to do it.
00:15:58Well, you're not stacking them the right way.
00:16:00And like, it just gets just pointless.
00:16:02Like you just, no matter what you do, you're in the wrong.
00:16:04And then you realize that the woman wants to complain and has no interest in having anything solved.
00:16:11Because whenever you solve the problem, the complaints just shift to something else.
00:16:15And then, for me, it's not even like I'm so mad, it's just like, no, forget it, forget it.
00:16:21I used to have this occasionally in the business world.
00:16:23The customer would say, I'm unhappy with this, right?
00:16:25And you'd solve that and say, well, but now there's this.
00:16:27And eventually, you're just like, okay, this customer, I can't please this customer, so we're just not going to do business together anymore.
00:16:34You may have this in a restaurant.
00:16:35You run a restaurant.
00:16:36I would have this as a waiter sometimes, right?
00:16:38Some customer would complain about this, complain about that.
00:16:40You try and solve this, that, and the other.
00:16:42And then they would just keep complaining, keep complaining.
00:16:46And then eventually, you're just like, okay, I can't.
00:16:48Yeah, I can't solve it.
00:16:49I can't solve it.
00:16:51I can't solve this.
00:16:53And I actually had managers who would ban people from the restaurant because they just were never happy, always complaining, always sending food back.
00:16:58It was never right.
00:16:59It was never this.
00:17:00It's like, look, if we don't make the food you like, you've got to go to a different restaurant.
00:17:02But they didn't want to go to a different restaurant because they just wanted to complain.
00:17:07You know, like people who complain about their health, but then overeat and don't exercise.
00:17:11They complain about their health and overeat and don't exercise.
00:17:14So, yeah, so it's just that female dissatisfaction is a huge amount of power.