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(Adnkronos) - “Tante molecole di grande utilizzo come ibuprofene, tachipirina, quindi paracetamolo, sono delle molecole che non creano problematiche di falsa positività” lo ha spiegato Guido Mannaioni presidente eletto di Sitox a Bologna per il 22° Congresso della società italiana di tossicologia.


00:00Let's start by saying that many large molecules of use, such as buprofen, tachypyrin, paracetamol,
00:14are molecules that do not cause problems of false positivity.
00:20While it is true that there are other types of drugs, such as antidepressants,
00:25or antipsychotics, which are not of excessive use,
00:33that can cause false positivity.
00:36These can be a problem overcome by so-called second-level analyses,
00:41which are much more specific and selective examinations,
00:45in identifying with absolute precision the type of molecule that is taken.
