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Sovereign Gold Bond: SGB स्कीम भारत सरकार द्वारा 2015 में शुरू की गई एक वित्तीय योजना है, जिसका उद्देश्य फिजिकल गोल्ड की खरीद को कम करना और डिजिटल रूप में सोने में निवेश को बढ़ावा देना था. इसके जरिए रिटेल निवेशक पेपर गोल्ड में निवेश कर सकते थे. सरकार ने अब इसको बंद करने का फैसला लिया है. सरकार ने क्यों फैसला लिया, SGB क्यों बंद हो रही है? देखिए वीडियो में-

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00:00On the other hand, the government scheme, which started by providing gold at a lower price to the people, is now going to be closed.
00:15Yes, we are talking about the Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme, i.e. SGB.
00:20Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman herself has indicated that the government is going to close the SGB scheme soon.
00:35After answering questions from the media after the budget on Saturday, she said in response to this question that we are on the way to closing the Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme.
00:44So let's see why the government is going to close this scheme, what are the details, we will try to find out in this video.
00:49First of all, let's know what the finance minister has said about the SGB scheme.
00:53During a conversation with the media after the budget, the finance minister was asked whether the government is going to close the SGB scheme.
01:02In response, the finance minister said that yes, we are on this path in a way.
01:06You should know that many big announcements were made in the full budget of Modi 3.0 presented by the finance minister, but no discussion was made about the SGB scheme.
01:16Now let's know what is the reason for this that the gold bond scheme is being closed.
01:21About the preparation to close the SGB scheme, the financial affairs department's DEA secretary Ajay Seth also confirmed this.
01:29He said that the gold bond scheme is proving to be a very expensive loan for the government.
01:34And this is a big reason that the government has now decided not to issue further installments under it.
01:40He further said that from past experiences, it is known that a very expensive loan has been proven for the government, due to which it has been decided not to take it further.
01:50Now if you don't know what the gold bond scheme was, then let's know that too.
01:54Actually, the SGB scheme was started in November 2015.
01:58And under this scheme, the government gives people the option to invest in gold at a lower price than the market.
02:05Along with this, you also get a discount of 50 rupees per gram on online purchases and a 2.5% interest is also given.
02:13Under this scheme, each member of the family can buy up to 4 kg of gold.
02:18The maturity of the sovereign gold bond is completed in 8 years.
02:22If we talk about its first installment, then when the SGB scheme was presented in 2015, its issue price was set at Rs. 2684 per gram.
02:32At that time, the issue price was set according to the on an average of one week of the gold issued with 999 purity.
02:40When its maturity was completed in 2023, its redemption price was set at Rs. 6132 per gram, i.e. the investors had a profit of 128.5% for 8 years.
02:54If we talk about the data, then in the financial year 2024-25 budget, Rs. 18,500 crore was allocated for the sovereign gold bond, which was less than Rs. 26,852 crores of the interim budget.
03:07However, in the current financial year, no new SGB loan has been issued.
03:11The last time the Indian Reserve Bank issued the SGB in February 2023, its total amount was Rs. 8,008 crore.
03:19From the start of this scheme, till the financial year 2022-23, Rs. 45,243 crore had been issued under the SGB, while in March 2023, the total amount was Rs. 4.5 lakh crore.
03:34In this way, the government's loan has become very expensive and that is why the government has now decided to close it.
03:42If you also have a SGB scheme, then do comment and let us know.
03:46You can also share your views on how you liked the government's decision.
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